843 resultados para Chandlers Purchase


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The conventional commercial relationship between suppliers and customers has undergone a profound change as a result of the technological advances that have been made in electronic transactions, such as the Internet. These transformations have not been entirely technological in nature, as they have also directly altered marketing activities. Due to a series of factors, companies are increasingly driven by their customer wishes and requirements, with Electronic Commerce being just one of the means of developing and maintaining this type of relationship, called Customer Relations Marketing. The Internet sites available allow companies to obtain information more easily about which aspects are most relevant to their target customer group in terms of their products and services, helping them to increase the value of commercial transactions on offer. The online marketing strategies of electronic retail companies aim to cultivate customer loyalty after the first purchase has been made, so that customers make repeat purchases. Virtual bookstores represent a particularly successful sector in the world of Electronic Commerce. However, to ensure profitability, the business models of these companies need to be based on customer loyalty, as there is stiff competition in this area. This research study seeks to develop a heuristic model, called 4Ps and 1F, for customer loyalty to virtual bookstores. The 4Ps represent one of the most traditional marketing concepts and the F relates to Customer Loyalty. In developing this model the aim is to see how each marketing P influences customer loyalty, thus identifying the factors critical to the success of virtual bookstores retaining customer loyalty.


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A dissertação tem como objeto a investigação das relações entre a o design de um website de comércio eletrônico de CDs e o comportamento do consumidor virtual, com ênfase a sua atitude e intenção de compra. O objetivo principal é mensurar o efeito do design da loja virtual (website) em seu papel de agente de vendas na Internet. A análise do comércio varejista de CDs foi escolhida, pois este produto é um dos principais artigos de venda neste canal. O estudo é apoiado em um referencial teórico, no qual são analisadas as características dos seguintes pontos: i) a Internet atuando como canal de vendas; ii) o comércio varejista de CD no Brasil e iii) o comportamento do consumidor e o seu processo decisório. Ainda no referencial teórico são apresentados os diversos modelos de avaliação de website existentes: baseado em Marketing, Teoria dos Dois Fatores, avaliação da qualidade, avaliação da web (W AM) e aceitação da Tecnologia na Web (T AM). A análise e comparação destes modelos serviu como base para o desenvolvimento da proposta do modelo de avaliação website. O estudo é complementado pelo desenvolvimento de uma pesquisa, com aplicação de questionário via web (websurvey). A coleta dos dados é utilizada como forma de validação estatística das relações existentes no modelo desenvolvido. Isto é feito por meio do uso da ferramenta de análise de Equações Estruturadas (SEM), suportada pelos conceitos e métodos de abordagem descritos no referencial teórico. A ferramenta permite tanto avaliar um modelo de mensuração e um modelo estrutural simultaneamente.


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An increasing interest in society towards environmental and ecological issues have beaconed consumer¿s behavior research, particularly the ones related to the identification of the impact of environmental agendas on consumer habits. The objective of the present study is to attitudes related to brands, advertising and purchase intention. The study was based on data gathered through a ¿between subjects¿ experimental research, with three levels of manipulation. One hundred and sixty eight students from the city of Rio de Janeiro were selected for the experiment. The hypothesis suggested that subjects who were exposed to ecological cues demonstrate a more favorable behavior towards advertising attitude (H1A), brand attitude (H1B) and purchase intentions (H1C) than the ones who were not. In addition, an intrinsic health cue called ¿Omega 3¿ was introduced to the experiment to enhance the results of the research. The results have shown that subjects are indifferent to ecological cues regarding their attitudes towards the advertising and purchase intention. However, the study determined a more favorable attitude towards the brand by subjects exposed to the ecological cue. Therefore, it is possible to conclude that although ecological cues exposed in advertisements do not result on an increase of a positive of the product label is enhanced positively due to the relation of the brand with environmentally sound practices.


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The objective of the present work is to investigate gift-giving behavior between humans and their pets, and whether the relationship between human and pet affects the choice and purchase of these gifts. Theoretical support comes from works by Wolfinbarger (1990) who categorized the motivations underlying gift-giving, Belk & Coon (1993) who observed gift-giving as an economic exchange, Belk (1993) who approached gift-giving as an act of agapic love, and finally Hirschman (1994) who described many forms of relationship between consumers and their pets. The present study is of exploratory character. In-depth interviews were conducted so then the feelings and emotions of the informants, necessary to the analysis, could emerge. It was assumed that agapic, unconditional love, guided the gifts choice and purchase. Nevertheless, interpretation of the records shows that motivations which led the humans to give gifts to their pets were many. The work shows these motivations in a matrix. Records also indicate that it is difficult to establish the threshold between on motivation and the other.


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O conceito de confiança tem sido introduzido em estudos empíricos sobre marketing no Brasil partir do referencial teórico adotado principalmente nos Estados Unidos Europa. presente dissertação examina confiança, tanto no vendedor como na empresa, valor qualidade do produto percebidos pelos clientes como fatores que afetam satisfação em compras de valor, tal como compra de um imóvel residencial na planta. estudo se baseia nos artigos de Santos (2001), sobre o impacto do gerenciamento de reclamações sobre confiança lealdade do consumidor, de Doney Cannon (1997) sobre confiança no relacionamento entre empresas seus vendedores. estudo empírico trata de um levantamento de corte transversal, no qual foram testadas hipóteses específicas para examinar as relações entre as variáveis, em um processo de pesquisa formal estruturado, com uma amostra de 270 clientes. Os dados foram coletados partir da base de clientes de duas empresas brasileiras fortes nos segmentos em que atuam, uma corretora de imóveis outra incorporadora/construtora, ambas sediadas na cidade de São Paulo. análise dos dados foi feita com base no Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM), através do software Lisrel 8. Os resultados indicam que há confiança no corretor que está realizando venda do imóvel, sendo que satisfação com corretor influencia esta confiança. No entanto, experiências anteriores com corretores de imóveis características do corretor que realizou venda não têm impacto sobre confiança no corretor. Detectou-se também, que valor do produto confiança na construtora percebidos pelo cliente têm influencia sobre satisfação com compra, mas não qualidade percebida. Este estudo dá subsídios futuras pesquisas sobre confiança em compras de valor. São discutidas as limitações da pesquisa as implicações de seus resultados para gestão de marketing no Brasil.


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o conceito de confiança como antecedente à decisão de compra tem sido introduzido em estudos empíricos sobre marketing no Brasil a partir do referencial teórico adotado principalmente nos Estados Unidos e Europa. A presente dissertação examina a confiança, tanto no vendedor como na sua empresa, como fator que influencia a decisão de compra em relacionamentos business to business. O estudo se baseia no artigo de Doney e Cannon (1997) sobre a confiança no relacionamento entre empresas e seus vendedores. O estudo empírico trata de um levantamento de corte transversal, no qual foram testadas hipóteses específicas para examinar as relações entre as variáveis, em um processo de pesquisa formal e estruturado, com uma amostra de 170 lojas e revendas de materiais de construção no estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados a partir da base de clientes de uma indústria siderúrgica sediada no interior do estado do Rio de Janeiro com forte atuação nas regiões sul e sudeste do país. A análise dos dados foi feita com base no Modelo de Equações Estruturais (SEM), através do software Lisrel 8.30. Os resultados não são idênticos aos obtidos no estudo original, mas apontam para a importância de se estabelecerem relacionamentos com os clientes. A pesquisa conclui que as características da empresa fornecedora como também seu relacionamento e o do vendedor, influenciam a decisão de compra de seus clientes. No entanto, as características do vendedor não têm impacto sobre a confiança no mesmo. Este estudo fornece subsídios a futuras pesquisas sobre a confiança como antecedente à decisão de compra. São discutidas as limitações da pesquisa e as implicações de seus resultados para a gestão de marketing no Brasil.


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Essa dissertação trata de algumas variáveis que podem influenciar a percepção dos consumidores no contexto de análises comparativas de preços durante o processo de compra. As variáveis estudadas foram: a forma de apresentação das ofertas dos produtos, a escolaridade dos participantes do estudo e a familiaridade para com o uso do produto. A importância desse estudo está fundamentada na necessidade de entendimento de como a percepção de vantagem na aquisição de produtos ocorre na presença das variáveis de influência estudadas, com o propósito prático de aplicação dos resultados no mercado varejista. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de um estudo empírico, na cidade de São Luís ¿ MA, utilizando uma amostra de cento e noventa e duas pessoas, divididas igualmente entre estudantes de escolaridade média e superior. Os participantes do estudo avaliaram situações de compra em cenários fictícios com formas de apresentação de ofertas distintas, em que a percepção de vantagem foi avaliada em função das escolaridades e das familiaridades utilizadas no estudo. A base teórica para desenvolvimento do trabalho considerou a Teoria dos Prospectos de Kahneman e Tversky (1979) e a Teoria da Contabilidade Mental de Thaler (1985). Em função da natureza da base de dados foram utilizados testes não-paramétricos de Friedman, Kruskal-Wallis, Wilcoxon e Mann-Withney. Os resultados obtidos confirmaram as hipóteses levantadas e geraram subsídios para pesquisa futura envolvendo o aspecto familiaridade relacionada às marcas. Palavras-chave: contabilidade mental, percepção, preço de referência.


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The electronic commerce has become a channel of advertising, commercialization and distribution of products and services, continuously increasing it¿s importance in terms of both physical and financial volumes, but still exist many gaps in the knowledge about the choice process of sales channels in the electronic commerce. The objective of this work is to raise and quantify the relevant factors in the choice of these channels in Brazil. The identification of the relevant factors was made through depth interviews with consumers, users of electronic commerce, as well as through the existing theoretical referential on the subject. The quantification of these factors was carried out with book purchasers by electronic commerce, through quantitative research, using the methodology of conjoint analysis, where the price was the most important factor, followed by delivery time, positive experience on previous purchase, usability of the site, positive recommendation of friends and the site brand. These results indicate as important attributes: price, confidence, usability and brand.


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A presente dissertação versa sobre o uso da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação aplicada aos processos de gestão pública à luz dos conceitos de eficácia, eficiência e accountabítlity. Para tanto, este estudo se funda sobre dois marcos teóricos. O primeiro trata do desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e suas implicações na construção de uma sociedade resultante da interação da microeletrônica, da informatização e da telecomunicação. O segundo diz respeito à reforma do Estado Brasileiro, num contexto em que se discute a necessidade de torná-lo mais ágil, flexível e mais responsável perante a sociedade. Metodologicamente, valemo-nos do estudo de caso múltiplo, no qual analisamos o Pregão Eletrônico utilizado pelo Governo Federal para aquisição de bens e serviços nos moldes do leilão reverso do mercado de flores de Amsterdã. Especificamente, trata-se do Pregão 21/2001, realizado pelo Ministério da Previdência e Assistência Social, para compra de medicamentos. Este estudo contempla não só os diferentes aspectos do comércio eletrônico, como o procurement, mas também descreve o processo tradicional de licitações públicas. Ao final, concluímos que a adoção da tecnologia da informação aplicada à gestão pública, em especial como ferramenta para aquisição de bens e serviços, mostrouse eficiente ao promover uma redução de custos, tanto dos processos governamentais, quanto dos produtos adquiridos, fato extremamente relevante se considerarmos a realidade orçamentária brasileira. Ficou também comprovada a sua eficácia, evidenciada pela redução do tempo necessário à realização do procedimento, uma vez comparado ao processo tradicional de licitações pública. Por outro lado, podemos afirmar que a iniciativa amplia o grau de transparência das informações do setor público brasileiro, reconfigurando as relações EstadoSociedade.


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This paper presents a study carried out with customers with credit card of a large retailer to measure the risk of abandonment of a relationship, when this has already purchase history. Two activities are the most important in this study: the theoretical and methodological procedures. The first step was to the understanding of the problem, the importance of theme and the definition of search methods. The study brings a bibliographic survey comprising several authors and shows that the loyalty of customers is the basis that gives sustainability and profitability for organizations of various market segments, examines the satisfaction as the key to success for achievement and specially for the loyalty of customers. To perform this study were adjusted logistic-linear models and through the test Kolmogorov - Smirnov (KS) and the curve Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) selected the best model. Had been used cadastral and transactional data of 100,000 customers of credit card issuer, the software used was SPSS which is a modern system of data manipulation, statistical analysis and presentation graphics. In research, we identify the risk of each customer leave the product through a score.


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The social responsibility is being very considered by the organizations and it has been exercising important impact in your strategies. More companies are confronting if with the obligation of incorporating, spontaneously or for pressure of groups and segments, the social responsibility to your profit objectives. Although some defend that the responsibility of the private companies in the public area is limited to the payment of taxes and the execution of the laws, they increase the arguments that your role cannot be restricted to that field, even for a subject of survival of the own companies. It is believed that the consumers passed to value behaviors in that sense and to prefer products of identified companies as ethics and socially responsible. Besides, it is believed that with that performance socially concemed, the company develops values and practices with positive effects on your productive chain and your collaborators, generating better results. The present study had for objective to verify the social actions practiced by O Boticário they are noticed by your consuming public to the point of to take them the purchase decision. The mischievous field research to effect allowed to conclude that such actions are not noticed by your consumers and, therefore, it doesn't motivate them the purchase of the products of the company


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This paper intends to propose a study to evaluate and analyse the influence of tax education in the behavior of young inhabitants of the Espirito Santo State living in the cities of Muniz Freire and São Mateus. The context of the problem under investigation consists in the context of a frequent conflict between consumers, the state and companies. These conflicts arise because the state does not provide sufficient and adequate services that lie under its responsability. Due to this fact, companies often conclude that it is not worthwhile to pay state taxes, and the consumer has great trouble when trying to obtain the rights they are entitled to from the companies and from the state. Therefore, the intermediate aims of this paper were to research behavior related to the moment of purchase and the reception of a bill of sale, especifically, if mechanisms of pressure, involvement and personal commitment, exert any influence over the consumers request for a tax receipt. The methodology to reach these objectives was a field survey through questionnaires. The final results show that through the tax education the students are assimilating the importance of the taxes.


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The objective of this work is to search a real case of capital budgeting, relating the practical technical aspects of the elaboration of project, with theoretical referential and following secondary objectives: (i) to analyze the relations established between the bibliographical material and the found practical technical problems of capital budgeting in the enterprise; (ii) to search and to describe the necessary pacing to the economic and financial elaboration of an project, from the prospecting of the demand, the projection of revenues and expenditures and the evaluation of the necessary investments to its development; (iii) to relate and to exemplify the influences of the restrictions presented for the methods of capital budgeting, correlating the practical theoretical referential with the enterprise; (iv) to analyze the yield of the investment project, (v) to verify the influence of the financing, on the yield of the project; and, finally, (vi) to demonstrate the choice process among some alternatives of supply, when used as tools of aid to the purchase decision, the methods of the Internal Tax of Return and the Net Present Value. To the end of the study one concluded that the methods of the Internal Tax of Return and the Net Present Value are powerful tools in the yield evaluation and viability of investments projects. However, to only understand the methods through what they teach in books is not enough for the daily practical of capital budgeting. Literature starts from two basic points: (i) the investments analyst dominates all the countable revenues, expenditures, and investments concepts.(ii) the numerical examples are simple and easy to understand, to infer its practical applications is a contouring question to be raised and passed by the analyst. This study intends to show the conjunction of the bibliography with the practical one, therefore, from the instant that demonstrates the countable concept of the prescription, it also explains as it was constituted from the calculation of the demand, until its inclusion in the project. Thus, searching concepts of revenues, expenditures, depreciation and capital assets, disclosing its constitution and, over all, the application inside of the project, it all takes the analyst to the final part of the process, that consists in the determination of the numerical calculations, allowing to dedicate more time to the difficult task to interpret the data. Finally, understood the analysis of the economic viability of the project, the study guides the purchase of the equipment under the economic-financial point of view.


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In the actual competitive scenario the higher education institutions have been forced to become more active in recruiting students due to the reduction in candidates for its courses. Print advertising are important components in the educational services communications campaigns and, thus, they are an important focus of research. The literature on services communication suggests that the use of cues, as the installations picture and testimonial, presents an observable way to tangibilize educational services offers. We relate the cue paradigm theory as evaluative indicators of a product, with two of the four advertising strategies, with the objective to investigate the impact of the cues in the printed educational services ad¿s in relation to the consumers attitudes. More specifically, to investigate the impact of the physical representation strategy (installations picture - an intrinsic cue), and the association strategy (testimonial - an extrinsic cue), in the consumers attitudes toward the advertisement, the brand and the purchase intention. With this purpose an experiment between subjects with 123 students was carried through, with four levels of manipulation. In relation to consumer attitudes, none of the analyzed strategies presented a significative superiority in relation one with another. However, the subjects with low involvement in the value/auto-image dimension had presented more favorable attitudes in relation to the purchase intention in the presence of the advertising using a testimonial (association strategy - an extrinsic cue).


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Access has been one of the main difficulties companies have faced in emerging markets (PRAHALAD, 2005). The capillarity of the market, the existence of small, not professionalized and sometimes informal retailers, the lack of infrastructure and high transportation costs are some of the distribution challenges companies face in poorer regions. The literature concerning the Base of the Pyramid (BoP) is still recent and only after the seminal article by Prahalad and Hart (2002), it evolved into many different management perspectives. However, there is a lack of researches concerning distribution strategies to the BoP. Therefore, the main objective of this research is to identify, in the perception of executives working in the market, the conditions associated to a satisfactory distribution for the BoP market in Brazil and to build a substantive theory that helps to shed light to the understanding of the distribution phenomenon adopted by consumer goods companies to reach the BoP market in Brazil. In order to accomplish the objectives of this thesis, a grounded theory methodology (Glaser; Strauss, 1967; Corbin; Strauss, 2008) was used. This approach helped to identify the channel strategies used by local and global companies in the market. Many techniques for data collection were applied. The most important one was in-depth interviews with 26 executives from 24 different consumer goods companies in Brazil. Among the companies there were small, medium and large enterprises; which were also grouped as manufacturers, distributors and retailers. Furthermore, secondary data were examined to identify business strategies to reach BoP and map global distribution initiatives. A database from a consumer panel was also used to analyze what and where BoP consumers purchase non-durable goods. It was verified that small and traditional retailing is a very strong format in BoP markets and in the Northern/Northeastern regions. Cash & Carry is a format that is growing a lot. On the other hand, hypermarkets are not very used by low income population. The results suggest that three major categories are associated to a satisfactory distribution: (a) willingness, which means the effort, knowledge and enthusiasm a firm has to operate at BoP markets; (b) well-done execution, which is related to designing correctly the marketing channel and operating efficiently in an environment full of obstacles, such as lack of infrastructure, capillarity, lack of safety, regional differences and informality, and (c) relationship, which was perceived to be friendlier and essential at BoP markets, since it is very difficult for manufacturers to reach the entire market alone. It is more likely to have a satisfactory distribution when manufacturers establish strong relationships in the marketing channel. Besides, small retailers have a perception of isolation and expect a higher level of relationship. These major categories explain also the competitive advantage that local companies have in relation to MNCs and large companies. Despite of the limitations of an exploratory study, it is expected that this thesis will contribute to the BoP knowledge as well as to the identification of the peculiarities of distribution in BoP markets.