Characteristics of samples obtained during Pokhodsk 2012-2013 campaigns in the joint Russian-German POLYGON Project

Autoria(s): Schirrmeister, Lutz; Pestryakova, Ludmila A; Schneider, Andrea; Wetterich, Sebastian

MEDIAN LATITUDE: 69.398094 * MEDIAN LONGITUDE: 158.821143 * SOUTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 69.037250 * WEST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 147.440150 * NORTH-BOUND LATITUDE: 70.831210 * EAST-BOUND LONGITUDE: 161.011383 * DATE/TIME START: 2012-06-30T00:00:00 * DATE/TIME END: 2013-08-29T00:00:00




Polygonal tundra, thermokarst basins and pingos are common and characteristic periglacial features of arctic lowlands underlain by permafrost in Northeast Siberia. Modern polygonal mires are in the focus of biogeochemical, biological, pedological, and cryolithological research with special attention to their carbon stocks and greenhouse-gas fluxes, their biodiversity and their dynamics and functioning under past, present and future climate scenarios. Within the frame of the joint German-Russian DFG-RFBR project Polygons in tundra wetlands: state and dynamics under climate variability in Polar Regions (POLYGON) field studies of recent and of late Quaternary environmental dynamics were carried out in the Indigirka lowland and in the Kolyma River Delta in summer 2012 and summer 2013. Using a multidisciplinary approach, several types of polygons and thermokarst lakes were studied in different landscapes units in the Kolyma Delta in 2012 around the small fishing settlement Pokhodsk. The floral and faunal associations of polygonal tundra were described during the fieldwork. Ecological, hydrological, meteorological, limnological, pedological and cryological features were studied in order to evaluate modern and past environmental conditions and their essential controlling parameters. The ecological monitoring and collection program of polygonal ponds were undertaken as in 2011 in the Indigirka lowland by a former POLYGON expedition (Schirrmeister et al. [eds.] 2012). Exposures, pits and drill cores in the Kolyma Delta were studied to understand the cryolithological structures of frozen ground and to collect samples for detailed paleoenvironmental research of the late Quaternary past. Dendrochronological and ecological studies were carried out in the tree line zone south of the Kolyma Delta. Based on previous work in the Indigirka lowland in 2011 (Schirrmeister et al. [eds.] 2012), the environmental monitoring around the Kytalyk research station was continued until the end of August 2012. In addition, a classical exposure of the late Pleistocene permafrost at the Achchaygy Allaikha River near Chokurdakh was studied. The ecological studies near Pokhodsk were continued in 2013 (chapter 13). Other fieldwork took place at the Pokhodsk-Yedoma-Island in the northwestern part of the Kolyma Delta.


application/zip, 13 datasets








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Supplement to: Schirrmeister, Lutz; Pestryakova, Ludmila A; Schneider, Andrea; Wetterich, Sebastian (2016): Studies of Polygons in Siberia and Svalbard. Berichte zur Polar- und Meeresforschung = Reports on Polar and Marine Research, 697, 275 pp, doi:10.2312/BzPM_0697_2016

Palavras-Chave #[NH4]+; [PO4]3-; # = in 0.5 m; absolute, wt%; absolute wt%; Acidity; Alkalinity, total; Amercian/Russian; American/Russian; Ammonium; Area; Area/locality; AT; AWI_PerDyn; Bottom water temperature; BWT; center; Comment; Conductivity, electrolytical; cryotexture; CS-Cryostructures; Date/Time; DATE/TIME; Date/time end; Date/time start; Depth; Depth, bottom/max; DEPTH, sediment/rock; DEPTH, soil; Depth, soil, maximum; Depth, soil, minimum; Depth, top/min; DEPTH, water; Depth bot; Depth soil; Depth soil max; Depth soil min; Depth top; Depth water; Description; detect limit 0.015 mg/l; detect limit 0.05 mg/l; detect limit 0.23 mg/l; Distance; EC; Event; gravimetric, wt%; gravimetric wt%; h; Hardness; Hardness description; Height; Ice; Ice content; Ice type; Label; Layer; Layer description; LC – Intrapolygon pond in low-centered polygon, I – Interpolygon pond/collapsed ice wedge, TL – Thermokarst lake; M1/T1/AT max; M1/T1/AT min; M2/T2 max; M2/T2 min; m above lake level; m above river level, # = 8-8.5 m; MAGT; material; near surface; negative values = above soil; Nitrate; NO3-; O2; of water body (m); Oxygen; Periglacial Dynamics @ AWI; pH; Phosphate; relative, to center; Relief type; Sample code/label; Sample ID; Sample type; sampling depth for hydrochemistry; Samp type; Sediment; Sediment type; Size; Soil hori; Soil horizon; Soil type; Temp; Temperature, air; Temperature, ground, annual mean; Temperature, ground, maximum; Temperature, ground, minimum; Temperature, water; T ground max; T ground min; Thaw depth; Thaw depth of active layer; total hardness in °dH; TTT; Type; vol%; V – Viska floodplain, K – Kolyma floodplain, H – Hummocky tundra southwest of Pokhodsk, NO – near Naumovskoje Osero, KT – Khalerchinskaya Tundra, SK – Southern Kolyma floodplain near pingo outcrop; water depth; water depth at logger
