982 resultados para Coesão e coerência
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper analyses the scientific collaboration network formed by the Brazilian universities that investigate in dentistry area. The constructed network is based on the published documents in the Scopus (Elsevier) database covering a period of 10 (ten) years. It is used social network analysis as the best methodological approach to visualize the capacity for collaboration, dissemination and transmission of new knowledge among universities. Cohesion and density of the collaboration network is analyzed, as well as the centrality of the universities as key-actors and the occurrence of subgroups within the network. Data were analyzed using the software UCINET and NetDraw. The number of documents published by each university was used as an indicator of its scientific production.
The goal of this research was to characterize written stories, produced by students, without complaint of language development (oral and written), from pictographic support. In a specific way, it has been searched, in those stories, elements that could grant coherence, applying that performance with the participants’ profile variables. It was characterized as a descriptive-exploratory study, held at a rural municipal school in the State of Parana. Twenty-one (21) students of both genders and ages between seven and nine years old have participated in this study. Data collection consisted of two narratives requests: one oral, after being released, to the child, four pictures placed in sequence to form a story, and one written. This writing production had been taken for the analysis. The results have indicated that most children (71.42%) managed to produce coherent stories, seventeen (80%) in story 1 and thirteen (61%) in story 2. As to the relation of that coherence with the students’ profile in story 1, there has been no statistically significant association, for none of the analyzed variables (gender, age and education), whereas there has been a statistically significant association with gender in story 2 (p-value 0.027). It is considered that the use of the pictographic support in developing stories have been confirmed as a facilitating strategy for its construction, for it has enabled the production of coherent narratives.
This research seeks to demonstrate the scientific collaboration in the field of Information Science, specifically in the thematic indexing, by analyzing the co-authors network, based on scientific collaboration in Brazilian journals online, according to CAPES. We selected six Brazilian journals online, namely: Ciência da Informação; Transinformação; Perspectivas da Ciência da Informação; Encontros BIBLI: Revista Eletrônica de Biblioteconomia e Ciência da Informação; DataGramaZero and Em Questão, totaling 25 articles. It was built in coauthorship network, using Pajek software in order to evaluate interactions between researchers and cohesion of the network by calculating its density.
Abstract: The civil war in the former Yugoslavia (1991 - 1995) had a strong ethnicreligious component. In an attempt to maintain the cohesion of an artificially created state post-first World War, identities were sought and accepted - and institutionalized - the differences between the various peoples that constituted the "land of the South Slavs". From the 1980s the differences were highlighted during the war and taken to the extreme, especially in the territories of Croatia and BosniaHerzegovina. From literature and the author's personal experience and using concepts of culture, ethnicity, identity, difference, belonging, nation and state, the text shows how the ethnic-religious differences were used during the civil war in Yugoslavia to claim possession of territories, strengthen discourse of the impossibility of coexistence, overvalue potential threats and fear and justify the perpetration of crimes against humanity.
The discussion about reading as a cultural practice is a requirement that points to the school relevance to take itself as a social space of meanings construction and the need to use methodologies that focus on the knowledge construction process and the individual development in considering the teaching dynamics that encourage the strategies discovery for individual and collective work, facilitating that human culture object appropriation . The focus is on the relationships in the classroom and school context mediated by language to written language acquisition, with emphasis on reading. This study intends to contribute for the refl ection on the pedagogical implications derived from the organization of a teaching context, intentionally aimed at the teaching organization of reading strategies in the written language acquisition process. The hypothesis is that the reading strategies contribute to the contexts organization with pedagogical coherent and to the competent reader formation during the education act. The studies are based on Brazilian educators Girotto; SOUZA, 2010) and on North American educators (HAMPTON & Resnick, 2008; OWOCKI, 2003; WEDWICH & Wutz, 2008; HARVEY AND GOUDVINS, 2007), with the action research methodology.
In Brazil, the football is more than just a sport, it's a passion and part of country's DNA almost a century ago. By this prerogative the club national championship, nowadays known as Brazilian Championship and organized by Brazilian Football Confederation, it is a mark in this modality. During the soccer history, were made several changes of nomenclature, rules and dispute mode, that generated many controversies, contributing for discussing about credibility of the championship. There were many changes about dispute mode, alternating the mixed mode (eliminatory + classificatory and vice versa) and a dispute mode based on classification. This research aimed to described and to analyzed the changes that have occurred in dispute types of the Brazilian Championship, series A, in the last 15 years (1995 to 2010). It was analyzed each edition, with data like average of public, matches and participants number, period that the championship was conducted, beyond the dispute mode. In the last 15 years, have been used five different types and it was observed that the current mode to consecutive points is the most appropriate, because this mode showed the best public average, greater coherence to elect the competition champion and this mode also encouraged the clubs about planning, organization and professional management. This issues contributed to a significant improvement in quality of Championship
The aims of this work are to analyze the direct solar radiation pressure torque (TPRS) in the rotational motion of spin-stabilized artificial satellites, to numerically implement these solutions and to compare the results with real data of the Brazilian Satellite Data Collection – SCD1 and SCD2, supplied by INPE. The mathematical model for this torque is determined for a cylindrical satellite, and the components of this torque are determined in a fixed system in the satellite. An analytical solution for the spin motion equations is proposed, in which TPRSD does not affect the spin velocity of the satellite. Two approaches are adopted in the numerical implementation of the developed theory: the first one considers the proposed theory and the second introduces a variation in the spin velocity based on its real variation. The results obtained indicate that the solar radiation pressure torque has little influence in the right ascension and declination axis of rotation due to the small dimension of the satellite and altitude in which it is found. To better validate the application of the presented theory, the angular deviation of the spin axis and solar aspect angle were also analyzed. The comparison of the results of the approaches conducted with real data show good precision in the theory, which can be applied in the prediction of the rotational motion of the spin-stabilized artificial satellites, when others external torques are considered besides the direct solar radiation pressure torque
Thin walled cylindrical shells are widely used in many areas of industry, including civil, mechanical, nuclear, marine, petroleum and aerospace engineering. The wide application of thin cylindrical shells and the importance of instability phenomenon are the motivation basis to this study, since these factors have a great importance in engineering projects. It is presented a detailed study about the instability of cylindrical shells based on theoretical calculation, which results are compared with finite elements method calculation. The loading and boundary conditions analyzed are based on the most common types verified in real engineering projects and refer respectively to lateral (external) pressure and cylinders with simply supported edges. The calculation based on the finite elements method was executed with ANSYS 13.0 software. The results obtained with this calculation are in good agreement with the analytical theory presented in the technical note NACA No 1341 (BATDORF, 1947) considering a wide range of applicability. On the other hand, the analytical method presented in the book Theory of Elastic Stability (TIMOSHENKO; GERE, 1936) has a very restrict applicability and has presented considerable deviations in a great sort of the analyzed cases
Estudar chamados de alarme permite inferir sobre a percepção de risco de predação. A percepção de risco de predação por um primata pode ser afetada por diversos fatores, como o ambiente em que ele está e o horário do dia. O objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar se há relação entre a atividade dos predadores em potencial do macaco-prego e a frequência de vocalizações de alarme de um grupo do Parque Estadual Carlos Botelho. Os dados usados foram coletados nos anos de 2007 e 2009, as vocalizações anotadas como “ad libitum”. O teste qui-quadrado revelou diferenças significativas entre os três períodos do dia em 2007, sugerindo uma maior percepção de risco em horários de atividade dos predadores aéreos. O teste não revelou diferenças significativas para o ano de 2009. A temperatura ou a estação do ano em que as aves se encontravam durante a observação pode ter provocado essa diferença de resultados. Comportamentos de forragear em lugares menos expostos, vigilância e coesão de grupo podem ser analisados para uma melhor compreensão da percepção de risco por predadores aéreos
This research attempts to analyze the relationship between the National Secondary Education Examination and the design of teaching, specifically in the way of defining what should be taught, in the present National Curriculum identifying clues that help us in the explanation of a conception of teaching and making the confrontation between the evaluation device in this ENEM. We intend to identify, even if there is consistency between what is taught and what is learned in schools, whether it public or private, and it evaluates the evidence as ENEM. This work is part of the Bachelor's Degree in Education Full theme is a critical analysis of the evaluation system ENEM regarding their school pedagogical practices. The overall goal is to bring to light the evaluative perspective envisaged in secondary education as a training practice, regarding the evaluation method levied by the National Examination of Secondary Education, seeking to raise the following reflection: The evaluation addressed in high school according to the National Curriculum meets view of the National Middle School? To answer this question, the work specified in a field research through analysis of evidence applied to the Portuguese Language School students in two schools, one in public and one private school, both in the city of Rio Claro, São Paulo, the analysis on the Matrix Reference ENEM in order to show whether the school pedagogical practice meets the demand of this evaluation system. Methodology as part of the job search literature, taking for himself the main theoretical assessment as Luckesi (2005), Hoffman (1996) Saviani (1986) and Curriculum Proposal of the State of São Paulo
In radiotherapy, computational systems are used for radiation dose determination in the treatment’s volume and radiometric parameters quality analysis of equipment and field irradiated. Due to the increasing technological advancement, several research has been performed in brachytherapy for different computational algorithms development which may be incorporated to treatment planning systems, providing greater accuracy and confidence in the dose calculation. Informatics and information technology fields undergo constant updating and refinement, allowing the use Monte Carlo Method to simulate brachytherapy source dose distribution. The methodology formalization employed to dosimetric analysis is based mainly in the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) studies, by Task Group nº 43 (TG-43) and protocols aimed at dosimetry of these radiation sources types. This work aims to analyze the feasibility of using the MCNP-5C (Monte Carlo N-Particle) code to obtain radiometric parameters of brachytherapy sources and so to study the radiation dose variation in the treatment planning. Simulations were performed for the radiation dose variation in the source plan and determined the dosimetric parameters required by TG-43 formalism for the characterization of the two high dose rate iridium-192 sources. The calculated values were compared with the presents in the literature, which were obtained with different Monte Carlo simulations codes. The results showed excellent consistency with the compared codes, enhancing MCNP-5C code the capacity and viability in the sources dosimetry employed in HDR brachytherapy. The method employed may suggest a possible incorporation of this code in the treatment planning systems provided by manufactures together with the equipment, since besides reducing acquisition cost, it can also make the used computational routines more comprehensive, facilitating the brachytherapy ...
This work aims to approach the Youth Studies to the Geography. It adressesYouth Sociability through the nightlife entertainment context, considering the spatiality and temporality of this phenomenon and its territorialization in urban space. For this, we made a case study of a Leisure Spot - a centrality formed by the cohesion of evening entertainment establishments, which serves as a reference of entertainment to their attenders and also to the residents of the city - located in the Jardim Bongiovani one of the university district of Presidente Prudente - SP. The study sought to reconstruct the historical process of formation and structuring of that spot, and know its current dynamics, based on Participant Observation. Thus, we sought to identify the social actors that were there and their spatial practices, its paths and streams, the reference group identity, and spatial references and territorializations in the Leisure Spot, and also the ways of the youth to gain visibility in this scenario of urban spectacle
Cette étude visait à générer une carte du potentiel d'érosion pour la Ferme Santa Edwirges, située à Lorena /SP. Les résultats ont etés classifiés en faible, modéré, élève et très élève potentiel d'érosion et la carte obtenue a été comparé par rapport aux autres cartes existantes pour la zone d'étude. La méthodologie proposée se basant sur une application qualitative simple L’équation Universelle de Perte de Sol (USLE ou EUPS), en considérant les parties de l'équation: érodibilité, la topographie et l'utilisation des terres. Les donnés ont etés intégrés par l'algèbre de carte dans l’environnement SIG de ArcGIS. Pour la représentation de chacune de ces parcelles, nous avons utilisé une carte des formations superficielles de la ferme, généré à partir d'une ré-interprétation de la carte géologique, une carte de la pente et une carte d'utilisation des terres, attribuant un poids d’important pour chaque catégorie de ces cartes dans le processus d'érosion et dans l'algèbre proposée. Les résultats obtenus sont compatibles avec les zones identifiées comme les plus critiques sur terrain. La ferme a été identifiée comme de potentiel d'érosion modérée et la partie sud de la ferme le plus critique, suivi du groupe conduit par la zone de cisaillement, par contre les plaines proches des rivières ont eté identifié comme la zone plus stable avec moins de potentiel d'érosionDe la comparaison des résultats de ce travail et d'autres qui ont fait antérieurement dans la zone d’intéresse, qui ont utilisé les paramètres géotechniques dans la représentation de l'érosivité des sols, nous avons pu voir des résultats similaires, en particulier dans les zones à potentiel élevé et faible pour l'érosion. De la discussion et analyse des résultats, la méthodologie proposée à eté validée
When handling soil conservation practices isn’t applied correctly, they cause problems at the level of structure, cohesion and fertility in soils and lack of water availability. In the case of this monograph, conducted in a rural property located at Álvares Machado City, identified that most areas are intended for use activities of beef cattle and dairy and subsistence agriculture, which historically addition to withdraw native flora, resulting in problems such as compaction and increase soil exposure to climatic agents, generating a serious frame of erosion problems. In the case of water from rainfall, the soil exposed, causes the “splash” effect and therefore when it becomes runoff carries the spalled particles mainly for low land areas. Without the vegetation, especially trees or shrubs species, the velocity of runoff increases, initiating the appearance of furrows, which consequently may become a kind of ravine erosion and gully, which makes invalid any area in your surroundings... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)