977 resultados para Eucalyptus leaves


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O lactofen é um herbicida difeniléter recomendado para controlar plantas daninhas de folhas largas em campos de soja (Glycine max) e seu mecanismo de ação é a inibição da protoporfirinogênio-IX oxidase (Protox), que atua na biossíntese de clorofilas. Essa inibição resulta em um acúmulo de protoporfirina-IX, o que leva à produção de espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS), causando estresse oxidativo. Conseqüentemente, podem ocorrer manchas, enrugamento e queima das folhas, o que leva à paralisação temporária do crescimento da cultura. Porém, o óxido nítrico (NO) atua como um antioxidante na eliminação direta das ROS. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, por meio de avaliações fitométricas e bioquímicas, o efeito protetor do NO em plantas de soja tratadas com o herbicida lactofen. Plantas de soja foram pré-tratadas com diferentes doses de Nitroprussiato de Sódio (SNP), substância doadora de NO, e então pulverizadas com 168 g a.i. ha-1 lactofen. O pré-tratamento com SNP foi benéfico, pois o NO reduziu os sintomas de injúria causados pelo lactofen nos folíolos jovens e manteve baixos teores de açúcares solúveis. Porém, o NO proporcionou crescimento mais lento das plantas. Desta forma, posteriores estudos são necessários para elucidar os mecanismos de ação do NO na sinalização do estresse promovido pelo lactofen na cultura da soja.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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CHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS and ANTIOXIDANT ACTIVITY FROM LEAVES EXTRACTS of Terminalia fagifolia Mart. et Zucc. Phytochemical investigation of ethanolic leaves extracts of T. fagifolia led to the isolation of (+)-catechin, sitosterol-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside, alpha- and beta-tocopherol, a mixture of lupeol, alpha- and beta-amyrin, sitosterol and a mixture of glicosid flavonoids (CP-13). The structures of these compounds were identified by (1)H and (13)C NMR spectral analysis and comparison with literature data. Absolute configuration of the catechin was determinate by circular dichroism. Antioxidant activity (EC(50)), evaluated by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhidrazyl (DPPH) assay system, decreased in the order: (+)-catechin > hydroalcoholic fraction > CP-13 > aqueous fraction > EtOH extract.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Biotechnological conversion of biomass into fuels and chemicals requires hydrolysis of the polysaccharide fraction into monomeric sugars. Hydrolysis can be performed enzymatically and with dilute or concentrate mineral acids. The present study used dilute sulfuric acid as a catalyst for hydrolysis of Eucalyptus grandis residue. The purpose of this paper was to optimize the hydrolysis process in a 1.41 pilot-scale reactor and investigate the effects of the acid concentration, temperature and residue/acid solution ratio on the hemicellulose removal and consequently on the production of sugars (xylose, glucose and arabinose) as well as on the formation of by-products (furfural, 5-hydroxymethylfurfural and acetic acid). This study was based on a model composition corresponding to a 2 3 orthogonal factorial design and employed the response surface methodology (RSM) to optimize the hydrolysis conditions, aiming to attain maximum xylose extraction from hemicellulose of residue. The considered optimum conditions were: H2SO4 concentration of 0.65%, temperature of 157 degrees C and residue/acid solution ratio of 1/8.6 with a reaction time of 20 min. Under these conditions, 79.6% of the total xylose was removed and the hydrolysate contained 1.65 g/l glucose, 13.65 g/l xylose, 1.55 g/l arabinose, 3.10 g/l acetic acid, 1.23 g/l furfural and 0.20 g/l 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. (c) 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Dilute acid hydrolysis studies were performed on forest residues of Eucalyptus grandis, in a cylindrical reactor of stainless steel. The kinetics of this hydrolysis reaction was investigated employing 0.65% sulfuric acid, a residue/acid solution ratio of 1/9 (w/w), temperatures of 130, 140, 150, and 160 degrees C, and reaction times in the range 20-100 min. The results showed that, under the optimized conditions of acid hydrolysis employed in this study, the variables temperature and reaction time had a strong influence on hemicellulose removal and a small influence on the degree of lignin and cellulose removal. The highest xylose extraction yield was 87.6% attained at 160 degrees C, after 70 min reaction time, simultaneously with the formation of decomposition products, namely 2.8% acetic acid, 0.6% furfural, and 0.06% 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. A similar xylose extraction yield (82.8%) was observed at 150 degrees C after 100 min, with the formation of 3.2% acetic acid, 1.0% furfural, and 0.07% 5-hydroxymethylfurfural. The kinetic parameters determined at 130, 140, 150, and 160 degrees C for degradation of xylan present in the hemicellulose of the eucalyptus forest residue during the formation of xylose were the first-order reaction rate constants (k) for each temperature, 1.22 x 10(-4), 2.12 x 10(-4), 5.43 x 10(-4), and 9.05 x 10(-4) s(-1), respectively, and an activation energy (E-a) of 101.3 kJ mol(-1).


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The main goal of our research was to search for SSRs in the Eucalyptus EST FORESTs database (using a software for mining SSR-motifs). With this objective, we created a database for cataloging Eucalyptus EST-derived SSRs, and developed a bioinformatics tool, named Satellyptus, for finding and analyzing microsatellites in the Eucalyptus EST database. The search for microsatellites in the FORESTs database containing 71,115 Eucalyptus EST sequences (52.09 Mb) revealed 20,530 SSRs in 15,621 ESTs. The SSR abundance detected on the Eucalyptus ESTs database (29% or one microsatellite every four sequences) is considered very high for plants. Amongst the categories of SSR motifs, the dimeric (37%) and trimeric ones (33%) predominated. The AG/CT motif was the most frequent (35.15%) followed by the trimeric CCG/CGG (12.81%). From a random sample of 1,217 sequences, 343 microsatellites in 265 SSR-containing sequences were identified. Approximately 48% of these ESTs containing microsatellites were homologous to proteins with known biological function. Most of the microsatellites detected in Eucalyptus ESTs were positioned at either the 5 or 3 end. Our next priority involves the design of flanking primers for codominant SSR loci, which could lead to the development of a set of microsatellite-based markers suitable for marker-assisted Eucalyptus breeding programs.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Artemisia annua tem sido utilizada tradicionalmente para o tratamento de malária e febre na China devido à presença do princípio ativo, artemisinina. O presente trabalho avaliou a atividade central de do óleo essencial obtido por hidrodestilação e do extrato etanólico bruto de folhas frescas de A. annua em modelo in vivo como parte de um screening farmacológico dessa espécie. Sono induzido por pentobarbital, nado forçado e o ensaio de campo aberto são modelos de estudo conhecidos para o estudo de fármacos sobre depressão induzida. A administração do óleo essencial ou extrato bruto etanólico de A. annua aumentaram o tempo de imobilidade no teste do nado forçado. Por outro lado, diminuíram outros parâmetros no campo aberto, como ambulação, exploração, o ato de lamber as patas ou se lamber. Ambos produtos aumentaram o tempo de sono induzido por pentobarbital, com o óleo essencial apresentando um efeito superior ao do extrato. Pela análise dos resultados, é possível sugerir que tanto o extrato bem como o óleo essencial podem atuar como depressores do Sistema Nervoso Central (SNC).


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A incorporação de material orgânico associada à solarização do solo é uma técnica promissora no controle de patógenos de plantas. O trabalho consistiu na prospecção de materiais vegetais promissores na produção de voláteis fungitóxicos capazes de inviabilizar as estruturas de resistência de fitopatógenos do solo. em condição de campo foram incorporados 3 Kg/m² de folhas e ramos de brócolos, eucalipto, mamona e mandioca brava, associada ou não à solarização, visando o controle de Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raça 2; Macrophomina phaseolina; Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HGI e Sclerotium rolfsii. O controle foi avaliado por meio da sobrevivência das estruturas, em meios semi-seletivo específicos, aos 7, 14, 21 e 28 dias do início do experimento. Foram monitoradas as temperaturas do solo e do ar por um DataLogger Tipo CR23X (Campbell Scientific) e a porcentagem de CO2 e de O2 pelo equipamento analisador de gases (Testo 325-1). A associação da incorporação dos materiais vegetais com a solarização do solo inativou F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici raça 2, M. phaseolina e R. solani. O fungo S. rolfsii foi o único que não apresentou 100% de controle com solarização mais mamona durante o período estudado. A incorporação de mandioca seguido de solarização propiciou o controle de todos os fungos estudados com menos de sete dias da instalação do experimento, sendo tão eficiente quanto o brócolos na erradicação dos fitopatógenos veiculados pelo sol.


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Cell lysis in the formation of secretory cavities in plants has been questioned by some authors and considered as result of technical artifacts. To describe the formation of secretory resin cavities in Hymenaea stigonocarpa leaves, leaflet samples at different stages of differentiation were collected, fixed, and processed for light and electron microscopy as per usual methods. The initial cells of secretory resin cavities are protodermal and grow towards the mesophyll ground meristem; these cells then divide producing cell groups that are distinguished by the shape and arrangement of cytoplasm, and density. At the initial stages of differentiation of the secretory cavities, some central cells in these groups show dark cytoplasm and condensed nuclear chromatin. Later, there is cell wall loosening, tonoplast and plasmalemma rupture resulting in cell death. These cells, however, maintain organelle integrity until lysis, when the cell wall degrades and the plasmalemma ruptures, releasing protoplast residues, marked characteristics of programmed cell death. The secretory epithelium remains active until complete leaf expansion when the cavity is filled with resin and the secretory activity ceases. There are no wall residues between central cells in adult cavities. Our results demonstrate lysigeny and the importance of ontogenetic studies in determining the origin of secretory cavities.


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Folhas adultas de Paepalanthus superbus mostram protuberâncias intercelulares, entre a parede periclinal interna das células epidérmicas e superfície de células parenquimáticas; depósitos semelhantes ocorrem na superfície das células parenquimáticas do mesofilo. Estas protuberâncias são mais proeminentes ao redor de células parenquimáticas, formando uma estrutura que lembra uma cápsula gelatinosa. Testes histoquímicos com vermelho de rutênio evidenciam sua natureza péctica, com inclusões lipídicas dispersas, detectadas por sudan IV e sudan black B. Ultra-estruturalmente as protuberâncias mostram matriz fibrilar permeada por estruturas fimbriadas e tubulares, com margem distinta formada por estrutura membranosa. Nossos resultados sugerem que estas protuberâncias são derivadas de atividade secretora, sendo formadas após o desenvolvimento dos espaços intercelulares. em P. superbus esta estrutura pode representar uma especialização da parede celular, relacionada com adesão e mecanismos de transporte entre células.


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This study aimed to evaluate the use of hydrogel in the survival of cuttings of Eucalyptus urograndis produced with different types of substrate and water management. The experiment was carried out using cuttings of the same clone, produced up to 50 days after the cutting, in two different nurseries ("C" and "E"). Then, all the cuttings were allocated to the same nursery for 80 days, where they received irrigation at different frequencies. After this period, the cuttings were transplanted into polyethylene pots, in clay soil, with and without hydrogel. The results obtained were subjected to the variance technique for totally randomized experiments. Data analysis revealed that the plants with hydrogel displayed delayed symptoms of water deficit. Regardless of the cutting's origin ("C" or "E"), the hydrogel influenced survival, guaranteeing 37 days without additional irrigation. The nursery water management only influenced the plants from nursery "E", and the plants adapted to the lack of water (water management with one daily irrigation) took more time to present symptoms of water deficit.