896 resultados para GALAXY: HALO
Beschreibung des Mondhofes, gefolgt von Berichten über früher beobachtete Mondhoefe
Electrical synapses formed of the gap junction protein Cx36 show a great deal of functional plasticity, much dependent on changes in phosphorylation state of the connexin. However, gap junction turnover may also be important for regulating cell-cell communication, and turnover rates of Cx36 have not been studied. Connexins have relatively fast turnover rates, with short half-lives measured to be 1.5 to 3.5 hours in pulse-chase analyses of connexins (Cx26 and Cx43) in tissue culture cells and whole organs. We utilized HaloTag technology to study the turnover rate of Cx36 in transiently transfected HeLa cells. The HaloTag protein forms irreversible covalent bonds with chloroalkane ligands, allowing pulse-chase experiments to be performed very specifically. The HaloTag open reading frame was inserted into an internal site in the C-terminus of Cx36 designed not to disrupt the regulatory phosphorylation sites and not to block the C-terminal PDZ interaction motif. Functional properties of Cx36-Halo were assessed by Neurobiotin tracer coupling, live cell imaging, and immunostaining. For the pulse-chase study, transiently transfected HeLa cells were pulse labeled with Oregon Green (OG) HaloTag ligand and chase labeled at various times with tetramethylrhodamine (TMR) HaloTag ligand. Cx36-Halo formed large junctional plaques at sites of contact between transfected HeLa cells and was also contained in a large number of intracellular vesicles. The Cx36-Halo transfected HeLa cells supported Neurobiotin tracer coupling that was regulated by activation and inhibition of PKA in the same manner as wild-type Cx36 transfected cells. In the pulse-chase study, junctional protein labeled with the pulse ligand (OG) was gradually replaced by newly synthesized Cx36 labeled with the chase ligand (TMR). The half-life for turnover of protein in junctional plaques was 2.8 hours. Treatment of the pulse-labeled cells with Brefeldin A (BFA) prevented the addition of new connexins to junctional plaques, suggesting that the assembly of Cx36 into gap junctions involves the traditional ER-Golgi-TGN-plasma membrane pathway. In conclusion, Cx36-Halo is functional and has a turnover rate in HeLa cells similar to that of other connexins that have been studied. This turnover rate is likely too slow to contribute substantially to short-term changes in coupling of neurons driven by transmitters such as dopamine, which take minutes to achieve. However, turnover may contribute to longer-term changes in coupling.
La pseudoangiomatosis eruptiva se caracteriza por la aparición brusca de múltiples pápulas eritematosas, asintomáticas, rodeadas de un halo blanquecino, con remisión espontánea. Histológicamente se observa dilatación vascular con escaso infiltrado inflamatorio. Su etiología permanece incierta a pesar de ser relacionada con virus o picaduras de insectos. Basados en el compromiso vascular, el objetivo del trabajo fue investigar la actividad de la enzima endotelial oxido nítrico sintetasa (eNOS) y la expresión del factor NF-kB por inmunohistoquimica en un intento de esclarecer su patogenia. Material y métodos: Se estudiaron diez pacientes con diagnóstico clínico de pseudoangiomatosis eruptiva (PAE) que presentaron la dermatosis en forma epidémica. Se realizaron biopsias teñidas con Hematoxilina-Eosina y Tricrómico de Masson. Se efectuó estudio virológico de los pacientes Nª 4, 9 y 10 mediante determinaciones serológicas para echovirus, enterovirus, citomegalovirus, parvovirus B19 y hepatitis A, B y C. En cinco pacientes se obtuvo material para determinación de eNOS y NF-kB. Resultados: Todos los pacientes, 5 hombres y 5 mujeres presentaron pápulas eritematosas rodeadas por un halo blanquecino, especialmente en las extremidades, alrededor de las rodillas. Histológicamente mostraron vasos dilatados y células endoteliales prominentes con un infiltrado discreto perivascular. Todos los estudios serológicos fueron negativos. La actividad de eNOS fue significativamente menor comparada con la piel normal (p= 0,002) y la expresión de NF- ĸB fue fuertemente positiva en los vasos de la dermis papilar y reticular. Conclusiones: Todos los pacientes fueron afectados en verano, por lo que la picadura del mosquito debe ser considerada como un factor etiológico. La baja expresión de eNOS está relacionada con la vasodilatación y la expresión aumentada de NF-ĸB confirma que el proceso es de tipo inflamatorio.
Obwohl Halo-Erscheinungen unter allen geographischen Breiten vorkommen, können sie doch als ein speziell polares Phänomen angesprochen werden, zumal ihre Häufigkeit im groben Durchschnitt von den Polen zum Äquator hin stetig abnimmt. Die größte Zahl von Halo-Tagen wird demnach in den arktischen und antarktischen Gebieten wahrgenommen, und das Maximum stellt nach R. Meyer die Zahl dar, welche 1911/12 von der Deutschen Antarktischen Expedition verzeichnet wurde. Es ist daher außerordentlich bedauerlich, daß systematische Halo Beobachtungen aus den Polargebieten so gut wie ganz fehlen, obwohl die Phänomene neuerdings an Interesse stark gewinnen. Die Meteorologischen Jahrbücher von Grönland (Det Danske Meteorologiske Aarbok, 2. Teil: Grönland) enthalten keinerlei Aufzeichnungen darüber, und man ist daher auf das naturgemäß immer lückenhafte Beobachtungsmaterial einzelner Expeditionen angewiesen, welche dort arbeiteten. Umso erfreulicher ist es, daß die groß angelegte "Deutsche Grönland-Expedition Alfred Wegener 1930/31" eingehende Beobachtungen angestellt hat, welche in Band IV, Teil 1 des Werkes "Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Deutschen Grönland-Expedition Alfred Wegener 1929 und 1930/31" veröffentlicht sind. Es sei daher gestattet, im folgenden einen kurzen Überblick über diese Arbeiten zu geben.
Cherts recovered during DSDP Leg 72 from Rio Grande Rise sediments (Site 516) consist of both cristobalite and quartz, and contain ghosts of foraminifers and (more rare) radiolarians. Porcelanite made of disordered cristobalite is found in most old enclosing sediments. Local dissolution of siliceous microfossils during diagenesis is the most likely source of the silica required for the chert formation. As sediment age increases, the proportion of biogenic silica decreases and authigenic silica increases.
Volcanic basement recovered at Hole 765D is characterized by nonpervasive, oxidative alteration, typical of seafloor weathering. Chilled margins and the mesostasis of the lavas are variably altered to assemblages of celadonite, Fe-oxyhydroxides, zeolites, and calcite with trace saponite. Plagioclase is partially altered to Ca-Na zeolites and/or albite. Well-developed alteration halos parallel fracture surfaces and extend several centimeters into the surrounding rock. These clay-rich halos are enriched in K2O and Fe2O3 relative to the adjacent clay-poor rock. The halos and adjacent rock are characterized by d18O values 2 per mil-3 per mil higher than those of fresh MORB. The "freshness" of the samples and the scarcity of saponite suggest that the duration of seawater circulation was short-lived. Albitization of plagioclase indicates that the volcanic rocks were altered initially at low temperatures and were subsequently reheated off-axis in a closed environment. Reheating did not result in significant modification of the bulk composition of the crust.
The sediment column overlying basement in the Lau Basin consists of a sequence of volcaniclastic turbidites interbedded with hemipelagic clayey nannofossil mixed sediments, overlain in turn by a sequence of hemipelagic clayey nannofossil oozes containing sporadic calcareous turbidites. The clayey nannofossil oozes and mixed sediments are pervasively stained by hydrothermally derived iron and manganese oxyhydroxides. Sharply defined, lighter colored bands occur in the hemipelagic sediments, immediately beneath some (but by no means all) volcaniclastic and calcareous turbidites. These are identified as reduction haloes, of a type previously identified in quite different turbidite/pelagic sequences. The haloes are attributed to the burial of labile surficial Corg by turbidites, followed by the remineralization of this Corg with Mn and Fe oxyhydroxides as electron acceptors. The resultant characteristic Mn and Fe concentration/depth profiles are described, and a model is proposed for their development. The color alteration of the halo is ascribed to the removal of Mn oxyhydroxides, because, although the Fe content fluctuates through the haloes, this does not appear to affect their color. Other elements (Co, Cu, and Ni) are also at low concentration levels in the haloes like Mn, consistent with remobilization and migration out of the halo section, although the profile shapes are not identical with those of Mn. The behavior of V is distinctive in that it appears to have migrated into the haloes to be enriched there. Haloes are unlikely to form if turbidite emplacement is erosive and removes the near-surface layer, which generally is the most fluid part of the sediment and contains the highest levels of reactive Corg to drive the reduction process. Conversely, the presence of a halo implies that emplacement of the overlying turbidite did not significantly erode the pre-existing sediment/water interface.
Alteration of sheeted dikes exposed along submarine escarpments at the Pito Deep Rift (NE edge of the Easter microplate) provides constraints on the crustal component of axial hydrothermal systems at fast spreading mid-ocean ridges. Samples from vertical transects through the upper crust constrain the temporal and spatial scales of hydrothermal fluid flow and fluid-rock reaction. The dikes are relatively fresh (average extent of alteration is 27%), with the extent of alteration ranging from 0 to >80%. Alteration is heterogeneous on scales of tens to hundreds of meters and displays few systematic spatial trends. Background alteration is amphibole-dominated, with chlorite-rich dikes sporadically distributed throughout the dike complex, indicating that peak temperatures ranged from <300°C to >450°C and did not vary systematically with depth. Dikes locally show substantial metal mobility, with Zn and Cu depletion and Mn enrichment. Amphibole and chlorite fill fractures throughout the dike complex, whereas quartz-filled fractures and faults are only locally present. Regional variability in alteration characteristics is found on a scale of <1-2 km, illustrating the diversity of fluid-rock interaction that can be expected in fast spreading crust. We propose that much of the alteration in sheeted dike complexes develops within broad, hot upwelling zones, as the inferred conditions of alteration cannot be achieved in downwelling zones, particularly in the shallow dikes. Migration of circulating cells along rides axes and local evolution of fluid compositions produce sections of the upper crust with a distinctive character of alteration, on a scale of <1-2 km and <5-20 ka.
Ferromanganese nodules (equivalent to Recent manganese nodules) are described from the Upper Devonian griotte (red pelagic limestone) of the Montagne Noire (S. France) and the Cephalopodenkalk of the Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, West Germany. They occur as encrustations, commonly exhibiting colloform structures, around skeletal material and limestone clasts. The nodules are associated with encrusting foraminifera and a development in the sublittoral environment is envisaged. Chemically, the ferromanganese nodules are depleted in manganese relative to iron, compared with Recent nodules, a loss which is attributed to diagenetic migration of manganese. Electron probe studies show that manganese covaries positively with calcium, but negatively with iron and silicon. Diagenetic enrichment of hematite occurs in the griotte at hardground horizons where two periods of mineralization can be established. The Devonian ferromanganese nodules show that solution of nodules has not occurred on burial.
A simple illustrative physical model is presented to describe the kinetics of damage and amorphization by swiftheavyions (SHI) in LiNbO3. The model considers that every ion impact generates initially a defective region (halo) and a full amorphous core whose relative size depends on the electronic stopping power. Below a given stopping power threshold only a halo is generated. For increasing fluences the amorphized area grows monotonically via overlapping of a fixed number N of halos. In spite of its simplicity the model, which provides analytical solutions, describes many relevant features of the kinetic behaviour. In particular, it predicts approximate Avrami curves with parameters depending on stopping power in qualitative accordance with experiment that turn into Poisson laws well above the threshold value
Provenance plays a major role when understanding and reusing the methods applied in a scientic experiment, as it provides a record of inputs, the processes carried out and the use and generation of intermediate and nal results. In the specic case of in-silico scientic experiments, a large variety of scientic workflow systems (e.g., Wings, Taverna, Galaxy, Vistrails) have been created to support scientists. All of these systems produce some sort of provenance about the executions of the workflows that encode scientic experiments. However, provenance is normally recorded at a very low level of detail, which complicates the understanding of what happened during execution. In this paper we propose an approach to automatically obtain abstractions from low-level provenance data by finding common workflow fragments on workflow execution provenance and relating them to templates. We have tested our approach with a dataset of workflows published by the Wings workflow system. Our results show that by using these kinds of abstractions we can highlight the most common abstract methods used in the executions of a repository, relating different runs and workflow templates with each other.
The kinetics of amorphization in crystalline SiO2 (α-quartz) under irradiation with swift heavy ions (O+1 at 4 MeV, O+4 at 13 MeV, F+2 at 5 MeV, F+4 at 15 MeV, Cl+3 at 10 MeV, Cl+4 at 20 MeV, Br+5 at 15 and 25 MeV and Br+8 at 40 MeV) has been analyzed in this work with an Avrami-type law and also with a recently developed cumulative approach (track-overlap model). This latter model assumes a track morphology consisting of an amorphous core (area σ) and a surrounding defective halo (area h), both being axially symmetric. The parameters of the two approaches which provide the best fit to the experimental data have been obtained as a function of the electronic stopping power Se. The extrapolation of the σ(Se) dependence yields a threshold value for amorphization, Sth ≈ 2.1 keV/nm; a second threshold is also observed around 4.1 keV/nm. We believe that this double-threshold effect could be related to the appearance of discontinuous tracks in the region between 2.1 and 4.1 keV/nm. For stopping power values around or below the lower threshold, where the ratio h/σ is large, the track-overlap model provides a much better fit than the Avrami function. Therefore, the data show that a right modeling of the amorphization kinetics needs to take into account the contribution of the defective track halo. Finally, a short comparative discussion with the kinetic laws obtained for elastic collision damage is given.
A two-stage mission to place a spacecraft (SC) below the Jovian radiation belts, using a spinning bare tether with plasma contactors at both ends to provide propulsion and power,is proposed. Capture by Lorentz drag on the tether, at the periapsis of a barely hyperbolic equatorial orbit, is followed by a sequence of orbits at near-constant periapsis, drag finally bringing the SC down to a circular orbit below the halo ring. Although increasing both tether heating and bowing, retrograde motion can substantially reduce accumulated dose as compared with prograde motion, at equal tether-to-SC mass ratio. In the second stage,the tether is cut to a segment one order of magnitude smaller, with a single plasma contactor, making the SC to slowly spiral inward over severalmonths while generating large onboard power, which would allow multiple scientific applications, including in situ study of Jovian grains, auroral sounding of upper atmosphere, and space- and time-resolved observations of surface and subsurface.
Workflow technology continues to play an important role as a means for specifying and enacting computational experiments in modern science. Reusing and re-purposing workflows allow scientists to do new experiments faster, since the workflows capture useful expertise from others. As workflow libraries grow, scientists face the challenge of finding workflows appropriate for their task, understanding what each workflow does, and reusing relevant portions of a given workflow.We believe that workflows would be easier to understand and reuse if high-level views (abstractions) of their activities were available in workflow libraries. As a first step towards obtaining these abstractions, we report in this paper on the results of a manual analysis performed over a set of real-world scientific workflows from Taverna, Wings, Galaxy and Vistrails. Our analysis has resulted in a set of scientific workflow motifs that outline (i) the kinds of data-intensive activities that are observed in workflows (Data-Operation motifs), and (ii) the different manners in which activities are implemented within workflows (Workflow-Oriented motifs). These motifs are helpful to identify the functionality of the steps in a given workflow, to develop best practices for workflow design, and to develop approaches for automated generation of workflow abstractions.
Nowadays, online learning is booming. Really "booming", actually: thousands of online courses, hundreds of researching groups, dozens of universities online. Eventually, Web Based Learning has left the labs, and begun a fruitful life in the "real world". However,quantity has little to do with "real innovation". In very rare occasions, online courses and teaching institutions are breaking with the rules of the Gutenberg Galaxy: the rules developed during five centuries of printing books. They are designed on a linear basis,and based on conventional text.