Copy-paste data augmentation for domain transfer on traffic signs

Autoria(s): Colagrande, Pierpasquale

Mattoccia, Stefano

Rashid-Engström, Maheen

Rovinelli, Marco




City streets carry a lot of information that can be exploited to improve the quality of the services the citizens receive. For example, autonomous vehicles need to act accordingly to all the element that are nearby the vehicle itself, like pedestrians, traffic signs and other vehicles. It is also possible to use such information for smart city applications, for example to predict and analyze the traffic or pedestrian flows. Among all the objects that it is possible to find in a street, traffic signs are very important because of the information they carry. This information can in fact be exploited both for autonomous driving and for smart city applications. Deep learning and, more generally, machine learning models however need huge quantities to learn. Even though modern models are very good at gener- alizing, the more samples the model has, the better it can generalize between different samples. Creating these datasets organically, namely with real pictures, is a very tedious task because of the wide variety of signs available in the whole world and especially because of all the possible light, orientation conditions and con- ditions in general in which they can appear. In addition to that, it may not be easy to collect enough samples for all the possible traffic signs available, cause some of them may be very rare to find. Instead of collecting pictures manually, it is possible to exploit data aug- mentation techniques to create synthetic datasets containing the signs that are needed. Creating this data synthetically allows to control the distribution and the conditions of the signs in the datasets, improving the quality and quantity of training data that is going to be used. This thesis work is about using copy-paste data augmentation to create synthetic data for the traffic sign recognition task.




Colagrande, Pierpasquale (2023) Copy-paste data augmentation for domain transfer on traffic signs. [Laurea magistrale], Università di Bologna, Corso di Studio in Artificial intelligence [LM-DM270] <>




Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna



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Palavras-Chave #copy-paste,data,augmentation,domain,transfer,traffic,sign,detection #Artificial intelligence [LM-DM270]

