951 resultados para Cooking (Wine)


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[ES] Aristófanes es un autor que muestra en sus obras una predilección especial por el vino, al que hace numerosas alusiones de todo tipo, relacionándolo con la celebración y la fiesta. Podemos destacar en particular algunos usos metafóricos en los que se muestra la estrecha relación que existe entre éste y la paz, con la que en cierta manera puede llegar a identificarse. Tal es el caso de un pasaje de Aristófanes (Acarnienses, 186-200) en el que las diversas propuestas de tregua se presentan como si fueran vinos de diversas añadas que el protagonista debe catar.


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[ES] La lírica arcaica ocupa un lugar especial en la historia de la literatura griega, pero es también al mismo tiempo un documento importantísimo para conocer aspectos de la vida diaria de esta época, entre ellos el relacionado con la alimentación. La elegía y el yambo dejan entrever una dieta vegetariana, complementada con carnes de animales domésticos y caza y con el vino como bebida fundamental, una dieta no muy diferente de la que nos mostrarán otros autores griegos a lo largo de toda la antigüedad.


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The swordfish, Xiphias gladius, is a large migratory oceanic species. It is widely distributed in tropical, temperate, and sometimes cold waters of all oceans, and is usually found in areas with sea-surface temperatures above 13°C. It can reach a maximum size of 540 kg, and is a favorite food fish in many countries. It is excellent for steaks, canning, or teriyaki, the Japanese dish of meat grilled with sugar, soy sauce, and rice wine. Swordfish is harvested commercially throughout its distribution, in both coastal and high-seas fisheries. Sport fisheries for swordfish are very small compared to those for other billfishes, accounting for no more than a few hundred fish per year. (PDF file contains 284 pages.)


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This report describes the proximate compositions (protein, moisture, fat, and ash) and major fatty acid profiles for raw and cooked samples of 40 southeastern finfish species. All samples (fillets) were cooked by a standard procedure in laminated plastic bags to an internal temperature of 70'C (lS8'F). Both summarized compositional data, with means and ranges for each species, and individual sample data including harvest dates and average lengths and weights are presented. When compared with raw samples, cooked samples exhibited an increase in protein content with an accompanying decrease in moisture content. Fat content either remained approximately the same or increased due to moisture loss during cooking. Our results are discussed in reference to compositional data previously published by others on some of the same species. Although additional data are needed to adequately describe the seasonal and geographic variations in the chemical compositions of many of these fish species, the results presented here should be useful to nutritionists, seafood marketers, and consumers.(PDF file contains 28 pages.)


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Changes in sensory and instrumental quality parameter sand in thawing drip, cooking drip and total drip loss of frozen stored Baltic cod fillets (Gadus morhua) at different storage temperatures were investigated. Cod fillets stored at –20 °C and –30 °C exhibited the lowest drip losses and obtained the highest sensory scores. Drip losses were found to be highest in cod fillets stored at –10°C and in double frozen fillets stored at –20 °C. These two experiments also gave the lowest sensory scores. The texture parameters increased during storage parallel with storage time. The waterbinding capacity was lowest at –10 °C and almost constant at –30 °C. There is a good correlation between the sensory scores for “tough” and the instrumental texture measurement for hardness and chewiness.


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Raw fillets of saithe, red fish and salmon were stored over a period of 2 days at 6 to 9 °C before preparing by frying, deep-frying or cooking in a microwave oven. The raw and prepared fillets were tested for bacterial loads, TVBN (total volatile basic nitrogene) and for the sensorial status. It was shown that saithe and red fish started more rapidly to spoil under these conditions than salmon. The fillets showed growing bacterial populations and produced high amounts of TVBN. Sensory changes, especially in flavour and odour, took place but the scores kept in an acceptable range. The investigations indicated that it is possible to store raw fillets for 1 or even 2 days in refrigerator but due to the loss of quality it is recommended to use only really fresh fillets stored in very clean containers. It was further shown that it is very important to heat fillets sufficiently during cooking or frying in order to destroy all microorganisms and to obtain safe and stable meals.


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After the evaluation of 48 samples consisting of hand and machine-peeled sand shrimps it can be stated that there was no significant difference in quality between both. The quality of the sand shrimps was evaluated by sensorially performed paired comparison as well as by estimating the microbial load and the volatile amines (MMA, DMA, TMA). Additionally, the colour characteristics were measured instrumentally. To characterise the influence of the technological regime measurements of pH and of the salt content were performed. The quality of sand shrimp is further influenced by technological steps as freezing, cooking procedure and preservatives used. From the hygienic point of view the machine-peeling was without any objections. The microbial load was small and below the limit set by EC. Measurement of volatile amines was not suited to make visible difference created be the various peeling methods.


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Vitamins are organic substances which are present in minute amounts in natural foodstuffs and which are essential for normal physiological functions. The short review gives an overview on the vitamin content in fish and discusses the influence of industrial production and household cooking. The vitamin contents in fish depend on the species and vary considerably. Fish is a rich source of vitamin D and B12. Some species contain also considerable amounts of niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin E.


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Germany is one of the iodine deficiency countries in Europe. Marine fish and its products can considerably contribute to the iodine supply via food. The short review gives an overview on the iodine content in fish and other marine species and discusses the influence of house hold cooking and other kitchen preparations. The iodine content in marine fish depends on the species and varies considerably at high level. Lean fish species have an average iodine content of more than 100 μg I / 100 g edible part. The recommended allowance for adults of dietary iodine of 180-200 μg can be covered by the consumption of one marine fish portion per day.


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Changes in the quality of canned tilapia packed in oil and tomato sauce at ambient and accelerated temperatures were examined by microbiological and sensory evaluation. Canned tilapia were found to be microbiologically stable and organoleptically acceptable after six months storage period. Total viable count (TVC) were generally low (2.5 x 10 super(2)). Thermophilic organisms (Clostridium) were absent in all samples. The yield of edible part of tilapia was 72% after dressing. Pre-cooking of tilapia resulted in a loss of 21.5% of its dressed weight. Comparison of canned tilapia with available canned fishes (geisha and bonga) showed similar trends in the taste, proximate composition, microbiological stability and sensory scores.The possibility for investment in tilapia cannary was also investigated. It was found that production of canned tilapia will be economically viable if a ten hectare tilapia farm is used as a source of raw materials.


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Freshly caught miscellaneous fish were transported to the laboratory, gutted and washed before mechanical separation into bone and mince. Seven batches of the mince were then treated with seven different concentrations (Wt/Wt) of sodium chloride before cooking. The cooked mince was divided into two groups, pressed and unpressed. Percentage residual salt of the salted cooked mince, cooked water and salted pressed mince was determined. Also, the moisture content of the salted cooked mince and salted pressed cake was determined


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Presentado en las Jornadas sobre "Expresiones del humor desde la Antigüedad hasta nuestros días", organizadas por el Departamento de Estudios Clásicos y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la UPV/EHU y celebradas en Vitoria-Gasteiz del 20 al 22 de octubre de 2009.


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Presentado en las Jornadas sobre "El humor (y los humores) en el mundo antiguo", organizado por el Departamento de Estudios Clásicos y el Instituto de Ciencias de la Antigüedad de la UPV y celebrado en Vitoria-Gasteiz los días 16 y 17 de octubre de 2007.


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(ES) En el presente artículo trata de poner de relieve los mecanismos utilizados por Aristófanes en Lisístrata para presentar de forma paródica el sacrificio juratorio con el que las mujeres sellan el pacto para obligar a sus maridos a que firmen la paz. Se analiza en este trabajo la utilización del vocabulario específico y la organización básica de este ritual, que Aristófanes conserva intacto, en contraste con la sustitución operada en cuanto a la persona que realiza el sacrificio y a la víctima sacrificial, una jarra de vino de Tasos. Esta elección entronca con el motivo cómico del amor de las mujeres al vino, al que se dedica la segunda parte de este trabajo.


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The notions about women been limited to producing children like rates alone; cooking for the family, restricted within the fenced compound without any meaningful contributions in fish food production was dispelled during the course of the study. From the data gathered, the study revealed various contributions of women as regard fish food production as about 2% of the women are involved in direct fishing as this enhance food security of the family and the society. Also women dominate the entire post harvest and marketing sector and 70% started fishing business with their personal savings.Also, some of the women own boats and other fishing inputs, which they do give to the fishermen that could catch the fish and sell it to them. This has a way of enhancing fish catch and fish food security of the people as those men that would have sit idle for lack of fishing gears are now meaningfully engaged courtesy of the women financiers. Finally, the study also revealed that 46% of the women between N2,5000 to above N4,000 from marketing of fish, and also utilizenthe income generated to enhance the welfare of the households in the area of food, clothing and paying their children school fees hence reducing the level of poverty of their households