899 resultados para Modern landscape architecture
This paper attempts to prove that in the years 1735 to 1755 Venice was the birthplace and cradle of Modern architectural theory, generating a major crisis in classical architecture traditionally based on the Vitruvian assumption that it imitates early wooden structures in stone or in marble. According to its rationalist critics such as the Venetian Observant Franciscan friar and architectural theorist Carlo Lodoli (1690-1761) and his nineteenth-century followers, classical architecture is singularly deceptive and not true to the nature of materials, in other words, dishonest and fallacious. This questioning did not emanate from practising architects, but from Lodoli himself– a philosopher and educator of the Venetian patriciate – who had not been trained as an architect. The roots of this crisis lay in a new approach to architecture stemming from the new rationalist philosophy of the Enlightenment age with its emphasis on reason and universal criticism.
In this study, I build upon my previous research in which I focus on religious doctrine as a gendered disciplinary apparatus, and examine the witch trials in early modem England and Italy in light of socio-economic issues relating to gender and class. This project examines the witch hunts/trials and early modem visual representations of witches, and what I suggest is an attempt to create docile bodies out of members of society who are deemed unruly, problematic and otherwise 'undesirable'; it is the witch's body that is deemed counternormative. This study demonstrates that it is neighbours and other acquaintances of accused witches that take on the role of the invisible guard of Bantham's Panoptic on. As someone who is trained in the study of English literature and literary theory, my approach is one that is informed by this methodology. It is my specialization in early modem British literature that first exposed me to witch-hunting manuals and tales of the supernatural, and it is for this reason that my research commences with a study of representations of witches and witchcraft in early modem England. From my initial exposure to such materials I proceed to examine the similarities and the differences of the cultural significance of the supernatural vis-a.-vis women's activities in early modem Italy. The subsequent discussion of visual representations of witches involves a predominance of Germanic artists, as the seminal work on the discernment of witches and the application of punishment known as the Malleus Meleficarum, was written in Germany circa 1486. Textual accounts of witch trials such as: "A Pitiless Mother (1616)," "The Wonderful Discovery of the Witchcrafts of Margaret and Philippa Flower (1619)," "Magic and Poison: The Trial ofChiaretta and Fedele (circa 1550)", and the "The Case of Benvegnuda Pincinella: Medicine Woman or Witch (1518),"and witchhunting manuals such as the Malleus Melejicarum and Strix will be put in direct dialogue with visual representations of witches in light of historical discourses pertaining to gender performance and gendered expectations. Issues relating to class will be examined as they pertain to the material conditions of presumed witches. The dominant group in any temporal or geographic location possesses the tools of representation. Therefore, it is not surprising that the physical characteristics, sexual habits and social material conditions that are attributed to suspected witches are attributes that can be deemed deviant by the ruling class. The research will juxtapose the social material conditions of suspected witches with the guilt, anxiety, and projection of fear that the dominant groups experienced in light of the changing economic landscape of the Renaissance. The shift from feudalism to primitive accumulation, and capitalism saw a rise in people living in poverty and therefore an increased dependence upon the good will of others. I will discuss the social material conditions of accused witches as informed by what Robyn Wiegman terms a "minoritizing discourse" (210). People of higher economic standing often blamed their social, medical, and/or economic difficulties on the less fortunate, resulting in accusations of witchcraft.
Il existe somme toute peu de théories du projet offrant une modélisation construite à partir de la complexité et de la diversité du projet d’architecture. Pourtant,certaines situations rassemblant parfois plusieurs dizaines de projets s’offrent d’elles-mêmes comme des situations comparatives et expérimentales : les concours d’architecture, d’urbanisme et de paysage. Le Laboratoire d’étude de l’architecture potentielle de l’Université de Montréal (Aménagement), après avoir développé un système d’archivage numérique des concours canadiens, a entrepris, avec le soutien du Groupement d’intérêt public « Europe des projets architecturaux et urbains », de développer la base de données documentaire des concours d’idées Europan. Au-delà des questions d’archivage numérique, se profilent clairement des possibilités de théorisation s’appuyant sur les logiques d’une base de données, en particulier sur la constitution du diagramme entités et relations, modélisation indispensable à sa traduction informatique. Cette recherche entreprend une première mise à jour de ces éléments conceptuels et tend à montrer que la base de données est un véritable modèle théorique du projet ouvrant sur de nouvelles avenues de recherche et de connaissance.
Résumé Cet ouvrage examine les fondements du mouvement de conservation architecturale moderne. Dans ce contexte, la création de la « Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings » par William Morris est considéré comme le point culminant d’un processus historique qui mena à l’apparition du mouvement. Sa genèse est présentée comme ayant été le résultat d’une confrontation entre deux visions utopiques du moyen-âge; celle de l’Église Anglicane et celle de William Morris. Un survol détaillé des origines, des résultats et des effets de la « Renaissance Gothique » ouvre tout grand sur les sources littéraires, idéologiques et religieuses qui y donnèrent sa force. Les grands programmes de restaurations qui ont vu le jour en Angleterre à l’ère victorienne sont examinés en relation avec l’Église Anglicane et caractérisés par les motivations idéologiques de celle-ci. Bien que ce memoire ne réussit pas à démontré de manière sans équivoque que la création du mouvement de conservation architectural moderne par Morris fut essentiellement en reaction au programme idéologique de l’Église Anglicane au dix-neuvième siècle, nous y retrouvons néanmoins une réévaluation des causes et de l’impact de la « Renaissance Gothique » qui, de manière significative, allaient à l’encontre des croyances et des principes les plus chers à Morris. Il existe une quantité admirable d’ouvrages examinant les travaux et l’impact de William Morris en littérature et en arts, ainsi que son activisme socialiste. Cependant, il serait juste de constater qu’en comparaison, la grande contribution qu’il apporta à la protection de l’architecture patrimoniale a certainement été négligée dans les publications à son sujet. Ce projet de recherche examine les éléments et les conditions qui ont motivé Morris à créer un mouvement qui encore aujourd’hui continue de croitre en importance et en influence.
La version intégrale de cette thèse est disponible uniquement pour consultation individuelle à la Bibliothèque de musique de l’Université de Montréal (www.bib.umontreal.ca/MU).
Le progrès scientifique et technologique n'est pas sans faille – les conséquences imprévues de son application peuvent causer de nouveaux problèmes. Tel est le constat machiavélien sur lequel est fondé le projet En imparfaite santé : la médicalisation de l'architecture du Centre Canadien d'Architecture (2011-2012), présenté sous forme d'exposition et de catalogue. Ce mémoire étudie comment les deux plateformes, la première étant expérientielle et la seconde théorique, formulent une critique du processus de la médicalisation actuelle, lequel est entré dans le champ de l'architecture contemporaine. L’exposition est approchée comme discours et comme installation d’objets pour un public; une attention particulière est alors portée à la scénographie et au parcours du visiteur. D’autres réflexions ont pour objet le graphisme, un outil soutenant le leitmotiv de confrontation. Dans l’étude du catalogue, l’accent est mis sur l’essai d’introduction, qui est implicitement traversé par le concept fondamentalement ambivalent de pharmakon. Le péritexte, l’encadrement physique du contenu principal de l’ouvrage, est aussi examiné. Ensuite, l’analyse comparative propose que chaque plateforme véhicule un propos différent, une stratégie rendue possible par l’ambivalence de la notion de corps, entendue littéralement et métaphoriquement. La conclusion finale du mémoire esquisse une courte proposition de contextualisation, autant de cette dualité que de la remise en question de l’autorité du discours techno-scientifique. Bien qu’En imparfaite santé dirige sa critique envers la persistance de la vision moderniste de l'architecture, nous avançons que le projet concerne tout autant, sinon plus, l'omniprésence actuelle du numérique. Ce dernier, à l’instar de l’architecture moderne, ne modifie pas seulement la conception du corps humain et architectural, il renforce également une croyance positiviste dans la technologie qui n'est pas toujours contrebalancée par la pensée critique.
Ce mémoire explore la question du rapport intérieur-extérieur chez Le Corbusier se questionnant sur la façon dont la notion d’interpénétration spatiale, postulat majeur de l’architecture moderne, est présente dans son discours. À travers l’étude des croquis, photos et notes de son Voyage d’Orient, ainsi que de certains principes architecturaux énoncés dans ses ouvrages théoriques emblématiques des années 1920, nous allons saisir chez Le Corbusier une pensée qui transcende l’idée d’objet architectural et révèle un intérêt spécial porté au site et à la dialectique horizontale-verticale. Certains dispositifs ou éléments architecturaux, tels que la colonnade et la colonne, vont se révéler aux yeux du maître, lorsqu’ils se trouvent dans des espaces de transition entre l’intérieur et l’extérieur, porteurs d’une fonction médiatrice entre l’homme et son milieu, et ce sera par le biais d’un outil de mesure : l’angle droit. Cette recherche entend contribuer à la compréhension de la pensée architecturale de Le Corbusier, notamment en ce qui concerne la relation architecture-paysage en tant qu’expérience phénoménale.
Neue Leitbilder bedeuten nicht automatisch neue Qualitäten. Diesem Phänomen geht die vorliegende Arbeit anhand städtebaulicher Leitbilder und daraus erfolgten Siedlungsentwürfen seit den 1920er Jahren nach. Die Begriffe 'Hausen' und 'Wohnen' werden genutzt, unterschiedliche Beurteilungsstränge der Arbeit darzulegen. Die Hartnäckigkeit, mit der 'Wohnen' immer wieder neu in Szene gesetzt wird, wird ersichtlich in der Beschreibung verschiedener städtebaulicher Leitbilder. Egal ob modern, organisch, autogerecht, urban, nachhaltig oder frauengerecht - deutlich wird, dass mit dem 'Wohnen' zugleich monolithische und spezialisierte Siedlungsorganisationen beabsichtigt und gebaut werden. Anhand wesentlicher Prinzipien von Erschließung, Parzellierung und Bebauung wird ausgeführt, welche Formen Voraussetzungen dafür bieten, dass viele verschiedene ökonomische und soziale Lebensweisen darin eingerichtet werden können. In einem theoretischen Anhang werden einzelne Themenschwerpunkte vertieft. Vorgestellt wird darin auch, wie Gender und Diversity sinnvoll für die Freiraumplanung nutzbar gemacht werden kann.
El gironí Josep Claret Rubira (1908-1988), arquitecte de professió i artista-dibuixant de vocació, va obtenir el títol l'any 1933, a l'Escola d'Arquitectura de Barcelona. D'ençà d'aquella data i fins a mitjan dels anys 70, va projectar una quantitat enorme d'edificis de múltiples tipologies i nombrosos plans d'urbanització, arreu de les comarques gironines i menorquines. Amb ideologia primerenca propera a les esquerres catalanistes, es va haver d'adaptar al règim franquista, per poder continuar treballant i vivint a Catalunya. Malgrat que inicialment li deuria costar un gran esforç, el procés d'amotllament el va tenir planer (almenys aparentment), gràcies al seu parentiu -per via matrimonial- amb una família que hi estava estretament vinculada. És autor d'obres d'elevat nivell arquitectònic -amb poques que siguin conegudes i reconegudes- i un clar conformador del paisatge de les seves contrades, fet influent en la societat que hi ha estat habitant i que hi viu encara avui dia. La seva arquitectura és un magnífic exemple del que agradava a les generacions de durant cinc dècades. És també autor d'obres que, moltes vegades, no s'adiuen gens amb el que la Història de l'Arquitectura dóna per bones, però que reflecteixen el gust, les preferències i les prioritats d'una societat determinada.
The location of extracellular enzymes within the soil architecture and their association with the various soil components affects their catalytic potential. A soil fractionation study was carried out to investigate: (a) the distribution of a range of hydrolytic enzymes involved in C, N and P transformations, (b) the effect of the location on their respective kinetics, (c) the effect of long-term N fertilizer management on enzyme distribution and kinetic parameters. Soil (silty clay loam) from grassland which had received 0 or 200 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) was fractionated, and four particle-size fractions (> 200, 200-63, 63-2 and 0. 1-2 mum) were obtained by a combination of wet-sieving and centrifugation, after low-energy ultrasonication. All fractions were assayed for four carbohydrases (beta-cellobiohydrolase, N-acetyl-beta-glucosammidase, beta-glucosidase and beta-xylosidase), acid phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase using a microplate fluorimetric assay based on MUB-substrates. Enzyme kinetics (V-max and K-m) were estimated in three particle-size fractions and the unfractionated soil. The results showed that not all particle-size fractions were equally enzymatically active and that the distribution of enzymes between fractions depended on the enzyme. Carbohydrases predominated in the coarser fractions while phosphatase and leucine-aminopeptidase were predominant in the clay-size fraction. The Michaelis constant (K.) varied among fractions, indicating that the association of the same enzyme with different particle-size fractions affected its substrate affinity. The same values of Km were found in the same fractions from the soil under two contrasting fertilizer management regimes, indicating that the Michaelis constant was unaffected by soil changes caused by N fertilizer management. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Modern Lovers was a survey show of contemporary art practices in dialogue with modernism, bringing together established and emerging artists based in London and international artists from Berlin, Jerusalem and Zagreb. The show features video, film, installation, sculpture, music and performance work that addresses the legacy of the avant garde and the survival of its aesthetics within contemporary culture. In 1976, as punk rock was busy smashing the cultural rubble left behind by the second world war and rejecting the consumer society that had emerged from the ruins, one band bravely announced that it wanted no part in this destruction. Jonathan Richman's Modern Lovers sang about how they still loved the old world. Neither parents nor girlfriends could understand, but the decaying inner city with its false promises of progress still held a fascination for Richman, who claimed he wanted to keep his place in this arcane landscape. Punk's assault on culture was the logical conclusion of modernism's linear narrative of art as a force of innovation that must reject preceding artistic movements to establish new ones. Echoing the negations of Dada, it set out to put an end to this narrative, an end to culture. It is partly because of this inherently destructive and totalising side of Modernism that it has come under harsh critique in the post modern era. Nevertheless, we are still caught up in the same dialectic of progress, revolution and destruction. Post modernism has failed to unseat our desire for the revolutionary moment, even as it has been co-opted to the degree of meaninglessness by the discourses of marketing and Capitalism. But, like Jonathan Richman, the artists in the exhibition "Modern Lovers" keep returning to modernism for something else. Instead of taking it at its word when it proffers revolution, they turn to it in search of reform. Still loving the old world and desiring a dialogue with the past, perhaps as an antidote to the eternal present of Capitalism, they are willing to engage with its aesthetics and ideas on equal ground. Leaving behind the ironic deconstructions of post modernism, they find perspectives worth salvaging and juxtapose them with contemporary visual productions. Trading in the grand narratives of modernity for a more personal approach, they don't seek the purity of form that drove the avant garde movements that inspire them but rather revel in adulteration, dilution and contamination of the past by the present". A live performance by sala-manca was sponsored by the British Council and took place May 26th, 19:00. MODERN LOVERS was accompanied by a catalogue (14.80 cm x 14.80 cm) including essays by Avi Pitchon, the sala-manca group and the curators. A discussion panel about the exhibition themes, as well as the catalogue launch,took place at Goldsmiths College's cinema on the 27th of May at 14:00, chaired by Dr. Suhail Malik (Senior Lecturer & Course Leader Postgraduate Fine Art Critical Studies at Goldsmiths College) and with the participation of Tom Morton (curator, Cubitt Gallery, and regular contributor to Frieze magazine), sala-manca (artist group), Dr. Amanda Beech (artist, curator and senior lecturer at the Wimbledon School of Art), Matthew Poole (course director of MA Gallery Studies, dept. of Art History and Theory at the University of Essex).
The complexity of current and emerging high performance architectures provides users with options about how best to use the available resources, but makes predicting performance challenging. In this work a benchmark-driven performance modelling approach is outlined that is appro- priate for modern multicore architectures. The approach is demonstrated by constructing a model of a simple shallow water code on a Cray XE6 system, from application-specific benchmarks that illustrate precisely how architectural char- acteristics impact performance. The model is found to recre- ate observed scaling behaviour up to 16K cores, and used to predict optimal rank-core affinity strategies, exemplifying the type of problem such a model can be used for.
Purpose – The Bodleian Binders Book contains nearly 150 pages of seventeenth century library records, revealing information about the binders used by the library and the thousands of bindings they produced. The purpose of this paper is to explore a pilot project to survey and record bindings information contained in the Binders Book. Design/methodology/approach – A sample size of seven pages (91 works, 65 identifiable bindings) to develop a methodology for surveying and recording bindings listed in the manuscript. To create a successful product that would be useful to bindings researchers, it addressed questions of bindings terminology and the role of the library in the knowledge creation process within the context that text encoding is changing the landscape of library functions. Text encoding formats were examined, and a basic TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) transcription was produced. This facilitates tagging of names and titles and the display of transcriptions with text images. Findings – Encoding was found not only to make the manuscript content more accessible, but to allow for the construction of new knowledge: characteristic Oxford binding traits were revealed and bindings were matched to binders. Plans for added functionality were formed. Originality/value – This research presents a “big picture” analysis of Oxford bindings as a result of text encoding and the foundation for qualitative and statistical analysis. It exemplifies the benefits of interdisciplinary methods – in this case from Digital Humanities – to enhance access to and interpretation of specialist materials and the library's provenance record.
This study of landscape evolution presents both new modern and palaeo process-landform data, and analyses the behaviour of the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet through the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the Holocene and to the present day. Six sediment-landform assemblages are described and interpreted for Ulu Peninsula, James Ross Island, NE Antarctic Peninsula: (1) the Glacier Ice and Snow Assemblage; (2) the Glacigenic Assemblage, which relates to LGM sediments and comprises both erratic-poor and erratic-rich drift, deposited by cold-based and wet-based ice and ice streams respectively; (3) the Boulder Train Assemblage, deposited during a Mid-Holocene glacier readvance; (4) the Ice-cored Moraine Assemblage, found in front of small cirque glaciers; (5) the Paraglacial Assemblage including scree, pebble-boulder lags, and littoral and fluvial processes; and (6) the Periglacial Assemblage including rock glaciers, protalus ramparts, blockfields, solifluction lobes and extensive patterned ground. The interplay between glacial, paraglacial and periglacial processes in this semi-arid polar environment is important in understanding polygenetic landforms. Crucially, cold-based ice was capable of sediment and landform genesis and modification. This landsystem model can aid the interpretation of past environments, but also provides new data to aid the reconstruction of the last ice sheet to overrun James Ross Island.