838 resultados para Modeling Rapport Using Machine Learning
In pursuit of aligning with the European Union's ambitious target of achieving a carbon-neutral economy by 2050, researchers, vehicle manufacturers, and original equipment manufacturers have been at the forefront of exploring cutting-edge technologies for internal combustion engines. The introduction of these technologies has significantly increased the effort required to calibrate the models implemented in the engine control units. Consequently the development of tools that reduce costs and the time required during the experimental phases, has become imperative. Additionally, to comply with ever-stricter limits on 〖"CO" 〗_"2" emissions, it is crucial to develop advanced control systems that enhance traditional engine management systems in order to reduce fuel consumption. Furthermore, the introduction of new homologation cycles, such as the real driving emissions cycle, compels manufacturers to bridge the gap between engine operation in laboratory tests and real-world conditions. Within this context, this thesis showcases the performance and cost benefits achievable through the implementation of an auto-adaptive closed-loop control system, leveraging in-cylinder pressure sensors in a heavy-duty diesel engine designed for mining applications. Additionally, the thesis explores the promising prospect of real-time self-adaptive machine learning models, particularly neural networks, to develop an automatic system, using in-cylinder pressure sensors for the precise calibration of the target combustion phase and optimal spark advance in a spark-ignition engines. To facilitate the application of these combustion process feedback-based algorithms in production applications, the thesis discusses the results obtained from the development of a cost-effective sensor for indirect cylinder pressure measurement. Finally, to ensure the quality control of the proposed affordable sensor, the thesis provides a comprehensive account of the design and validation process for a piezoelectric washer test system.
Embedded systems are increasingly integral to daily life, improving and facilitating the efficiency of modern Cyber-Physical Systems which provide access to sensor data, and actuators. As modern architectures become increasingly complex and heterogeneous, their optimization becomes a challenging task. Additionally, ensuring platform security is important to avoid harm to individuals and assets. This study primarily addresses challenges in contemporary Embedded Systems, focusing on platform optimization and security enforcement. The initial section of this study delves into the application of machine learning methods to efficiently determine the optimal number of cores for a parallel RISC-V cluster to minimize energy consumption using static source code analysis. Results demonstrate that automated platform configuration is not only viable but also that there is a moderate performance trade-off when relying solely on static features. The second part focuses on addressing the problem of heterogeneous device mapping, which involves assigning tasks to the most suitable computational device in a heterogeneous platform for optimal runtime. The contribution of this section lies in the introduction of novel pre-processing techniques, along with a training framework called Siamese Networks, that enhances the classification performance of DeepLLVM, an advanced approach for task mapping. Importantly, these proposed approaches are independent from the specific deep-learning model used. Finally, this research work focuses on addressing issues concerning the binary exploitation of software running in modern Embedded Systems. It proposes an architecture to implement Control-Flow Integrity in embedded platforms with a Root-of-Trust, aiming to enhance security guarantees with limited hardware modifications. The approach involves enhancing the architecture of a modern RISC-V platform for autonomous vehicles by implementing a side-channel communication mechanism that relays control-flow changes executed by the process running on the host core to the Root-of-Trust. This approach has limited impact on performance and it is effective in enhancing the security of embedded platforms.
Even without formal guarantees of their effectiveness, adversarial attacks against Machine Learning models frequently fool new defenses. We identify six key asymmetries that contribute to this phenomenon and formulate four guidelines to build future-proof defenses by preventing such asymmetries. We also prove that attacking a classifier is NP-complete, while defending from such attacks is Sigma_2^P-complete. We then introduce Counter-Attack (CA), an asymmetry-free metadefense that determines whether a model is robust on a given input by estimating its distance from the decision boundary. Under specific assumptions CA can provide theoretical detection guarantees. Additionally, we prove that while CA is NP-complete, fooling CA is Sigma_2^P-complete. Even when using heuristic relaxations, we show that our method can reliably identify non-robust points. As part of our experimental evaluation, we introduce UG100, a new dataset obtained by applying a provably optimal attack to six limited-scale networks (three for MNIST and three for CIFAR10), each trained in three different manners.
Il ruolo dell’informatica è diventato chiave del funzionamento del mondo moderno, ormai sempre più in progressiva digitalizzazione di ogni singolo aspetto della vita dell’individuo. Con l’aumentare della complessità e delle dimensioni dei programmi, il rilevamento di errori diventa sempre di più un’attività difficile e che necessita l’impiego di tempo e risorse. Meccanismi di analisi del codice sorgente tradizionali sono esistiti fin dalla nascita dell’informatica stessa e il loro ruolo all’interno della catena produttiva di un team di programmatori non è mai stato cosi fondamentale come lo è tuttora. Questi meccanismi di analisi, però, non sono esenti da problematiche: il tempo di esecuzione su progetti di grandi dimensioni e la percentuale di falsi positivi possono, infatti, diventare un importante problema. Per questi motivi, meccanismi fondati su Machine Learning, e più in particolare Deep Learning, sono stati sviluppati negli ultimi anni. Questo lavoro di tesi si pone l’obbiettivo di esplorare e sviluppare un modello di Deep Learning per il riconoscimento di errori in un qualsiasi file sorgente scritto in linguaggio C e C++.
Gaze estimation has gained interest in recent years for being an important cue to obtain information about the internal cognitive state of humans. Regardless of whether it is the 3D gaze vector or the point of gaze (PoG), gaze estimation has been applied in various fields, such as: human robot interaction, augmented reality, medicine, aviation and automotive. In the latter field, as part of Advanced Driver-Assistance Systems (ADAS), it allows the development of cutting-edge systems capable of mitigating road accidents by monitoring driver distraction. Gaze estimation can be also used to enhance the driving experience, for instance, autonomous driving. It also can improve comfort with augmented reality components capable of being commanded by the driver's eyes. Although, several high-performance real-time inference works already exist, just a few are capable of working with only a RGB camera on computationally constrained devices, such as a microcontroller. This work aims to develop a low-cost, efficient and high-performance embedded system capable of estimating the driver's gaze using deep learning and a RGB camera. The proposed system has achieved near-SOTA performances with about 90% less memory footprint. The capabilities to generalize in unseen environments have been evaluated through a live demonstration, where high performance and near real-time inference were obtained using a webcam and a Raspberry Pi4.
Il mondo della moda è in continua e costante evoluzione, non solo dal punto di vista sociale, ma anche da quello tecnologico. Nel corso del presente elaborato si è studiata la possibilità di riconoscere e segmentare abiti presenti in una immagine utilizzando reti neurali profonde e approcci moderni. Sono state, quindi, analizzate reti quali FasterRCNN, MaskRCNN, YOLOv5, FashionPedia e Match-RCNN. In seguito si è approfondito l’addestramento delle reti neurali profonde in scenari di alta parallelizzazione e su macchine dotate di molteplici GPU al fine di ridurre i tempi di addestramento. Inoltre si è sperimentata la possibilità di creare una rete per prevedere se un determinato abito possa avere successo in futuro analizzando semplicemente dati passati e una immagine del vestito in questione. Necessaria per tali compiti è stata, inoltre, una approfondita analisi dei dataset esistenti nel mondo della moda e dei metodi per utilizzarli per l’addestramento. Il presente elaborato è stato svolto nell’ambito del progetto FA.RE.TRA. per il quale l'Università di Bologna svolge un compito di consulenza per lo studio di fattibilità su reti neurali in grado di svolgere i compiti menzionati.
As predictive maintenance becomes more and more relevant in industrial environment, the possible range of applications for this maintenance strategy grows. The progresses in components technology and their reduction in price, together with the late years' advances in machine learning and in computational power, are making the implementation of predictive maintenance possible in plants where it would have previously been unreasonably costly. This is leading major pharmaceutical industries to explore the possibility of the application of condition monitoring systems on progressively less and less critical equipment. The focus of this thesis is on the implementation of a system to gather vibrational data from the motors installed in a pre-existing machine using off-the-shelf components. The final goal for the system is to provide the necessary vibration data, in the form of frequency spectra, to a machine learning system developed by IMA Digital, which will be leveraging such data to predict possible upcoming faults and to give the final client all the information necessary to plan maintenance activity according to the estimated machine condition.
La tesi ha lo scopo di ricercare, esaminare ed implementare un sistema di Machine Learning, un Recommendation Systems per precisione, che permetta la racommandazione di documenti di natura giuridica, i quali sono già stati analizzati e categorizzati appropriatamente, in maniera ottimale, il cui scopo sarebbe quello di accompagnare un sistema già implementato di Information Retrieval, istanziato sopra una web application, che permette di ricercare i documenti giuridici appena menzionati.
Many real-word decision- making problems are defined based on forecast parameters: for example, one may plan an urban route by relying on traffic predictions. In these cases, the conventional approach consists in training a predictor and then solving an optimization problem. This may be problematic since mistakes made by the predictor may trick the optimizer into taking dramatically wrong decisions. Recently, the field of Decision-Focused Learning overcomes this limitation by merging the two stages at training time, so that predictions are rewarded and penalized based on their outcome in the optimization problem. There are however still significant challenges toward a widespread adoption of the method, mostly related to the limitation in terms of generality and scalability. One possible solution for dealing with the second problem is introducing a caching-based approach, to speed up the training process. This project aims to investigate these techniques, in order to reduce even more, the solver calls. For each considered method, we designed a particular smart sampling approach, based on their characteristics. In the case of the SPO method, we ended up discovering that it is only necessary to initialize the cache with only several solutions; those needed to filter the elements that we still need to properly learn. For the Blackbox method, we designed a smart sampling approach, based on inferred solutions.
In this thesis we discuss the expansion of an existing project, called CHIMeRA, which is a comprehensive biomedical network, and the analysis of its sub-components by using graph theory. We describe how it is structured internally, what are the existing databases from which it retrieves information and what machine learning techniques are used in order to produce new knowledge. We also introduce a new technique for graph exploration that is aimed to speed-up the network cover time under the condition that the analyzed graph is stellar; if this condition is satisfied, the improvement in the performance compared to the conventional exploration technique is extremely appealing. We show that the stellar structure is highly recurrent for sub-networks in CHIMeRA generated by queries, which made this technique even more interesting. Finally, we describe the convenience in using the CHIMeRA network for research purposes and what it could become in a very near future.
Le interfacce cervello-macchina (BMIs) permettono di guidare devices esterni utilizzando segnali neurali. Le BMIs rappresentano un’importante tecnologia per tentare di ripristinare funzioni perse in patologie che interrompono il canale di comunicazione tra cervello e corpo, come malattie neurodegenerative o lesioni spinali. Di importanza chiave per il corretto funzionamento di una BCI è la decodifica dei segnali neurali per trasformarli in segnali idonei per guidare devices esterni. Negli anni sono stati implementati diversi tipi di algoritmi. Tra questi gli algoritmi di machine learning imparano a riconoscere i pattern neurali di attivazione mappando con grande efficienza l’input, possibilmente l’attività dei neuroni, con l’output, ad esempio i comandi motori per guidare una possibile protesi. Tra gli algoritmi di machine learning ci si è focalizzati sulle deep neural networks (DNN). Un problema delle DNN è l’elevato tempo di training. Questo infatti prevede il calcolo dei parametri ottimali della rete per minimizzare l’errore di predizione. Per ridurre questo problema si possono utilizzare le reti neurali convolutive (CNN), reti caratterizzate da minori parametri di addestramento rispetto ad altri tipi di DNN con maggiori parametri come le reti neurali ricorrenti (RNN). In questo elaborato è esposto uno studio esplorante l’utilizzo innovativo di CNN per la decodifica dell’attività di neuroni registrati da macaco sveglio mentre svolgeva compiti motori. La CNN risultante ha consentito di ottenere risultati comparabili allo stato dell’arte con un minor numero di parametri addestrabili. Questa caratteristica in futuro potrebbe essere chiave per l’utilizzo di questo tipo di reti all’interno di BMIs grazie ai tempi di calcolo ridotti, consentendo in tempo reale la traduzione di un segnale neurale in segnali per muovere neuroprotesi.
The usage of version control systems and the capabilities of storing the source code in public platforms such as GitHub increased the number of passwords, API Keys and tokens that can be found and used causing a massive security issue for people and companies. In this project, SAP's secret scanner Credential Digger is presented. How it can scan repositories to detect hardcoded secrets and how it manages to filter out the false positives between them. Moreover, how I have implemented the Credential Digger's pre-commit hook. A performance comparison between three different implementations of the hook based on how it interacts with the Machine Learning model is presented. This project also includes how it is possible to use already detected credentials to decrease the number false positive by leveraging the similarity between leaks by using the Bucket System.
Privacy issues and data scarcity in PET field call for efficient methods to expand datasets via synthetic generation of new data that cannot be traced back to real patients and that are also realistic. In this thesis, machine learning techniques were applied to 1001 amyloid-beta PET images, which had undergone a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease: the evaluations were 540 positive, 457 negative and 4 unknown. Isomap algorithm was used as a manifold learning method to reduce the dimensions of the PET dataset; a numerical scale-free interpolation method was applied to invert the dimensionality reduction map. The interpolant was tested on the PET images via LOOCV, where the removed images were compared with the reconstructed ones with the mean SSIM index (MSSIM = 0.76 ± 0.06). The effectiveness of this measure is questioned, since it indicated slightly higher performance for a method of comparison using PCA (MSSIM = 0.79 ± 0.06), which gave clearly poor quality reconstructed images with respect to those recovered by the numerical inverse mapping. Ten synthetic PET images were generated and, after having been mixed with ten originals, were sent to a team of clinicians for the visual assessment of their realism; no significant agreements were found either between clinicians and the true image labels or among the clinicians, meaning that original and synthetic images were indistinguishable. The future perspective of this thesis points to the improvement of the amyloid-beta PET research field by increasing available data, overcoming the constraints of data acquisition and privacy issues. Potential improvements can be achieved via refinements of the manifold learning and the inverse mapping stages during the PET image analysis, by exploring different combinations in the choice of algorithm parameters and by applying other non-linear dimensionality reduction algorithms. A final prospect of this work is the search for new methods to assess image reconstruction quality.
Worldwide, biodiversity is decreasing due to climate change, habitat fragmentation and agricultural intensification. Bees are essential crops pollinator, but their abundance and diversity are decreasing as well. For their conservation, it is necessary to assess the status of bee population. Field data collection methods are expensive and time consuming thus, recently, new methods based on remote sensing are used. In this study we tested the possibility of using flower cover diversity estimated by UAV images (FCD-UAV) to assess bee diversity and abundance in 10 agricultural meadows in the Netherlands. In order to do so, field data of flower and bee diversity and abundance were collected during a campaign in May 2021. Furthermore, RGB images of the areas have been collected using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and post-processed into orthomosaics. Lastly, Random Forest machine learning algorithm was applied to estimate FCD of the species detected in each field. Resulting FCD was expressed with Shannon and Simpson diversity indices, which were successively correlated to bee Shannon and Simpson diversity indices, abundance and species richness. The results showed a positive relationship between FCD-UAV and in-situ collected data about bee diversity, evaluated with Shannon index, abundance and species richness. The strongest relationship was found between FCD (Shannon Index) and bee abundance with R2=0.52. Following, good correlations were found with bee species richness (R2=0.39) and bee diversity (R2=0.37). R2 values of the relationship between FCD (Simpson Index) and bee abundance, species richness and diversity were slightly inferior (0.45, 0.37 and 0.35, respectively). Our results suggest that the proposed method based on the coupling of UAV imagery and machine learning for the assessment of flower species diversity could be developed into valuable tools for large-scale, standardized and cost-effective monitoring of flower cover and of the habitat quality for bees.
City streets carry a lot of information that can be exploited to improve the quality of the services the citizens receive. For example, autonomous vehicles need to act accordingly to all the element that are nearby the vehicle itself, like pedestrians, traffic signs and other vehicles. It is also possible to use such information for smart city applications, for example to predict and analyze the traffic or pedestrian flows. Among all the objects that it is possible to find in a street, traffic signs are very important because of the information they carry. This information can in fact be exploited both for autonomous driving and for smart city applications. Deep learning and, more generally, machine learning models however need huge quantities to learn. Even though modern models are very good at gener- alizing, the more samples the model has, the better it can generalize between different samples. Creating these datasets organically, namely with real pictures, is a very tedious task because of the wide variety of signs available in the whole world and especially because of all the possible light, orientation conditions and con- ditions in general in which they can appear. In addition to that, it may not be easy to collect enough samples for all the possible traffic signs available, cause some of them may be very rare to find. Instead of collecting pictures manually, it is possible to exploit data aug- mentation techniques to create synthetic datasets containing the signs that are needed. Creating this data synthetically allows to control the distribution and the conditions of the signs in the datasets, improving the quality and quantity of training data that is going to be used. This thesis work is about using copy-paste data augmentation to create synthetic data for the traffic sign recognition task.