980 resultados para Internalization Motif
Pro gradu - tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää kokeeko osuuskauppojen henkilöstö psykologista omistajuutta organisaatiotaan kohtaan sekä kuinka psykologinen omistajuus kohdistuu organisaation eri ulottuvuuksiin. Tavoitteena on selvittää mitkä tekijät ovat johtaneet psykologiseen omistajuuteen ja mitä vaikutuksia psykologisella omistajuudella on henkilöstön odottamien oikeuksien ja vastuuntunnon kannalta. Näihin tavoitteisiin on pyritty kvantitatiivisten tutkimusmenetelmien avulla. Tutkimuksessa käsitellään lyhyesti myös organisaatioon sitoutumista, organisaatioon identifioitumista ja sisäistämistä psykologisen omistajuuden erottamiseksi näistä. Käsitteiden erojen ymmärtämiseen on pyritty kvalitatiivisin tutkimusmenetelmin. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että henkilöstön organisaatiota kohtaan kokema psykologinen omistajuus johtaa henkilöstön henkilökohtaiseen vastuuseen organisaatiosta, organisaatioon kuulumisen tunteeseen ja haluun säilyttää organisaation jäsenyys.
Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, mikä on palvelun laadun taso infocom sektorilla Suomessa, ja miten sitä voidaan parantaa. Teoriaosassa tavoitteeseen pyrittiin muodostamalla teoriakirjallisuuteen, tieteellisiin julkaisuihin sekä aikaisempaan aihealuetta sivuavaan tutkimukseen perustuva viitekehysmalli. Empiirisessä osassa tavoitetta lähestyttiin tutkimalla infocom sektorin kunkin toimialueen (telekommunikaatio, informaatio teknologia ja sisältötuotanto) palvelujen laatua case-kuvausten muodossa. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena multiple case -tutkimuksena teemahaastattelu-menetelmää soveltaen. Case-analyysi suorittiin käyttäen ns. explanation- building -menetelmää. Teoreettiset ja empiiriset tutkimustulokset yhdistettiin erityisiksi infocom sektorille soveltuviksi toimenpidesuosituksiksi. Tutkielman empiirinen osuus antoi tukea teoreettisen osuuden pohjalta kehitetylle viitekehykselle. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli case-analyysi- menetelmän mukaisesti luoda perusta syvemmälle aihepiiriä käsittelevälle jatkotutkimukselle ja luoda kuva infocom sektorin tämän hetkisestä laadullisesta tilasta. Yhteenvetona voidaan sanoa, että laatu palvelujen markkinoinnissa infocom sektorilla on suhteellisen heikkoa, vaikka tutkimusaineiston mukaan laatu arvostetaan hyvin korkealle. Yritysten tämänhetkiset panostukset laatuun liittyvät lähinnä liiketoiminnan tukifunktioihin ja prosessien ohjausmenetelmiä koskeviin järjestelmiin. Tutkimuksen pohjalta tehtävät varsinaiset toimenpidesuositukset liittyvät laadun sisäistämiseen jo strategiaa luotaessa, asiakaslähtöisyyteen, laatujohtamiseen, laatukoulutukseen ja kokonaisvaltaisen laatukulttuurin luomiseen organisaatioissa. Turbulentissa, nopeasti kansainvälistyvässä ja erittäin voimakkaasti kilpaillussa liiketoimintaympäristössä nämä ovat elintärkeitä menestymisen kriteerejä.
Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli paremmin ymmärtää yritysbrandin identiteetin käsitettä sekä tutkia, miten brandi-identiteetti voidaan luoda ja sisäistää globaalissa konsernissa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli myös selvittää mahdollisia eroavuuksia case-yritys Wärtsilän todellisen ja toivotun brandi-identiteetin välillä. Kattavan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla tarkasteltiin yritysbrandin käsitettä ja sen merkitystä liiketoiminnassa sekä sitä, minkälaisen prosessin avulla yritysbrandi voidaan rakentaa. Myös brandi-identiteetin sisäistämiskeinoja pyrittiin löytämään kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Wärtsilän toivottua brandi-identiteettiä tutkittiin teemahaastattelujen avulla. Henkilöstön mielikuvia eli todellista sisäistä brandi-identiteettiä selvitettiin kvantitatiivisella kyselytutkimuksella. Tutkimus osoitti, että yritysbrandin identiteetti on käsitteenä monitahoinen ja että sillä on yhtymäkohtia useisiin rinnakkaisiin käsitteisiin, kuten yrityksen identiteettiin, uskottavuuteen, maineeseen, liiketoimintastrategiaan, visioon ja missioon. Tämä tutkimus esittääkin, että yritysbrandin identiteetin käsittelyn tulisi aina olla kokonaisvaltaista, jotta saavutettaisiin jotakin rakentavaa ja arvokasta. Tutkimuksessa todetaan myös, että yritysbrandin rooli tulee tulevaisuudessa kasvamaan, koska kestävän kilpailuedun saavuttaminen tulee entistä vaikeammaksi. Tutkimus tähdentää myös henkilöstön roolin merkitystä yritysbrandin kehittämisessä. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan yritysbrandin identiteetti voidaan luoda portaittaisen mallin avulla: Ensin tehdään strategiset brandianalyysit, määritellään toivotut mielikuvat ja positiointi, toisin sanoen brandin olemus, ja lopuksi nämä kaikki yhdistetään brandilupaukseksi. Yrityksen henkilöstön tulee sisäistää brandilupaus, jotta sen viestiminen ulospäin olisi mahdollisimman yhdenmukaista. Sisäistämistä voidaan edesauttaa mm. luomalla brandikirja, video, yritystarina, roolimalleja, käyttämällä yrityksen Intranettiä sekä pitämällä seminaareja ja ”workshopeja”. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että luomisprosessiin vaikuttavat monenlaiset tekijät, kuten muuttuva globaali liiketoimintaympäristö, organisatoriset asiat sekä moninaiset sidosryhmät.
The cellular DNA repair hRAD51 protein has been shown to restrict HIV-1 integration both in vitro and in vivo. To investigate its regulatory functions, we performed a pharmacological analysis of the retroviral integration modulation by hRAD51. We found that, in vitro, chemical activation of hRAD51 stimulates its integration inhibitory properties, whereas inhibition of hRAD51 decreases the integration restriction, indicating that the modulation of HIV-1 integration depends on the hRAD51 recombinase activity. Cellular analyses demonstrated that cells exhibiting high hRAD51 levels prior to de novo infection are more resistant to integration. On the other hand, when hRAD51 was activated during integration, cells were more permissive. Altogether, these data establish the functional link between hRAD51 activity and HIV-1 integration. Our results highlight the multiple and opposite effects of the recombinase during integration and provide new insights into the cellular regulation of HIV-1 replication.
In order to investigate a possible association between soybean malate synthase (MS; L-malate glyoxylate-lyase, CoA-acetylating, EC and glyoxysomal malate dehydrogenase (gMDH; (S)-malate: NAD(+) oxidoreductase, EC, two consecutive enzymes in the glyoxylate cycle, their elution profiles were analyzed on Superdex 200 HR fast protein liquid chromatography columns equilibrated in low- and high-ionic-strength buffers. Starting with soluble proteins extracted from the cotyledons of 5-d-old soybean seedlings and a 45% ammonium sulfate precipitation, MS and gMDH coeluted on Superdex 200 HR (low-ionic-strength buffer) as a complex with an approximate relative molecular mass (M(r)) of 670000. Dissociation was achieved in the presence of 50 mM KCl and 5 mM MgCl2, with the elution of MS as an octamer of M, 510 000 and of gMDH as a dimer of M, 73 000. Polyclonal antibodies raised to the native copurified enzymes recognized both denatured MS and gMDH on immunoblots, and their native forms after gel filtration. When these antibodies were used to screen a lambda ZAP II expression library containing cDNA from 3-d-old soybean cotyledons, they identified seven clones encoding gMDH, whereas ten clones encoding MS were identified using an antibody to SDS-PAGE-purified MS. Of these cDNA clones a 1.8 kb clone for MS and a 1.3-kb clone for gMDH were fully sequenced. While 88% identity was found between mature soybean gMDH and watermelon gMDH, the N-terminal transit peptides showed only 37% identity. Despite this low identity, the soybean gMDH transit peptide conserves the consensus R(X(6))HL motif also found in plant and mammalian thiolases.
Nervous system involvement in Lyme disease often mimics other conditions and thus represents a diagnostic challenge, especially in an emergency department setting. We report a case of a female teenager presenting with sudden-onset aphasia and transient right-sided faciobrachial hemiplegia, along with headache and agitation. Ischemia, vasculitis, or another structural lesion was excluded by brain imaging. Toxicologic evaluation results were negative. Cerebral perfusion computed tomography and electroencephalography showed left parietotemporal brain dysfunction. Lumbar puncture result, although atypical, suggested bacterial infection and intravenous ceftriaxone was initiated. Finally, microbiological cerebrospinal fluid analysis revealed Lyme neuroborreliosis, showing specific intrathecal antibody production and high level of C-X-C motif chemokine 13. The patient rapidly recovered. To our knowledge, this report for the first time illustrates that acute-onset language and motor symptoms may be directly related to Lyme neuroborreliosis. Neuroborreliosis may mimic other acute neurologic events such as stroke and should be taken into diagnostic consideration even in the absence of classic symptoms and evolution.
In the wild, animals have developed survival strategies relying on their senses. The individual ability to identify threatening situations is crucial and leads to increase in the overall fitness of the species. Rodents, for example have developed in their nasal cavities specialized olfactory neurons implicated in the detection of volatile cues encoding for impending danger such as predator scents or alarm pheromones. In particular, the neurons of the Grueneberg ganglion (GG), an olfactory subsystem, are implicated in the detection of danger cues sharing a similar chemical signature, a heterocyclic sulfur- or nitrogen-containing motif. Here we used a "from the wild to the lab" approach to identify new molecules that are involuntarily emitted by predators and that initiate fear-related responses in the recipient animal, the putative prey. We collected urines from carnivores as sources of predator scents and first verified their impact on the blood pressure of the mice. With this approach, the urine of the mountain lion emerged as the most potent source of chemical stress. We then identified in this biological fluid, new volatile cues with characteristic GG-related fingerprints, in particular the methylated pyridine structures, 2,4-lutidine and its analogs. We finally verified their encoded danger quality and demonstrated their ability to mimic the effects of the predator urine on GG neurons, on mice blood pressure and in behavioral experiments. In summary, we were able to identify here, with the use of an integrative approach, new relevant molecules, the pyridine analogs, implicated in interspecies danger communication.
Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to study the ion and water distribution around a spherical charged nanoparticle. A soft nanoparticle model was designed using a set of hydrophobic interaction sites distributed in six concentric spherical layers. In order to simulate the effect of charged functionalyzed groups on the nanoparticle surface, a set of charged sites were distributed in the outer layer. Four charged nanoparticle models, from a surface charge value of −0.035 Cm−2 to − 0.28 Cm−2, were studied in NaCl and CaCl2 salt solutions at 1 M and 0.1 M concentrations to evaluate the effect of the surface charge, counterion valence, and concentration of added salt. We obtain that Na + and Ca2 + ions enter inside the soft nanoparticle. Monovalent ions are more accumulated inside the nanoparticle surface, whereas divalent ions are more accumulated just in the plane of the nanoparticle surface sites. The increasing of the the salt concentration has little effect on the internalization of counterions, but significantly reduces the number of water molecules that enter inside the nanoparticle. The manner of distributing the surface charge in the nanoparticle (uniformly over all surface sites or discretely over a limited set of randomly selected sites) considerably affects the distribution of counterions in the proximities of the nanoparticle surface.
The thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter (NCC) is important for renal salt handling and blood-pressure homeostasis. The canonical NCC-activating pathway consists of With-No-Lysine (WNK) kinases and their downstream effector kinases SPAK and OSR1, which phosphorylate NCC directly. The upstream mechanisms that connect physiological stimuli to this system remain obscure. Here, we have shown that aldosterone activates SPAK/OSR1 via WNK1. We identified 2 alternatively spliced exons embedded within a proline-rich region of WNK1 that contain PY motifs, which bind the E3 ubiquitin ligase NEDD4-2. PY motif-containing WNK1 isoforms were expressed in human kidney, and these isoforms were efficiently degraded by the ubiquitin proteasome system, an effect reversed by the aldosterone-induced kinase SGK1. In gene-edited cells, WNK1 deficiency negated regulatory effects of NEDD4-2 and SGK1 on NCC, suggesting that WNK1 mediates aldosterone-dependent activity of the WNK/SPAK/OSR1 pathway. Aldosterone infusion increased proline-rich WNK1 isoform abundance in WT mice but did not alter WNK1 abundance in hypertensive Nedd4-2 KO mice, which exhibit high baseline WNK1 and SPAK/OSR1 activity toward NCC. Conversely, hypotensive Sgk1 KO mice exhibited low WNK1 expression and activity. Together, our findings indicate that the proline-rich exons are modular cassettes that convert WNK1 into a NEDD4-2 substrate, thereby linking aldosterone and other NEDD4-2-suppressing antinatriuretic hormones to NCC phosphorylation status.
Cytosine-and guanine-rich regions of DNA are capable of forming complex structures named i-motifs and G-quadruplexes, respectively. In the present study the solution equilibria at nearly physiological conditions of a 34 -bases long cytosine-rich sequence and its complementary guanin e-rich strand corresponding to the first intron of the n-mycgene were studied. Both sequences , not yet studied, contain a 12 - base tract capable of forming stable hairpins inside the i-motif and G-quadruplex structures, respectively ...
Aspergillus fumigatus is the primary etiologic agent of invasive aspergillosis (IA), a major cause of death among immunosuppressed patients. Echinocandins (e.g., caspofungin) are increasingly used as second-line therapy for IA, but their activity is only fungistatic. Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) was previously shown to trigger tolerance to caspofungin and the paradoxical effect (i.e., decreased efficacy of caspofungin at higher concentrations). Here, we demonstrate the key role of another molecular chaperone, Hsp70, in governing the stress response to caspofungin via Hsp90 and their cochaperone Hop/Sti1 (StiA in A. fumigatus). Mutation of the StiA-interacting domain of Hsp70 (C-terminal EELD motif) impaired thermal adaptation and caspofungin tolerance with loss of the caspofungin paradoxical effect. Impaired Hsp90 function and increased susceptibility to caspofungin were also observed following pharmacologic inhibition of the C-terminal domain of Hsp70 by pifithrin-μ or after stiA deletion, further supporting the links among Hsp70, StiA, and Hsp90 in governing caspofungin tolerance. StiA was not required for the physical interaction between Hsp70 and Hsp90 but had distinct roles in the regulation of their function in caspofungin and heat stress responses. In conclusion, this study deciphering the physical and functional interactions of the Hsp70-StiA-Hsp90 complex provided new insights into the mechanisms of tolerance to caspofungin in A. fumigatus and revealed a key C-terminal motif of Hsp70, which can be targeted by specific inhibitors, such as pifithrin-μ, to enhance the antifungal activity of caspofungin against A. fumigatus.
It has been previously described that p21 functions not only as a CDK inhibitor but also as a transcriptional co-repressor in some systems. To investigate the roles of p21 in transcriptional control, we studied the gene expression changes in two human cell systems. Using a human leukemia cell line (K562) with inducible p21 expression and human primary keratinocytes with adenoviral-mediated p21 expression, we carried out microarray-based gene expression profiling. We found that p21 rapidly and strongly repressed the mRNA levels of a number of genes involved in cell cycle and mitosis. One of the most strongly down-regulated genes was CCNE2 (cyclin E2 gene). Mutational analysis in K562 cells showed that the N-terminal region of p21 is required for repression of gene expression of CCNE2 and other genes. Chromatin immunoprecipitation assays indicated that p21 was bound to human CCNE2 and other p21-repressed genes gene in the vicinity of the transcription start site. Moreover, p21 repressed human CCNE2 promoter-luciferase constructs in K562 cells. Bioinformatic analysis revealed that the CDE motif is present in most of the promoters of the p21-regulated genes. Altogether, the results suggest that p21 exerts a repressive effect on a relevant number of genes controlling S phase and mitosis. Thus, p21 activity as inhibitor of cell cycle progression would be mediated not only by the inhibition of CDKs but also by the transcriptional down-regulation of key genes.
Many strategies for treating diseases require the delivery of drugs into the cell cytoplasm following internalization within endosomal vesicles. Thus, compounds triggered by low pH to disrupt membranes and release endosomal contents into the cytosol are of particular interest. Cationic nanovesicles have attracted considerable interest as effective carriers to improve the delivery of biologically active molecules into and through the skin. In this study, lipid-based nanovesicles containing three different cationic lysine-based surfactants were designed for topical administration. We used representative skin cell lines and in vitro assays to assess whether the cationic compounds modulate the toxic responses of these nanocarriers. The nanovesicles were characterized in both water and cell culture medium. In general, significant agglomeration occurred after 24 h incubation under cell culture conditions. We found different cytotoxic responses among the formulations, which depended on the surfactant,cell line (3T3, HaCaT, and THP-1) and endpoint assayed (MTT, NRU, and LDH). Moreover, no potential phototoxicity was detected in fibroblast or keratinocyte cells, whereas only a slight inflammatory response was induced, as detected by IL-1a and IL-8 production in HaCaT and THP-1 cell lines, respectively. A key finding of our research was that the cationic charge position and the alkyl chain length of the surfactants determine the nanovesicles resulting toxicity. The charge on the a-amino group of lysine increased the depletion of cell metabolic activity, as determined by the MTT assay, while a higher hydrophobicity tends to enhance the toxic responses of the nanovesicles. The insights provided here using different cell lines and assays offer a comprehensive toxicological evaluation of this group of new nanomaterials.
Diurnal oscillations of gene expression are a hallmark of rhythmic physiology across most living organisms. Such oscillations are controlled by the interplay between the circadian clock and feeding rhythms. Although rhythmic mRNA accumulation has been extensively studied, comparatively less is known about their transcription and translation. Here, we quantified simultaneously temporal transcription, accumulation, and translation of mouse liver mRNAs under physiological light-dark conditions and ad libitum or night-restricted feeding in WT and brain and muscle Arnt-like 1 (Bmal1)-deficient animals. We found that rhythmic transcription predominantly drives rhythmic mRNA accumulation and translation for a majority of genes. Comparison of wild-type and Bmal1 KO mice shows that circadian clock and feeding rhythms have broad impact on rhythmic gene expression, Bmal1 deletion affecting surprisingly both transcriptional and posttranscriptional levels. Translation efficiency is differentially regulated during the diurnal cycle for genes with 5'-Terminal Oligo Pyrimidine tract (5'-TOP) sequences and for genes involved in mitochondrial activity, many harboring a Translation Initiator of Short 5'-UTR (TISU) motif. The increased translation efficiency of 5'-TOP and TISU genes is mainly driven by feeding rhythms but Bmal1 deletion also affects amplitude and phase of translation, including TISU genes. Together this study emphasizes the complex interconnections between circadian and feeding rhythms at several steps ultimately determining rhythmic gene expression and translation.
In this paper, I explore the motif of time travel in science fictional French comics until the eighties. Time travel incorporates a fascinating potential for narrative representation, since moving back in time may multiply timelines, according to the well-known paradox of the grandfather. This virtuality has become very popular in novels and in movies, since In his Bootstraps (Heinlein, 1941) and La Jetée (Marker, 1962) until the recent Looper (Johnson, 2012) but it has been rarely represented in French comics before the eighties and the apparition of time paradoxes in series like "Yoko Tsuno" and, mostly, "Valérian agent spatio-temporel". Firstly, many modalities of time travel do not engender time paradoxes, like exploration of prehistoric sanctuaries, imaginary travel, or cryogenic sleep followed by an awakening if a future world with no hope to return in the past. Secondly, time travel has been mostly interpreted as a mere extension of the classic motif of the "extraordinary journey", as exemplified for centuries in fictions by Verne, Mercier, Swift, or Stevenson. Thus, the graphic potential of time travel for the representation of spectacular exotic worlds has predominated in French comic tradition, and this tendency has been encouraged by the dominant mode of publication until the end of the sixties. Indeed, complex scriptwriting involving multiple timelines would not fit the form of a weekly feuilleton addressed to a young audience, because it would be too demanding cognitively speaking. It illustrates also the dominance of graphic concerns over a taste for complex scriptwriting in many comics of this period. Still, the development of time paradoxes in Pierre Christin scriptwriting underlines the potential of the media when it is published in series of albums or in graphic novels. At the same time, Jean-Claude Mézières drawings-featuring spectacular representations of foreign worlds-show that the visual interest of spectacular time travels remains a central issue for this popular graphic medium. Cette étude porte sur le motif du voyage temporel dans la bande dessinée franco-belge de science- fiction jusque dans les années quatre-vingt. Le voyage temporel intègre un potentiel fascinant pour la représentation narrative, étant donné que le retour dans le passé est susceptible d'engendrer des lignes temporelles multiples, selon le paradoxe bien connu du « grand-père ». Cette virtualité est devenue très populaire dans les romans et dans les films, depuis In his Bootstraps (Heinlein, 1941) et La Jetée (Marker, 1962) jusqu'au récent Looper (Johnson, 2012), mais elle a rarement été représentée dans la bande dessinée franco-belge avant les années quatre-vingt et l'apparition de paradoxes temporels dans des séries comme « Yoko Tsuno » et, surtout, « Valérian agent spatio-temporel ». Tout d'abord, de nombreuses modalités du voyage dans le temps n'engendrent aucun paradoxe, par exemple l'exploration de sanctuaires préhistoriques, le voyage illusoire ou le sommeil cryogénique suivi d'un réveil dans le futur, sans espoir de revenir dans le passé. Deuxièmement, le voyage dans le temps a été plus souvent interprété comme une simple extension du motif classique du « voyage extraordinaire », tel qu'on le retrouve, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, les fictions de Verne, Mercier, Swift ou Stevenson. Ainsi, le potentiel graphique du voyage dans le temps pour la représentation de mondes exotiques spectaculaires a prédominé dans la tradition franco-belge et cette tendance a été encouragée par le mode de publication dominant jusqu'à la fin des années soixante. En effet, l'écriture de scénarios complexes impliquant de multiples lignes temporelles ne semble pas adaptée à la forme d'un feuilleton hebdomadaire destiné à un jeune public, parce qu'il aurait été trop exigeant, cognitivement parlant. Cela illustre également la prédominance de préoccupations graphiques sur l'écriture de scénarios complexes dans de nombreuses bandes dessinées de cette période. Pourtant, le développement de paradoxes temporels dans les scénarios de Pierre Christin souligne le potentiel du média quand il est publié en série d'albums ou dans des romans graphiques. Parallèlement, les dessins de Jean-Claude Mézières, qui proposent des représentations spectaculaires de mondes étrangers, montre que l'intérêt visuel du voyage dans le temps demeure une question centrale pour ce média populaire.