952 resultados para Integrated Circuit Boards
We address the problem of jointly determining shipment planning and scheduling decisions with the presence of multiple shipment modes. We consider long lead time, less expensive sea shipment mode, and short lead time but expensive air shipment modes. Existing research on multiple shipment modes largely address the short term scheduling decisions only. Motivated by an industrial problem where planning decisions are independent of the scheduling decisions, we investigate the benefits of integrating the two sets of decisions. We develop sequence of mathematical models to address the planning and scheduling decisions. Preliminary computational results indicate improved performance of the integrated approach over some of the existing policies used in real-life situations.
This paper considers a connection between the deterministic and noisy behavior of nonlinear networks. Specifically, a particular bridge circuit is examined which has two possibly nonlinear energy storage elements. By proper choice of the constitutive relations for the network elements, the deterministic terminal behavior reduces to that of a single linear resistor. This reduction of the deterministic terminal behavior, in which a natural frequency of a linear circuit does not appear in the driving-point impedance, has been shown in classical circuit theory books (e.g. [1, 2]). The paper shows that, in addition to the reduction of the deterministic behavior, the thermal noise at the terminals of the network, arising from the usual Nyquist-Johnson noise model associated with each resistor in the network, is also exactly that of a single linear resistor. While this result for the linear time-invariant (LTI) case is a direct consequence of a well-known result for RLC circuits, the nonlinear result is novel. We show that the terminal noise current is precisely that predicted by the Nyquist-Johnson model for R if the driving voltage is zero or constant, but not if the driving voltage is time-dependent or the inductor and capacitor are time-varying
En l’actualitat, l’electrònica digital s’està apoderant de la majoria de camps de desenvolupament, ja que ofereix un gran ventall de possibilitats que permeten fer front a gran quantitat de problemàtiques. Poc a Poc s’ha anat prescindint el màxim possible de l’electrònica analògica i en el seu lloc s’han utilitzat sistemes microprocessats, PLDs o qualsevol altre dispositiu digital, que proporciona beneficis enlluernadors davant la fatigosa tasca d’implementar una solució analògica. Tot i aquesta tendència, és inevitable la utilització de l’electrònica analògica, ja que el mon que ens envolta és l’entorn en el que han de proporcionar servei els diferents dissenys que es realitzen, i aquest entorn no és discret sinó continu. Partint d’aquest punt ben conegut hem de ser conscients que com a mínim els filtres d’entrada i sortida de senyal juntament amb els convertidors D/A A/D mai desapareixeran. Així doncs, aquests circuits analògics, de la mateixa forma que els digitals, han de ser comprovats un cop dissenyats, és en aquest apartat on el nostre projecte desenvoluparà un paper protagonista, ja que serà la eina que ha de permetre obtenir les diferents senyals característiques d’un determinat circuit, per posteriorment realitzar els tests que determinaran si es compleix el rang de correcte funcionament, i en cas de no complir, poder concretar quin paràmetre és el causant del defecte
This paper describes a method to achieve the most relevant contours of an image. The presented method proposes to integrate the information of the local contours from chromatic components such as H, S and I, taking into account the criteria of coherence of the local contour orientation values obtained from each of these components. The process is based on parametrizing pixel by pixel the local contours (magnitude and orientation values) from the H, S and I images. This process is carried out individually for each chromatic component. If the criterion of dispersion of the obtained orientation values is high, this chromatic component will lose relevance. A final processing integrates the extracted contours of the three chromatic components, generating the so-called integrated contours image
We present a system for dynamic network resource configuration in environments with bandwidth reservation and path restoration mechanisms. Our focus is on the dynamic bandwidth management results, although the main goal of the system is the integration of the different mechanisms that manage the reserved paths (bandwidth, restoration, and spare capacity planning). The objective is to avoid conflicts between these mechanisms. The system is able to dynamically manage a logical network such as a virtual path network in ATM or a label switch path network in MPLS. This system has been designed to be modular in the sense that in can be activated or deactivated, and it can be applied only in a sub-network. The system design and implementation is based on a multi-agent system (MAS). We also included details of its architecture and implementation
Process supervision is the activity focused on monitoring the process operation in order to deduce conditions to maintain the normality including when faults are present Depending on the number/distribution/heterogeneity of variables, behaviour situations, sub-processes, etc. from processes, human operators and engineers do not easily manipulate the information. This leads to the necessity of automation of supervision activities. Nevertheless, the difficulty to deal with the information complicates the design and development of software applications. We present an approach called "integrated supervision systems". It proposes multiple supervisors coordination to supervise multiple sub-processes whose interactions permit one to supervise the global process
El problema de transporte en Bogotá es cada vez algo mas grande, pues las medidas actuales y los planes a futuro para el desarrollo de un sistema integrado de transporte parecen no ser suficientes para la magnitud poblacional de la capital Colombiana; de igual manera los precios son elevados y representan un inconveniente para los ciudadanos puesto que la cantidad de estos que puede pagar un pasaje del actual sistema transmilenio es cada vez más baja debido al alto incremento que su tarifa tiene anualmente. Por esta razón durante lo largo de este escrito se justificaran las razones que indican que los planes aplicados y por aplicar por el distrito no son suficientes para cubrir el vacío que existe en Bogotá a nivel de un sistema integrado de transporte público.
Resumen tomado del autor. Se muestran fotograf??as relacionadas con los ejercicios explicados
La obsolescencia programada es el deseo de tener algo un poco más nuevo, un poco mejor, un poco más rápido de lo necesario. El texto estudia este fenómeno a la luz del Estatuto del Consumidor – Ley 1480 de 2011 para determinar si el consumidor colombiano está suficientemente protegido con él.
The Integrated Mass Transit Systems are an initiative of the Colombian Government to replicate the experience of Bogota’s Bus Rapid Transit System —Transmilenio— in large urban areas of the country, most of them over municipal perimeters to provide transportation services to areas undergoing a metropolization process. Management of these large scale metropolitan infrastructure projects involves complex setups that present new challenges in the interaction between stakeholders and interests between municipalities, tiers of government and public and private sectors. This article presents a compilation of the management process of these projects from the national context, based on a document review of the regulatory framework, complemented by interviews with key stakeholders at the national level. Research suggests that the implementation of large-scale metropolitan projects requires a management framework orientated to overcome the traditional tensions between centralism and municipal autonomy.
Financial integration has been pursued aggressively across the globe in the last fifty years; however, there is no conclusive evidence on the diversification gains (or losses) of such efforts. These gains (or losses) are related to the degree of comovements and synchronization among increasingly integrated global markets. We quantify the degree of comovements within the integrated Latin American market (MILA). We use dynamic correlation models to quantify comovements across securities as well as a direct integration measure. Our results show an increase in comovements when we look at the country indexes, however, the increase in the trend of correlation is previous to the institutional efforts to establish an integrated market in the region. On the other hand, when we look at sector indexes and an integration measure, we find a decreased in comovements among a representative sample of securities form the integrated market.
Presenta los criterios para la diferenciación de los seres vivos (estructura, metabolismo, irritabilidad, reproducción). Propone un circuito por el parque zoológico para realizar la observación siguiendo unas pautas que relacionan lo observado con distintos aspectos del tema general.
Crédito común para alumnado de primer curso de ESO sobre Tecnología. Pretende dar una visión global e integradora de la Tecnología. Se trabajan los instrumentos y técnicas referentes a las comunicaciones y al tratamiento de la información; la simbología internacional sobre magnitudes, unidades y elementos eléctricos y los conceptos de proyección, acotación y escala.