894 resultados para IODE. Duke of Kent Chapter
The representation in online environments of non-Roman-based script languages has proved problematic. During the initial years of Computer-mediated Communication, the American Standard Code for Information Interchange character set only supported Roman-alphabeted languages. The solution for speakers of languages written in non-Roman scripts was to employ unconventional writing systems, in an effort to represent their native language in online discourse. The first aim of this chapter is to present the different ways that internet users choose to transliterate or even transcribe their native languages online, using Roman characters. With technological development, and consequently the availability of various writing scripts online, internet users now have the option to either use Roman characters or their native script. If the latter is chosen, internet users still seem to deviate from conventional ways of writing, in this case, however, with regards to spelling. The second aim, therefore, is to bring into light recent developments, by looking at the ways that internet users manipulate orthography, to achieve their communicative purposes.
Horticultural knowledge and skills training have been with humankind for some 10,000 to 20,000 years. With permanent settlement and rising wealth and trade, horticulture products and services became a source of fresh food for daily consumption, and a source of plant material in developing a quality environment and lifestyle. The knowledge of horticulture and the skills of its practitioners have been demonstrated through the advancing civilizations in both eastern and western countries. With the rise of the Agricultural Revolutions in Great Britain, and more widely across Continental Europe in the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as the move towards colonisation and early migration to the New Worlds, many westernised countries established the early institutions that would provide education and training in agriculture and horticulture. Today many of these colleges and universities provide undergraduate, postgraduate and vocational and technical training that specifically targets horticulture and/or horticultural science with some research and teaching institutions also providing extension and advisory services to industry. The objective of this chapter is to describe the wider pedagogic and educational context in which those concerned with horticulture operate, the institutional structures that target horticulture and horticultural science education and training internationally; examine changing educational formats, especially distance education; and consider strategies for attracting and retaining young people in the delivery of world-class horticultural education. In this chapter we set the context by investigating the horticultural education and training options available, the constraints that prevent young people entering horticulture, and suggest strategies that would attract and retain these students. We suggest that effective strategies and partnerships be put in place by the institution, the government and most importantly the industry to provide for undergraduate and postgraduate education in horticulture and horticultural science; that educational and vocational training institutions, government, and industry need to work more effectively together to improve communication about horticulture and horticultural science in order to attract enrolments of more and talented students; and that the horticulture curriculum be continuously evaluated and revised so that it remains relevant to future challenges facing the industries of horticulture in the production, environmental and social spheres. These strategies can be used as a means to develop successful programs and case studies that would provide better information to high school career counsellors, improve the image of horticulture and encourage greater involvement from alumni and the industries in recruitment, provide opportunities to improve career aspirations, ensure improved levels of remuneration, and promote the social features of the profession and greater awareness and recognition of the profession in the wider community. A successful career in horticulture demands intellectual capacities which are capable of drawing knowledge from a wide field of basic sciences, economics and the humanities and integrating this into academic scholarship and practical technologies.
The goal of this chapter is to lay out the central themes of heritage language acquisition research adopting a formal/theoretical linguistic perspective. Specifically, we aim to provide a detailed discussion of the nature of heritage language grammars. In doing so, we will address the debates on how to explain heritage speaker competence differences from monolingual baselines and more. This chapter will not be limited to discussions of Spanish as a heritage language, but rather will highlight the important role that Spanish has played and will continue to play in the development of heritage language acquisition studies. Finally, we will offer some comments/insights on how the information covered regarding the formal linguistic properties of heritage speaker knowledge should be considered for and implemented in heritage language pedagogies and thus dealing with heritage speakers in the classroom setting.
This main argument of the chapter is that the explanation of the slow pace of business action requires a socio-cultural theory that transcends the narrow premises of dominant corporate social responsibility (CRS) and business management approaches. I assert that only a critical political economy approach which captures the complex interplay between cultural ideas, power, politics, and economic interests can provide basis for explaining the prospects and limits of corporate climate governance. My argument, which draws from similar existing works (Levy and Egan 2003, Levy and Newell 2005, Okereke et al. 2009) is focused on carbon-intensive multinational companies (MNCs) whose activities are generally considered crucial in shaping societal response to climate change (McKibben 2012).
In bio-fuel we trust. Or do we? In this chapter, ethnographic material from Sweden is used to discuss ways sin which trust may influence the choice of bio-fuel for heating purposes. The meaning and substance of trust or distrust, as well as the very conditions for trust, are elaborated on in relation to solar and bio-pellet systems, district heating with bio-fuel, and traditional fireplaces. An important conclusion of this chapter is that the degree to which people perceive others as being like themselves or not tends to be decisive for whether these others are to be trusted, and therefore worth listening to. The context and situation in which a certain heating system is being chosen does not only involve trust in individuals, however, but in companies and the authorities, as well as in the arterfacts themselves. An example is given on how distrust of district heating companies led house owners to reject an offer of district heating despite the comfort and environmental benefit this could have provided. it is shown how this distrust might be resolved by making the rhythm of households and sitrict heating companies more in step with one another. The strong emotional attachment to and deep-felt trust in the traditional fireplace is also analysed, and a question is put forward as to whether these feelings could be transferred to modern bio-pellet stoves. Finally, our great and assured trust in bio-fuel as a main solution to global climate change is shortly commented upon and partly questioned.
The Grid is a large-scale computer system that is capable of coordinating resources that are not subject to centralised control, whilst using standard, open, general-purpose protocols and interfaces, and delivering non-trivial qualities of service. In this chapter, we argue that Grid applications very strongly suggest the use of agent-based computing, and we review key uses of agent technologies in Grids: user agents, able to customize and personalise data; agent communication languages offering a generic and portable communication medium; and negotiation allowing multiple distributed entities to reach service level agreements. In the second part of the chapter, we focus on Grid service discovery, which we have identified as a prime candidate for use of agent technologies: we show that Grid-services need to be located via personalised, semantic-rich discovery processes, which must rely on the storage of arbitrary metadata about services that originates from both service providers and service users. We present UDDI-MT, an extension to the standard UDDI service directory approach that supports the storage of such metadata via a tunnelling technique that ties the metadata store to the original UDDI directory. The outcome is a flexible service registry which is compatible with existing standards and also provides metadata-enhanced service discovery.
This work intends to show some aspects of antitrust policy that are relevant to the Brazilian case. For this purpose, it has five parts. Chapter I - Introduction, as the title suggests, simultaneously introduces and emphasizes what will be shown in the next chapters. Chapter II - General view or understanding the antitrust gives a comprehensive view of the historical evolution on antitrust matters, explores the relationship between State action, globalization and competitiveness and presents some of the essential concepts on antitrust field. Chapter III - The antitrust policy in Brazil focuses on the legal evolution of antitrust institutes in Brazil - highlighting its strategic dimension and insertion on "Plano Plurianual - PPA", the Brazilian official long-run plan - and presents the "Sistema Brasileiro de Defesa da Concorrência - SBDC", the Brazilian system for defence of competition. Chapter IV - Antitrust policy, connections and consequences shows the relevant links and inferences to the Brazilian case such as the development of competitive advantages, the formulation of competitive strategies, the well-known objectives and instruments of antitrust policy, the acceptable principles to an antitrust institutional design and, finally, the critical aspects of the Brazilian current model together with the suggestions to improve it. To finish, Chapter V - Final considerations outlines some reflections regarding the previous exposed antitrust matters.
This dissertation is a project of evaluation of the proposals of the Panamerican Games of 2007, that they will be carried through in the city of Rio De Janeiro. Great events present the possibility of improvement of the urban space and economic development, amongst other chances seen by politics and urban planners well. For this work we search to argue the city as field of specific study, understanding it in the current world-wide scene of globalization and computerization, the relations politics, economic and social existing interns. We search in material literature to study and to evaluate what it would be a ¿good city¿ and studies that had understood the development of the urban space. We also look for to understand the city of Rio de Janeiro as a singular urban space, since the origin of the city as a urban space, passing for the proposals gifts of modification of the carioca space. We dedicate part of the work, inside of the chapter where we understand the city of Rio de Janeiro, the presentation of the project of the Panamerican of 2007, comparing it with great previous events. The vision of technique and politics during the interviews was essential for the best understanding of the proposals of the Games. Finally we evaluate the proposals of modification of the Pan2007 for the city of Rio de Janeiro with the methodology of Kevin Lynch to evaluate the good form of the city" in communion with the proposal of distributive justice of Rawls. The result of this evaluation was that the current proposals of modification of the city for the Pan2007 will be able to generate resulted not deliberate for a considerable parcel of the population and to modify the economic relations harmfully, social and politics inside of the territory of the city. For such we consider measured compensatory satisfactory that they can reach the objectives of an equal citizenship and an equitable equality of chances, starting for the offering of the social minimums of just form. "
O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a relação existente entre a bibliografia sobre a educação superior de Ciências Contábeis no Chile e o ensino nos cursos de Ciências Contábeis nas Universidades da Primeira e Segunda Região do país, identificando alguns aspectos relacionados com o ensino de Contabildade no Brasil . (Capítulo I). Na revisão da bibliografia se apresentam algumas considerações gerais sobre a função do profissional Contador, a evolução do ensino de contabilidade no Chile, através de uma abordagem retrospectiva, completando-a com um estudo histórico da legislação que tem regulamentado o ensino superior no país, e os principais problemas do ensino da Contabilidade no Chile (Capitulo II). Em seguida, se apresenta a metodologia utilizada, justificando-se as razões de seu emprego neste tipo de estudo. (Capítulo III). A partir da utilização de um questionário, obtiveram-se os antecedentes necessários para caracterizar o ensino nos cursos de Ciências Contábeis na Primeira e Segunda Região do Chile, partindo-se para uma comparação com o referencial bibliográfico. (Capítulo IV) . Posteriormente, através dos resultados obtidos, busca-se a identificação de alguns aspectos relacionados com o ensino de contabilidade no Brasil. (Capítulo V) . Finalmente, se apresentam o sumário, a análise e as recomendações e sugestões para novas pesquisas. (Capítulo VI).
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo fazer uma verificação no processo de alocação dos custos indiretos em três indústrias de alimentos do Estado da Paraíba , cidade de Campina Grande , confrontando-se os método se alocações dessas empresas com a literatura pertinente (CAPíTULO I). Para melhor compreensão das relações entre a teor ia e a prática de alocaçõe s dos custos indiretos , foi apresentada uma revisão de literatura , com alguns conceitos e classificação desses custos , bem como comentários sobre o pro cesso de alocação, tendo em vista quatro propósito s básicos da contabilidade de custos : Avaliação de Estoques, Fixação de preços, Avaliação de Desempenho e Análise, para Tomada de Decisões (CAPíTULO lI ) . Devido à carência de dados empíricos nessa área, a circunscrição da pesquisa a três indústrias e à necessidade de uma descrição mais profunda sobre as práticas corrente s de alocações , optou-se pelo método do " Estudo de Caso " (CAPíTULO III ) . Segue-se a apresentação dos casos estudados e uma descrição dos métodos de alocações adotados pelas empresas ( CAPíTULO IV) . O s resultados obtidos possibilitaram uma análise dos método s de alocações pesquisados, em confronto com a literatura revisada (CAPíTULO V) . Por fim, é apresentado um sumário, onde se chega a conclusões importantes , incluindo recomendações e sugestões para novos estudos nesta área de conhecimento ( CApíTULO VI ).
o objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a relação existente entre a li teratura sobre procedimentos de auditoria de PED e os procedimentos efetivamente utilizados pelas seis empresas de auditoria contábil no Brasil. Bus cou-se identificar a diferença entre os procedimentos de auditoria de PED utilizados pelas empresas nacionais e os utilizados pelas empresas de ori gem estrangei ra (Capitulo I). Na revisão de literatura, apresentam-se os atuais conhecimentos so bre a auditoria externa em empresas que utilizam sistemas complexos de com putador e as perspectivas previsiveis para o futuro (Capltulo 11). A seguir, apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada, justificando-se as razões de seu emprego neste tipo de estudo exploratório (Capltulo lU). Entrevistas utilizando um questionário contendo,em sua maioria, que~ tões abertas, possibilitaram uma descrição dos procedimentos de auditoria externa empregados pelas empresas de auditoria em clientes que utilizam computador (Capitulo IV). Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram uma análise dos procedimentos de auditoria de PED utilizados pelas seis empresas de auditoria pesquis~ das (Capitulo V). Finalmente, relacionando-se os resultados ã literatura existente, sao apresentadas conclusões, formuladas recomendações e sugeridos novos es tudos (Capitulo VI).
O objetivo deste estudo foi explorar a relação existente entre as literatura sobre o ensino de Ciências Contábeis no Brasil e o ensino de Ciências Contábeis existente no Estado do Paraná (capítulo I). Na Revisão da Literatura apresenta-se a evolução do ensino de Contabilidade no Brasil, algumas considerações sobre o ensino de Contabilidade em outros países, e os principais problemas do ensino de Contabilidade no Brasil, desenvolvendo- se um plano de referência sobre o ensino de Contabilidade para ser testado neste trabalho (capítulo II). A seguir apresenta-se a metodologia utilizada justificando-se as razões de seu emprego neste tipo de estudo exploratório (capítulo III). A obtenção dos dados foi providenciada através de um questionário contem:-.o, em sua maioria, perguntas fechadas; objetivando facilitar a organização dos dados que possibilitassem descrever as características de cada caso estudado (capítulo IV). Os resultados obtidos possibilitaram uma análise das características do ensino de Ciências Contábeis no Estado do Paraná e a sua relação com o ensino de Ciências Contábeis no Brasil, de acordo com a literatura (capítulo V). Finalmente, relacionando-se os resultados da literatura existente, pode-se chegar a importantes conclusões formular recomendações e sugerir novos estudos (capitulo VI).
Tomando-se como ponto de partida a carência de uma perspectiva teórica sistematizada que se observa na abordagem psicológica do deficiente mental, o presente estudo visa levantar e sugerir alguns aspectos relevantes da referida área, como possíveis contribuições ao seu enriquecimento. Admite-se que a deficiência mental só pode ser legítima e autêticamente investigada em suas dimensões psicológicas (cognitivas e afetivo-emocionais) desde que referida a um contexto teórico abrangente e estruturado, do qual seja um campo de aplicação de conceitos e pressupostos devidamente articulados. Neste sentido, a obra de Henri Wallon é tomada como o referencial estratégico. Analisam-se suas contribuições para a psicologia enquanto tal, à psicologia do desenvolvimento, à psicopatologia, assim como as implicações relativas ao estudo da deficiência mental feito à luz de tais pressupostos. A Psicologia Genética de Wallon é discutida, no capítulo 1, enquanto uma alternativa teórica para a delimitação do objeto de estudo da ciência psicológica e para o equacionamento da metodologia de conhecimento do mesmo. Apresentam-se suas tentativas de introdução do materialismo dialético como postura epistemológica e sua metodologia concreta-multidimensional na abordagem do fenômeno psíquico. A partir de tal enquadre, derivam- se seus estágios de desenvolvimento e suas concepções acerca da evolução dialética da personalidade. O capítulo 2 focaliza a expressão patológica do fenômeno psíquico enquanto um comprometimento compreensível da evolução dialética normal. Como decorrência e implicação, a deficiência mental é discutida como um âmbito particular e expressivo do fenômeno psicopatológico, traduzindo, em seus diferentes níveis, um processo evolutivo que inviabiliza o acolhimento e a resolução de conflitos e contradições que caracterizam o desenvolvimento normal. Finalmente, analisam-se as diferentes e profundas contribuições acarretadas por uma retomada do pensamento walloniano inexplicávelmente negligenciado em seu alcance, riqueza, fecundidade e abrangência.
PEDRO, Edilson da Silva Pedro. Gestão tecnológica: um estudo de caso no setor sucroalcooleiro. 2004. 145f. Dissertaçao (Mestrado em Engenharia de Producao) - Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos, Sao Carlos, 2004.
In the first decade of the XXI century, it is possible to assert that school textbook is part of the material culture of most public Brazilian schools by means of National School Textbook Program (PNLD). This research aimed at identifying and analyzing textbooks choice in Ceara, relating it to the uses of such tool within school daily life. The setting for the study was four public schools, two of them placed in Fortaleza, and the other in Quixada. It evaluated the uses of textbooks in the 6th grade. As part of methodology, public managers were interviewed, teachers answered surveys, and a direct observation during History classes in 2008 school year was carried out. The observation was over after round chats with students in the class, in which each one designed draws and sentences concerning to the textbook. Furthermore, the study was based on MEC official documents that regulate the textbook choice process with National textbook Program announcement (PNDL/2008) and PNDL/2008 Textbook Guide, in addition to History textbooks schools used. Roger Chartier‟s concept of appropriation was an analysis category, as well as Michael de Certeau s strategy and tatics‟, and Dominique Julia‟s concept of school culture . The study recognizes textbook in the perspective of Alain Choppin and Egil Borre Johnsen, since it is a complex cultural object. For this reason, the study designs an analogy with a kaleidoscope that sends different images depending on who uses it, within a set of colorful lines, since textbook comprehends nowadays different sources and languages, as it offers countless possibilities of use in teaching History. The study concludes that only the main text of each chapter is really worked in daily class practice. Therefore, although theoretical and graphic changes in textbook production, the textbook is underused, which is central to a later rethought of teachers instruction, since, depending on the conception of teaching and learning, textbook potentialities will be used to improve the development of knowledge in History.