998 resultados para Momentum distributions


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Few landscapes are static and patterns of resource distribution can vary markedly in time and space. Patterns of movement and dispersal in response to environmental change are equally diverse and occur on a broad range of temporal scales. For patterns of movement and dispersal that vary spatially and temporally throughout the life-time of an individual, the concepts of home range and geographic range alone do not adequately describe the observed patterns of distribution of individuals, populations or species. Here we further simplify Gauthreaux (1982) classification of movement types into a simple bipartite system and link movements (or lack thereof) to a similarly simple classification of ranges. In addition, we introduce two new indices that describe the relationship of an individual's life-time movements to its distribution as described by home and geographic range. Our interest in this subject arose from endeavouring to interpret local changes in waterbird abundance in the arid interior of the Australian continent and to understand these changes in relation to patterns of resource distribution and movement. In this discussion we focus on terrestrial vertebrates capable of multiple breeding events throughout an extended life-time.


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This thesis, using a computer simulation, studies the effect of the normal distribution assumption on the power of several many-sample location and scale test procedures. It also suggests an almost robust parametric test, namely numerical likelihood ratio test (NLRT) for non-normal situations. The NLRT is found better than all of the tests considered. Some real life data sets were used as examples.


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Atom probe tomography (APT) has been carried out on three magnesium-based alloys: M1 (Mg-1 wt pct Mn), AZ31(Mg-3 pct Al-1 pct Zn), and ME10 (Mg-1 pct Mn- 0.4 pct misch metal). The aims of this experiment were to measure the composition of the matrix and to investigate solute clustering in the matrix of the three different alloys. For AZ31, the matrix composition was variable but close to the bulk composition. For ME10 and M1, the matrix was depleted in alloying additions, with the remainder residing in precipitates. Most alloying additions were found to exhibit clustering to some extent, with misch metal having the strongest partitioning behavior to clusters. Solute clusters did not appear to affect mechanical twinning. It has been proposed that the clustering behavior of misch metal contributes to its ability to modify the recrystallization texture.


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The future impacts of climate change are predicted to significantly affect the survival of many species. Recent studies indicate that even species that are relatively mobile and/or have large geographic ranges may be at risk of range contractions or extinction. An ecologically and evolutionary significant group of mammals that has been largely overlooked in this research is Australia’s large marsupial herbivores, the macropodids (kangaroos). The aims of our investigation were to define and compare the climatic conditions that influence the current distributions of four sympatric large macropodids in northern Australia (Macropus antilopinus, Macropus robustus, Macropus giganteus, and Macropus rufus) and to predict the potential future impact of climate change on these species. Our results suggest that contemporary distributions of these large macropodids are associated with well‐defined climatic gradients (tropical and temperate conditions) and that climatic seasonality is also important. Bioclimatic modeling predicted an average reduction in northern Australian macropodid distributions of in response to increases of 2.0°C. At this temperature, the distribution of M. antilopinus was reduced by . We predict that increases of 6.0°C may cause severe range reductions for all four macropodids ( ) in northern Australia, and this range reduction may result in the extinction of M. antilopinus.


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Geographic gradients in body size within and among living species are commonly used to identify controls on the long-term evolution of organism size. However, the persistence of these gradients over evolutionary time remains largely unknown because ancient biogeographic variation in organism size is poorly documented. Middle Permian fusulinoidean foraminifera are ideal for investigating the temporal persistence of geographic gradients in organism size because they were diverse and abundant along a broad range of paleo-latitudes during this interval (~275–260 million years ago). In this study, we determined the sizes of Middle Permian fusulinoidean fossils from three different paleo-latitudinal zones in order to examine the relationship between the size of foraminifers and regional environment. We recovered the following results: keriothecal fusulinoideans are substantially larger than nonkeriothecal fusulinoideans; fusulinoideans from the equatorial zone are typically larger than those from the north and south transitional zones; neoschwagerinid specimens within a single species are generally larger in the equatorial zone than those in both transitional zones; and the nonkeriothecal fusulinoideans Staffellidae and Schubertellidae have smaller size in the north transitional zone. Fusulinoidean foraminifers differ from most other marine taxa in exhibiting larger sizes closer to the equator, contrary to Bergmann's rule. Meridional variation in seasonality, water temperature, nutrient availability, and carbonate saturation level are all likely to have favored or enabled larger sizes in equatorial regions. Temporal variation in atmospheric oxygen concentrations have been shown to account for temporal variation in fusulinoidean size during Carboniferous and Permian time, but oxygen availability appears unlikely to explain biogeographic variation in fusulinoidean sizes, because dissolved oxygen concentrations in seawater typically increase away from the equator due to declining seawater temperatures. Consequently, our findings highlight the fact that spatial gradients in organism size are not always controlled by the same factors that govern temporal trends within the same clade.


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In this study, a simple analytical framework to find the probability distributions of number of children and maternal age at various order births by making use of data on age-specific fertility rates by birth order was proposed. The proposed framework is applicable to both the period and cohort fertility schedules. The most appealing point of the proposed framework is that it does not require stringent assumptions. The proposed framework has been applied to the cohort birth order-specific fertility schedules of India and its different regions and period birth order-specific fertility schedules, including the United States of America, Russia, and the Netherlands, to demonstrate its usefulness.


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A key task in ecology is to understand the drivers of animal distributions. In arid and semi-arid environments, this is challenging because animal populations show considerable spatial and temporal variation. An effective approach in such systems is to examine both broad-scale and long-term data. We used this approach to investigate the distribution of small mammal species in semi-arid ‘mallee’ vegetation in south-eastern Australia. First, we examined broad-scale data collected at 280 sites across the Murray Mallee region. We used generalized additive mixed models (GAMMs) to examine four hypotheses concerning factors that influence the distribution of individual mammal species at this scale: vegetation structure, floristic diversity, topography and recent rainfall. Second, we used long-term data from a single conservation reserve (surveyed from 1997 to 2012) to examine small mammal responses to rainfall over a period spanning a broad range of climatic conditions, including record high rainfall in 2011. Small mammal distributions were strongly associated with vegetation structure and rainfall patterns, but the relative importance of these drivers was species-specific. The distribution of the mallee ningaui Ningaui yvonneae, for example, was largely determined by the cover of hummock grass; whereas the occurrence of the western pygmy possum Cercartetus concinnus was most strongly associated with above-average rainfall. Further, the combination of both broad-scale and long-term data provided valuable insights. Bolam's mouse Pseudomys bolami was uncommon during the broad-scale survey, but long-term surveys showed that it responds positively to above-average rainfall. Conceptual models developed for small mammals in temperate and central arid Australia, respectively, were not, on their own, adequate to account for the distributional patterns of species in this semi-arid ecosystem. Species-specific variation in the relative importance of different drivers was more effectively explained by qualitative differences in life-history attributes among species.