1000 resultados para Eucalipto rostrato - Melhoramento genético
A utilização de Bromélias tem sido crescente no mercado de plantas onamentais, por outro lado, muitas espécies encontram-se ameaçadas, grande parte pelos impactos humanos no ambiente. Aechmea correia-araujoi E. Pereira & Moutinho, Aechmea gamossepala Wittm, Vriesea ensiformis (Vell.) Beer e Vriesea saundersii (Carrière) E. Morren ex Mez, espécies nativas da Mata Atlântica brasileira, têm sido alvo de extrativismo. Informações básicas sobre a espécie são essenciais para subsidiar a condução de programas de conservação e melhoramento genético, que aliados a ferramentas biotecnológicas permitem a incorporação de estratégias inovadoras aos métodos de melhoramento. Neste sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi descrever essas espécies, quanto à micromorfologia floral, aspectos reprodutivos envolvidos no processo de polinização, desenvolvimento floral e deesenvolvimento gametofítico, como mecanismo de preservação e produção comercial. A caracterização morfológica e anatômica das flores das espécies de Aechmea e Vriesea contribuiu para a compreensão do processo reprodutivo. As espécies apresentam grãos de pólen com alta capacidade reprodutiva, viabilidade polínica superior a 93%, germinação in vitro maior que 80% e o estigma apresenta-se receptivo da antese ao final do dia. A ontogênese floral de A. correia-araujoi é centrípeta, os primórdios desenvolvem-se na ordem, sépala, pétala, androceu e gineceu. O apêndice petalar é formado na fase final do desenvolvimento. O primórdio de óvulo tem origem placentária e caráter trizonal, o óvulo é anátropo, bitegumentado e crassinucelado. O meristema floral de A. gamosepala se desenvolve de forma centrípeta, de forma unidirecional reversa. O estigma diferencia-se na fase inicial do desenvolvimento e os apêndices petalares, na fase final. O óvulo é anátropo, crassinucelado, bitegumentado, tétrade linear, megásporo calazal funcional, desenvolvimento tipo monospórico e Polygonum. As anteras são bitecas, tetraesporangiadas, com tapete secretor. Botões florais de 8,7 - 13,0 mm são indicados no estudo de embriogênese a partir de micrósporo. As alterações celulares e o padrão de distribuição de pectinas e AGPs foram caracterizadas por análise citoquímica com azul de toluidina, KI e DAPI e imunocitoquímica por imunofluorescência com os anticorpos para RNA, pectinas esterificadas (JIM7), não esterificadas (JIM5) e AGPs (LM2, LM6, MAC207, JIM13, JIM14) e analisadas por microscopia de fluorescência. Foram caracterizados padrões de distribuição espaço-temporal de pectinas e AGP que podem ser utilizados como marcadores de desenvolvimento gametofítico masculino. As observações feitas nesse trabalho fornecem dados sobre aspectos reprodutivos das espécies que podem ser utilizados em programas de melhoramento genético, conservação e desenvolvimento de haploides
A obtenção de genótipos superiores no melhoramento de plantas depende da existência de variabilidade genética. A existência de coleções de germoplasma representativas e a utilização de um tamanho adequado de amostra são fundamentais para a preservação das frequências alélicas e genotípicas, diminuindo a perda de variabilidade genética e postergando o aparecimento dos efeitos da deriva genética. Assim, teve-se como objetivo avaliar os efeitos da deriva genética em caracteres quantitativos em subpopulações de milho. Este estudo foi realizado a partir das populações originais BR-105 e BR-106, das quais 10 subpopulações foram obtidas em cada um dos cinco ciclos sucessivos de amostragem com tamanho efetivo reduzido, totalizando 50 subpopulações para cada população original, as quais foram posteriormente autofecundadas, gerando um nível a mais de endogamia. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de 10 amostras da população original sem autofecundação, 10 amostras com autofecundação, 50 subpopulações obtidas da população original e 50 subpopulações autofecundadas, totalizando 120 tratamentos para cada população, avaliados separadamente. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos casualizados no esquema de parcelas subdivididas em faixas hierárquico, em quatro ambientes com duas repetições por ambiente. Os caracteres avaliados foram produção de grãos (PG), prolificidade (PROL), comprimento e diâmetro de espigas (CE e DE), número de fileiras por espiga (NFE), número de grãos por fileira (NGF), altura de planta e espiga (AP e AE), florescimento masculino e feminino (FM e FF) e número de ramificações do pendão (NRP). Foram estimados os efeitos da deriva genética entre as médias das subpopulações nos dois níveis de endogamia e os efeitos da depressão por endogamia nas subpopulações dentro dos ciclos. Posteriormente, realizaram-se análises de regressão linear para as subpopulações nos dois níveis de endogamia, separadamente, e em conjunto. Foi verificada uma grande variação nas médias das subpopulações ao longo dos ciclos, indicando que a deriva genética causou diferenciação entre as mesmas e que estas se diferenciaram das populações originais. Detectaram-se efeitos significativos da deriva genética nas populações não autofecundadas para todos os caracteres avaliados, em maior número para PG, já que este caráter é mais sensível à deriva genética por possuir maior grau de dominância que os demais. Houve diminuição no número de estimativas de deriva significativas para as populações autofecundadas, incluindo mudanças na magnitude e no sinal das mesmas em relação às populações não autofecundadas. Para as estimativas de depressão por endogamia, os caracteres PG, NGF, FM e FF apresentaram maior quantidade de estimativas significativas que os demais. Para a maioria dos caracteres, a regressão linear explicou a maior parte da variação encontrada com o aumento dos coeficientes de endogamia. As populações BR-105 e BR-106, por terem estruturas genéticas distintas, apresentaram performances diferentes quanto aos efeitos da deriva genética. Enfim, como a deriva genética interfere na integridade genética das populações, torna-se importante considerar seus efeitos na coleta e manutenção dos bancos de germoplasma e nas populações utilizadas no melhoramento genético de plantas.
As viroses causam perdas significativas na cultura do melão. Dentre essas, o vírus do mosaico amarelo da abobrinha-de-moita (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus- ZYMV) possui grande importância para a cultura e é encontrado em todos os locais de plantio de cucurbitáceas. O controle desse vírus através da resistência genética é a forma mais eficiente de manejo. O acesso PI414723 é a única fonte de resistência de meloeiro ao ZYMV. Essa resistência é oligogênica e supostamente condicionada por três genes dominantes: Zym-1, Zym-2 e Zym-3. A localização cromossômica do gene Zym-1 já foi confirmada no grupo de ligação 2, próximo ao marcador CMAG36. Entretanto, a localização de Zym-2 ainda carece de confirmação experimental, muito embora existam evidências de sua localização no grupo de ligação 10 (LGX). Sendo assim, um dos objetivos do presente trabalho foi confirmar a localização do gene Zym-2 através de análises de ligação com marcadores microssatélites (SSRs). Para tanto, foi utilizada uma população F2 derivada do cruzamento PI414723 x \'Védrantais\'. As plantas foram inoculadas mecanicamente com o isolado RN6-F, patótipo 0, duas vezes em um intervalo de 24 h. A confirmação da infecção e a quantificação dos títulos virais nas plantas F2 foram realizadas através do teste PTA-ELISA. O DNA genômico das plantas foi extraído da primeira folha verdadeira e utilizado nas reações de PCR com primers específicos para SSRs selecionados pertencentes ao LGX. Observou-se uma distribuição assimétrica de classes de absorbância e maior frequência de indivíduos F2 na classe com menor valor (0,1 a 0,2), sugerindo a existência de um gene de efeito maior. O teste chi-quadrado mostrou que todos os marcadores segregaram na frequência esperada (1:2:1), exceto o marcador CMCT134b. A ligação do Zym-2 aos marcadores foi confirmada por meio de regressão linear simples. Dos marcadores analisados, a regressão linear foi significativa para MU6549 e CMBR55, com p-valores de 0,011 e 0,0054, respectivamente. As análises de ligação mostraram que as ordens e as distâncias entre os marcadores condizem com os mapas presentes na literatura. Um segundo objetivo do estudo foi o de avaliar a reação ao ZYMV de 42 acessos de meloeiro oriundos da região Nordeste do Brasil, com o intuito de explorar novas fontes de resistência. Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando a mesma metodologia citada anteriormente. O título viral médio entre os acessos variou de 0,123 a 0,621 no experimento 1 e de 0,019 a 0,368 no experimento 2. Alguns acessos apresentaram consistentemente baixos títulos virais, próximos aos do acesso resistente PI414723 e dos controles negativos (plantas não inoculadas da cultivar \'Védrantais\'). Portanto, estes acessos mostram-se como potenciais fontes de resistência ao vírus para o emprego em programas de melhoramento.
The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) is a major food crops in northeastern Brazil. In Rio Grande do Norte, the cowpea, vigna beans or cowpea, as it is known, has great socioeconomic importance as a source of nutrients in food, with great emphasis among agricultural products. To improve productivity and resistance to pests, two cultivars were developed exclusively by EMPARN (Agricultural Research Corporation of Rio Grande do Norte), for breeding. The samples were provided by EMPARN, two improved (Potiguar and Laugh year) and two landraces (Rib of beef and Canapu). The seeds were ground and made into flour samples and the determination of moisture and ash by graviméticos methods, lipids by Soxhlet extraction, fibers with determiner fiber, carbohydrates by difference and minerals by ICP-OES were performed except the match analyzed by UVvis. The results showed a high fiber content (55.55% and 55.32% and 50.04% improved samples and 50.32% creole samples) and protein (25.52% and 25.27% improved and 27 samples, 23% and 24.99% creole samples). Comparing the results of the mineral content, the improved cultivars stood out in relation to Ca, Co, P, Mg, Mo and Na. Creole cultivars showed better results for Cu, Cr (low), Fe, Mn, Ni, K and Zn. The results will be important in future nutritional research and to build a table of Brazilian chemical composition of foods.
Desempenho agronômico, bromatológico e estabilidade fenotípica de sorgo silageiro em Uberlândia - MG
Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) is a good alternative to be used as silage, especially in places with water scarcity and high temperatures, due to their morphological and physiological characteristics. The appropriate management, as the ideal seeding time, interferes both productivity and the quality of silage. The work was conducted with the objective of evaluating the agronomic and bromatological performance of varieties and hybrids of silage sorghum and their phenotypic stability in two seasons, season and off-season, in the city of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. The experiments were performed at Capim Branco Experimental Farm of Federal University of Uberlândia (UFU), located in the referred city. There were two sowing dates in the same experimental area, off-season (March to June 2014) and season (November 2014 to March 2015), and the varieties and hybrids were evaluated in both situations. The design was a randomized block with 25 treatments (hybrids and varieties of sorghum) and three replications. Agronomical and bromatological data were subjected to an analysis of variance; averages were grouped by Scott-Knott test at 5% of probability, through Genes computer program; and to estimate the stability, it was opted for Annicchiarico method. The flowering of cultivars, dry matter productivity, plant height, Acid Detergent Fiber (ADF), Neutral Detergent Fiber (NDF) and Crude Protein (CP) are affected by the environment and the variety. Regarding productivity and quality of the fiber, SF11 variety was superior, independent of the rated environment. In relation to the performance stability of dry matter, the varieties SF15, SF11, SF25, PROG 134 IPA, 1141572, 1141570 and 1141562 were highlighted. For the stability of the quality of fibers (FDA and FDN), the variety 1141562 stood out. The environment reduces the expression of characters “days of flowering”, “plant height” and “productivity of dry matter of hybrids”. From the 25 hybrids analyzed for productivity and stability of dry matter performance, seven were highlighted, regardless of the rated environment: Volumax commercial hybrid and experiments 12F39006, 12F39007, 12F37014, 12F39014, 12F38009 and 12F02006.
This study aimed to evaluate different concentrations of kisspeptin, as well as the interaction of kisspeptin and FSH/LH in vitro maturation and oocyte competence in cattle. In Experiment 1 was determined the minimum concentration of Kisspeptin (Kp) to be used, and in Experiment 2 was evaluated its interection with FSH and LH. The oocytes were collected in a commercial slaughterhouse and only Grade I oocytes were utilized. The oocytes were cultured in TCM-199 medium with bicarbonate plus 10% FBS, sodium pyruvate (22μg/mL), amikacin (83mg/mL), FSH (0.5μg/mL), with different concentrations of Kp, the treatments were: FSH + 0M Kp-10; FSH + 10-7M Kp-10, FSH + 10-6M Kp-10; FSH + 10-5M Kp-10. In Experiment 2, was used better concentration of Kp found in Experiment 1, the following treatments: no hormones; FSH; FSH + Kp-10; FSH + LH; FSH, LH + Kp-10; Kp-10. The oocyte competence was determined by nuclear maturation, mitochondrial distribution, MitoTracker® Orange CMTMRos fluorescence intensity and DCF. The evaluation of nuclear maturation was made after 24 hours incubation and the oocytes were stained with DAPI to determine the nuclear stage (Germinal Vesicle-GV, Metaphase I-MI and Metaphase II-MII).The mitochondrial distribution was classified as peripheral/semiperipheral and diffuse in clusters/granules, evaluated after stained with the MitoTracker® Orange CMTMRos, and was also identified the intensity of it. To determine the intensity of ROS oocytes were stained with DCF. The statistical analysis was performed by SAS GLIMMIX PROC. In Experiment 1 oocytes matured only with the FSH reached a smaller nuclear maturation when compared to those who were matured with Kisspeptin at different concentrations (FSH:13/33; FSH + 10-7M Kp-10: 28/35; FSH + 10-6M Kp-10:30/34; FSH + 10-5M Kp-10:28/32; P=0,0001). There was no statistical difference in mitochondrial distribution between treatments (P>0.05). The fluorescence intensity of MitoTracker did not differ among treatments (P>0.05). The DCF fluorescence intensity was lower when the concentration of Kp was increased in the medium (FSH:12177726,1; FSH + 10-7M Kp-10:10945982,83; FSH + 10-6M Kp-10:9820536,53; FSH + 10-5M Kp-10:9147016,38; P<0,0001). Based in the Experiment 1 results, the concentration of Kp was determined in 10-7M. In Experiment 2 the mitochondrial distribution was different between treatments, because oocytes matured only with Kp or FSH+LH, reached a oocyte competence greater than those maturated with FSH only or without hormone addition (no hormones:66,66%; FSH:66,66%; FSH + Kp-10:75,86%; FSH + LH:91,17%; FSH, LH + Kp-10:82,85%; Kp-10:91,17%; P<0,05). The no hormones resulted in a lower nuclear maturation than the other treatments (no hormones: 5/18; FSH:18/32; FSH + Kp-10:22/29; FSH + LH:26/33; FSH, LH + Kp-10:26/34; Kp-10:25/34; P=0,0094). The fluorescence intensity of probes MitoTracker and DCF was lower when Kp was added to the maturation medium (no hormones:1228363/540069; FSH:2307984/1395751; FSH + Kp-10:1941890/1114948; FSH + LH:2502145/1722376; FSH, LH + Kp-10:2286173/1467782; Kp-10:1859411/979325 P<0,0001). So this is the first study that shows that Kisspeptin stimulates oocyte maturation without the presence of gonadotropins in the maturation medium.
The industrial Brazilian pig farming despite of the constant advance in the genetic improvement, nutrition, and in handling, seasonality problems occur in the production of weaned piglet, mainly due to the stations of the year that can impact directly in the profitability. These problems can be deepen due to breed and line of decent used in Brazil are all source from tempered weather countries. To the pig farmer it's difficult to determine the relations between indoor temperature of the barns, relative humidity of the air and top thermal amplitude which can provide good reproductive rates for the boars and arrays lodged in conventional barns. The lack research to production of environmental indices of easy interpretation to pigs, which are not dependent of complicated handling machines and also which are not expensive is considered as a negative factor from the producers. the objective os this experiment is evaluate the effects of the stations of the year over the reproductive performance of the boars Agroceres PIC 425, Agroceres PIC 337 and D.B. Dambred LM 6200, and of arrays Agroceres Canborough 22, Penarlan Naima e DB90 Danbred, in addition develop an environmental index with easy interpretation and use to the pig farmers of the region of Uberlândia - MG, using the maxim temperatures, rainfall monthly accumulated and of the thermal amplitude of the barn. The features rated during the stations of the years 2013 and 2014 were the volume and spermatic quality of the boars and the mainly reproductive indexes of the arrays as the total number of piglets born alive and total number of weaned piglets/ array/ parturition. The station of the year which had the worst results in the reproductive feature of the boars and arrays was the spring. Boars from different line of decent are sensitive to the effects of stress of the heat of spring causing lowest volume, concentration and problems in the spermatic morphology (p<0,05). The spring prejudice the reproductive indexes of arrays from different line of decent (p<0,05) and the pig farmers of Uberlândia are subjected to operating losses and income evasion due to the thermal stress in the reproduction that added can reach $150.000,00 annual for each 1000 arrays lodged/year.
PEDRO, Edilson da Silva. Estratégias para a organização da pesquisa em cana-de-açúcar: uma análise de governança em sistemas de inovação. 2008. 226f. Tese (Doutorado em Política Científica e Tecnológica) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2008.
PEDRO, Edilson da Silva. Estratégias para a organização da pesquisa em cana-de-açúcar: uma análise de governança em sistemas de inovação. 2008. 226f. Tese (Doutorado em Política Científica e Tecnológica) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, 2008.
Annual ryegrass is one of the species that best meets the needs of ranchers of southern Brazil during the winter period of the year. The breeding of ryegrass for many years has been developing superior materials, diploid and tetraploid, which, despite its higher prices for seed are being used by producers because of their better performance and quality. The objective of this research was to evaluate the behavior of different cultivars of Italian ryegrass - diploid and tetraploid, grazing, climate conditions of southwestern Paraná. The experiment was conducted in the city of Pato Branco / PR. The experimental design was a randomized block design with four replications. The observed cultivars were: LE 284, Camaro, Bakarat, Estações, Ponteio and Nibbio (diploid) and Winter Star, KLM 138, Escorpio, Titan, Barjumbo and Potro (tetraploid). The grazing was mob-grazing type time respecting input of 25 cm and 10 cm high output. It was observed that the cultivars that had high period of pasture use were those that produced larger amounts of forage. For all cultivars the highest forage accumulations occur between the months of August, September and October. Tetraploid have lower population density of tillers, but this does not affect the IAF among cultivars nor the interception of solar radiation before and after the completion of a grazing. NDF and ADF contents linearly increase with advancing in ryegrass cultivars development cycle. On average, tetraploid cultivars produce larger amounts of forage in relation to diploid cultivars.
The peaches and nectarines are highly appreciated by consumer, but it is climacteric fruits, with availability in the market in small time. It is necessary to invest to obtain genotypes with fruit quality and small perishability or that it presente less physiological disorders after storage. The aims of this work were i) to evaluate the genetic divergence among 40 peach and nectarine trees genotypes based on postharvest quality and select posible parents; ii) to evaluate the susceptibility to chilling injury in peaches and nectarines after cold storage; iii) to evaluate divergence of peaches and nectarines on the basis in the susceptibility for chiling injury and select superior genotypes; iv) evaluate the correlations between quality and susceptibility to chilling injury of peaches and nectarines v) select parents with the combination of lower susceptibility to chilling injury and higher quality fruit. The study was carried out in EEAD-CSIC, Zaragoza - Spain, during the production cycle 2013/2014. A total of 40 peaches and nectarines genotypes from germplasm collection were evaluated. The quality characteristics as flesh firmness, total soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH, rippining index and flesh color parameters were evaluated. The fruits were submitted to cold storage at 0 °C and 5 °C, with 95% average relative humidity. The evaluations were after 14 and 28 days, it being observed the presence of symptoms, such as wooliness through mealiness, flesh grainy, leatheriness and flesh color changes, through browning, bleeding and off flavor. As a selection parameter was adopted 20% of genotypes that had a higher frequency of superiority for quality characteristics, susceptibility to chilling injury and the combining of both. For quality characteristic presented greater divergence the ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanel Blanco’ and ‘Borracho de Jarque’. Based on the quality the eight genotypes were selected, ‘Andross’, ‘San Jaime’, ‘San Lorenzo’, ‘Borracho de Jarque’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ and ‘Stanford’. All genotypes studied exhibited susceptibility to one or more symptoms caused by cold storage during 28 days, independent of temperature. For 14 days, the ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Queen Giant’ genotypes did not show any physiological disorder caused by cold. In general, the temperature of 0 °C favored fruit postharvest conservation, it have a lower incidence and severity of symptoms caused by cold storage. The storage for 14 days contributed for the lower incidence of damage in the genotypes fruits studied. For 14 days, with both temperatures, it was observed divergence for ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Sudanell Blanco’, ‘Baby Gold 6’ ‘GF3’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, ‘Campiel’ and ‘Campiel Rojo’ genotypes. For 28 days, in the 5 °C condition, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Flavortop’ and ‘Redhaven’ genotypes were divergents. Based on susceptibility to chilling injury at 0 °C, the eight genotypes were selected, it being these, ‘Queen Giant’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘Flavortop’, ‘Big Top’, 'Redhaven', 'Sudanell 3', 'Bonet I' and ‘Carson’. The quality parameters as rippining index, soluble solids, firmness and titratable acidity presented correlation among them. These, also it had correlation with woolines and bowning, what it indicate that fruits with more ripening can have this symptoms more easily. The browning, mealiness, flesh grainy and off flavor variables were correlationed with the time period and temperartures, what it confirm that these symptoms are the main disorders caused by cold storage. The quality characteristics together susceptibility to chilling injury allowed selected ‘Baby Gold 6’, ‘Sarell’, ‘Keimoes’, ‘GF3’ ‘San Jaime’, ‘Big Top’, ‘Sudanell 1’, ‘Carson’, ‘Baby Gold 8’, and ‘San Lorenzo’ genotypes.
To design strategies for the conservation and use of genetic resources of tree species such as jaboticaba tree, it is essential to make the characterization. In southwestern Paraná region, there are several forest fragments containing native jaboticaba tree (Plinia cauliflora), whose materials have broad potential for commercial orchards or breeding programs. As is the potential genetic diversity of a population to produce different genotypes, it would be able to start in such a characterization one of these fragments. The aim was to characterize fruits of jaboticaba tree (P. caulifora) of forest fragment kept in Clevelândia - PR for the presence of phenotypic variability, seeking to identify those superiors named for future selection as farming or male parent, as well as estimate genetic divergence between them, as a complementary tool for this purpose. Also, verify the regeneration and spatial distribution of the species. For the study was defined portion of a hectare (10.000 m²), with all individuals identified, mapped, with local coordinate system, and measured height and diameter. Fruits were characterized by sensory and biochemical characteristics in two years, 70 genotypes at 2013 and 56 at 2014, and of these 33 genotypes in both years. As a pre-selection criteria was adopted the choice of 20% of the genotypes that showed the highest frequency of superiority in the evaluated characteristics of the fruit. Genetic divergence among 33 genotypes per year was analyzed. The distribution pattern and spatial association was evaluated by Ripley's K function. It was classified for the first time the following ontogenetic stages of jaboticaba tree, by plant height, seedling (from 0.01 to 0.99 m), juvenile (1.0 to 4.99 m), immature (> 5.0 m, non-reproductive), adult (reproductive). It was also have been describe for the first time the naturally occurring juxtaposed seedlings, indicating polyembryony. The number of regenerating identified in the population (seedlings: n = 2163; juveniles: n = 330; immature: n = 59) was much larger than the number of adults (n = 132). The species showed reverse J-shaped size structure standard, with high concentration of regenerating. The regeneration distribution occurs in aggregate pattern and there is seedling-adult dependence, due seed dispersal and seedling emergence closest to mothers. The jaboticaba tree regeneration is sufficient to maintain the species for long term in this population, which should serve as reference to regeneration success for other studies of this important fruiting species from Ombrofile Mixed Forests. Has been pre-selected the jaboticaba trees 7, 42, 43, 47, 54, 91, 97, 104, 105, 118, 134, 153, 154, 157, 163, 169, 177, 186, 212, J7-01 and J7- 02, and 16 and 194 the ones that can now be selected by the superior characteristics of both cycles. It was recommended to carry out hybridization between genotypes 79 and 119, and 96 to 148. The quality of fruit analyzed showed potential for use as a dual purpose serving both in natura market or processing.
The instability of environment between years in climates of subtropical regions difficult to obtain peach trees genotypes with wide adaptation and stable production, contributing to poor crop. The climate instability can affect development stages as flower bud and vegetative bud formation. The factors understanding that control the bud formation, presents elementary importance for effective solutions search to these problems. The objective this work is verify the temperature effect, relative humidity and rainfall on bud density and length shoot (Brindilas) and identify genotypes with more adaptability and stability for this character. Was used 12 peach trees genotypes growing in experimental orchard in the Technology Federal of Paraná State University, Campus Pato Branco with Cfa Köppen climate according to the classification. Data of rainfall, hourly temperature were collected by the weather station of Simepar. They were used three plants for genotype (rehearsal), identify five shoots per tree, in May of each year. Were carried analyzes of length shoot CR (cm), count number of flower bud (GF) and vegetative bud (GV). Also calculated the relationship between GF/GV and flower bud density and vegetative bud density. Evaluations were performer annual 2007-2014. With these data adaptability and stability analyzes were performed using Biplot methodology and correlations analyzes (Pearson) with climates variables. They used the weather data to calculate the sums of hours with temperatures below 20 °C, temperatures between 20-25 °C, temperature between 25-30 °C and temperature above 30 °C, considering the period of August 1fst of the previous period to February 28 of the following year. Pearson correlation coefficients were used for path analysis, GF and DGF as basic variables. For CR, GV and GF the highest average occurred in 2009/10 period. The genotypes ‘BRS Kampai’ and ‘BRS Libra’ highest CR. They are considered stable and adapted as the CR genotypes ‘Casc. 967’ and ‘BRS Kampai’. There was negative correlation between CR and GV for Σh <20 ° C, Σh> 30 °C and Σh with URA <50% and positive correlation between these variables and Σh 25-30 °C and Σh with URA> 70%. The evaluation of GV ‘Cons. 681’ and ‘Casc. 1055’ can be considered adapted and stable. The lowest average was presented by the genotype ‘Sta. Áurea’ though the genotype is also stable. In GF evaluation genotypes are considered adapted ‘BRS Bonão’, ‘Casc. 1055’, ‘Cons. 681’ with adaptability to all evaluated period. In path analysis was direct effect Σh 25-30 °C on flower bud density. In evaluating DGV and DGF and the variations are due to genetic effect. The most adapted and stable genotypes for DGV were ‘T. Beauty’, ‘T. Snow’, ‘Casc. 1055’ and ‘Cons. 681’. CR and GV variables are strongly affected by environment. GF is strongly affected by genetic conditions and moderately affected by environment. DGV and DGF are affected basically by genetic conditions.
The jabuticaba tree has great potential for commercial exploitation. However, its is very little used. This fact shows to be necessary to do studies that allow understand their growth behavior during the year and, if it is tolerant to frost. So that it can establish management strategies for cultivation in orchard. Other point, it is the fact that the long juvenile period of jabuticaba tree limits its use. However, many species have compound leaves that characterize them as functional compounds, what to posible its commercialization. If the leaf jabuticaba tree also present such nutraceutical compounds, this it may become an alternative source of income until the plant to start its yield. The objectives of this study were to analyze the growth behavior, the occurrence of flowering and fruit set, and the frost tolerance of jabuticaba tree genotypes present in the collection of Native Fruit from UTFPR – Câmpus Dois Vizinhos. Associated growth analysis was made evaluation of genetic divergence among these genotypes, checking the adaptive behavior in orchard condition through adaptability and stability analysis based on growth measures to stem and shoots; estimating the repeatability coefficient of stem length of characters and primary shoots, and determine the minimum number of evaluations able to provide certain levels of prediction of the actual value of these individuals. Also determined the genetic divergence among genotypes as the leaves of antioxidant activity by DPPH and ABTS methods, as well as the determination of total phenolics. The genotypes studied were put in orchard in 2009. The growth response in the three cycles was variable between months and genotypes, what it can be difficult the practices in the orchard if it do not use clones. Genotypes 'Silvestre' and 'Açú' showed greater width and leaf area compared with other genotypes, but such behavior is not favored for increased stem growth and primary shoots. Foliar increments in most genotypes occurred in the fall for leaf width, spring for length and leaf area, despite the winter also arise with genotypes, it showed superiority to width and leaf area. Most jabuticabas trees were juvenile stage with only four starting at its transition between the vegetative and reproductive phase. Tolerance to frost was observed in 26 families jabuticabeira of the 29 present in the collection. The diversity among the genotypes was to change with the time, already in each cycle, there was the formation of different groups by the methods used. The methods tested for adaptability and stability of the jabuticaba tree growth behavior did not show the same pattern in the results. The number of measurements needed to predict the actual value of genotypes based on variables evaluated was approximately one to the stem length and four for the shoots based on the method of main components of covariance with 90% probability. he antioxidant activity of the extracts of leaves of jabuticaba tree genotypes were demonstrated high when compared to other species by methods DPPH and ABTS, as well as the amount of phenolic compounds. Genotype 'Silvestre' and 'IAPAR' showed the highest antioxidant activity in the leaves. However, the genetic divergence among genotypes jabuticaba tree from collection of Native Fruit trees at UTFPR - Câmpus Dois Vizinhos for antioxidant activity leaves showed that they have great homogeneity among them and the low divergence. However, it is recommended as possible hybridization the use as parents, José 4, IAPAR 4 and Fernando Xavier genotypes.
The identification of genotypes for drought tolerance has a great importance in breeding programs. The aim of this study was to characterize genotypes of beans in response to drought tolerance in different reproductive stages through physiologic, agronomic and molecular analysis. The experiment was conducted in greenhouse, using a randomized block design with four replicates; 10 cultivars: ANFC 9, ANFP 110, BRS Esplendor, BRSMG Realce, IPR Siriri, IPR Tangará, IPR Tuiuiu, IPR Uirapuru, IAC Imperador and IAC Milênio under two conditions of irrigation: plants irrigated during their entire life cycle, and plants under irrigation suppression in the reproductive stage (R7) until 16% of field capacity, when the irrigation was restored. In the last four days of stress, the gas exchanges were analyzed, and in the last day of stress was analyzed the percentage of closed stomata in the abaxial surface of the leaves, collected in different times of the day (9h, 12h, 15h and 18h). Additionally, plant samples were collected for the following analysis: fresh and dry mass of leaves, stems and legumes, and proline content in leaves and roots. The plants were harvested at the physiological maturity and the yield components and grain yield were determined. In addition, in order to identify polymorphisms in the sequences of promoters and genes related to drought, seven pairs of primers were tested on the group of genotypes. The drought susceptibility indexes (ISS) ranged from 0.65 to 1.10 in the group of genotypes, which the lowest values observed were for IAC Imperador (0.65) and BRS Esplendor (0.87), indicating the ability of these two genotypes to maintain grain yield under water stress condition. All genotypes showed reduction in yield components under water stress. IAC Imperador (43.4%) and BRS Esplendor (60.6%) had the lowest reductions in productivity and kept about 50% of the stomata closed during all the different times evaluated at last day of irrigation suppression. IAC Imperador showed greater water use efficiency and CO2 assimilation rate under drought stress. IPR Tuiuiú, IPR Tangará and IAC Imperador had the highest proline concentrations in the roots. Under water stress condition, there was a strong positive correlation (0.696) between the percentage of stomata closed with the number of grains per plant (0.696) and the fresh mass of leaves (0.731), the maximum percentage of stomata closed 73.71% in water stress. The accumulation of proline in the root was the character that most contributed to the divergence between the genotypes under water deficit, but not always the genotypes that have accumulated more proline were the most tolerant. The polymorphisms in DNA of coding and promoting sequences of transcription factors studied in this experiment did not discriminate tolerant genotypes from the sensitive ones to water stress.