939 resultados para Estilo proverbial
11 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
17 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
7 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
54 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
14 fotografías, trece a color.
24 fotografías, dieciocho a color.
C 233 INST-D 2013. 395 Muebles en madera de diversos géneros de función y combinación de materiales.
20 fotografías, nueve a color y once en tono de grises (los archivos digitales de algunas fotografías son de muy bajo pixelaje).
31 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color
22 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografía a colo
En este trabajo establecemos la siguiente hipótesis: el sistema conjeturas-pruebas-refutaciones constituye la lógica del descubrimiento matemático escolar; bien entendido que en las matemáticas de la enseñanza secundaria el énfasis no puede situarse en la frontera móvil que Lakatos (1978) ha señalado en el trabajo de los matemáticos profesionales, esto es, la frontera demostraciones/refutaciones sino más bien en la frontera anterior, conjeturas/demostraciones. Dicho sistema supera didácticamente al enfoque unidimensional de demostración como prueba formalizada, enfoque tradicional del estilo deductivista en la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Esta hipótesis surge del análisis de las dificultades epistemológicas, cognitivas y didácticas del concepto de demostración (en particular, de la demostración por reducción al absurdo) y de la revisión de algunos estudios experimentales sobre la práctica escolar de la demostración.
Este trabajo pretende dar a conocer el avance, que hasta el momento se ha logrado, en la línea de investigación: “Visualización y pensamiento global en Matemáticas”, la cual persigue, a partir de la Teoría de Representaciones Semióticas de Duval, la caracterización del estilo de pensamiento global y local, de estudiantes de nivel medio superior y superior y de sus profesores. En particular reporto los resultados preliminares encontrados hasta el momento con estudiantes de primeros semestres de licenciatura al abordar un problema de precálculo, contrastado con desempeños en ajedrez para interpretar aspectos semejantes en cuanto a la forma local o global de pensar un problema viendo sus registros que lleven a resultados que pudieran servir en la mejora de la enseñanza de algunos temas de matemáticas.
A process of social transformation allied with ongoing changes to the family has made possible the existence of a relatively little-known phenomenon: that of child-parent violence, which is raised as one of the most commonly experienced forms of violence in the family environment. Based on the study of this phenomenon, in our research we have used the qualitative technique of a life story, making use of a field diary in which we have taken notes on our daily work in the therapeutic context, for the purposes of mitigating the effects of such a process. The following research objectives were set: establishing the connection existing between family education style and the use of violence by the minor; and evaluating the extent to which family therapy mitigates the use of violence by the minor. The family education model, together with other dimensions, results in situations of child-parent violence occurring repeatedly, with continuing negative reinforcement from both parties in order to maintain a recurrent cycle of conduct, from which it is difficult to «escape» other than through a process of ongoing psychological therapy.
This paper presents and analyzes the first literary-journalistic chronicle writen and published by Miguel Hernández: “Defensa de Madrid. Madrid y las ciudades de Retaguardia”, during the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939). This chronicle is the first one of a series establishing a new and personal type of journalism: literary chronicles –poetical and political-. Miguel Hernandez published his masterpieces in different newspapers as a war reporter, with his own name and with a pen-name, playing roles of director and political commissar in different newspapers in the war-trenches. Thematically, this first article shows his personal and political engagement, as well as his desire and strategy to protect the capital city of Spain: Madrid. Methodologically, the analysis is an approached to linguistics in social sciences, which presents some of the personal characteristics and style of the chronist Miguel Hernández. Thus, it becomes patent that the so-called New Journalism (narrative and literary), which flourished in the 70s, had already been deeply and efficiently practiced by Miguel Hernández 40 years before. That is the reason why Miguel Hernández deserves to be added to the well-known collective of chronicle writers that have already been rescued to this moment. His literary style and quality are installing him in a outstanding position as well as pioneer of the genre nowadays known as New Journalism that in his case, it is politically engaged
Malaysian children lately have been exposed or influenced heavily by digital media entertainment. The rise of such entertainment tends to drive them away from understanding and appreciating the values of Malaysian culture. Upin and Ipin animation has successfully promoted Malaysian folklore culture and has significantly portrayed the art of Malaysian values including Islamic values by providing the platform for harmonious relationship among different societies or groups or religious backgrounds. The focus of this research is to look into the usage of Malaysian culture iconic visual styles such as backgrounds, lifestyles, character archetypes and narrative (storytelling). Therefore, we hope that this research will benefit the younger generation by highlighting the meaning and importance of implicit Malaysian culture.
In this paper the claim for the market for a new business management to ensure the presence of women in decision -making to respond to new social needs addressed. Thus, this paper analyzes the influence of gender diversity of the directors on the profitability and the level of debt for a sample of 5,199 Spanish cooperatives. Unlike capitalist societies, these organizations have a number of peculiarities in their government, and that the partners are themselves major time, agents and customers. The study focuses on the Spanish context, where there is an open debate on the importance of women's business management, as in other countries, driven by the proliferation of legislation on gender equality, being, in addition, Spain, the pioneer in having specific legislation on Social Economy. The results show that cooperatives with greater female representation in theirs Boards have higher profitability. On the other hand, those Boards with a higher percentage of women show a lower level of indebtedness.