961 resultados para Emerging Technologies Committee
The innate immune system has evolved the capacity to detect specific pathogens and to interrogate cell and tissue integrity in order to mount an appropriate immune response. Loss of homeostasis in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) triggers the ER-stress response, a hallmark of many inflammatory and infectious diseases. The IRE1/XBP1 branch of the ER-stress signaling pathway has been recently shown to regulate and be regulated by innate immune signaling pathways in both the presence and absence of ER-stress. By contrast, innate immune pathways negatively affect the activation of two other branches of the ER-stress response as evidenced by reduced expression of the pro-apoptotic transcription factor CHOP. Here we will discuss how innate immune pathways and ER-signaling intersect to regulate the intensity and duration of innate immune responses.
Despite using modern microbiological diagnostic approaches, the aetiological agents of pneumonia remain unidentified in about 50% of cases. Some bacteria that grow poorly or not at all in axenic media used in routine clinical bacteriology laboratory but which can develop inside amoebae may be the agents of these lower respiratory tract infections (RTIs) of unexplained aetiology. Such amoebae-resisting bacteria, which coevolved with amoebae to resist their microbicidal machinery, may have developed virulence traits that help them survive within human macrophages, i.e. the first line of innate immune defence in the lung. We review here the current evidence for the emerging pathogenic role of various amoebae-resisting microorganisms as agents of RTIs in humans. Specifically, we discuss the emerging pathogenic roles of Legionella-like amoebal pathogens, novel Chlamydiae (Parachlamydia acanthamoebae, Simkania negevensis), waterborne mycobacteria and Bradyrhizobiaceae (Bosea and Afipia spp.).
Työn tarkoituksena oli tutkia niitä tekijöitä jotka ovat vaikuttaneet kansainvälisten yritysten myynnin kasvuun Romaniassa, Bulgariassa, Serbiassa ja Sloveniassa. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin neljää kansainvälisen yrityksen edustajaa sekä 16 kansainvälisen kaupan ammattilaista. Työn akateemisena viitekehyksenä käytettiin keskeisiä kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan teorioita sekä myynnin strategista viitekehystä. Johtopäätöksenä katsotaan, että menestyvillä yrityksillä on selvä kansainvälistymis-strategia, kansainvälinen organisaatio, konsultoiva myyntityyli ja resursseja investoida koulutukseen. Tarkastelun alla olevista maista etenkin Romaniasta ja Bulgarista löytyy liiketoiminta potentiaalia. Tutkimuksen johtopäätökset perustuvat laadullisiin ja määrällisiin tutkimusmenetelmiin ja ne on tarkoitettu palvemaan Tikkurila Oy:tä. Tutkimustuloksia on myös mahdollista soveltaa laajemmin samanlaisessa tutkimusympäristössä, kunhan tutkittavan liiketoimintaympäristön erityispiirteet ovat otetttu huomioon
Cancer-related inflammation has emerged in recent years as a major event contributing to tumor angiogenesis, tumor progression and metastasis formation. Bone marrow-derived and inflammatory cells promote tumor angiogenesis by providing endothelial progenitor cells that differentiate into mature endothelial cells, and by secreting pro-angiogenic factors and remodeling the extracellular matrix to stimulate angiogenesis though paracrine mechanisms. Several bone marrow-derived myelonomocytic cells, including monocytes and macrophages, have been identified and characterized by several laboratories in recent years. While the central role of these cells in promoting tumor angiogenesis, tumor progression and metastasis is nowadays well established, many questions remain open and new ones are emerging. These include the relationship between their phenotype and function, the mechanisms of pro-angiogenic programming, their contribution to resistance to anti-angiogenic treatments and to metastasis and their potential clinical use as biomarkers of angiogenesis and anti-angiogenic therapies. Here, we will review phenotypical and functional aspects of bone marrow-derived myelonomocytic cells and discuss some of the current outstanding questions.
Résumé: Les gouvernements des pays occidentaux ont dépensé des sommes importantes pour faciliter l'intégration des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'enseignement espérant trouver une solution économique à l'épineuse équation que l'on pourrait résumer par la célèbre formule " faire plus et mieux avec moins ". Cependant force est de constater que, malgré ces efforts et la très nette amélioration de la qualité de service des infrastructures, cet objectif est loin d'être atteint. Si nous pensons qu'il est illusoire d'attendre et d'espérer que la technologie peut et va, à elle seule, résoudre les problèmes de qualité de l'enseignement, nous croyons néanmoins qu'elle peut contribuer à améliorer les conditions d'apprentissage et participer de la réflexion pédagogique que tout enseignant devrait conduire avant de dispenser ses enseignements. Dans cette optique, et convaincu que la formation à distance offre des avantages non négligeables à condition de penser " autrement " l'enseignement, nous nous sommes intéressé à la problématique du développement de ce type d'applications qui se situent à la frontière entre les sciences didactiques, les sciences cognitives, et l'informatique. Ainsi, et afin de proposer une solution réaliste et simple permettant de faciliter le développement, la mise-à-jour, l'insertion et la pérennisation des applications de formation à distance, nous nous sommes impliqué dans des projets concrets. Au fil de notre expérience de terrain nous avons fait le constat que (i)la qualité des modules de formation flexible et à distance reste encore très décevante, entre autres parce que la valeur ajoutée que peut apporter l'utilisation des technologies n'est, à notre avis, pas suffisamment exploitée et que (ii)pour réussir tout projet doit, outre le fait d'apporter une réponse utile à un besoin réel, être conduit efficacement avec le soutien d'un " champion ". Dans l'idée de proposer une démarche de gestion de projet adaptée aux besoins de la formation flexible et à distance, nous nous sommes tout d'abord penché sur les caractéristiques de ce type de projet. Nous avons ensuite analysé les méthodologies de projet existantes dans l'espoir de pouvoir utiliser l'une, l'autre ou un panachage adéquat de celles qui seraient les plus proches de nos besoins. Nous avons ensuite, de manière empirique et par itérations successives, défini une démarche pragmatique de gestion de projet et contribué à l'élaboration de fiches d'aide à la décision facilitant sa mise en oeuvre. Nous décrivons certains de ses acteurs en insistant particulièrement sur l'ingénieur pédagogique que nous considérons comme l'un des facteurs clé de succès de notre démarche et dont la vocation est de l'orchestrer. Enfin, nous avons validé a posteriori notre démarche en revenant sur le déroulement de quatre projets de FFD auxquels nous avons participé et qui sont représentatifs des projets que l'on peut rencontrer dans le milieu universitaire. En conclusion nous pensons que la mise en oeuvre de notre démarche, accompagnée de la mise à disposition de fiches d'aide à la décision informatisées, constitue un atout important et devrait permettre notamment de mesurer plus aisément les impacts réels des technologies (i) sur l'évolution de la pratique des enseignants, (ii) sur l'organisation et (iii) sur la qualité de l'enseignement. Notre démarche peut aussi servir de tremplin à la mise en place d'une démarche qualité propre à la FFD. D'autres recherches liées à la réelle flexibilisation des apprentissages et aux apports des technologies pour les apprenants pourront alors être conduites sur la base de métriques qui restent à définir. Abstract: Western countries have spent substantial amount of monies to facilitate the integration of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) into Education hoping to find a solution to the touchy equation that can be summarized by the famous statement "do more and better with less". Despite these efforts, and notwithstanding the real improvements due to the undeniable betterment of the infrastructure and of the quality of service, this goal is far from reached. Although we think it illusive to expect technology, all by itself, to solve our economical and educational problems, we firmly take the view that it can greatly contribute not only to ameliorate learning conditions but participate to rethinking the pedagogical approach as well. Every member of our community could hence take advantage of this opportunity to reflect upon his or her strategy. In this framework, and convinced that integrating ICT into education opens a number of very interesting avenues provided we think teaching "out of the box", we got ourself interested in courseware development positioned at the intersection of didactics and pedagogical sciences, cognitive sciences and computing. Hence, and hoping to bring a realistic and simple solution that could help develop, update, integrate and sustain courseware we got involved in concrete projects. As ze gained field experience we noticed that (i)The quality of courseware is still disappointing, amongst others, because the added value that the technology can bring is not made the most of, as it could or should be and (ii)A project requires, besides bringing a useful answer to a real problem, to be efficiently managed and be "championed". Having in mind to propose a pragmatic and practical project management approach we first looked into open and distance learning characteristics. We then analyzed existing methodologies in the hope of being able to utilize one or the other or a combination to best fit our needs. In an empiric manner and proceeding by successive iterations and refinements, we defined a simple methodology and contributed to build descriptive "cards" attached to each of its phases to help decision making. We describe the different actors involved in the process insisting specifically on the pedagogical engineer, viewed as an orchestra conductor, whom we consider to be critical to ensure the success of our approach. Last but not least, we have validated a posteriori our methodology by reviewing four of the projects we participated to and that we think emblematic of the university reality. We believe that the implementation of our methodology, along with the availability of computerized cards to help project managers to take decisions, could constitute a great asset and contribute to measure the technologies' real impacts on (i) the evolution of teaching practices (ii) the organization and (iii) the quality of pedagogical approaches. Our methodology could hence be of use to help put in place an open and distance learning quality assessment. Research on the impact of technologies to learning adaptability and flexibilization could rely on adequate metrics.
This study examines how firms interpret new, potentially disruptive technologies in their own strategic context. The work presents a cross-case analysis of four potentially disruptive technologies or technical operating models: Bluetooth, WLAN, Grid computing and Mobile Peer-to-peer paradigm. The technologies were investigated from the perspective of three mobile operators, a device manufacturer and a software company in the ICT industry. The theoretical background for the study consists of the resource-based view of the firm with dynamic perspective, the theories on the nature of technology and innovations, and the concept of business model. The literature review builds up a propositional framework for estimating the amount of radical change in the companies' business model with two middle variables, the disruptiveness potential of a new technology, and the strategic importance of a new technology to a firm. The data was gathered in group discussion sessions in each company. The results of each case analysis were brought together to evaluate, how firms interpret the potential disruptiveness in terms of changes in product characteristics and added value, technology and market uncertainty, changes in product-market positions, possible competence disruption and changes in value network positions. The results indicate that the perceived disruptiveness in terms ofproduct characteristics does not necessarily translate into strategic importance. In addition, firms did not see the new technologies as a threat in terms of potential competence disruption.
A variety of technologies have been developed to assist decision-making during the management of patients with acute brain injury who require intensive care. A large body of research has been generated describing these various technologies. The Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) in collaboration with the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM), the Society for Critical Care Medicine (SCCM), and the Latin America Brain Injury Consortium (LABIC) organized an international, multidisciplinary consensus conference to perform a systematic review of the published literature to help develop evidence-based practice recommendations on bedside physiologic monitoring. This supplement contains a Consensus Summary Statement with recommendations and individual topic reviews on physiologic processes important in the care of acute brain injury. In this article we provide the evidentiary tables for select topics including systemic hemodynamics, intracranial pressure, brain and systemic oxygenation, EEG, brain metabolism, biomarkers, processes of care and monitoring in emerging economies to provide the clinician ready access to evidence that supports recommendations about neuromonitoring.
La Biblioteca de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya ofereix els seus serveis de manera virtual des de la seva creació, l'any 1995. Per això, l'aposta per les noves tecnologies del moment ha estat una constant durant aquests anys. A continuació, a través d'una breu menció a l'evolució històrica, es comenten els serveis i recursos oferts de forma pionera a nivell de biblioteques universitàries. S'analitzen els aspectes més destacables pel que fa als serveis, la gestió de la col·lecció, la formació, i la relació amb la Universitat, en el moment actual. Per concloure, es fa una anàlisi dels principals reptes de futur que la Biblioteca espera afrontar en els propers anys, tenint com a referent principal els usuaris i les innovacions tecnològiques que permetin donar resposta a les noves necessitats que vagin sorgint. Tot això, per continuar sent capdavantera en l'àmbit de les biblioteques virtuals.
Emerging adulthood is a period of life transition, in which youths are no longer adolescents but have not yet reached full adulthood. Measuring emerging adulthood is crucial because of its association with psychopathology and risky behaviors such as substance use. Unfortunately, the only validated scale for such measurement has a long format (Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood [IDEA]-31 items). This study aimed to test whether a shorter form yields satisfactory results without substantial loss of information among a sample of young Swiss men. Data from the longitudinal Cohort Study on Substance Use Risk Factors were used (N = 5,049). IDEA, adulthood markers (e.g., parenthood or financial independence), and risk factors (i.e., substance use and mental health issues) were assessed. The results showed that an 8-item, short-form scale (IDEA-8) with four factors (experimentation, negativity, identity exploration, and feeling in between) returned satisfactory results, including good psychometric properties, high convergence with the initial scale, and strong empirical validity. This study was a step toward downsizing a measure of emerging adulthood. Indeed, this 8-item short form is a good alternative to the 31-item long form and could be more convenient for surveys with constraints on questionnaire length. Moreover, it should help health care practitioners in identifying at-risk populations to prevent and treat risky behaviors.
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) predispose the offspring to vascular dysfunction, arterial hypertension, and hypoxic pulmonary hypertension. Recently, cardiac remodeling and dysfunction during fetal and early postnatal life have been reported in offspring of ART, but it is not known whether these cardiac alterations persist later in life and whether confounding factors contribute to this problem. We, therefore, assessed cardiac function and pulmonary artery pressure by echocardiography in 54 healthy children conceived by ART (mean age 11.5 ± 2.4 yr) and 54 age-matched (12.2 ± 2.3 yr) and sex-matched control children. Because ART is often associated with low birth weight and prematurity, two potential confounders associated with cardiac dysfunction, only singletons born with normal birth weight at term were studied. Moreover, because cardiac remodeling in infants conceived by ART was observed in utero, a situation associated with increased right heart load, we also assessed cardiac function during high-altitude exposure, a condition associated with hypoxic pulmonary hypertension-induced right ventricular overload. We found that, while at low altitude cardiac morphometry and function was not different between children conceived by ART and control children, under the stressful conditions of high-altitude-induced pressure overload and hypoxia, larger right ventricular end-diastolic area and diastolic dysfunction (evidenced by lower E-wave tissue Doppler velocity and A-wave tissue Doppler velocity of the lateral tricuspid annulus) were detectable in children and adolescents conceived by ART. In conclusion, right ventricular dysfunction persists in children and adolescents conceived by ART. These cardiac alterations appear to be related to ART per se rather than to low birth weight or prematurity.
Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella tekijöitä, joista ydinosaaminen muodostuu, sekä sitä kuinka yritykset voisivat parhaiten hyödyntää omia resurssejaan ja osaamistaan tunnistetun ydinosaamisen avulla. Teoria osuudessa käydään läpi kuinka ydinosaaminen on kirjallisuudessa määritelty ja miten yritykset voivat sen määritellä sisäisesti itselleen. Empiirisessä osiossa käydään läpi Telecom Business Research Centerissä tehdyn kvantitatiivisen selvityksen pohjalta valitut kolme sisällöntuottaja case - yritystä sekä kuvataan näiden osaamista. Tiedot yrityksistä perustuvat niiden edustajille tehtyihin haastatteluihin ja heidän käsitykseensä omasta yrityksestään. Tämä näkemys on tutkimuksen kannalta äärimmäisen relevanttia, koska ydinosaamisen määrittely tehdään yrityksessä sisäisesti juuri haastatellun kaltaisten yrityksen ydintoimijoiden toimesta. Varsinaisten case -yritysten lisäksi käydään läpi käytännön tapaus action-oriented -tutkimusosuudessa. Tutkimusta ja siinä käsiteltyjä esimerkkejä tulisi hyödyntää yrityksen oman ydinosaamisselvityksen apuna prosessin varrella.
Tämä tutkimus oli osa sähköistä liiketoimintaa ja langattomia sovelluksia tutkivaa projektia ja tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ennustamisen rooli päätöksenteko- ja suunnitteluprosessissa ja määrittää parhaiten soveltuvat ja useimmin käytetyt teknologian ennustusmenetelmät. Ennustusmenetelmiä tarkasteltiin erityisesti uuden teknologian ja pitkän aikavälin ennustamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimus perustui teknologista ennustamista, pitkän aikavälin suunnittelua ja innovaatioprosesseja käsittelevän kirjallisuuden analysointiin. Materiaalin perusteella kuvataan teknologian ennustamista informaation hankkimisvälineenä organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosessin apuna. Työssä arvioidaan myös seuraavat teknologisen ennustamisen menetelmät: trendianalyysi-, Delfoi-, cross-impact analyysi-, morfologinen analyysi- ja skenaario analyysimenetelmä. Työ tuo esille jokaisen ennustusmenetelmä ominaispiirteet, rajoitukset ja sovellusmahdollisuudet. Käyttäen esiteltyjä menetelmiä, saadaan kerättyä hyödyllistä informaatiota tulevaisuuden näkymistä, joita sitten voidaan käyttää hyväksi organisaatioiden suunnitteluprosesseissa.
Uusien mobiilien laitteiden ja palveluiden kehitys ovat herättäneet yritysten mielenkiinnon soveltaa langattomia sovelluksia omassa liiketoiminnassaan. Erilaisten tekniikoiden myötä myös mahdollisuuksien kirjo on laajentumassa, mikä johtaa erilaisten verkkojen ja laitteiden yhtenäiselle hallinnalle asetettavien vaatimusten kasvuun. Yritysten siirtyessä soveltamaan uusia langattomia palveluita ja sovelluksia on myös huomioon otettavaa sovellusten sekä palveluiden vaatima tietoturva ja sen hallittavuus. Tutkimuksessa esitetään langattoman sähköisen liiketoiminnan määritelmä sekä kyseisien teknologioiden käyttöä edistävät tekijät. Tutkimus luo viitekehyksen yrityksen langattomien teknologioiden käytölle ja siihen olennaisesti vaikuttavista tekijöistä. Viitekehystä on käytetty todelliseen esimerkkiin, liikkuva myyntihenkilö, kyseisten teknologioiden, palveluiden, tietoturvan ja hallittavuuden näkökulmasta. Johtopäätöksinä on arvioitu mobiilien ja langattomien teknologioiden sekä palveluiden, tietoturvan ja hallittavuuden tilaa ja analysoimalla niitä tulevaa ajatellen.