949 resultados para Global R
Projeto de investigação no âmbito da Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - Domínio Cognitivo e Motor, da Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti.
We present a case for using Global Community Innovation Platforms (GCIPs), an approach to improve innovation and knowledge exchange in international scientific communities through a common and open online infrastructure. We highlight the value of GCIPs by focusing on recent efforts targeting the ecological sciences, where GCIPs are of high relevance given the urgent need for interdisciplinary, geographical, and cross-sector collaboration to cope with growing challenges to the environment as well as the scientific community itself. Amidst the emergence of new international institutions, organizations, and meetings, GCIPs provide a stable international infrastructure for rapid and long-term coordination that can be accessed by any individual. This accessibility can be especially important for researchers early in their careers. Recent examples of early-career GCIPs complement an array of existing options for early-career scientists to improve skill sets, increase academic and social impact, and broaden career opportunities. We provide a number of examples of existing early-career initiatives that incorporate elements from the GCIPs approach, and highlight an in-depth case study from the ecological sciences: the International Network of Next-Generation Ecologists (INNGE), initiated in 2010 with support from the International Association for Ecology and 20 member institutions from six continents.
Since turning professional in 1995 there have been considerable advances in the research on the demands of rugby union, largely using Global Positioning System (GPS) analysis over the last 10 years. A systematic review on the use of GPS, particularly the setting of absolute (ABS) and individual (IND) velocity bands in field based, intermittent, high-intensity (HI) team sports was undertaken. From 3669 records identified, 38 studies were included for qualitative analysis. Little agreement on the definition of movement intensities within team sports was found, only three papers, all on rugby union, had used IND bands, with only one comparing ABS and IND methods. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine if there is a difference in the demands within positions when comparing ABS and IND methods for GPS analysis and if these differences are significantly different between the forward and back positional groups. A total of 214 data files were recorded from 26 players in 17 matches of the 2015/2016 Scottish BT Premiership. ABS velocity zones 1-7 were set at 1) 0-6, 2) 6.1-11, 3) 11.1-15, 4) 15.1-18, 5) 18.1-21, 6) 21.1-15 and 7) 25.1-40km.h-1 while IND zones 1-7 were 1) <20, 2) 20-40, 3) 40-50, 4) 50-70, 5) 70-80, 6) 80-95 and 7) 95-100% of player’s individually determined maximum velocity (Vmax). A 40m sprint test measured Vmax using OptaPro S4 10 Hz (catapult, Australia) GPS units to derive IND bands. The same GPS units were worn during matches. GPS outputs analysed were % distance, % time, high intensity efforts (HIEs) over 18.1 km.h-1 / 70% max velocity and repeated high intensity efforts (RHIEs) which consists of three HIEs in 21secs. General linear model (GLM) analysis identified a significant difference in the measurement of % total distance covered, between the ABS and IND methods in all zones for forwards (p<0.05) and backs (p<0.05). This difference was also significant between forwards and backs in zones 1, shown as mean difference ± standard deviation (3.7±0.7%), 6 (1.2±0.4%) and 7 (1.0±0.0%) respectively (p<0.05). Percentage time estimations were significantly different between ABS and IND analysis within forwards in zones 1 (1.7±1.7%), 2 (-2.9±1.3%), 3 (1.9±0.8%), 4 (-1.4±0.8%) and 5 (0.2±0.4%), and within backs in zones 1 (-10±1.5%), 2 (-1.2±1.1%), 3 (1.8±0.9%) and 5 (0.6±0.5%) (p<0.05). The difference between groups was significant in zones 1, 2, 4 and 5 (p<0.05). The number of HIEs was significantly different between forwards and backs in zones 6 (6±2) and 7 (3±2). RHIEs were significantly different between ABS and IND for forwards (1±2, p<0.05) although not between groups. Until more research on the differences in ABS and IND methods is carried out, then neither can be deemed a criterion method. In conclusion, there are significant differences between the ABS and IND methods of GPS analysis of the physical demands of rugby union, which must be considered when used to inform training load and recovery to improve performance and reduce injuries.
Although tax incentives are an effective tool for promoting R&D&I, depending on their design they may qualify as State aid (article 107(1) of the TFEU) unless exempted by the Commission (article 107(3)). This article discusses the role of State aid rules in respect of R&D&I incentives and the need to ensure R&D&I promotion policies in Europe are on equal footing with the rest of the world, thus ensuring a level playing field for European undertakings in global markets.
El sector Pesquero en nuestro país, a pesar de las deficiencias que posee, es un sector de mucha importancia para la economía del país y para una gran cantidad de familias, localizadas en las zonas costeras, que subsisten exclusivamente de la Pesca Artesanal, practicándola ya sea de forma individual o colectiva. Las Cooperativas de Producción y Servicios Pesqueros, que son parte vital de este sector, las cuales en alguna medida contribuyen al desarrollo del mismo, pero que es evidente que no poseen los recursos, ni el asesoramiento adecuado para ejecutar investigaciones en el área de comercialización. El presente estudio, se desarrolló en el sector pesquero, específicamente en el departamento de La Paz, en Villa San Luís La Herradura para la “Federación de Cooperativas de Producción y Servicios Pesqueros del muelle de La Herradura, departamento de La Paz, de Responsabilidad Limitada (FECOOPAZ de R.L.)”, que en la actualidad se encuentra conformada por quince “Asociaciones Cooperativas”, la cual a largo de los años desde su fundación en 1989, ha enfrentado muchas dificultades tanto en el área administrativa, contable y de mercadeo, para colocar sus productos en el mercado generando mayores niveles de ingresos, todo esto a pesar de que ofrecen un producto de consumo masivo y de que hace algunos años atrás, han contado con el apoyo del gobierno por medio del MAG (Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería), con la participación directa de CENDEPESCA (Centro de Desarrollo de la Pesca y la Acuicultura), en el área financiera y educativa, a través del Fideicomiso PESCAR y de capacitaciones en ciertos temas. También, dado que la manera en que comercializan sus productos no es como Federación sino de forma individual y local, es decir que cada Cooperativa le vende a un comprador (comerciante mayorista), el cual paga por el producto un precio muy bajo y luego se traslada a comercializarlo a mercados más rentables, logrando de esta forma obtener márgenes de utilidad más altos, que deberían de ser aprovechados por los productores (Los Cooperativistas). Para solventar esta problemática que inquieta a la Federación se le diseño un Plan de Mercadeo para incrementar los niveles de ingresos, a través de la penetración y posicionamiento en un nuevo mercado. El método de investigación utilizado fue el de análisis y síntesis, ya que se analizaron tanto las cooperativas que integran la Federación, como los puestos de venta de mariscos de los mercados municipales de la zona Metropolitana de San Salvador, en una forma individual para luego estudiarlos en una forma global o integrada. Por otra parte, la recolección de datos se llevo a cabo a través de fuentes de información primaria y secundaria, en cuanto a las primeras se apoyaron de técnicas de investigación como: la encuesta y la observación directa. Inmediatamente después de recolectar la información, se procedió al análisis de los resultados, estos revelaron fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas del ambiente interno y externo en el que se desenvuelve la Federación. Además se determinó que la Federación no cuenta con una filosofía organizacional bien definida, es decir que aunque posee una misión esta no cumple con todos los requisitos, en cuanto a la visión no posee, así como tampoco cuenta con una declaratoria de valores, también se determinó que los miembros afiliados a la Federación son poco unidos a esto se le suma que la Federación en la actualidad no posee equipo de conservación (Cuarto frió) para almacenar los productos, además no han diseñado estrategias de mercadeo que les permita tener éxito en la comercialización de sus productos; a pesar de que estos tienen bastante aceptación en el mercado potencial y de ser considerados productos de buena calidad, de igual forma la Federación tiene la capacidad de producción necesaria para penetrar a un mercado más rentable. De acuerdo al diagnóstico obtenido de la Federación y del mercado potencial estudiado. Se diseñó un Plan de Mercadeo en el que se propone una filosofía organizacional que contiene: misión, visión y una declaratoria de valores, el Plan, también define los objetivos de comercialización, el diseño de las estrategias de mercadeo en las cuales se establecieron: la estrategia de posicionamiento y ventaja diferencial y la estrategia de mercado meta las cuales representan las estrategias a largo plazo así como la mezcla estratégica de mercadeo, las cuales fueron desarrolladas a través de los planes de acción: estratégico y táctico, seguidos a estos se presentan los presupuestos, la implementación del Plan y los controles. Finalmente se propone una estructura organizativa, que permita poner en marcha el Plan.
Understanding and predicting plant response to disturbance is of paramount importance in our changing world. Resprouting ability is often considered a simple qualitative trait and used in many ecological studies. Our aim is to show some of the complexities of resprouting while highlighting cautions that need be taken in using resprouting ability to predict vegetation responses across disturbance types and biomes. There are marked differences in resprouting depending on the disturbance type, and fire is often the most severe disturbance because it includes both defoliation and lethal temperatures. In the Mediterranean biome, there are differences in functional strategies to cope with water deficit between resprouters (dehydration avoiders) and nonresprouters (dehydration tolerators); however, there is little research to unambiguously extrapolate these results to other biomes. Furthermore, predictions of vegetation responses to changes in disturbance regimes require consideration not only of resprouting, but also other relevant traits (e.g. seeding, bark thickness) and the different correlations among traits observed in different biomes; models lacking these details would behave poorly at the global scale. Overall, the lessons learned from a given disturbance regime and biome (e.g. crown-fire Mediterranean ecosystems) can guide research in other ecosystems but should not be extrapolated at the global scale.
Klimatkrisen är vår tids största utmaning sett till dess roll för fortsatt överlevnad på den här planeten. Det är en politisk fråga som sträcker sig från att vara en internationell angelägenhet ända ner till individnivå. Men det är också en ideologisk fråga. På grund av detta går det inte att tillräckligt understryka den roll media och klimatjournalistiken har i förmedlingen av dessa frågor. Klimatjournalistiken har genom tiderna varierat i medial uppmärksamhet och ersätts främst av ekonomiska nyheter och rapportering kring internationella konflikter. Den senaste toppen för miljönyheter var kring FN:s klimatkonferens i Köpenhamn 2009, i samband med den globala finanskrisen. Köpenhamns misslyckande av ett enat avtal ledde fram till klimatmötet i Paris 2015, samma höst som flyktingkrisen var högt upp på medias dagordning. Denna uppsats avser att kritiskt analysera de klimatjournalistiska diskurserna tiden innan de båda konferenserna med målet att dokumentera utvecklingen över tid. Uppsatsen fokuserar på den diskursiva gestaltningen av aktörer, ansvar och underliggande strukturer och värderingar. För det första fann analysen att både COP15 och COP21 innehöll starkt närvarande finansiella aspekter i sina politiska resonemang. Detta utmanar forskning som tidigare har behandlat klimat och ekonomi som vitt skilda ämnen och argumenterar för ett nytt förhållningssätt. För det andra fann analysen att gestaltningen av klimatkrisen varierade mellan de båda konferenserna. I diskursen 2009 sågs den som ett hot medan diskursen 2015 såg klimatkrisen som just en kris. Båda fallen ansåg att klimatkrisen var ett problem för andra aktörer än Sverige, för “dem”.
A climate study of the incidence of downward surface global solar radiation (SSRD) in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) based primarily on ERA-40 reanalysis is presented. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and ground-based records from several Portuguese and Spanish stations have been also considered. The results showthat reanalysis can capture a similar inter-annual variability as compared to ground-based observations, especially on a monthly basis, even though annual ERA-40 (NCEP/NCAR) values tend to underestimate (overestimate) the observations with a mean relative difference of around 20Wm–2 (40Wm–2). On the other hand, ground-based measurements in Portuguese stations during the period 1964–1989 show a tendency to decrease until the mid-1970s followed by an increase up to the end of the study period, in line with the dimming/brightening phenomenon reported in the literature. Nevertheless, there are different temporal behaviours as a greater increase since the 1970s is observed in the south and less industrialized regions. Similarly, the ERA-40 reanalysis shows a noticeable decrease until the early 1970s followed by a slight increase up to the end of the 1990s, suggesting a dimming/brightening transition around the early 1970s, earlier in the south and centre and later in the north of the IP. Although there are slight differences in the magnitude of the trends as well as the turning year of the dimming/brightening periods, the decadal changes of ERA-40 fairly agree with the ground-based observations in Portugal and Spain, in contrast to most of the literature for other regions of the world, and is used in the climatology of the SSRD in the study area. NCEP/NCAR reanalysis does not capture the decadal variations of SSRD in the IP. The results show that part of the decadal variability of the global radiation in the IP is related to changes in cloud cover (represented in ERA-40).
Neste estudo analisa-se a situação da atividade empreendedora na EUROREGIÃO EUROACE, que inclui em Portugal o Alentejo e o Centro e em Espanha a Extremadura. As dimensões analisadas compreendem a atividade empreendedora e as suas caraterísticas, os valores, perceções e atitudes empreendedoras, aspirações da atividade empreendedora e o ambiente empreendedor na EUROACE. Os resultados levam a concluir que o ecossistema empreendedor da EUROREGIÃO EUROACE apresenta ainda debilidades importantes face à média dos países europeus cujas economias são baseadas na inovação. Entre as debilidades que deverão ser melhoradas encontram-se as infraestruturas físicas e comerciais, a abertura dos mercados, o apoio ao financiamento das empresas e as políticas governamentais.
The semiarid region of northeastern Brazil, the Caatinga, is extremely important due to its biodiversity and endemism. Measurements of plant physiology are crucial to the calibration of Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs) that are currently used to simulate the responses of vegetation in face of global changes. In a field work realized in an area of preserved Caatinga forest located in Petrolina, Pernambuco, measurements of carbon assimilation (in response to light and CO2) were performed on 11 individuals of Poincianella microphylla, a native species that is abundant in this region. These data were used to calibrate the maximum carboxylation velocity (Vcmax) used in the INLAND model. The calibration techniques used were Multiple Linear Regression (MLR), and data mining techniques as the Classification And Regression Tree (CART) and K-MEANS. The results were compared to the UNCALIBRATED model. It was found that simulated Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) reached 72% of observed GPP when using the calibrated Vcmax values, whereas the UNCALIBRATED approach accounted for 42% of observed GPP. Thus, this work shows the benefits of calibrating DGVMs using field ecophysiological measurements, especially in areas where field data is scarce or non-existent, such as in the Caatinga
Dynamic global vegetation models (DGVMs) simulate surface processes such as the transfer of energy, water, CO2, and momentum between the terrestrial surface and the atmosphere, biogeochemical cycles, carbon assimilation by vegetation, phenology, and land use change in scenarios of varying atmospheric CO2 concentrations. DGVMs increase the complexity and the Earth system representation when they are coupled with atmospheric global circulation models (AGCMs) or climate models. However, plant physiological processes are still a major source of uncertainty in DGVMs. The maximum velocity of carboxylation (Vcmax), for example, has a direct impact over productivity in the models. This parameter is often underestimated or imprecisely defined for the various plant functional types (PFTs) and ecosystems. Vcmax is directly related to photosynthesis acclimation (loss of response to elevated CO2), a widely known phenomenon that usually occurs when plants are subjected to elevated atmospheric CO2 and might affect productivity estimation in DGVMs. Despite this, current models have improved substantially, compared to earlier models which had a rudimentary and very simple representation of vegetation?atmosphere interactions. In this paper, we describe this evolution through generations of models and the main events that contributed to their improvements until the current state-of-the-art class of models. Also, we describe some main challenges for further improvements to DGVMs.
Beta cell destruction in type 1 diabetes (TID) is associated with cellular oxidative stress and mitochondrial pathway of cell death. The aim of this study was to determine whether oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are present in T1D model (non-obese diabetic mouse, NOD) and if they are related to the stages of disease development. NOD mice were studied at three stages: non-diabetic, pre-diabetic, and diabetic and compared with age-matched Balb/c mice. Mitochondria respiration rates measured at phosphorylating and resting states in liver and soleus biopsies and in isolated liver mitochondria were similar in NOD and Balb/c mice at the three disease stages. However, NOD liver mitochondria were more susceptible to calcium-induced mitochondrial permeability transition as determined by cyclosporine-A-sensitive swelling and by decreased calcium retention capacity in all three stages of diabetes development. Mitochondria H2O2 production rate was higher in non-diabetic, but unaltered in pre-diabetic and diabetic NOD mice. The global cell reactive oxygen species (ROS), but not specific mitochondria ROS production, was significantly increased in NOD lymphomononuclear and stem cells in all disease stages. In addition, marked elevated rates of 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein (H2DCF) oxidation were observed in pancreatic islets from non-diabetic NOD mice. Using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS) and lipidomic approach, we identified oxidized lipid markers in NOD liver mitochondria for each disease stage, most of them being derivatives of diacylglycerols and phospholipids. These results suggest that the cellular oxidative stress precedes the establishment of diabetes and may be the cause of mitochondrial dysfunction that is involved in beta cell death.
This work assessed the environmental impacts of the production and use of 1 MJ of hydrous ethanol (E100) in Brazil in prospective scenarios (2020-2030), considering the deployment of technologies currently under development and better agricultural practices. The life cycle assessment technique was employed using the CML method for the life cycle impact assessment and the Monte Carlo method for the uncertainty analysis. Abiotic depletion, global warming, human toxicity, ecotoxicity, photochemical oxidation, acidification, and eutrophication were the environmental impacts categories analyzed. Results indicate that the proposed improvements (especially no-til farming-scenarios s2 and s4) would lead to environmental benefits in prospective scenarios compared to the current ethanol production (scenario s0). Combined first and second generation ethanol production (scenarios s3 and s4) would require less agricultural land but would not perform better than the projected first generation ethanol, although the uncertainties are relatively high. The best use of 1 ha of sugar cane was also assessed, considering the displacement of the conventional products by ethanol and electricity. No-til practices combined with the production of first generation ethanol and electricity (scenario s2) would lead to the largest mitigation effects for global warming and abiotic depletion. For the remaining categories, emissions would not be mitigated with the utilization of the sugar cane products. However, this conclusion is sensitive to the displaced electricity sources.
To evaluate the modified US7 score (MUS7 score SYN) in the assessment of patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA). In addition, dorsal and palmar recesses of the wrists as well as of small joints of the hands and feet were examined for the presence of synovitis by means of a global assessment of joints. The study sample comprised 32 patients treated for arthritis, with an average disease duration of 13 months. An ultrasound machine with high frequency transducer was used. Hands were also X-rayed and analysed by Larsen score. Out of the 832 examined joints, synovitis was detected in 173 (20,79%), tenosynovitis in 22 (4,91%), and erosions in 3 (1,56%). Synovitis was predominantly detected in the dorsal recess (73,38%) of MCP and PIP joints, when compared with palmar recess (26%). The presence of synovitis in the joints evaluated correlated with clinical (HAQ-DI, DAS28), laboratory (ACPA, RF, CRP), and ultrasound results (r = 0,37 to r = 0,42; p = 0,04 to p = 0,003). We found correlation of the MUS7 score SYN of the gray scale US or of the power Doppler US with DAS28 (PCR) values (r = 0,38; p = 0,0332), and with CRP results (r = 0,39; p = 0,0280), respectively. The dorsal recess, the wrist, and small joints can be considered as important sites to detect synovitis by the MUS7 score SYN in patients with ERA.