864 resultados para Light cheese
A Brazilian Traction, Light and Power Company ("Light"), formada por empreendedores canadenses em 1899, operou por 80 anos praticamente toda a infraestrutura (bondes, luz, telefones, gás) do eixo Rio-São Paulo. A empresa passou por vários ciclos políticos, desde sua fundação até sua estatização em 1979. Durante este período de 80 anos, a infra-estrutura nacional, inicialmente privada, foi gradativamente passando para as mãos do Estado. O setor voltaria a ser privado a partir dos anos 90, configurando o ciclo privado-público-privado, similar ao ocorrido nos países mais desenvolvidos. A Light, símbolo maior do capital estrangeiro até os anos 50, foi inicialmente bem recebida no país, posto que seu desenvolvimento era simbiótico, causa e conseqüência, ao desenvolvimento industrial. Dos anos 20 em diante, crescem os debates econômicos ou ideológicos quanto ao papel do capital privado estrangeiro no desenvolvimento nacional, vis-a-vis a opção do setor público como ator principal. Sempre permaneceu sob névoa quais teriam sido os lucros da Light no Brasil, e se esses seriam excessivos, acima do razoável. Outra questão recorrente se refere até que ponto os congelamentos de tarifas teriam contribuido para a crise de oferta de infra-estrutura. Através de um trabalho de pesquisa em fontes primárias, esta dissertação procura reconstituir a história da Light, sob um foco de Taxa de Retorno sob o capital investido. Foi reconstruída a história financeira da Light no Brasil, a partir da qual calculou-se, para vários períodos e para os seus 80 anos de vida, os retornos obtidos pelos acionistas da empresa. A partir dos resultados obtidos, e utilizando-se de benchmarks comparativos, foi possível mostrar que: i) ao contrário da crença vigente à época, o retorno obtido pelo maior investidor estrangeiro no setor de infra-estrutura do Brasil do Séc. XX, se mostrou bem abaixo do mínimo aceitável, e ii) o represamento de tarifas, por várias décadas, foi de fato determinante para o subdesenvolvimento do setor de infra-estrutura no Brasil.
The objective of this work is identify the impacts of the Light privatization under the consumer point of view, with special focus to the service's quality, verifying the channels introduced by Light to measure the consumer satifaction and evaluate how the consumers interests have influence on the company's decisions. This study also objective to identify the main challenges faced by the Regulatory Agency and the Brazilian State on the new relationship model implementation STATE - CONSUMER - CONCESSIONARY, propoused to the energy sector after the privatization. A descriptive methodology is used to identify the most significant changes on the Light's trasition process to the private administration, followed by an explicative investigation to find how the consumer has passed throught this change, based on bibliographical research and interviews. The obtained conclusions shows that the impacts of the Light privatization under the consumer point of view are positive and highlights that the Regulatory Agency has to have the power and autonomy to control and advice the conncessionaries, building consulte and evaluation mechanisms to activate the consumer participation.
Esta dissertação apresenta a responsabilidade social das organizações, mais especificamente as contribuições para a comunidade na qual está inserida, tomando-se como estudo de caso a LIGHT. Elementos concernentes à referida responsabilidade social e ao 'programa de normalização de áreas informais' são analisados por meio da metodologia grounded theory. Desta forma, o objetivo maior do estudo é aumentar o entendimento acerca dos valores substantivos gerados no processo estabelecido entre a organização e a comunidade, na busca pelas dimensões da responsabilidade social e seu relacionamento com desenvolvimento humano sustentável, inclusão social e cidadania
Trilha sonora componente do jogo “Armas e Barões (http://www.loa.sead.ufscar.br/armasebaroes.html)” desenvolvido pela equipe do Laboratório de Objetos de Aprendizagem da Universidade Federal de São Carlos (LOA/UFSCar).
Many efforts are currently oriented toward extracting more information from ocean color than the chlorophyll a concentration. Among biological parameters potentially accessible from space, estimates of phytoplankton cell size and light absorption by colored detrital matter (CDM) would lead to an indirect assessment of major components of the organic carbon pool in the ocean, which would benefit oceanic carbon budget models. We present here 2 procedures to retrieve simultaneously from ocean color measurements in a limited number of bands, magnitudes, and spectral shapes for both light absorption by CDM and phytoplankton, along with a size parameter for phytoplankton. The performance of the 2 procedures was evaluated using different data sets that correspond to increasing uncertainties: ( 1) measured absorption coefficients of phytoplankton, particulate detritus, and colored dissolved organic matter ( CDOM) and measured chlorophyll a concentrations and ( 2) SeaWiFS upwelling radiance measurements and chlorophyll a concentrations estimated from global algorithms. In situ data were acquired during 3 cruises, differing by their relative proportions in CDM and phytoplankton, over a continental shelf off Brazil. No local information was introduced in either procedure, to make them more generally applicable. Over the study area, the absorption coefficient of CDM at 443 nm was retrieved from SeaWiFS radiances with a relative root mean square error (RMSE) of 33%, and phytoplankton light absorption coefficients in SeaWiFS bands ( from 412 to 510 nm) were retrieved with RMSEs between 28% and 33%. These results are comparable to or better than those obtained by 3 published models. In addition, a size parameter of phytoplankton and the spectral slope of CDM absorption were retrieved with RMSEs of 17% and 22%, respectively. If these methods are applied at a regional scale, the performances could be substantially improved by locally tuning some empirical relationships.
Animals show behavioral and physiological changes that emerge in response to environmental perturbations (i.e., emergency life-history stages). In this study, we investigate the effects of light intensity on aggressive encounters and social stability in groups of adult male Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Linnaeus, 1758). The study compared the behavior observed under low (280.75 ± 50.60 lx) and high (1394.14 ± 520.32 lx) light intensities, with 12 replicates for each treatment. Adult fish were isolated in 36-L aquaria for 96 hours, and three males were grouped for 11 days in 140-L aquaria. Agonistic behavior was video-recorded (10 min/day) on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th day to quantify aggressive interactions and social stability. There was an effect of light intensity and day of observation on the total number of agonistic behaviors performed by the fish group. Besides, increased frequency of aggressive interactions (the sum of the four sessions) by the alpha, beta and gamma fish occurred at the higher light intensity. The dominance ranks of the fish remained unchanged across the observation sessions under both the low and high light intensities. We concluded that enhanced light intensity has a cumulative effect that increases the aggressiveness of the Nile tilapia but that this effect is not sufficiently strong to destabilize the social hierarchy.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Gochnatia polymorpha (Less.) Cabrera é uma espécie de Asteraceae com ampla distribuição no bioma cerrado, sendo encontrada em diversas fisionomias florestais da região sudeste do Brasil. O presente estudo descreve alguns caracteres anatômicos foliares dessa espécie e os analisa quantitativamente em função de sua ocorrência nas formações florestais e também das diferenças de luminosidade. Foram encontradas diferenças quantitativas em todos os parâmetros anatômicos analisados. Os resultados demonstram que a alta plasticidade anatômica foliar nesta espécie pode ser considerada como uma vantagem adaptativa que a permite ocorrer em diversos ambientes do cerrado.
The electrical characterization of a high efficient multilayer polymer light emitting diode using poly[(2-methoxy-5-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene] as the emissive layer and an anionic fluorinated surfactant as the electron transport layer was performed. For the sake of comparison, a conventional single layer device was fabricated. The density current vs. voltage measurements revealed that the conventional device has a higher threshold voltage and lower current compared to the surfactant modified device. The effective barrier height for electron injection was suppressed. The influence of the interfaces and bulk contributions to the dc and high frequencies conductivities of the devices was also discussed. (c) 2006 Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.
Effect of ion concentration of ionomer in electron injection layer of polymer light-emitting devices
Polymer light-emitting devices (PLEDs) with poly(2-methoxy-5-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene (OC1OC6-PPV) as the emissive layer were studied with an electron injection layer of ionomers consisting of copolymers of styrene and methylmethacrylate (PS/PMMA) with 3, 6 and 8 mol% degree of sulfonation. The ionomers were able to form very thin films over the emissive layer, with less than 30 nm. Additionally, the presence of ion pairs of ionomer suppresses the tendency toward dewetting of the thin film of ionomer (similar to 10 nm) which can cause malfunction of the device. The effect of the ionomers was investigated as a function of the ion content. The devices performance, characterized by their current density and luminance intensity versus voltage, showed a remarkable increase with the ionomer layer up to 6 mol% of ionic groups, decreasing after that for the 8 mol% ionomer device. The study of the impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 0.1 to 10(6) Hz showed that the injection phenomena dominate over the transport in the electroluminescent polymer bulk. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Polymer light-emitting devices (PLEDs) have been produced with Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films from poly(2-methoxy-5-hexyloxy)-p-phenylenevinylene (OC1OC6-PPV) as the emissive layer and an ionomer of a copolymer of styrene and methylmethacrylate (PS/PMMA) as an electron-injection layer. The main features of such devices are the low operating voltages, obtainable firstly due to the good quality of the ultrathin LB films that allows PLEDs to be produced reproducibly and secondly due to the improved electrical and luminance properties brought by the electron-injection layer. Also demonstrated is the superior performance of an all-LB device compared to another one produced with cast films of the same materials. Published by Elsevier B.V.
The aim of this work was to identify the degradation compounds produced during irradiation of multilayer polyamide 6 (PA-6) films and to study their migration into water and 95% ethanol food simulant. After irradiation of multilayer PA-6 films at 3, 7 and 12 kGy, degradation compounds were extracted using solid-phase microextraction, for which the time and temperature of extraction and stirring were optimized, and identified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Caprolactam, 2-cyclopentylcyclopentanone and aldehydes, among other compounds, were identified in the headspace of the films. Polydimethylsiloxane was considered the best fiber for extraction. The optimum conditions of time, temperature and stirring to extract the compounds were 20 min, 80 degrees C and 225 rpm. For validation purposes, the compounds were quantified in water and 95% ethanol and the results showed high sensitivity, good precision and accuracy. Migration of compounds from irradiated and non-irradiated multilayer PA-6 films into water and 95% ethanol food simulants was carried out at 40 degrees C for 10 days. The method was efficient for the quantification of decaldehyde, 2-cyclopentylcyclopentanone and caprolactam that migrated from multilayer PA-6 films into food simulants.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)