828 resultados para Depressão


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The frailty syndrome is a geriatric medical condition of vulnerability resulting in the decline of physiological reserves, characterized by high-risk consequences as falls, disability, hospitalization, institutionalization and death. Although the presence of comorbidities is not always accompanied by fragility, this presence could also indicate an increased risk of adverse health events, taking the elderly to a greater likelihood of becoming brittle due to the physical limitations that may occur with emergence of diseases, which are strongly predictive of Fragility Syndrome. This study aimed to assess the prevalence of frailty syndrome in the elderly and associated factors. The specific objectives were to identify the prevalence of frailty syndrome in the elderly and their associations with demographic, economic, health, functional and psychological; identify the reasons for the prevalence of frailty syndrome with the demographic profile, health problems, use of legal drugs and problems with sleep of older people. The study was cross-sectional and composed of 385 elderly aged 65 or more. Multivariate Poisson regression models were used to check conditions associated with fragility and determine the prevalence ratio (α = 0.05). The prevalence of fragility was 8.7% and pre-fragility of 50.4%. Fragile and pre-frail elderly presented, bigger and increasing prevalence ratio for marital status, difficulty in performing instrumental activities of daily living, old age, involuntary loss of stool, depression and negative affect. Elderly people who do not work have a higher prevalence of fragility, as well as those who reported having had a stroke / stroke / ischemia, those who suffered falls in the last 12 months and those with sleep problems. It is considered that the results, together with other available in the literature, can contribute to the understanding of the fragility epidemiology and also in the implementation of specific programs aimed at reducing the prevalence of frailty, optimizing the quality of life. It is suggested that future programs have special attention to the profiles of elderly people who have not yet developed fragility, i.e., pre-fragile. This could prevent the elderly from becoming frail.


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Nos períodos críticos de plasticidade neural ocorre uma maior permissividade do sistema nervoso ao ambiente, por isto, a ação do estresse sobre o individuo e suas repercussões sobre áreas responsáveis pelo controle dos sistemas de resposta ao estresse e por funções cognitivas complexas vem recebendo bastante atenção. A utilização de modelos experimentais translacionais tem sido imprescindível na elucidação destes mecanismos e das patologias associadas. Diante disto, este trabalho investigou os efeitos do estresse social sobre parâmetros fisiológicos, comportamentais, cognitivos e sobre a neurogênese no córtex pré-frontal (CPF) durante um período crítico de plasticidade cerebral, a fase juvenil, em machos de Callithrix jacchus. Durante cinco meses, 5 animais foram acompanhados em suas famílias (GF) e 5 animais foram isolados socialmente por 4 meses (GI), após um mês em observação em ambiente familiar (fase basal- FB). Ao final do 5º mês foram aplicados 2 testes de memória de trabalho (MT) nos animais GF e GI. Em seguida, 3 animais de cada grupo foram sacrificados para análise do fator de neurogênese BDNF ( Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) por imunofluorescência no CPF (sub-regiões orbitofrontal e lateral). Os animais do GF não variaram significativamente o cortisol ao longo do estudo, enquanto o GI elevou o cortisol e comportamentos indicadores de ansiedade (CA) na primeira semana do isolamento. Em seguida, o GI apresentou uma redução no cortisol, nos CA, no peso corporal e um aumento de comportamentos estereotipados e da anedonia, alterações tipicamente depressivas em primatas não-humanos. Ao final, o GI apresentaram níveis de cortisol menores que em FB. Ambos os grupos apresentaram dificuldades em realizar e aprender as tarefas cognitivas e a presença de BDNF no córtex pré-frontal foi independente do grupo (GF ou GI), porém correlacionou-se com os níveis de cortisol presentes na ultima semana do estudo, e os animais com presença de BDNF no CPF lateral e orbitofrontal apresentaram maiores níveis de cortisol. Estes resultados contribuem no processo de validação do sagui como um bom modelo psiquiátrico translacional e aponta para possibilidade de estudos sobre transtornos depressivos na juventude e suas repercussões posteriores. Além disto, os resultados observados para as tarefas cognitivas levou-nos a fazer uma releitura dos protocolos utilizados em estudos de memoria de trabalho com animais adultos desta espécie, com a finalidade de aprimora-los facilitando a aprendizagem em animais juvenis, naives e em situações de estresse. Ademais, evidenciou-se pela primeira vez a relação do estresse, cortisol e níveis de BDNF, em animais juvenis desta espécie, com a fim de contribuir com sua utilização como modelo animal neurocognitivo.


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Introduction: Menopause is characterized by the depletion of ovarian follicles and the gradual decline in estradiol levels, which ends with the definitive cessation of menstrual periods (menopause). As a result of hypoestrogenism, characteristic symptoms, such as hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia, insomnia, mood swings and depression can be observed. There is also the weakening of the pelvic floor muscles (MAP) as a result of progressive muscle-aponeurotic and connective atrophy with consequent decreased sexual function. Objective: To evaluate the strength of MAP, sexual function and quality of life of menopausal women. Methodology: This is an observational, analytical, cross-sectional design. The sample consisted of 55 women (35 postmenopausal and 20 perimenopausal), aged between 40 and 65, who were assessed by muscle strength and perineometry test. For the assessment of sexual function and quality of life, used the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and Utian Quality of Life (UQOL), respectively. Statistical analysis was performed using Pearson's correlation and multivariate analysis. Results: The mean age was 52.78 (± 6.47 years). Sexual dysfunction presented, 61.8% of participants (43.62% of postmenopausal and perimenopausal 18.17%). Muscle strength test and the maximum perineometry had a median of 3.00 (Q25: 2 e Q75: 4) and 33,50 cmH20 (Q25: 33,5 e Q75: 46,6), respectively. No correlation was found between sexual function and muscle strength (r = 0.035; p = 0.802) and between sexual function and perineometry (r = 0.126; p = 0.358). The mean total score of UQOL was 74.45 (± 12.23). Weak positive correlation was found between sexual function and quality of life (r = +0.422 p = 0.001). Multivariate analysis identified associations between sexual function and variables: quality of life, climacteric symptoms, physical activity and education level. Conclusions: These results suggest that the climacteric symptoms, quality of life, physical activity and level of education are associated with sexual function in menopausal women. However, the muscular component of sexual function needs to be further investigated in this context.


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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease, rare, multisystem, with a very heterogeneous clinical and serological manifestations standard. The patient, in addition to suffering injuries on his physical and physiological functioning, may also face a number of psychosocial problems. Research indicates that SLE can cause significant damage to the psychological realm, especially with the presence of anxiety and depression. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), proposed the establishment of 19 neuropsychiatric clinical syndromes attributed to SLE. Depression lies between mood disorders and is one of the most common psychiatric manifestations in this group, being found more frequently in these patients than in the general population. Studies also suggest that social support plays an important role in the development of coping strategies, in SLE management and depression. This study has as main objective verify the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support in patients with SLE. The specific objectives turned to: investigte the prevalence of depressive symptoms; investigate the perceived social support and verify if there is an association between depression, social support and sociodemographic variables. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. The analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The final sample could count with 79 SLE women, with an average age of 35.7 years. 44 (55.7%) of the participants were married. Only 6 (7.59%) had completed higher education and 32 (40.51%) have not finished high school. Seventy-one (89.87%) had an income below three minimum salaries and 71 (89.87) practiced a religion, and the Catholic (67.71%) was the most mentioned by them. Of the total sample, 37 (46.74%) had been diagnosed SLE more than 7 years before, and 25 (31.65%) had the disease for more than 10 years. Only 19 (24.05%) had some work activity. Forty-two of them (53.17%) had depressive symptoms levels from mild to severe, and 51 (64.46%) reported pain levels of 5, or above. The study found a significant association between depressive symptoms and pain (p = 0.013) and depressive symptoms and work activity (p = 0.02). When we examined the perception of social support, the results showed high levels among participants. Using the Spearman correlation test we found a strong correlation between depressive symptoms and social support (p= 0,000037). It means that the higher the frequency of support, the lower the score of depression. These findings are relevant because depressive symptoms in patients with SLE have a multicausal and multifactorial character and may remain unnoticed, since many of them are confused with the manifestations of the disease. This fact requires a careful assessment from professionals, not only in the clinical setting, but also considering other psychosocial reasons, that may be influencing the emergence or worsening of symptoms. These results also corroborate other studies, which not only confirm the predictive role of social support in the physical wellbeing, but also in the psychological.


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Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic autoimmune disease, rare, multisystem, with a very heterogeneous clinical and serological manifestations standard. The patient, in addition to suffering injuries on his physical and physiological functioning, may also face a number of psychosocial problems. Research indicates that SLE can cause significant damage to the psychological realm, especially with the presence of anxiety and depression. In 1999, the American College of Rheumatology (ACR), proposed the establishment of 19 neuropsychiatric clinical syndromes attributed to SLE. Depression lies between mood disorders and is one of the most common psychiatric manifestations in this group, being found more frequently in these patients than in the general population. Studies also suggest that social support plays an important role in the development of coping strategies, in SLE management and depression. This study has as main objective verify the association between depressive symptoms and perceived social support in patients with SLE. The specific objectives turned to: investigte the prevalence of depressive symptoms; investigate the perceived social support and verify if there is an association between depression, social support and sociodemographic variables. We used a sociodemographic questionnaire, the Beck Depression Scale, and the Perceived Social Support Scale. The analysis was performed through descriptive and inferential statistics. The final sample could count with 79 SLE women, with an average age of 35.7 years. 44 (55.7%) of the participants were married. Only 6 (7.59%) had completed higher education and 32 (40.51%) have not finished high school. Seventy-one (89.87%) had an income below three minimum salaries and 71 (89.87) practiced a religion, and the Catholic (67.71%) was the most mentioned by them. Of the total sample, 37 (46.74%) had been diagnosed SLE more than 7 years before, and 25 (31.65%) had the disease for more than 10 years. Only 19 (24.05%) had some work activity. Forty-two of them (53.17%) had depressive symptoms levels from mild to severe, and 51 (64.46%) reported pain levels of 5, or above. The study found a significant association between depressive symptoms and pain (p = 0.013) and depressive symptoms and work activity (p = 0.02). When we examined the perception of social support, the results showed high levels among participants. Using the Spearman correlation test we found a strong correlation between depressive symptoms and social support (p= 0,000037). It means that the higher the frequency of support, the lower the score of depression. These findings are relevant because depressive symptoms in patients with SLE have a multicausal and multifactorial character and may remain unnoticed, since many of them are confused with the manifestations of the disease. This fact requires a careful assessment from professionals, not only in the clinical setting, but also considering other psychosocial reasons, that may be influencing the emergence or worsening of symptoms. These results also corroborate other studies, which not only confirm the predictive role of social support in the physical wellbeing, but also in the psychological.


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The medicinal plants constitute a rich source of biologically active compounds used for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Generalized anxiety disorder has increased significantly, being the second most prevalent disorder in care facilities to public health. Depression is considered a chronic and common psychiatric disorder that affects 350 million people of all ages around the world. In this context, the pharmacological intervention conduits have been employed, effective, although leave to be desired when observed adverse effects. The genus Passiflora is commonly commercially known by its fruit, but is also widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine. Passiflora edulis displays considerable morphological variability. This plant produces two types of fruit: Purple (Passiflora edulis Sims fo. edulis) and yellow (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa Degener). This study investigated the central effects of aqueous extract of the leaves of the two varieties of the species Passiflora edulis in tests used to assess behavior related to anxiety and depression, as well as investigating the potential effect of the antidepressant-like fractions of edulis fo. edulis and neuropharmacological mechanisms responsible for this action. To conduct this study used male Swiss mice (2 months old, weighing 30-35 g). The animals received the aqueous extract of the leaves of the two species of Passiflora: edulis fo. edulis (100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) and fractions ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous waste (25, 50, 75, 100 mg / kg) and edulis fo. flavicarpa (30, 100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) or saline by gavage 60 minutes prior to the maze tests at high cross the open field test, test forced swim test and sedation induced by thiopental. To investigate the mechanism of action of the activity of antidepressant type of fractions the following drugs were used: PCPA (inhibitor of 5-HT synthesis) AMPT (inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis), DSP-4 (noradrenergic neurotoxin) and Sulpiride (antagonist selective dopamine D2 receptor). They were used as a standard positive control, fluoxetine and nortriptyline. The results of the phytochemical profile show very different characteristics to the aqueous extract of the varieties of Passiflora edulis "flavicarpa" and "edulis". The aqueous extracts of both varieties of Passiflora edulis share anxiolytic activity type (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo. flavicarpa 300 and 1000 mg/kg) and antidepressant (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo flavicarpa 1000 mg/kg), while the effect hipolocomotor/sedative was only seen for edulis fo. edulis (1000 mg/kg). Both fractions ethyl acetate, butanol aqueous extract edulis fo. edulis showed activity type antidepressant at a dose of 50 mg/kg in the forced swim test. The data suggest that the effect of antidepressant-like fractions edulis fo. edulis involves catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission, particularly dopaminergic, there is seen that pre-treatment DSP-4 is not affected antidepressant action of fractions as was dependent activation of dopamine D2 receptors.


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The medicinal plants constitute a rich source of biologically active compounds used for the treatment of many psychiatric disorders, such as anxiety disorders and depression. Generalized anxiety disorder has increased significantly, being the second most prevalent disorder in care facilities to public health. Depression is considered a chronic and common psychiatric disorder that affects 350 million people of all ages around the world. In this context, the pharmacological intervention conduits have been employed, effective, although leave to be desired when observed adverse effects. The genus Passiflora is commonly commercially known by its fruit, but is also widely used in traditional Brazilian medicine. Passiflora edulis displays considerable morphological variability. This plant produces two types of fruit: Purple (Passiflora edulis Sims fo. edulis) and yellow (Passiflora edulis fo. flavicarpa Degener). This study investigated the central effects of aqueous extract of the leaves of the two varieties of the species Passiflora edulis in tests used to assess behavior related to anxiety and depression, as well as investigating the potential effect of the antidepressant-like fractions of edulis fo. edulis and neuropharmacological mechanisms responsible for this action. To conduct this study used male Swiss mice (2 months old, weighing 30-35 g). The animals received the aqueous extract of the leaves of the two species of Passiflora: edulis fo. edulis (100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) and fractions ethyl acetate, butanol and aqueous waste (25, 50, 75, 100 mg / kg) and edulis fo. flavicarpa (30, 100, 300, 1000 mg / kg) or saline by gavage 60 minutes prior to the maze tests at high cross the open field test, test forced swim test and sedation induced by thiopental. To investigate the mechanism of action of the activity of antidepressant type of fractions the following drugs were used: PCPA (inhibitor of 5-HT synthesis) AMPT (inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis), DSP-4 (noradrenergic neurotoxin) and Sulpiride (antagonist selective dopamine D2 receptor). They were used as a standard positive control, fluoxetine and nortriptyline. The results of the phytochemical profile show very different characteristics to the aqueous extract of the varieties of Passiflora edulis "flavicarpa" and "edulis". The aqueous extracts of both varieties of Passiflora edulis share anxiolytic activity type (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo. flavicarpa 300 and 1000 mg/kg) and antidepressant (edulis fo. edulis 300 mg/kg; edulis fo flavicarpa 1000 mg/kg), while the effect hipolocomotor/sedative was only seen for edulis fo. edulis (1000 mg/kg). Both fractions ethyl acetate, butanol aqueous extract edulis fo. edulis showed activity type antidepressant at a dose of 50 mg/kg in the forced swim test. The data suggest that the effect of antidepressant-like fractions edulis fo. edulis involves catecholaminergic and serotonergic neurotransmission, particularly dopaminergic, there is seen that pre-treatment DSP-4 is not affected antidepressant action of fractions as was dependent activation of dopamine D2 receptors.


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Background: Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) has effect on mortality in patients with heart failure (HF) chronic, and the exercise of the treatment of this patient. The most common exercise is ongoing training. Recently we have been studying the effects of interval training, but there is no consensus on the optimal dose of exercise. Objective: To evaluate the effects of interval aerobic training are superior to continuous aerobic training in patients with chronic HF. Methods: The clinical trial evaluated patients through cardiopulmonary test (CPX) and quality of life before and after the RC (3 times / 12 weeks). Patients were randomized into Group Interval Training (GTI - 85% of heart rate reserve - FCR), Continuous Training Group (GTC - 60% of HRR) and control group (CG) who received guidelines. Results: 18 patients were evaluated (mean age 44.7 ± 13.2 years and 35.2 ± 8.9% of left ventricular ejection fraction [LVEF]). Both groups were efficient to increase the peak VO2 and 15.1% (P = 0.02) in GTI and 16.1% (P = 0.01) GTC. As for the quality of life the GTI GTC showed improvement compared to the control group (P = 0.006). Hemodynamic mismatch events during the CPX were reduced after training in more GTC (patients 1 to 4) than in the GTI (5 to 3). Cardiac risk also decreased in the GTC (3 patients left the severe risk to take after training). Conclusion: Continuous training becomes more appropriate for improving fitness with little chance of developing cardiac event patients with chronic HF.


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A capacidade de mover-se com independência e segurança é fundamental para a execução das atividades de vida diária e manutenção da qualidade de vida do indivíduo. Diversos fatores, dentre eles o envelhecimento podem contribuir para seu declínio. Estudos têm demonstrado associação entre experiências de violência doméstica (VD) e diversos problemas de saúde física e mental. Até o momento, não há estudos que tenham avaliado a associação entre experiências de VD no curso de vida e limitações de mobilidade na senescência. OBJETIVOS: estimar a prevalência da VD (física e psicológica) em idosos, e avaliar o impacto da VD no curso de vida na limitação de mobilidade. MATERIAIS E MÉTODO: Estudo observacional analítico a partir da primeira coleta de dados do estudo longitudinal International Mobility in Aging Study (IMIAS). Idosos (n = 1995) de ambos os sexos entre 65 e 74 anos de cinco localidades distintas (Kingston e Saint-Hyacinthe, Canadá; Tirana, Albânia; Maniazales, Colômbia; e Natal, Brasil) participaram do estudo. Dados sobre variáveis sociodemográficas, econômicas, condições de saúde e experiências de VD (física e psicológica) durante o curso de vida foram coletados. A limitação de mobilidade na senescência foi avaliada pelo Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) e pela dificuldade de andar 400 metros e/ou subir um lance de escadas. As prevalências foram avaliadas mediante frequências absolutas e relativas das exposições à VD, limitação de mobilidade e co-variáveis. Diferenças de gênero, bem como entre cidades foram analisadas utilizando o teste de qui-quadrado. Associação entre exposição à VD e limitação de mobilidade foi avaliada utilizando a regressão logística binária multivariada, ajustando pelas co-variáveis. Análise de mediação foram utilizadas, para avaliar possíveis caminhos entre a exposição à VD no curso de vida e a limitação de mobilidade. RESULTADOS: A violência física foi rara, com valores entre 0,63 e 0,85%. Relatos de violência psicológica variaram entre 3,2% e 23,5% (homens) e de 9% para 26% (mulheres). Mulheres experimentaram mais violência do que os homens em Saint-Hyacinthe (homens: 3,2% vs mulheres: 14%, p <0,001), Tirana (homens: 4,3% vs mulheres: 10,3%, p = 0,017), em Manizales (homens: 8,3 % vs mulheres: 18,3%, p = 0,004) e Natal (homens: 11,1% vs mulheres: 26%, p = 0,002). Em geral, o baixo suporte social pelo parceiro foi associado com a VD. Estar trabalhando foi associado a vitimização entre os homens, enquanto o oposto foi verdade para as mulheres. Arranjos de vida Multi-familiares e baixo suporte pelos parceiros, filhos e família foram associados com a VD. Baixo suporte social foi da maior importância para as mulheres do que os homens. A VD física foi associada tanto com o SPPB < 8 (OR 1,623 95%IC 1,161-2,269) como com a dificuldade para andar 400 metros e/ou subir um lance de escadas (OR 1,394 95%IC 1,063-1,829). A limitação de mobilidade decorrente da violência física no curso de vida pelo parceiro íntimo foi mediada pelas condições crônicas (efeito 25,56% 95%IC 0,036-0,277) e depressão (efeito 33,05% 95%IC 0,087-0,333). No caso da violência física por outros familiares, a limitação de mobilidade foi mediada pelas condições crônicas (efeito 20,85% 95%IC 0,022-0,202), não adesão à prática de atividades físicas (efeito 34,14% 95%IC 0,076-0,351) e depressão (efeito 44,40% 95%IC 0,144-0,315). CONCLUSÕES: A violência doméstica no curso de vida é uma realidade, que pode acarretar consequências que favorecem a limitação de mobilidade em idosos. São necessárias políticas públicas que combatam efetivamente a violência doméstica, garantindo um envelhecimento mais digno e independente funcionalmente.


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Há um consenso na literatura de que a vivência do abuso sexual na infância ocasiona uma série de consequências, tanto físicas quanto psicológicas, às vítimas. O cenário de violência contra crianças e adolescentes está cada vez mais frequente na sociedade contemporânea, tornando-se um problema de saúde pública, de modo a ser necessário um olhar mais atento dos profissionais e elaboração de políticas públicas tanto para a prevenção dos casos como para o tratamento dos problemas deles decorrentes. Nas crianças, há uma associação do aumento de problemas comportamentais e psicológicos, que podem se estender até o período da idade adulta. Outros estudos enfatizam alterações em áreas cerebrais e as relacionam com o surgimento de transtornos mentais na população de crianças vítimas de violência sexual, dentre outros tipos de violência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a presença de traços de personalidade, os estilos parentais desenvolvidos e o desempenho cognitivo, especificamente as funções executivas, em meninos com histórico de abuso sexual. Foram avaliadas 62 crianças e adolescentes (32 com histórico de abuso sexual e 30 sem), sendo que no grupo de abuso a idade média dos integrantes é de 11,7 anos de idade e seus genitores majoritariamente divorciados, diferentemente do grupo controle, no qual os genitores são, na maior parte, casados. O método constou de questionário sociodemográfico, testes neuropsicológicos que avaliam as funções executivas (Wisconsin Card Sortint Test, Figuras de Ray e Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Edição (WISC-III)- Semelhanças, Arranjo de Figuras, Compreensão, Cubos, Dígitos e Vocabulário), Questionário de Personalidade para Crianças e Adolescentes (EPQ-J) e Inventário de Estilos Parentais (IEP). Não houve resultados significativos entre o abuso e as funções executivas, tanto nos subtestes dos Escala de Inteligência Wechsler para Crianças - Terceira Edição (WISC-III) quanto no do Wisconsin; porém o grupo apresentou dados significativamente menores na memória do Figuras Complexas de Rey. Com relação ao EPQ-J, os resultados demonstraram maiores índices de neuroticismo, os quais podem ser associados com sintomas de depressão, e apresentaram menores índices em extroversão, trazendo possíveis dificuldades nas relações sociais. Com relação aos estilos parentais, o grupo apresentou dificuldades e prejuízos nas percepções sobre os genitores, especialmente com relação ao genitor, que é o maior abusador estatisticamente. Os dados mostraram uma correlação entre neuroticismo e vocabulário, estilos parentais e vocabulário, e neuroticismo e estilos parentais. Observou-se a importância de maiores estudos com o público masculino, para que possam ser elucidadas, de forma mais abrangente, as questões de abuso sexual e suas interferências nos aspectos neuropsicológicos, estilos parentais e traços de personalidade, visto que a maior parte dos estudos é relacionada ao público feminino. É necessário o desenvolvimento de políticas públicas para o atendimento específico do público masculino que sofre abuso, e que o profissional da saúde esteja preparado para ajudar, fortalecendo os aspectos psíquicos e emocionais.


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Personality is one of the most controversial and intriguing theme in Psychology. In a general way, it could be understood as a set of rigid patters of feelings, thoughts, and behaviors from an individual. The aim of this investigation was describe how Brazilian researches in Psychology that use cognitive, behavioral, and cognitive-behavioral therapy referential have been approaching the subject Personality in their work. We also intended to determine the frequency of publications on Personality Disorders to compare this data with the bibliographical production on Anxiety and Mood Disorders. Moreover, we tried to describe how the Personality construct - and even Personality Disorders construct - has been addressed in the work on the Anxiety and Mood Disorders chosen for this review. The PePSIC Periódicos Eletrônicos em Psicologia - e SciELO.ORG - Scientific Electronic Library Online - databases were used for research. We investigated 53 journals, including two specific Cognitive Therapies and Behavioral-Cognitive Therapy (TCC) periodicals. Within each journal, we undertook a systematic survey on publications on the themes: Personality, Personality Disorder, Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depression, Dysthymia and Bipolar Disorder. A preliminary research has resulted in 218 articles. A second filter has obtained 81 articles in which we the focused on this review. There were found thirty-eight articles on Anxiety Disorders, twenty-five on Mood Disorders and eighteen on Personality Disorders. It was found that 90% of the papers on Anxiety Disorders make no reference to the term Personality or make it in a discrete way. This number rises to 96% to Personality Disorder group. Analyzing the specific journals on TCC we verified that 97% of the articles on Anxiety and Humor disorders do not cite the term Personality or cite but not explore it. This results point to the low rate of studies addressing the Personality and personality disturbs. Then, we can suggest that the difficulty on treating this Axis II disturbs has been worsened by lack of knowledge produced on the subject, either for lack of interest among researchers or because of the methodological obstacles found on this field.


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Preterm birth is a public health problem worldwide. It holds growing global incidence rates, high mortality rates and a risk of the long-term sequelae in the newborn. It is also poses burden on the family and society. Mothers of very low birth weight (VLBW) preterm infants may develop psychological disorders, and impaired quality of life (QoL). Factors related to mothers and children in the postpartum period may be negatively associated with the QoL of these mothers. The aim of this study was to assess factors possibly associated with the QoL of mothers of VLBW preterm newborns during the first three years after birth. Mothers of VLBW preterm answered the World Health Organization Quality of Life (WHOQOL)-bref and the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) in five time points up to 36 months postpartum, totalizing 260 observations. The WHOQOL–bref scores were compared and correlated with sociodemographic and clinical variables of mothers and children at discharge (T0) and at six (T1), twelve (T2), 24 (T3) and 36 (T4) months after the delivery. We used the Kruskal Wallis test to compared scores across different time points and correlated WHOQOL-bref scores with the sociodemographic and clinical variables of mothers and preterm infants. Multiple linear regression models were used to evaluate the contribution of these variables for the QoL of mothers. The WHOQOL–bref scores at T1 and T2 were higher when compared to scores in T0 in the physical health dimension (p = 0.013). BDI scores were also higher at T1 and T2 than those at T0 (p = 0.027). Among the maternal variables that contributed most to the QoL of mothers, there were: at T0, stable marital union (b= 13.60; p= 0.000) on the social relationships dimension, gestational age (b= 2.38; p= 0.010) in the physical health dimension; post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (b= -10.05; p= 0.010; b= -12.18; p= 0.013, respectively) in the psychological dimension; at T1 and T2, Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (b= -7.41; p= 0.005) and female sex (b= 8,094; p= 0.011) in the physical health dimension and environment, respectively. At T3, family income (b= -12.75’ p= 0.001) in the environment dimension, the SNAPPE neonatal severity score (b= -0.23; p= 0.027) on the social relationships dimension; at the T4, evangelical religion (b= 8.11; p= 0.019) and post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus (b: -18.84 p: 0.001) on the social relationships dimension. The BDI scores were negatively associated with WHOQOL scores in all dimensions and at all times points: (-1.42 ≤ b ≤ -0.36; T0, T1, T2, T3 and T4). We conclude that mothers of preterm infants VLBW tend to have a transient improvement in the physical well-being during the first postpartum year. Their quality of life seems to return to levels at discharge between two and three years after delivery. The presence of maternal depressive symptoms and diagnosis of post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus or BDP are factors negatively associated with the QoL of mothers. Social, religious and economic variables are positively associated with the QoL of mothers of VLBW preterm.


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A estrutura política e econômica brasileira promove uma sociedade marcada por desigualdades sociais, gerando indignações e diversos conflitos. Estresse, ansiedade, depressão, mal estar profissional, infraestrutura precária, alimentação inadequada, sedentarismo, (i)mobilidade urbana, fragilidade dos vínculos sociais, poluição, dentre outros, são fatores contemporâneos que afetam a qualidade de vida dos seres humanos. Este cenário merece atenção peculiar quando nos remetemos ao ambiente escolar. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a qualidade de vida bem como identificar o grau de estresse percebido em diretores de Escolas Municipais de Educação Infantil (EMEIs) na Cidade de São Paulo. Participaram do estudo 86 Diretores de Escolas, correspondendo a 16,04% do total de diretores de EMEIs da Rede Municipal de Educação (RME). Os instrumentos utilizados foram: Questionário sociodemográfico, Instrumento de Avaliação de Qualidade de Vida-abreviado - WHOQOL-bref e a Escala de Estresse Percebido – PSS. Os resultados revelaram que, em média, 70,9% possuem uma excessiva rotina de trabalho, caracterizadas por: chegar mais cedo e/ou sair mais tarde do expediente normal; receber e/ou fazer ligações, mensagens, e-mails ou similares, relacionados à direção, fora do expediente de trabalho e levar serviços para casa e/ou se preocupar com questões relativas à direção, após encerrar o expediente. A maioria (60,05%) acredita que as condições de trabalho, enquanto Diretor de Escola influenciam negativamente na saúde pessoal. Tanto o índice geral da Qualidade de Vida quanto em relação aos domínios do WHOQOL-bref mostraram médias significativamente abaixo dos dados normativos brasileiros 12,7±3,1 (p<0,001). Quanto ao nível de estresse percebido, inicialmente analisamos as frequências referentes aos respectivos níveis. Os resultados mostraram que o nível de estresse percebido se situa entre 48,8% de “às vezes” para 41,9% de “quase sempre”. Este resultado se apresenta estatisticamente significativo (χ2 p<0,05). Com base neste estudo pudemos observar a escassez de estudos sobre QV e estresse com Diretores de Escolas e que a QV se apresentou significativamente baixa, bem como a percepção de estresse em quase metade da amostra estudada.


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Objective: Identify preventive self-care practices and analyze the configurations of the network support for women with and without breast cancer registered in a mammography-monitoring project from Porto Alegre/Brazil.Method: a mixed sequential delimitation was performed, which expanded the results of the quantitative step (cross and correlation section) in a qualitative step (narrative interviews). 37 women diagnosed with breast cancer (group 1) and 72 without this diagnosis (group 2 – monitoring) participated. The following instruments were used: Assessment Questionnaire Self-care Ability (ASA-A) and Assessment Questionnaire Perceived Social Support and Community. There were performed descriptive analysis and comparison of means (t test and ANOVA) between the two groups. To deepen the understanding of the data, we selected four women with breast cancer with extreme levels on the scale of Social Support to participate in the biographical narrative interviews.Results: the analysis indicate that women who had breast cancer have better self-care practices than the women from the monitoring project (t = 1.791, P = 0.027). As for the analysis of social support, there were no statistically significant differences between the two groups. All participants have an average level of perceived social and community support. It was highlighted by the qualitative data that it was after the diagnosis of breast cancer that women lived self-care aspects they had not previously experienced.Conclusions: the self-care was significantly bigger in the group of women with breast cancer, where the cancer diagnosis was a trigger to increase self-care.


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Estudámos a prevalência e gravidade sintomatológica em 300 idosos institucionalizados com e sem declínio cognitivo. Depois analisámos as relações entre sintomatologia e declínio, e o papel preditivo de variáveis relevantes no declínio cognitivo. No total, 48,7% dos idosos tem sintomas ansiosos e 70,0% sintomas depressivos. As médias sintomatológicas são altas, especialmente entre os idosos com declínio cognitivo. Existe correlação significativa entre a sintomatologia e o declínio, mas somente os idosos deprimidos correm risco aumentado de sofrer de declínio cognitivo. Estes resultados realçam a importância de prevenir, diagnosticar e tratar o declínio cognitivo, os sintomas ansiosos e depressivos em idosos institucionalizados.