948 resultados para Elimination.


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In recent years, because of the need for a more flexible curriculum established by the Curriculum Guidelines of the National Brazilian Education (law 9394/96), the pedagogical project of the Chemistry course of FFCLRP/USP has undergone alterations, amongst them the gradual reduction of the hours devoted to the discipline Qualitative Analytical Chemistry. In this context, this discipline has been carefully analyzed and reorganized in order to allow the elimination of redundancies and the introduction of activities considered important for the professional formation of both chemists and chemistry teachers. In this work, we will discuss the main strategies adopted in this reorganization with the objective of making the teaching/learning process more dynamic and efficient.


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Rodrigo, Chamizo, McLaren, & Mackintosh (1997) demonstrated the blocking effect in a navigational task using a swimming pool: rats initially trained to use three landmarks (ABC) to find an invisible platform learned less about a fourth landmark (X) added later than did rats trained from the outset with these four landmarks (ABCX). The aim of the experiment reported here was to demonstrate unblocking using a similar procedure as in the previous work. Three groups of rats were initially trained to find an invisible platfom in the presence of three landmarks: ABC for the Blocking and Unblocking groups and LMN for the Control group. Then, all animals were trained to find the platform in the presence of four landmarks, ABCX. In this second training, unlike animals in the Blocking group to which only a new landmark (X) was added in comparison to the first training, the animals in the Unblocking group also had a change in the platform position. In the Control group, both the four landmarks and the platform position were totally new at the beginning of this second training. As in Rodrigo et al. (1997) a blocking effect was found: rats in the Blocking group learned less with respect to the added landmark (X) than did animals in the Control group. However, rats in the Unblocking group learned about the added landmark (X) as well as did animals in the Control group. The results are interpreted as an unblocking effect due to a change in the platform position between the two phases of training, similarly to what is normal in classical conditioning experiments, in which a change in the conditions of reinforcement between the two training phases of a blocking design produce an attenuation or elimination of this effect. These results are explained within an error-correcting connectionist account of spatial navigation (McLaren, 2002).


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It is widely recognized that pharmacokinetic optimization needs to be addressed early in drug discovery to reduce the high failure rate in bringing drugs to market. Poor absorption, too short duration of action due to high elimination rate, or the presence of active metabolites are examples of properties that can potentially lead to unsuccessful clinical programmes. Here I describe a brief overview of advantages and molecular strategies for improving metabolic and pharmacokinetic properties applied to the discovery of fluconazol, beta-blockers, ritonavir and ezetimibe and to the development of the prodrugs enalapril and bambuterol.


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In a networked business environment the visibility requirements towards the supply operations and customer interface has become tighter. In order to meet those requirements the master data of case company is seen as an enabler. However the current state of master data and its quality are not seen good enough to meet those requirements. In this thesis the target of research was to develop a process for managing master data quality as a continuous process and find solutions to cleanse the current customer and supplier data to meet the quality requirements defined in that process. Based on the theory of Master Data Management and data cleansing, small amount of master data was analyzed and cleansed using one commercial data cleansing solution available on the market. This was conducted in cooperation with the vendor as a proof of concept. In the proof of concept the cleansing solution’s applicability to improve the quality of current master data was proved. Based on those findings and the theory of data management the recommendations and proposals for improving the quality of data were given. In the results was also discovered that the biggest reasons for poor data quality is the lack of data governance in the company, and the current master data solutions and its restrictions.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia IAS 39 -standardin mukaista suojauslaskentaa ja rahavirran suojauksen soveltamista neljässä suomalaisessa pörssiyhtiössä kolmelta eri toimialalta. Tutkielman perusteella suojauslaskennan soveltamisessa ei havaittu suuria eroavaisuuksia eri toimialojen yhtiöiden välillä. Tutkielmassa päädyttiin johtopäätökseen, että suojauslaskennan soveltamiseen vaikuttaa enemminkin yhtiön liikevaihdon suuruus ja liiketoiminnan laajuus kuin esimerkiksi toimialan luonne. Suojauslaskennan mahdollistama tuloksen volatiliteetin tasaaminen on ensisijainen ja suurin hyöty. Tuloksiin kohdistunut huomio on nykypäivänä kasvanut, ja myös sen vuoksi tuloksen muutosten eliminointi ja suojauslaskenta on yhtiöiden mukaan tärkeää. Soveltamista harkittaessa prosessia tarkastellaan monesta eri näkökulmasta. Nykyisellä taloustilanteella on ollut vaikutuksia yhtiöiden liiketoimintaan ja suojauksiin, mutta suojauslaskentaan vain välillisesti.


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Comptar amb sistemes sofisticats de gestió o programes ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) no és suficient per a les organitzacions. Per a què aquests recursos donin resultats adequats i actualitzats, la informació d’entrada ha de llegir-se de forma automàtica, per aconseguir estalviar en recursos, eliminació d’errors i assegurar el compliment de la qualitat. Per aquest motiu és important comptar amb eines i serveis d’identificació automàtica i col•lecció de dades. Els principals objectius a assolir (a partir de la introducció al lector de la importància dels sistemes logístics d’identificació en un entorn global d’alta competitivitat), són conèixer i comprendre el funcionament de les tres principals tecnologies existents al mercat (codis de barres lineals, codis de barres bidimensionals i sistemes RFID), veure en quin estat d’implantació es troba cadascuna i les seves principals aplicacions. Un cop realitzat aquest primer estudi es pretén comparar les tres tecnologies per o poder obtenir perspectives de futur en l’àmbit de l’autoidentificació. A partir de la situació actual i de les necessitats de les empreses, juntament amb el meravellós món que sembla obrir la tecnologia RFID (Radio Frequency Identification), la principal conclusió a la que s’arribarà és que malgrat les limitacions tècniques dels codis de barres lineals, aquests es troben completament integrats a tota la cadena logística gràcies a l’estandarització i la utilització d’un llenguatge comú, sota el nom de simbologies GTIN (Global Trade Item Number), durant tota la cadena de subministres que garanteixen total traçabilitat dels productes gràcies en part a la gestió de les bases de dades i del flux d’informació. La tecnologia RFUD amb l’EPC (Electronic Product Code) supera aquestes limitacions, convertint-se en el màxim candidat per a substituir els limitats codis de barres. Tot i això, RFID, amb l’EPC, no serà un adequat identificador logístic fins que es superin importants barreres, com són la falta d’estandarització i l’elevat cost d’implantació.


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Tot seguit presentem un entorn per analitzar senyals de tot tipus amb LDB (Local Discriminant Bases) i MLDB (Modified Local Discriminant Bases). Aquest entorn utilitza funcions desenvolupades en el marc d’una tesi en fase de desenvolupament. Per entendre part d’aquestes funcions es requereix un nivell de coneixement avançat de processament de senyals. S’han extret dels treballs realitzats per Naoki Saito [3], que s’han agafat com a punt de partida per la realització de l’algorisme de la tesi doctoral no finalitzada de Jose Antonio Soria. Aquesta interfície desenvolupada accepta la incorporació de nous paquets i funcions. Hem deixat un menú preparat per integrar Sinus IV packet transform i Cosine IV packet transform, tot i que també podem incorporar-n’hi altres. L’aplicació consta de dues interfícies, un Assistent i una interfície principal. També hem creat una finestra per importar i exportar les variables desitjades a diferents entorns. Per fer aquesta aplicació s’han programat tots els elements de les finestres, en lloc d’utilitzar el GUIDE (Graphical User Interface Development Enviroment) de MATLAB, per tal que sigui compatible entre les diferents versions d’aquest programa. En total hem fet 73 funcions en la interfície principal (d’aquestes, 10 pertanyen a la finestra d’importar i exportar) i 23 en la de l’Assistent. En aquest treball només explicarem 6 funcions i les 3 de creació d’aquestes interfícies per no fer-lo excessivament extens. Les funcions que explicarem són les més importants, ja sigui perquè s’utilitzen sovint, perquè, segons la complexitat McCabe, són les més complicades o perquè són necessàries pel processament del senyal. Passem cada entrada de dades per part de l’usuari per funcions que ens detectaran errors en aquesta entrada, com eliminació de zeros o de caràcters que no siguin números, com comprovar que són enters o que estan dins dels límits màxims i mínims que li pertoquen.


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Hyperlipidic diets limit glucose oxidation and favor amino acid preservation, hampering the elimination of excess dietary nitrogen and the catabolic utilization of amino acids.We analyzed whether reduced urea excretion was a consequence of higherNO ; (nitrite,nitrate, and other derivatives) availability caused by increased nitric oxide production in metabolic syndrome. Rats fed a cafeteria diet for 30 days had a higher intake and accumulation of amino acid nitrogen and lower urea excretion.There were no differences in plasma nitrate or nitrite. NO and creatinine excretion accounted for only a small part of total nitrogen excretion. Rats fed a cafeteria diet had higher plasma levels of glutamine, serine, threonine, glycine, and ornithinewhen comparedwith controls,whereas arginine was lower. Liver carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase I activity was higher in cafeteria diet-fed rats, but arginase I was lower. The high carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase activity and ornithine levels suggest activation of the urea cycle in cafeteria diet-fed rats, but low arginine levels point to a block in the urea cycle between ornithine and arginine, thereby preventing the elimination of excess nitrogen as urea. The ultimate consequence of this paradoxical block in the urea cycle seems to be the limitation of arginine production and/or availability.


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Water treatment uses chlorine for disinfection causing formation of trihalomethanes. In this work, an electrolytic water pre-treatment was studied and applied to the water from a fountainhead. The action against microorganisms was evaluated using cast-iron and aluminum electrodes. Assays were made in laboratory using the electrolytic treatment. After 5 min of electrolysis the heterotrophic bacteria count was below 500 cfu/mL and complete elimination of total and fecal coliforms was observed. Using electrolytic treatment as a pretreatment of conventional tap water treatment is proposed.


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The increasing demand for fatty acid-free lecithin required modifications in existing purification methods. In this technical note we describe a purification procedure with the following steps: a) homogenization and extraction of yolks obtained from fresh eggs with acetone, b) solubilization with ethanol and solvent elimination and c) repeated solubilization/precipitation with petroleum ether/acetone. This crude extract was chromatographed on neutral alumina, which was exhaustively washed with chloroform before elution with chloroform:methanol, allowing the sequential separation of fatty acids and lecithin. Chromatographic behavior and mass spectra of the product are presented. This fast procedure yields fatty acid-free lecithin at a competitive cost.


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In this work an analytical methodology for the determination of relevant physicochemical parameters of prato cheese is reported, using infrared spectroscopy (DRIFT) and partial least squares regression (PLS). Several multivariate models were developed, using different spectral regions and preprocessing routines. In general, good precision and accuracy was observed for all studied parameters (fat, protein, moisture, total solids, ashes and pH) with standard deviations comparable with those provided by the conventional methodologies. The implantation of this multivariate routine involves significant analytical advantages, including reduction of cost and time of analysis, minimization of human errors, and elimination of chemical residues.


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There are different concepts in electrochemistry that must be supported by a laboratory practice to better understand their importance in industrial applications. This work reports the procedure for manufacturing an electrodialyzer in series of two or more compartments with easy manipulation. Likewise, it reports the results obtained by using this system in the nitrate elimination from synthetic NaNO3 solutions at different concentrations. Among other results obtained in the electrodialysis of these solutions, the one that stands out is the demonstration of the linear relationship between the limiting current, obtained from the polarization curves, and nitrate concentration. Additionally, implementation of the separation treatment shows that the time of elimination of practically all ionic species depends on their concentration in solution and ranges between 50 and 80 min.


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Bisphenol A (BPA) is a monomer used in epoxy resin and polycarbonate manufacture. This molecule is considered as an endocrine disruptor that causes different diseases. The human exposition to this non biodegrable substance is increasing in the time; in particular, water is contaminated by industrial remainder flow. In this article heterogeneous photo degradation of a solution of BPA in water solution using a catalytic photo reactor with UV light and titanium dioxide (TiO2) was evaluated. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was used to analyze the photo degradation of BPA solutions. The influence of titanium dioxide amount, BPA concentration, reaction temperature and the catalyst state like suspension and immobilized were also determinated. The highest elimination of BPA was 83.2%, in 240 min, beginning with 0.05 mM of BPA and 100 mg/L of TiO2 in suspension.


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In this work the treatment of textile dyeing baths by a sequential reductive-oxidative process was evaluated, aiming its utilization in new dyeing process. The results demonstrated that reactive dyes can be easily degraded by reductive processes mediated by zero-valent iron, a fact that induces decolorizations of about 80%. Sequential photo-Fenton processes permit almost total removal of the residual color with elimination of 90% of the COD content. The reuse of treated residues permits the achievement of materials that attend practically all textile specifications, with exception of the color difference parameter (ΔE), which is unsatisfactory toward the importation standards, but adequate for the national market.


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Six wines were distilled in two different distillation apparatus (alembic and column) producing 24 distillates (6 for each alembic fraction - head, heart and tail; 6 column distillates). The chemical composition of distillates from the same wine was determined using chromatographic techniques. Analytical data were subjected to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) allowing discrimination of four clusters according to chemical profiles. Both distillation processes influenced the sugarcane spirits chemical quality since two types of distillates with different quantitative chemical profiles were produced after the elimination of fermentation step influence.