984 resultados para Morte neonatal


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Cette étude appartient à l un des principaux défis de l éducation dans l actualité qui est la production de connaissances concernant la mort comme objet d investigation théorique et empirique dans le domaine éducationnel. Des recherches récentes signalent le besoin d une éducation contemplant des études sur la mort et montrent l école tel qu un lieu de débats et reflexions à propos de ce thème. Cette reflexion est relevante et fondamentale, étant donné que la mort fait partie du cycle de la vie et se trouve présente dans les contenus scolaires des différents domaines de la connaissance. Ce travail a, donc, l objectif d analyser les signification attribués à ce concept mort et la relation qui s établit entre eux et la pratique des professeurs de l enseignement fondamental. Il adopte en tant que référentiel les principes de la recherche qualitative du type étnographique (André, Chizzotti et Meksenas), dans une approche socio-historique et en ce qui concerne la formation et le développement des concepts (Vygotsky, Kopnin, Guetamanova et Ferreira). La participation des professeurs a été faite par l observation participante, registres en cahier de bord et application d un instrument de construction de données pour l appréhension des significations attribués aux concepts qui sont à la base de la pratique de cinq enseignantes des premières séries de l Enseignement Fondamental d une école publique du réseau d enseignement de l État du Rio Grande do Norte située dans la Zone Sud de Natal. De ce fait, les analyses et les interprétations des observations de la pratique dans la salle de classe et des réponses aux quinze questions liées au thème ont permis de construire les significations des concepts qui appuient les pratiques enseignantes de ces professeurs, tout en mettant en relief la fragmentation et la désarticulation entre les expressions décrites dans les questionnaires et les pratiques développées en salle de clase. Ces reflexions mettent en évidence la nécessité de re-penser l articulation entre l énnoncé et la pratique des professeurs à propos de cette thématique au cours d une formation initiale et continue


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Neonatal maternal separation (NMS) is a form of stress that interferes with the regulation of the stress response, an effect that predisposes to the emergence of panic and anxiety related disorders. We previously showed that at adulthood, awake female (but not male) rats subjected to NMS show a hypercapnic ventilatory response (HCVR; 5% CO(2)) that is 63% greater than controls (Genest et al., 2007). To understand the mechanisms underlying the sex-specific effects of NMS on the ventilatory response to CO(2), we used two different anesthetized female rat preparations to assess central CO(2) chemosensitivity and contribution of sensory afferents (stretch receptors and peripheral chemoreceptors) that influence the HCVR. Data show that anesthesia eliminated the respiratory phenotype observed previously in awake females and CO(2) chemosensitivity did not differ between groups. Finally, the assessment of the ovarian hormone levels across the oestrus cycle failed to reveal significant differences between groups. Since anesthesia did not affect the manifestation of NMS-related respiratory dysfunction in males (including the hypercapnic ventilatory response) (Kinkead et al., 2005; Dumont and Kinkead, 2010), we propose that the panic or anxiety induced by CO(2) during wakefulness is responsible for enhancement of the HCVR in NMS females. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The pain is a sensuous and emotional experience unpleasant associated or related to real injury or potencial of the tissues. It is considered an individual and subjective experience generally has been described in the literature about in the neonatal stage a lot. This study has descriptive and exploratory character with a qualitative approach. The study has with objectives to analyze the performance of the nursing technicians working with newborns admitted in the ITUN, seeking to describe the perception of the nursing technicians about the pain, identify the parameters used for the detection and evaluation of pain in them, trying to describe the ons of this team about the pain in the newborns in ITUN. The subjects are nine nursing technicians of the ITU of the Parenting School Januário Cicco in Natal-RN, engaged in direct assistance to newborns in the ITU, on the turn of the morning, which was prepared to participate in the search. The collection of the data was conducted through a structured interview with tree questions; through a non-participatory observation with a structured roadmap and were used to record and pass on call was also as a way of obtaining data. The start of the collection made after the assent of the Ethics Committee / UFRN in November, 2007. The speakings have been transcribed and data read extensively to obtain categories.The analysis of the content made in terms of Bardin. Emerged three main categories of significance: Perceptioning of pain in newborns; Caring for the newborns with pain; Registering the pain in the newborns. A nursing technicians identifies the pain in the newborns, for the most part, so empirical, using signs of behavioral or physiological changes in isolation, giving little emphasis to the environment and to respect that the newborns is inserted. It was found that the attitudes cited by subjects of the search before the newborns with pain, are for the most part non-pharmacological actions such as sucking nutrient not, a proper positioning and measures of comfort, however pharmacological actions have also been reported.These is also the absence of records of nursing records in the report of pain and actions to minimize them and, in records and for the passage of call. With this study we understand the role of the nursing technicians, and seek to contribute to subsidies for the practice of professionals involved in caring for this age group, and also in the search for a humane assistance to the newborns


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This study aimed to seize the general social representations of doctors and nurses who work in ICUs on the process of death and dying. We also aimed to know the social representations of these professionals in relation to death and the process of dying of people who are under their care, identify factors that influence the construction of these representations and identify similarities and differences between the two professions. The study was conducted from the perspective of the Theory of Social Representations of Serge Moscovici and the Central Nucleus of Jean-Claude Abric. The study was conducted in the Intensive Care Unit of Natal Hospital Center, a private hospital of the city of Natal - Rio Grande do Norte. This is descriptive and exploratory research. Twenty-four (24) professionals were interviewed, twelve (12) nurses and twelve (12) doctors. Data were collected through two instruments: Test of Free Association of Words, semi-structured interview. Later, they were coded, categorized and analyzed according to Content Analysis of Bardin (1977). The words evoked after the use of inducing words - death and dying - and the interviews, led to three thematic categories: Death and dying as a biological event, death and dying as a psychosocial event, death and dying as a transcendental event. As final considerations, we believe that the social representations of the group are translated in death and dying as biological and psychosocial events and anchored in the transcendental aspects, we do not see obvious differences in the testimonies of doctors and nurses , and the factors that interfere the construction of these offices is the culture, including religion


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Understanding the meaning of death for student nurses is the subject of this research. The motivation for the meeting place of my difficulties as a person and especially as a teacher in the face of nursing students in dealing with death on a day-to-day hospital during the undergraduate course. Death became known that this evil looms before men and destabilizing, causing often irreversible mental disorders when faced with family loss. Therefore, it is appropriate to study it the possibility of making us reflect on our way of living life and dealing with human beings from the perspective of finitude. Aimed to understand the meaning of death for nursing students. For this purpose, it was based on the following guiding question: What is the meaning of death for you as a nursing student? From this perspective, the study was developed within a qualitative dimension of the phenomenological approach. To perform ten students were interviewed during the month of July 2009. Emerged from these interviews a variety of feelings such as fear, anxiety, insecurity, failure, sadness, as the sensory experience of each. To understand the meaning units that emerged from the empirical data which constitute the essence of this research were fundamental studies dealing with Heidegger about the death in a phenomenological perspective, as well as authors Bicudo, D'Assunção, Dastur, Morin, Boff, Kübler-Ross, Boemer, among others. From the understanding of the phenomenon, we can say that death produces mixed feelings in these students that lead to selfprotection, understood, often as a departure from the other, at the approach of death. However, it proved to be sensitive and receptive to the approach of death in other dimensions, beyond the highly technical aspects, pointing to a paradigm shift that has the yeast's own willingness to change. In addition, the research highlights the weaknesses in the education of nurses regarding the understanding of the whole human death and the need to overcome them.


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Na Universidade Estadual Paulista, Câmpus de Jaboticabal-SP, estudou-se o comportamento de Passifloráceas quanto à morte prematura de plantas, cultivadas em local com histórico da doença. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o comportamento de diversos acessos de populações e espécies de maracujazeiros em relação a esta doença, sendo que as plantas resistentes deverão ser utilizadas como porta-enxertos de formas comerciais de maracujá-amarelo (Passiflora edulis Sims f. flavicarpa) e em programas de melhoramento genético. As espécies utilizadas foram P. edulis Sims, P. edulis Sims f. flavicarpa Degener, P. nitida H.B.K., P. cincinnata, P. giberti, P. laurifolia, P. morifolia, P. foetida e P. capsularis. em local com histórico da doença, plantaram-se mudas em número variável e em épocas distintas. A condução das plantas e os tratos culturais foram os recomendados para o maracujá-amarelo. A morte prematura das plantas ocorreu entre dois meses e dois anos da cultura no campo. P. giberti e P. nitida mostraram-se resistente à doença, independentemente do local de origem. Entre os demais acessos, não se encontraram fontes promissoras de resistência. Entretanto, novos acessos e novas espécies deverão ser estudadas na busca da resistência.


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This study is aimed to understand the nurse student s perception on death approach during the undergraduate course, to reveal feelings and meanings generated from studying this topic. The research was undertaken when the project has been approved by the ethics committee of UFRN in accordance to the Opinion Number nº 234/2012. Through a qualitative approach using a phenomenological design, grounding on the ideas of the German philosopher Martin Heidegger. It was interviewed ten students who answered the following questions: When during your undergraduate course the topic death and dying is approached? What kind of feelings that theme awakens? What is the significance of studying this subject in nursing education? The speeches analysis shows that the issue of death and dying is addressed in a very timely manner in different disciplines, there is no dialogue between them. Students reveal the fear and anxiety as feelings present when studying the topic; recognize as an important moment of reflection to understand that death is not a health care failure, but an opportunity to understand it as a natural phenomenon. In this perspective, we can conclude that the student need to be conducted in the undergraduate process, not being separated from itself to your world-with-others, but linking their concepts, understanding their feelings as human being then, respect and care for individuals as a being-toward-death. Therefore, the big challenge facing nursing education is to create an environment where death can be discussed about, between teachers and students, mainly in the disciplines that address the issue


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Despite of the technological advances that favor the transplant process, there are issues of effectiveness of care necessary for the maintenance of potential organ donors with brain death, which contribute to the no realization of transplants of organs and tissues of these patients. It is presupposed that the problems could be related to perceptions and understandings that the professionals of the units of internment have about the care required by the diagnosis of brain death. The aim of this study was to understand the meaning of the nursing care of the potential organ donor with brain death to the nursing staff. Descriptive study with qualitative approach guided by Action Science Theory and the critic-reflexive research methodology accomplished with five nurses and 19 nursing technicians from Operative Rehabilitation Center in a public hospital at Natal / RN, Brazil, between March and May 2013. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with individual reflection about the care and through group interview, after approval by the Ethics and Research Committee, CAAE No.: 04255612.7.0000.5537. The analysis was performed in a thematic way according to Bardin. During the group meeting the participants were driven in a discussion about the need for change and how to perform them. The results indicate that the professionals actions are consistent with those required for maintenance of potential organ donors, although the material and human resources are not adequate. That situation leads the professionals to develop a meaning of care as one labor more, demanding more than they can give. They express beliefs and feelings concerning the hope that their care brings a greater good that is to save lives. The reflection for a possible change of action was difficult to accomplish due to professionals not to be able to self evaluate, what lead to direct your changes suggestions for other team members. It is concluded that the care provided to these patients is a difficult care, evidenced by suffering both death situation of the person cared and pain of their families, as the dehumanizing conditions of work, helping themselves to keep distance from patients to not suffer so much. The knowledge impregnated in their act, are scientific, ethical, aesthetic and personal kind with a predominance of the scientific followed by the personal. The study was also relevant to the practice of nursing in maintaining the potential donor, in that it allowed the identification of the knowledge used by nurses in their care practice and the meaning understanding of the professionals on the care provided, as a good action that brings satisfaction when the transplanting is executed. Other experiences are suggested with the critic-reflexive research methodology, both in research as in teaching nursing


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The mirror has always been related to different symbols, usually connected to self-knowledge and truth. This is due to the fact that this object shows whoever looks oneself in it an image as close to reality as it is possible. On the other hand, the mirror is also associated to mysticism and to the supernatural for it can magically duplicate one who looks into it. This ambiguous characteristic turns the mirror into an element that is fantastic in itself and places it in the central position of our discussion. Therefore, in this study, we analyze the texts In a Glass Darkly, by Agatha Christie, The Oval Portrait, by Edgar Allan Poe, and The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde, giving special attention to the study of the images and artificial representations of men: the mirror, as an ephemeral representation; and the portrait, as an attempt to eternize an ephemeral image. We also discuss themes such as jealousy, the double, and death in the several forms in which it appears in the texts: suicides, homicides, attempted murders, death in life (mourning, separation, and developmental phases) all of which are, somehow, related to the specular representations. The narrative resource of using a mirror to introduce the supernatural event, along with the theme of death in all the narratives we have studied, and the difficulty to place these texts within the pre-established genres led us to categorize them as being part of a hybrid genre that presents characteristics both of the fantastic and of the detective story which we have named fantastic-detective story


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Helena is the romance of perishable and discontinuous title character denominator of a dialectic that does not consume and build the narrative by sequential fragmentation combined with episodic frame. The novel is a lightning stroke to the romantic literary project. Therefore, this study aims to find "objective" elements of the novel that would constitute a conception of literary nation proposed by Machado de Assis, as in classical writing, where women are engaged as a metaphor for the nation by a non-cultural heroism, as the example of the Greek myth of Helena, where the feminine represents a mythical image of the nation. The paper's theoretical conception of the history of Walter Benjamin, that is, that is constructed as an allegorical appeal, the conclusions about the disciplinary society of nineteenth century of Michel Foucault, the construction of the nation as a subtle game to remember and forget of Wander Miranda and the rhetoric of death and loss reflected in the speeches of the cultural heritage of José Reginaldo Santos Gonçalves, which allow you to analyze the work permeated by subjectivity and existential conflicts by Machado, who has it arranged in dialectic with the avant-garde literary romanticism and realism. In this relationship with the Greek myth of Helen, explained that characters with the nickname of Helena in Machado's work are not uncommon. As in classical Helena, Machado s Helena uses three rhetorical are the cause of the seizure of the nation. In this game of remembering and forgetting, in the daily plebiscite, Machado draw ideal images that forged our mythical past and commitment to the future. The suffering love of Helena is suffering from failure of the nation which would have led the author to the use of allegorical language, seeking a balance in the chaos generated by the opposition between cruelty and pity widespread view in an area where only left the character's confession guilt for the death. It is a simulacrum of unfinished nation, the space for the game of remembering and forgetting, while the rhetoric of negotiation of our Brazilianness


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This paper is divided into three chapters, which are structured as follows: in the first chapter, we examine the figure of death and its characteristics in the context of the work of Guimarães Rosa, within a specific type, determining how this figure comes through " imposition "," no "," memory "and" ritual. " We intend to cover all the possibilities that this aspect denotes. In the second chapter, we found the incidence of the mirror as an analysis of our study, characterizing it as a stylistic condition can become a reading key, necessary for interpretation of the book "First Stories". The characterization of the mirror as an element of analysis has a theoretical foundation which stretches out along other literary works that are based on the same object. By setting the points where these works approach the theories of speculation, we want to justify their use from our perspective


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This dissertation, entitled O Auto da Morte e da Vida: A escrita barroca de João Cabral de Melo Neto, has the aim of analising, interpreting, in a baroque perspective, Cabral s writing in the poem/play Morte e vida severina Auto de Natal Pernambucano, taking as basis the theories of Eugênio D´Ors, Severo Sarduy, Omar Calabrase, Lezama Lima, Afonso Ávila, Affonso Romano de Sant´Anna and others cited in the body of this work. During the analisys we feature confluences, relations, similarities, identification between the Baroque of the counter reformation and the modern Baroque or Neobaroque. We seek to comprehend the baroque which is new in the XX century and Cabral s poetry as an element of the contemporaneity, by updating the concept of the Baroque in the 1600s, when it is detected in its purest characteristic in human relation (the life of the Northwestern brazilian) through an intangible reality (the death). The Baroque as a cultural summary of a period of instability and transformation, with the power of dismantling an already established poetry. The fight between words and things, language and reality