940 resultados para Guest Check
The post-treatment pulmonary alterations were evaluated in patients (Study 1) and in mice (Study 2) infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Study 1: the patients were examined pre and post-treatment (with ora oxamniquine) and the following exams were performed: sputum for eosinophils and chest x-ray. Study 2: four groups of mice (total = 64) were studied; Group I (infected and treated with oxamniquine); II (infected and not treated); III (not infected and treated) and IV (not infected and not treated). All were x-rayed to check for pulmonary abnormalities pre and post-treatment and lung specimens were studied by optical microscopy and immunofluorescence. We have found abnormalities in the parameters checked in both studies and the results suggest an immunological reaction, probably due to deposition of immune complexes in the lungs, with subsequent activation of the complement system. The experimental study showed that the alterations are not dependent of the presence of eggs and/or worms of S. mansoni in the lungs, thus corroborating the hypothesis of deposition of circulating material.
En el present projecte s’analitza el turisme i la seva relació amb la figura del Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu (a partir d’ara PNAP). A la zona d’estudi el turisme és una de les principals activitats econòmiques, donat el notable valor ecologico-cultural de l’indret. L’activitat turística al PNAP és molt diversa, és per aquest motiu que s’observen diverses repercussions en l’entorn segons la tipologia de turisme que es doni. Donada aquesta realitat, l’estudi que es presenta està centrat en el sector hoteler de l’àmbit d’influència del PNAP. D’aquesta forma, s’analitza i diagnostica l’estat de qualitat ambiental dels hotels i pensions que componen el sector. Les eines emprades en aquest estudi han estat dues. Primerament, s’avalua la implantació del Distintiu de Garantia de Qualitat Ambiental (a partir d’ara DGQA). El DGQA és una ecoetiqueta de serveis, de recent creació, que atorga la Generalitat de Catalunya a partir de la revisió de l’establiment per mitjà d’un tècnic autoritzat. En segon terme, s’ha creat i emprat un producte anomenat Enquesta Bàsica d’Auto-xequeig de Qualitat Ambiental (a partir d’ara EBAQA). L’EBAQA té una doble finalitat. Per una banda respon a la necessitat d’autodiagnosi que tenen els propietaris, al ser aquests qui realitzen l’enquesta. Per altra banda, permet determinar quin és l’estat de qualitat ambiental del sector hoteler a la zona d’estudi a partir de l’avaluació de 35 dels 67 establiments existents a l’àmbit d’influència del PNAP, el qual representa una mostra del 61%.
BACKGROUND: While Switzerland invests a lot of money in its healthcare system, little is known about the quality of care delivered. The objective of this study was to assess the quality of care provided to patients with diabetes in the Canton of Vaud, Switzerland. METHODS: Cross-sectional study of 406 non-institutionalized adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes. Patients' characteristics, diabetes and process of care indicators were collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Process indicators (past 12 months) included HbA1C check among HbA1C-aware patients, eye assessment by ophtalmologist, microalbuminuria check, feet examination, lipid test, blood pressure and weight measurement, influenza immunization, physical activity recommendations, and dietary recommendations. Item-by-item (each process of care indicator: percentage of patients having received it), composite (mean percentage of recommended care: sum of received processes of care / sum of possible recommended care), and all-or-none (percentage of patients receiving all specified recommended care) measures were computed. RESULTS: Mean age was 64.4 years; 59% were men. Type 1 and type 2 diabetes were reported by 18.2% and 68.5% of patients, respectively, but diabetes type remained undetermined for almost 20% of patients. Patients were treated with oral anti-diabetic drugs (50%), insulin (23%) or both (27%). Of 219 HbA1C-aware patients, 98% reported ≥ one HbA1C check during the last year. Also, ≥94% reported ≥ one blood pressure measurement, ≥ one weight measurement or lipid test, and 68%, 64% and 56% had feet examination, microalbuminuria check and eye assessment, respectively. Influenza immunization was reported by 62% of the patients.The percentage of patients receiving all processes of care ranged between 14.2%-16.9%, and 46.6%-50.7%, when considering ten and four indicators, respectively. Ambulatory care utilization showed little use of multidisciplinary care, and low levels of participation in diabetes-education classes. CONCLUSIONS: While routine processes-of-care were performed annually in most patients, diabetes-specific risk screenings, influenza immunization, physical activity and dietary recommendations were less often reported; this was also the case for multidisciplinary care and participation in education classes. There is room for diabetes care improvement in Switzerland. These results should help define priorities and further develop country-specific chronic disease management initiatives for diabetes.
Si le passage d'un calcul rénal est souvent considéré comme un événement médical mineur, quoique très douloureux, de plus en plus d'études indiquent qu'il doit être pris au sérieux puisqu'il peut indiquer un risque cardiovasculaire augmenté. Nous revoyons ici les études qui associent risque cardiovasculaire et calcul rénal et les liens physiopathologiques qui les unissent. Nous montrons que la lithiase est un événement intervenant tôt dans la vie d'un individu à risque de développer des complications cardiovasculaires. Ainsi, la lithiase ne doit pas être banalisée, mais doit être considérée comme une première alerte devant inciter le médecin traitant à recenser précocement les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et à mettre en place une stratégie de prévention. Cette approche pourrait permettre de diminuer l'incidence d'événements cardiovasculaires chez les patients formeurs de lithiases. Most of the time, kidney stones are considered as minor, but painful events. However, several studies have recently shown an association between kidney stone and an increased cardio-vascular risk. We review here these studies and explore the underlying pathophysiological hypotheses. At the end, we propose that lithiasis should be considered as a red flag intervening early during life-time and allowing a check of cardiovascular risk factors and early preventive intervention. Such approach may be successful in reducing the incidence of cardio-vascular events in stone formers.
Cada vez es más habitual encontrar tanto el software como el hardware común de las empresas distribuido y gestionado en diferentes servidores que se encargan de servir al usuario aquello que necesita sólo cuando éste lo pide. Este sistema de distribución de la información se llama centralización. Este sistema de distribución requiere un mantenimiento constante para así poder atender todas las demandas de los usuarios. El mantenimiento se convierte, gracias a la centralización en algo relativamente sencillo puesto que sólo es en el servidor donde se tienen que realizar los cambios, actualizaciones o instalación de nuevo software. Es importante entonces comprobar que estas nuevas actualizaciones del servidor responderán correctamente cuando los usuarios las requieran remotamente. En este proyecto nos hemos encargado de analizar cómo se realizan las comprobaciones necesarias para asegurar el correcto funcionamiento de los servidores remotos considerando tanto el entorno en el que se realizan como las herramientas necesarias para llevarlo a cabo. Para completar la información nos hemos centrado en un ejemplo particular de test de carga.
The advent of effective combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) in 1996 resulted in fewer patients experiencing clinical events, so that some prognostic analyses of individual cohort studies of human immunodeficiency virus-infected individuals had low statistical power. Because of this, the Antiretroviral Therapy Cohort Collaboration (ART-CC) of HIV cohort studies in Europe and North America was established in 2000, with the aim of studying the prognosis for clinical events in acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and the mortality of adult patients treated for HIV-1 infection. In 2002, the ART-CC collected data on more than 12,000 patients in 13 cohorts who had begun combination ART between 1995 and 2001. Subsequent updates took place in 2004, 2006, 2008, and 2010. The ART-CC data base now includes data on more than 70,000 patients participating in 19 cohorts who began treatment before the end of 2009. Data are collected on patient demographics (e.g. sex, age, assumed transmission group, race/ethnicity, geographical origin), HIV biomarkers (e.g. CD4 cell count, plasma viral load of HIV-1), ART regimen, dates and types of AIDS events, and dates and causes of death. In recent years, additional data on co-infections such as hepatitis C; risk factors such as smoking, alcohol and drug use; non-HIV biomarkers such as haemoglobin and liver enzymes; and adherence to ART have been collected whenever available. The data remain the property of the contributing cohorts, whose representatives manage the ART-CC via the steering committee of the Collaboration. External collaboration is welcomed. Details of contacts are given on the ART-CC website (www.art-cohort-collaboration.org).
In March 2004, the Scottish government announced a review of eye care services in Scotland, which culminated in the introduction of free eye examinations from 1st April 2006. This free eye examination is not just a sight test; it is a thorough examination to check the health of the patient’s eyes and to look for signs of other health problems. The Scottish government commissioned private ophthalmic optician practices to perform these eye examinations. Consequently, since April 2006 individuals in Scotland could walk into any high street optometry practice and get a ‘free’ eye examination funded under the NHS.
We propose a new methodology for measuring intergenerational mobility in economic wellbeing. Our method is based on the joint distribution of surnames and economic outcomes. It circumvents the need for intergenerational panel data, a long-standing stumbling block for understanding mobility. A single cross-sectional dataset is su cient. Our main idea is simple. If `inheritance' is important for economic outcomes, then rare surnames should predict economic outcomes in the cross-section. This is because rare surnames are indicative of familial linkages. Of course, if the number of rare surnames is small, this won't work. But rare surnames are abundant in the highly-skewed nature of surname distributions from most Western societies. We develop a model that articulates this idea and shows that the more important is inheritance, the more informative will be surnames. This result is robust to a variety of di erent assumptions about fertility and mating. We apply our method using the 2001 census from Catalonia, a large region of Spain. We use educational attainment as a proxy for overall economic well-being. Our main nding is that mobility has decreased among the di erent generations of the 20th century. A complementary analysis based on sibling correlations con rms our results and provides a robustness check on our method. Our model and our data allow us to examine one possible explanation for the observed decrease in mobility. We nd that the degree of assortative mating has increased over time. Overall, we argue that our method has promise because it can tap the vast mines of census data that are available in a heretofore unexploited manner.
Two logically distinct and permissive extensions of iterative weak dominance are introduced for games with possibly vector-valued payoffs. The first, iterative partial dominance, builds on an easy-to check condition but may lead to solutions that do not include any (generalized) Nash equilibria. However, the second and intuitively more demanding extension, iterative essential dominance, is shown to be an equilibrium refinement. The latter result includes Moulin’s (1979) classic theorem as a special case when all players’ payoffs are real-valued. Therefore, essential dominance solvability can be a useful solution concept for making sharper predictions in multicriteria games that feature a plethora of equilibria.
The paper proposes and applies statistical tests for poverty dominance that check for whether poverty comparisons can be made robustly over ranges of poverty lines and classes of poverty indices. This helps provide both normative and statistical confidence in establishing poverty rankings across distributions. The tests, which can take into account the complex sampling procedures that are typically used by statistical agencies to generate household-level surveys, are implemented using the Canadian Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics (SLID) for 1996, 1999 and 2002. Although the yearly cumulative distribution functions cross at the lower tails of the distributions, the more recent years tend to dominate earlier years for a relatively wide range of poverty lines. Failing to take into account SLID's sampling variability (as is sometimes done) can inflate significantly one's confidence in ranking poverty. Taking into account SLID's complex sampling design (as has not been done before) can also decrease substantially the range of poverty lines over which a poverty ranking can be inferred.
In the present paper, the Peruvian Procamallanus (Spirocamallanus) incarocai (Freitas & Ibañez 1970) is proposed as a junior synonym of P. (S.) hilarii Vaz & Pereira, 1934. The validity of the subgenera Procamallanus Baylis, 1923 and Spirocammallanus Olsen, 1952 is discussed. a check list and a key to the species of Procamallanus Baylis, 1923 occuring in Brazil are presented.
[Table des matières] Généralités sur la violence domestique: Définition de la violence domestique, Prise en charge: possibilités et limites, Dépistage de la violence domestique, Signes et symptômes évoquant un contexte de violence domestique &. La situation spécifique des femmes migrantes. - Documentation: Marche à suivre: check-list, Consentement, Constat médical en cas de violence domestique, Examen physique, Attestation. - Annexes: Bases légales, Gynécologie des enfants et adolescentes, Caisse maladie et éléments financiers, Coordonnées des centres spécialisés, Centres cantonaux d'aide aux victimes d'infraction (Centres LAVI), Littérature et liens. - Suppléments: Marche à suivre: check-list, Spécimens de constat médical [Editorial (extrait)] Le groupe de travail «Abus sexuels au cabinet médical» - constitué voici quelques années par la Société Suisse de Gynécologie et d'Obstétrique - s'est vu chargé par le président de la société d'élaborer un guide pratique pour aborder la violence domestique. En Suisse, des études d'envergure montrent qu'une femme sur quatre au cours de sa vie et une femme sur dix durant les !" derniers mois sont confrontées à la violence. Ces études révèlent un lien étroit entre de nombreux problèmes de santé et le fait de subir de la violence conjugale. La moitié des femmes touchées présentent des problèmes de santé physiques et deux tiers des problèmes de santé psychiques ou des troubles d'ordre psychosomatiques. Et ce sont ces problèmes qui amèneront les femmes à consulter leur médecin. Le groupe de travail poursuit l'objectif d'améliorer la prise en charge des femmes concernées par la violence. En effet, aussi longtemps que la cause réelle des symptômes et des plaintes, à savoir le fait de vivre dans un contexte de violence, n'est pas dépistée, aucune mesure thérapeutique ne pourra avoir d'impact durable sur la santé de la patiente. Les femmes concernées par la violence domestique s'adressent de préférence à leur médecin. De ce fait, les gynécologues, au sein de leur cabinet et dans les cliniques, vont entrer en contact avec ces femmes. Il est donc important que chacun dispose des connaissances nécessaires à leur prise en charge.
Treball de recerca realitzat per alumnes d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit cientí¬fic del Jovent l'any 2009. El treball pretén aconseguir quatre objectius. En primer lloc, comprovar l’estat de la llengua catalana entre els immigrants catalans i cerdanyolencs. Per altra banda, conèixer les institucions o serveis que vetllen per l’extensió de l’ús social del català. També determinar quins factors impulsen la població immigrada a aprendre català. I, per últim, diferenciar l’ús del català entre la població immigrada dels anys 60 i l'actual. La recerca portada ha terme ha mostrat que hi ha un bon nombre de població immigrada de països llatinoamericans i del Nord d’Àfrica que s’interessa per l’aprenentatge del català. El motiu sembla ser laboral i d’integració cultural. En canvi, s’observa que la immigració interna en fa un ús més oral i de relació amb les noves generacions. Alhora, no consideren necessari l’ús del català per a poder viure a Cerdanyola.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. L’objectiu del treball era el de comprovar si era possible provocar un procés d'eutrofització en unes peixeres, com a simulació del procés que es dóna de forma natural en alguns llacs i basses del nostre país. Mantenint una peixera de control, en les altres dues hi provocàvem un excés de nutrients abocant fertilitzant sintètic en diferents concentracions per tal de comprovar les diferències causades per aquest procés de contaminació ambiental. Una vegada fet l'experiment, tot i que no s’ha aconseguit un alt grau d’eutrofització i per tant, no s’ha pogut demostrar moltes de les conseqüències d’aquest procés, sí que s’ha aconseguit dur a terme una contaminació i s’ha pogut observar com evoluciona un medi alterat per l’home respecte un ecosistema amb òptimes condicions. Al comparar aquest experiment amb la realitat actual s’observa que tots els canvis que han succeït a petita escala en aquests ecosistemes, en la natura, es produeixen en un major grau i amb unes conseqüències molt més adverses pels organismes.
El objetivo fundamental de este proyecto consiste en crear un generador de compilador, basado en analizadores ascendentes. Como base para hacer este analizador se usará el lenguaje Cosel y el módulo Com, que es un generador de compiladores basado en analizadores descendentes y que actualmente se está utilizando en las prácticas de la asignatura de Compiladores I. El nuevo generador, que tiene como entrada una gramática, ha de comprobar si es una gramática ascendente LALR (1) y analizar una cadena de entrada de símbolos usando dicha gramática.