778 resultados para KT-invexity
Introduction: Kinesio Taping (KT) has been used in healthy people to improve neuromuscular performance, however, few studies have evaluated its chronic effects, despite being suggested. Objective: To analyze the chronic effects of KT on neuromuscular performance of the quadriceps, the oscillation of the center of pressure and lower limb function in healthy women. Methods: blinded, randomized, controlled trial, composed of 60 women (mean age 21.9 ± 3.3 years and BMI 22.3 ± 2.2 kg / m2) submitted to the evaluation of oscillation of the center of pressure through the baropodometry, the lower limb function by the hop test, isokinetic knee performance, the electromyographic activity of the vastus lateralis (VL) and joint position sense of the knee (JPS). Then, participants were randomly divided into three groups of twenty: control - did not apply the KT; placebo - application of KT without tension on the quadriceps; Kinesio Taping - application of KT with tension in the same muscle group. The evaluations were conducted in five moments: prior to application of KT, immediately after the application, 24h, 48h after application and 24 hours after its removal (72h). SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis. The KS test was used to verify the data normality, the Levene test for homogeneity of variances and a mixed-model ANOVA 3x5 to check intra and inter-group differences. Results: there was no difference in peak torque, the power, nor the electromyographic activity or SPA (p> 0.05) between groups. The displacement speed of center of pressure reduced immediately after the application on kinesio taping group (p <0.001), but with no differences between the groups (p = 0.28). There was a reduction in the time of peak torque among the three groups in the evaluations after KT application (p <0.001) and an increase in single hop in all groups (p <0.001), but with no differences between them. Conclusion: KT can not change, in a chronic way, the lower limb function, the oscillation of the center of pressure, the isokinetic performance, the JPS of the knee and the electromyographic activity of VL muscle in healthy women.
Objective: analyze the effect of Kinesio Taping (KT) on the indirect clinical markers of muscle damage induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy individuals. Materials and methods: It is a randomized controlled trial involving sixty volunteers at age group between 18 and 28 years randomly selected. The sample into three groups with twenty participants: control group (CG) – eccentric protocol without KT, KT group – eccentric with tensioned KT, placebo group – eccentric protocol KT with no tension. The evaluations took place at four moments; the first one was the basis line (AV1), after the second protocol (AV2) and the following two groups 24 (AV3) and 48 hours (AV4) after the intervention protocol. The muscle damage was induced by sixteen maximum eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors from the non-dominant limb, divided in two sets of eight repetitions, at 60º/s, with two minutes interval. The variables analyzed were: the joint amplitude in rest, the level of pain, the joint position sense (JPS) followed of isokinetic checking with electromyographic sign capitation. These data were analyzed in software SPSS 20.0. The normality was identified by Kolmogorov-Smimov examination and then, being used the ANOVA mixed model with significance of 5%. Outcomes: a decrease was observed at joint amplitude moreover, an immediate increase of pain wich increased after 24 and remained until 48 hours at all groups searched. There was not difference at the JPS. The variables peak torque, average peak torque, total work and mean power mean reduced until 48 hours after muscle lesion in all groups. Among the groups, there was no difference in EMG values and for any of the variables. Conclusion: The KT did not influence at the indirect clinical markers of muscle lesion induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy people.
Objective: analyze the effect of Kinesio Taping (KT) on the indirect clinical markers of muscle damage induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy individuals. Materials and methods: It is a randomized controlled trial involving sixty volunteers at age group between 18 and 28 years randomly selected. The sample into three groups with twenty participants: control group (CG) – eccentric protocol without KT, KT group – eccentric with tensioned KT, placebo group – eccentric protocol KT with no tension. The evaluations took place at four moments; the first one was the basis line (AV1), after the second protocol (AV2) and the following two groups 24 (AV3) and 48 hours (AV4) after the intervention protocol. The muscle damage was induced by sixteen maximum eccentric contractions of the elbow flexors from the non-dominant limb, divided in two sets of eight repetitions, at 60º/s, with two minutes interval. The variables analyzed were: the joint amplitude in rest, the level of pain, the joint position sense (JPS) followed of isokinetic checking with electromyographic sign capitation. These data were analyzed in software SPSS 20.0. The normality was identified by Kolmogorov-Smimov examination and then, being used the ANOVA mixed model with significance of 5%. Outcomes: a decrease was observed at joint amplitude moreover, an immediate increase of pain wich increased after 24 and remained until 48 hours at all groups searched. There was not difference at the JPS. The variables peak torque, average peak torque, total work and mean power mean reduced until 48 hours after muscle lesion in all groups. Among the groups, there was no difference in EMG values and for any of the variables. Conclusion: The KT did not influence at the indirect clinical markers of muscle lesion induced by eccentric exercises in the elbow flexors in healthy people.
Tanulmányunk az 1994. évi országgyűlési választást megelőző kommunikációs helyzet elemzésére vállalkozott a Politikai kommunikáció 1990–2015 című kutatás keretein belül, a kampánykutatás és a hálózatelemzés összekapcsolását tűzve ki célul. A kutatás hálózatelemzési módszerekkel dolgozik, és célja, hogy megírja a rendszerváltás utáni két és fél évtized magyarországi politikai kommunikációjának a történetét. Az első adatok elemzése alapján kijelenthető, hogy a magyar politikai közösség interakciós szempontból egységes volt a ’94-es választások előtt, a diskurzusok szintjén azonban kezdett szétválni két protoközösségre, egy jobboldali és egy balliberális blokkra, amelyek közt hídként létezett egy kisebb csoport. Eredményeinknek kampánykutatási hozadéka is van: igazolták a politikusok elsődlegességét és a média csatornaszerepét a kommunikációban, és azt, hogy a nem politikusi személyek szerepe kicsi, amely egybevág a szakirodalom megállapításaival a korai kampányokról.
A szerzők kutatásukban az igazságosságelmélet egy újfajta megközelítését alkalmazzák a vevői panaszhelyzetek vizsgálatánál. Elemzik, hogy az alkalmazottak érzelemkimutatása és a vevő által észlelt kontroll hogyan hatnak a vevői elégedettségre. A kutatás támaszkodik a pszichológia és a szervezeti magatartás fogalomrendszerére mint az érzelmi munka, az érzelemátvitel érzelmek mint szociális információk (EASI) és az észlelt kontroll. A kutatás két lépcsőből áll: egyrészt kvalitatív megközelítést alkalmaztak, amely során alkalmazottakkal (n=30) és fogyasztókkal készült mélyinterjú (n=30), másrészt faktoriális típusú kísérletet végeztek különböző szcenáriók felhasználásával egy általános fogyasztói mintán (n=580). Az eredmények szerint az alkalmazottak érzelemkimutatása és az észlelt kontroll szignifikáns hatással vannak a fogyasztók elégedettségére, e főhatásokat további interakciók is jellemzik.
Maßstab: 1:10.000
In this study we investigate the potential of organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts (dinocysts) as tools for quantifying past sea-surface temperatures (SST) in the Southern Ocean. For this purpose, a dinocyst reference dataset has been formed, based on 138 surface sediment samples from different circum-Antarctic environments. The dinocyst assemblages of these samples are composed of phototrophic (gonyaulacoid) and heterotrophic (protoperidinioid) species that provide a broad spectrum of palaeoenvironmental information. The relationship between the environmental parameters in the upper water column and the dinocyst distribution patterns of individual species has been established using the statistical method of Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). Among the variables tested, summer SST appeared to correspond to the maximum variance represented in the dataset. To establish quantitative summer SST reconstructions, a Modern Analogue Technique (MAT) has been performed on data from three Late Quaternary dinocyst records recovered from locations adjacent to prominent oceanic fronts in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean. These dinocyst time series exhibit periodic changes in the dinocyst assemblage during the last two glacial/interglacial-cycles. During glacial conditions the relative abundance of protoperidinioid cysts was highest, whereas interglacial conditions are characterised by generally lower cyst concentrations and increased relative abundance of gonyaulacoid cysts. The MAT palaeotemperature estimates show trends in summer SST changes following the global oxygen isotope signal and a strong correlation with past temperatures of the last 140,000 years based on other proxies. However, by comparing the dinocyst results to quantitative estimates of summer SSTs based on diatoms, radiolarians and foraminifer-derived stable isotope records it can be shown that in several core intervals the dinocyst-based summer SSTs appeared to be extremely high. In these intervals the dinocyst record seems to be highly influenced by selective degradation, leading to unusual temperature ranges and to unrealistic palaeotemperatures. We used the selective degradation index (kt-index) to determine those intervals that have been biased by selective degradation in order to correct the palaeotemperature estimates. We show that after correction the dinocyst based SSTs correspond reasonably well with other palaeotemperature estimates for this region, supporting the great potential of dinoflagellate cysts as a basis for quantitative palaeoenvironmental studies.
The occurrence of gas hydrates at submarine mud volcanoes (MVs) located within the gas hydrate stability zone (GHSZ) is controlled by upward fluid and heat flux associated with MV activity. Determining the spatial distribution of gas hydrates at MVs is crucial to evaluate their sensitivity to known episodic changes in volcanic activity. We determined the hydrocarbon inventory and spatial distribution of hydrates at an individual MV structure. The Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano (HMMV), located at 1,250 m water depth on the Barents Sea slope, was investigated by combined pressure core sampling, heat flow measurements, and pore water chemical analysis. Quantitative pressure core degassing revealed gas-sediment ratios between 3.1 and 25.7, corresponding to hydrate concentrations of up to 21.3% of the pore volume. Hydrocarbon compositions and physicochemical conditions imply that gas hydrates incipiently crystallize as structure I hydrate, with a dissociation temperature of around 13.8°C at this water depth. Based on numerous in situ measurements of the geothermal gradient in the seabed, pore water sulfate profiles and microbathymetric data, we show that the thickness of the GHSZ increases from less than 1 m at the warm center to around 47 m in the outer parts of the HMMV. We estimate the total mass of hydrate-bound methane stored at the HMMV to be about 102.5 kt, of which 2.8 kt are located within the morphological Unit I around the center and thus are likely to be dissociated in the course of a large eruption.
Date of Acceptance: 30/8/15 Acknowledgements We thank the chief scientists, crew and company of the Japanese RV Hakuho-Maru (KH0703 and KH0803), the RV Tansei-Maru (KT-09-03), the RV Kairei (KR0716), the German FS Sonne (SO197 and SO 209) and the New Zealand RV Kaharoa (KAH0190, KAH1109, KAH1202, KAH1301 and KAH1310). This work was supported by the HADEEP projects, funded by the Nippon Foundation, Japan (2009765188), the Natural Environmental Research Council, UK (NE/E007171/1) and the Total Foundation, France. We acknowledge additional support from the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) funded by the Scottish Funding Council (Ref: HR09011) and contributing institutions. We also acknowledge support from the Leverhulme Research Fellowship granted to SBP. Additional sea time was supported by NIWA’s ‘Impact of Resource Use on Vulnerable Deep-Sea Communities’ project (CO1_0906). From NIWA we thank Malcolm Clark, Ashley Rowden, Kareen Schnabel, Sadie Mills for logistical support at the NIWA Invertebrate Collection. We also thank Fredrik Søreide from Promare, USA, for supply of the Puerto-Rico samples, Marius Wenzel for helpful comments on manuscript drafts, and Dr. Tammy Horton (NOCS, UK) for identifying some of the earlier amphipod samples
Peer reviewed
A szerzők kutatásuk során a vezetés- és szervezéstudomány hazai fejlődésének feltárására tettek kísérletet. A két világháború közötti évtizedek első ilyen témájú, állandó folyóirata volt a Szervezés és üzemgazdálkodás, amely az újító tartalmak, a nemzetközi környezetbe való illeszkedés, illetve a gyakorló vezetők és tanácsadók közötti diskurzusteremtő szándék szempontjából is korszerűnek számított. A folyóirat egyedülálló vállalkozás volt a korabeli Magyarországon, amely azt tűzte ki céljául, hogy segítse egy formálódó szakmai közösség kialakulását. E tanulmány a folyóirat két évfolyamának tartalmát elemezi.
A tanulmány azt a két kérdést vizsgálja, hogy egy politikus számára milyen előélet után vezethet az út az Európai Parlamentbe, és milyen perspektívák állnak az EP-képviselő előtt a karrier további részére. A közép-európai országok uniós csatlakozása után olyan képviselőkkel bővült az Európai Parlament, akik jobban kötődnek a nemzeti politikához, mint a régi tagállamok EP-képviselői. Jelentős nemzeti politikai tapasztalatuk miatt a cseh, lengyel, magyar, szlovák és szlovén képviselők még leginkább az 1979-es Európai Parlament képviselőire hasonlítanak, de még náluk is beágyazottabbnak számítanak hazájuk politikai életébe. A helyi politika ugyanakkor sokkal ritkább rekrutációs bázisnak számít Közép- Európában, mint a régi tagállamokban. A közép-európai képviselők eddigi karrierútjai és jövőbeli karriertervei cáfolják azt a mítoszt, miszerint az Európai Parlament politikai elfekvőként funkcionál. A szupranacionális elit kialakulásának folyamata a vizsgált öt ország mindegyikében megkezdődött. A közép-európai EP-képviselők körében végzett kutatás rávilágított: a képviselők többsége további európai vagy nemzeti politikai karriert tervez, a visszavonulás előtti nyugodt békeévekben gondolkodók jelentős kisebbségben vannak az Európai Parlamentben: nagyjából harmaduk tekinthető "európai nyugdíjasnak".
To understand the role of the ocean within the global carbon cycle, detailed information is required on key-processes within the marine carbon cycle; bio-production in the upper ocean, export of the produced material to the deep ocean and the storage of carbon in oceanic sediments. Quantification of these processes requires the separation of signals of net primary production and the rate of organic matter decay as reflected in fossil sediments. This study examines the large differences in degradation rates of organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst species to separate these degradation and productivity signals. For this, accumulation rates of cyst species known to be resistant (R-cysts) or sensitive (S-cysts) to aerobic degradation of 62 sites are compared to mean annual chlorophyll-a, sea-surface temperature, sea-surface salinity, nitrate and phosphate concentrations of the upper waters and deep-water oxygen concentrations. Furthermore, the degradation of sensitive cysts, as expressed by the degradation constant k and reaction time t, has been related to bottom water [O2]. The studied sediments were taken from the Arabian Sea, north-western African Margin (North Atlantic), western-equatorial Atlantic Ocean/Caraibic, south-western African margin (South Atlantic) and Southern Ocean (Atlantic sector). Significant relationships are observed between (a) accumulation rates of R-cysts and upper water chlorophyll-a concentrations, (b) accumulation rates of S-cysts and bottom water [O2] and (c) degradation rates of S-cysts (kt) and bottom water [O2]. Relationships that are extremely weak or are clearly insignificant on all confidence intervals are between (1) S-cyst accumulation rates and chlorophyll-a concentrations, sea-surface temperature (SST), sea-surface salinity (SSS), phosphate concentrations (P) and nitrate concentrations (N), (2) between R-cyst accumulation rates and bottom water [O2], SST, SSS, P and N, and between (3) kt and water depth. Co-variance is present between the parameters N and P, N, P and chlorophyll-a, oxygen and water depth. Correcting for this co-variance does not influence the significance of the relationship given above. The possible applicability of dinoflagellate cyst degradation to estimate past net primary production and deep ocean ventilation is discussed.
Polygonal tundra, thermokarst basins and pingos are common and characteristic periglacial features of arctic lowlands underlain by permafrost in Northeast Siberia. Modern polygonal mires are in the focus of biogeochemical, biological, pedological, and cryolithological research with special attention to their carbon stocks and greenhouse-gas fluxes, their biodiversity and their dynamics and functioning under past, present and future climate scenarios. Within the frame of the joint German-Russian DFG-RFBR project Polygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar Regions (POLYGON) field studies of recent and of late Quaternary environmental dynamics were carried out in the Indigirka lowland and in the Kolyma River Delta in summer 2012 and summer 2013. Using a multidisciplinary approach, several types of polygons and thermokarst lakes were studied in different landscapes units in the Kolyma Delta in 2012 around the small fishing settlement Pokhodsk. The floral and faunal associations of polygonal tundra were described during the fieldwork. Ecological, hydrological, meteorological, limnological, pedological and cryological features were studied in order to evaluate modern and past environmental conditions and their essential controlling parameters. The ecological monitoring and collection program of polygonal ponds were undertaken as in 2011 in the Indigirka lowland by a former POLYGON expedition (Schirrmeister et al. [eds.] 2012). Exposures, pits and drill cores in the Kolyma Delta were studied to understand the cryolithological structures of frozen ground and to collect samples for detailed paleoenvironmental research of the late Quaternary past. Dendrochronological and ecological studies were carried out in the tree line zone south of the Kolyma Delta. Based on previous work in the Indigirka lowland in 2011 (Schirrmeister et al. [eds.] 2012), the environmental monitoring around the Kytalyk research station was continued until the end of August 2012. In addition, a classical exposure of the late Pleistocene permafrost at the Achchaygy Allaikha River near Chokurdakh was studied. The ecological studies near Pokhodsk were continued in 2013 (chapter 13). Other fieldwork took place at the Pokhodsk-Yedoma-Island in the northwestern part of the Kolyma Delta.
The Ría de Vigo is a bay strongly influenced by upwelling-downwelling cycles along the adjacent coast of NW Iberia. Moored and ship-board observations during September 2006 showed that subduction, initially associated with an estuarine circulation, strengthened when a strong downwelling circulation, resulting from northward wind over the coastal ocean, was generated in the outer ría causing ambient waters to be advected outward in the lower layer. Incoming surface waters confined the estuarine circulation to the shallow interior and displaced isopleths downward through the water column at ∼10 m d−1. As the estuarine circulation retreated inward, strong flow convergence developed between middle and inner ria in the layer above 15 m, while divergence developed beneath. The convergence increased through the period of downwelling-favorable wind at a rate consistent with the observed isopleth displacement velocities. The coefficient of turbulent diffusion Kt, from a microstructure profiler, indicated that mixing was strong in the estuarine circulation and subsequently in the downwelling zone, where localized instabilities and temperature-salinity inversions were observed. During the downwelling, concentrations of phytoplankton, including potentially harmful species, increased, especially in the middle and inner ria, as a result of inward advection, subduction and the ability of the dinoflagellates to maintain their position in the water column by swimming. In the course of the 5 day event, the water mass of all but the innermost ría was flushed completely and replaced by waters originating in the coastally-trapped poleward flow along the Atlantic coastline.