992 resultados para Frequency stability


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Measurements of the entropy change at the martensitic transition of two composition-related sets of Cu-Al-Mn shape-memory alloys are reported. It is found that most of the entropy change has a vibrational origin, and depends only on the particular close-packed structure of the low-temperature phase. Using data from the literature for other Cu-based alloys, this result is shown to be general. In addition, it is shown that the martensitic structure changes from 18R to 2H when the ratio of conduction electrons per atom reaches the same value as the eutectoid point in the equilibrium phase diagram. This finding indicates that the structure of the metastable low-temperature phase is reminiscent of the equilibrium structure.


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We have used an axially symmetric deformed Thomas-Fermi model to evaluate the fission barrier of 240Pu as a function of the quadrupole moment Q2 for different values of the angular momentum L and temperature T. The fission stability diagram of this nucleus is investigated.


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The cytoskeleton is essential for the structural organization of neurons and is influenced during development by excitatory stimuli such as activation of glutamate receptors. In particular, NMDA receptors are known to modulate the function of several cytoskeletal proteins and to influence cell morphology, but the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms remain unclear. Here, we characterized the neurofilament subunit NF-M in cultures of developing mouse cortical neurons chronically exposed to NMDA receptor antagonists. Western blots analysis showed that treatment of cortical neurons with MK801 or AP5 shifted the size of NF-M towards higher molecular weights. Dephosphorylation assay revealed that this increased size of NF-M observed after chronic exposure to NMDA receptor antagonists was due to phosphorylation. Neurons treated with cyclosporin, an inhibitor of the Ca(2+)-dependent phosphatase calcineurin, also showed increased levels of phosphorylated NF-M. Moreover, analysis of neurofilament stability revealed that the phosphorylation of NF-M, resulting from NMDA receptor inhibition, enhanced the solubility of NF-M. Finally, cortical neurons cultured in the presence of the NMDA receptor antagonists MK801 and AP5 grew longer neurites. Together, these data indicate that a blockade of NMDA receptors during development of cortical neurons increases the phosphorylation state and the solubility of NF-M, thereby favoring neurite outgrowth. This also underlines that dynamics of the neurofilament and microtubule cytoskeleton is fundamental for growth processes.


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The frequency dynamics of gain-switched singlemode semiconductor lasers subject to optical injection is investigated. The requirements for low time jitter and reduced frequency chirp operation are studied as a function of the frequency mismatch between the master and slave lasers. Suppression of the power overshoot, typical during gain-switched operation, can be achieved for selected frequency detunings.


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We have studied the structure of 3He droplets at zero temperature using a density functional approach plus a configuration interaction calculation in an harmonic oscillator major shell. The most salient feature of open shell drops is that the valence atoms couple their spins to the maximum value compatible with Pauli's principle, building a large magnetic moment. We have determined that 29 atoms constitute the smallest self-bound droplet.


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This report describes a statewide study conducted to develop main-channel slope (MCS) curves for 138 selected streams in Iowa with drainage areas greater than 100 square miles. MCS values determined from the curves can be used in regression equations for estimating flood frequency discharges. Multi-variable regression equations previously developed for two of the three hydrologic regions defined for Iowa require the measurement of MCS. Main-channel slope is a difficult measurement to obtain for large streams using 1:24,000-scale topographic maps. The curves developed in this report provide a simplified method for determining MCS values for sites located along large streams in Iowa within hydrologic Regions 2 and 3. The curves were developed using MCS values quantified for 2,058 selected sites along 138 selected streams in Iowa. A geographic information system (GIS) technique and 1:24,000-scale topographic data were used to quantify MCS values for the stream sites. The sites were selected at about 5-mile intervals along the streams. River miles were quantified for each stream site using a GIS program. Data points for river-mile and MCS values were plotted and a best-fit curve was developed for each stream. An adjustment was applied to all 138 curves to compensate for differences in MCS values between manual measurements and GIS quantification. The multi-variable equations for Regions 2 and 3 were developed using manual measurements of MCS. A comparison of manual measurements and GIS quantification of MCS indicates that manual measurements typically produce greater values of MCS compared to GIS quantification. Median differences between manual measurements and GIS quantification of MCS are 14.8 and 17.7 percent for Regions 2 and 3, respectively. Comparisons of percentage differences between flood-frequency discharges calculated using MCS values of manual measurements and GIS quantification indicate that use of GIS values of MCS for Region 3 substantially underestimate flood discharges. Mean and median percentage differences for 2- to 500-year recurrence-interval flood discharges ranged from 5.0 to 5.3 and 4.3 to 4.5 percent, respectively, for Region 2 and ranged from 18.3 to 27.1 and 12.3 to 17.3 percent for Region 3. The MCS curves developed from GIS quantification were adjusted by 14.8 percent for streams located in Region 2 and by 17.7 percent for streams located in Region 3. Comparisons of percentage differences between flood discharges calculated using MCS values of manual measurements and adjusted-GIS quantification for Regions 2 and 3 indicate that the flood-discharge estimates are comparable. For Region 2, mean percentage differences for 2- to 500-year recurrence-interval flood discharges ranged between 0.6 and 0.8 percent and median differences were 0.0 percent. For Region 3, mean and median differences ranged between 5.4 to 8.4 and 0.0 to 0.3 percent, respectively. A list of selected stream sites presented with each curve provides information about the sites including river miles, drainage areas, the location of U.S. Geological Survey stream flowgage stations, and the location of streams Abstract crossing hydro logic region boundaries or the Des Moines Lobe landforms region boundary. Two examples are presented for determining river-mile and MCS values, and two techniques are presented for computing flood-frequency discharges.


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We consider noncentered vortices and their arrays in a cylindrically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate at zero temperature. We study the kinetic energy and the angular momentum per particle in the Thomas-Fermi regime and their dependence on the distance of the vortices from the center of the trap. Using a perturbative approach with respect to the velocity field of the vortices, we calculate, to first order, the frequency shift of the collective low-lying excitations due to the presence of an off-center vortex or a vortex array, and compare these results with predictions that would be obtained by the application of a simple sum-rule approach, previously found to be very successful for centered vortices. It turns out that the simple sum-rule approach fails for off-centered vortices.


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We present the study of discrete breather dynamics in curved polymerlike chains consisting of masses connected via nonlinear springs. The polymer chains are one dimensional but not rectilinear and their motion takes place on a plane. After constructing breathers following numerically accurate procedures, we launch them in the chains and investigate properties of their propagation dynamics. We find that breather motion is strongly affected by the presence of curved regions of polymers, while the breathers themselves show a very strong resilience and remarkable stability in the presence of geometrical changes. For chains with strong angular rigidity we find that breathers either pass through bent regions or get reflected while retaining their frequency. Their motion is practically lossless and seems to be determined through local energy conservation. For less rigid chains modeled via second neighbor interactions, we find similarly that chain geometry typically does not destroy the localized breather states but, contrary to the angularly rigid chains, it induces some small but constant energy loss. Furthermore, we find that a curved segment acts as an active gate reflecting or refracting the incident breather and transforming its velocity to a value that depends on the discrete breathers frequency. We analyze the physical reasoning behind these seemingly general breather properties.


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The purpose of this study was to adjust equations that establish relationships between rainfall events with different duration and data from weather stations in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. In this study, the relationships between different duration heavy rainfalls from 13 weather stations of Santa Catarina were analyzed. From series of maximum annual rainfalls, and using the Gumbel-Chow distribution, the maximum rainfall for durations between 5 min and 24 h were estimated considering return periods from 2 to 100 years. The data fit to the Gumbel-Chow model was verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test at 5 % significance. The coefficients of Bell's equation were adjusted to estimate the relationship between rainfall duration t (min) and the return period T (y) in relation to the maximum rainfall with a duration of 1 hour and a 10 year return period. Likewise, the coefficients of Bell's equation were adjusted based on the maximum rainfall with a duration of 1 day and a 10 year return period. The results showed that these relationships are viable to estimate short-duration rainfall events at locations where there are no rainfall records.


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We present a Bayesian approach for estimating the relative frequencies of multi-single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) haplotypes in populations of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum by using microarray SNP data from human blood samples. Each sample comes from a malaria patient and contains one or several parasite clones that may genetically differ. Samples containing multiple parasite clones with different genetic markers pose a special challenge. The situation is comparable with a polyploid organism. The data from each blood sample indicates whether the parasites in the blood carry a mutant or a wildtype allele at various selected genomic positions. If both mutant and wildtype alleles are detected at a given position in a multiply infected sample, the data indicates the presence of both alleles, but the ratio is unknown. Thus, the data only partially reveals which specific combinations of genetic markers (i.e. haplotypes across the examined SNPs) occur in distinct parasite clones. In addition, SNP data may contain errors at non-negligible rates. We use a multinomial mixture model with partially missing observations to represent this data and a Markov chain Monte Carlo method to estimate the haplotype frequencies in a population. Our approach addresses both challenges, multiple infections and data errors.


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We study nonstationary non-Markovian processes defined by Langevin-type stochastic differential equations with an OrnsteinUhlenbeck driving force. We concentrate on the long time limit of the dynamical evolution. We derive an approximate equation for the correlation function of a nonlinear nonstationary non-Markovian process, and we discuss its consequences. Non-Markovicity can introduce a dependence on noise parameters in the dynamics of the correlation function in cases in which it becomes independent of these parameters in the Markovian limit. Several examples are discussed in which the relaxation time increases with respect to the Markovian limit. For a Brownian harmonic oscillator with fluctuating frequency, the non-Markovicity of the process decreases the domain of stability of the system, and it can change an infradamped evolution into an overdamped one.


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