862 resultados para Mäkelä, Klaus: Alcoholics Anonymous as a mutual-help movement
While much attention has been paid to the experiences of the female victims of male-perpetrated sexual assault, relatively little attention has been paid to the experiences of female-on-female sexual assault. However, female-on-female sexual assault can and does occur within lesbian and queer communities. What literature there is on the topic demonstrates that gender stereotypes, as well as stereotypes about the lesbian and queer communities, play a role in the decision process to seek help. This paper seeks to analyze the role of language and stereotypes in the help-seeking behaviors of victims of female-on-female sexual assault, using Relational Frame Theory as a framework.
Young children often harbor misconceptions about psychotherapy and the role of psychologists. These misconceptions are ignited by rumors and misinformation that are provided to the child by a variety of sources and can compromise both the effectiveness of therapy and the therapeutic dyad. In this paper we explore how recent trends in patient engagement in child psychotherapy, cultural dynamics between patients and practitioners, and children's lack of knowledge surrounding mental health services can negatively impact therapy. Wednesday Afternoons with Dr. J. (WADJ) is a whimsical fictional therapeutic narrative created to inform children about aspects of the therapeutic process while providing adults with tangible structure surrounding how to talk to children about mental healthcare. The advantages of utilizing this narrative to prime children for therapy are discussed, as are methods for promoting the narrative to the greater community.
Between 30% and 90% of the prison population is estimated to have survived traumatic experiences such as sexual, emotional, and physical abuse prior to incarceration (Anonymous, 1999; Fondacaro, Holt, & Powell, 1999; Messina & Grella, 2006; Pollard & Baker, 2000; Veysey, De Cou, & Prescott, 1998). Similarly, information from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (as reported in Warren, 2001) estimated that more than half of the women in state prisons have experienced past physical and sexual abuse. Thus, given the astonishing number of inmates who appear to be victims of some kind of trauma, it seems likely that those who work with these inmates (e.g., prison staff, guards, and treatment providers) will in some way encounter challenges related to the inmates' trauma history. These difficulties may appear in any number of forms including inmates' behavioral outbursts, increased emotionality, sensitivity to triggering situations, and chronic physical or mental health needs (Veysey, et al., 1998). It is also likely that these individuals with trauma histories would benefit greatly from treatment while incarcerated. This treatment could be utilized to minimize symptoms of posttraumatic stress, decrease behavioral problems, and help the inmate function more effectively in society when released from incarceration (Kokorowski & Freng, 2001; Tucker, Cosio, Meshreki, 2003). Few studies have explored the types of trauma treatment that are effective with inmate populations or made specific suggestions for clinicians working in forensic settings (Kokorowski & Freng, 2001). Essentially, there appears to be a large gap in terms of the need for trauma treatment for inmates and the lack of literature addressing what to do about it. However, clinicians across the country seem to be quietly attempting to fulfill this need for trauma treatment with incarcerated populations. They are providing this greatly needed treatment every day. in the face of enormous challenges and often without recognition or the opportunity to share their valuable work with the larger community.
In many different ways psychologists are challenged to evaluate their work and be accountable when therapy is not progressing. One time honored approach to addressing the lack of progress is to seek formal psychological assessment to gain a better diagnostic understanding as well as treatment recommendations. The perspective on the purpose of the assessment seems to have changed however. Historically, the presumption was that there was some kind of pathology that the clinician was not seeing, where currently the perspective seems to be shifting more towards a focus on what might not be working in the therapeutic process. This shift in focus has led to new styles of collaborative and consultative assessment such as Therapeutic Assessment. Therapeutic Assessment was developed by Stephen Finn and has shown a great deal of promise helping clients and therapists gain valuable insight and move toward meaningful life changes (1998). Amidst the promise of consultative assessment also lie potential challenges for the referring clinician. This paper will explore the nature of consultative relationships in the field of mental health and the current thoughts about the advantages and challenges of these relationships. Using a case study format, it will discuss and illustrate issues of professional vulnerability that can arise during these relationships and postulate that a similar vulnerability could be present during a consultative assessment. Recommendations are made for maximizing the success of this type of assessment, and ideas for future research are reviewed. Through the lens of a couples Therapeutic Assessment case, this paper will examine what it is about this unique kind of professional relationship that garners such powerful potential and pitfalls.
The development of transversal competencies provides an integral education. However, its practical implementation among different subjects is not a trivial task. There are several issues that should be previously solved in an optimal way to take advantage of the synergy among subjects. Main issues are: i) the need for a common space for the documents management, ii) the availability of the document everywhere and anytime, and iii) the possibility to collaborate in the documents edition tasks. It was implemented a virtual portfolio for the students which allows the assessment of all the subjects in a global way. To this goal we used the Google apps due to its free access, availability and suitability for the collaborative editing tasks.
En el presente estudio deseamos presentar los trabajos elaborados por Míkel de Epalza en torno a Argelia, y en especial sobre el estudio de la historia argelina y española. De igual modo, este trabajo busca ser un modesto homenaje a todos los investigadores que han trabajado sobre nuestra historia común, argelinos, españoles y de cualquier otro origen, y en especial a quienes publicaron sus investigaciones en Argelia tras su independencia en 1962, que Míkel de Epalza ya estudiara hasta la fecha del año 1973, y cuyo elenco y conclusiones publicó como un libro titulado de Écrits relatifs à l’histoire de l’Espagne publiés en Algérie de 1962 à 1973. Las líneas esenciales de este estudio nacen de nuestro trabajo junto a Míkel de Epalza durante largos años y de la ponencia que presentamos al Congreso que en homenaje a Mouloud Kassem se celebró en Argel, entre el 27-29 de marzo de 2005. Lo que presentamos aquí es una redacción más completa y específica sobre la labor y los trabajos que Míkel de Epalza dedicó al estudio de Argelia, que busca dar a conocer tanto su personalidad como algunos de los estudios bibliográficos que sobre Argelia y España se han realizado en los últimos 50 años. Deseamos que sirva este estudio como homenaje a la labor aperturista de Mouloud Kassem, así como a la memoria de su predecesor en el Ministerio de Asuntos Religiosos, el Ministro Ahmad Taoufc Al-Madani, autor de una obra fundamental titulada Harb thalâthumi’a sana bayna Al-Jazâ’ir wa-Isbâniyâ (1492-1792), a quien Míkel dedicó un estudio en 2001.
Headed on the first page with the words "Nomenclatura hebraica," this handwritten volume is a vocabulary with the Hebrew word in the left column, and the English translation on the right. While the book is arranged in sections by letter, individual entries do not appear in strict alphabetical order. The small vocabulary varies greatly and includes entries like enigma, excommunication, and martyr, as well as cucumber and maggot. There are translations of the astrological signs at the end of the volume. Poem written at the bottom of the last page in different hand: "Women when good the best of saints/ that bright seraphick lovely/ she, who nothing of an angel/ wants but truth & immortality./ Verse 2: Who silken limbs & charming/ face. Keeps nature warm."
designed and drawn by Ernest Dudley Chase.