993 resultados para Carnot, Lazare, 1753-1823.
葡萄属(Vitis.L.)植物隶属于葡萄科(Vitaceae),主要分布于北温带,最南可以分布到南美洲的委内瑞拉和亚洲的越南以及印度北部。本文通过对该属分类研究历史的回顾,认为该属存在的问题主要表现在如下几个方面: 1)葡萄属自1753 年由Carl Linne创立以来,虽经planchon于1887年做了修订,但属的范围仍需进一步界定;2)在Planchon之后的100多年中未见有一全面的分类学修订工作,出现在该属的800多个名称需要考证;3)对一些广布种的变异认识不足,导致了大量可疑种。针对这些问题本文进行了如下几个方面的工作: l、形态学:通过大量的野外工作和标本观察,对该属植物的主要性状做了分析,讨论了这些性状状态在葡萄属中的变异规律及演化趋势,将灌木状习性、退化的卷须以及不裂的叶片视为进化的性状。 2、细胞学:利用前人对葡萄属(Vitis.L.)染色体数目的统计及一些杂交实验分析的结果,结合形态学等方面的特征分析,认为在葡萄科,染色体基数X=10为原始的,而x=19则为衍生的。葡萄属的染色体基数xl9(2n=38),多倍体较少见;麝香葡萄属[Muscadinia (Planch.) Sma11]的染色体基数为x=10 (2n=20).与蛇葡萄属、酸蔹藤属和爬山虎属的一致。葡萄属和麝香葡萄属间的杂种是不育的。 3、孢粉学:对葡萄属32种5变种及麝香葡萄属[Muscadinia (Planch.) Sma11]1种的花粉外壁做扫描电镜观察,结果发现花粉外壁雕纹在这两属间和葡萄属内变异较小,对区分属以及属下种上类群意义不大,但对种的鉴别有重要的价值。 4、植物化学:前人对植物化学的工作表明,植物的一些次生代谢产物如类黄酮化合物在葡萄科各类群中的分布规律较好地反映了各类群间的关系。这些结果较好地支持了Planchon对葡萄属范围的界定。 5、山葡萄复合体(V.amurensis complex)包括山葡萄(V.amurensis Rupr.)、燕山葡萄(V.amuresis Rupr. var. dissecta Skvorts.=var.yanshanensisD.Z.Lu et H.P.Liang)、百花山葡萄(V.baihuashanensis M.S.Kang et D.Z.Lu)、复叶葡萄(V.piasezkii Maxim.)、少毛复叶葡萄[V. piasezkii Maxux1.var. pagnuccii (Planch.) Rehd.]共3个种和2个变种,广泛分布于中国北方,形态变异较大。本文对该复合体做了形态分析,并用RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs)分子标记方法分析了这几个类群的关系。综合这些结果,归并了燕山葡萄和百花山葡萄。 在上述工作的基础上,我们得出了如下的结论: l、葡萄属在葡萄科中是一个进化的类群。整理后的葡萄属包括8系62种、l亚种和15变种,其中有2个新系、1个新组合系、2个新变种、1个新组合种和l3个新异名。 2、本文赞同SmaU在1903年作出的分类学处理,把麝香葡萄作为一个独立的属,比葡萄属原始但与葡萄属有着最近的亲缘关系。 3、依据形态特征和APD分析结果把山葡萄复合体的3个种2变种归并为2种l变种,即山葡萄、复叶葡萄和少毛复叶葡萄,认为分子标记技术在分析属内近缘种闻关系上很有价值。 4、葡萄属具有东亚和北美2个现代分布中心,该属可能起源于北美的东部,在晚白垩纪经白令陆桥散布至欧亚大陆。
木根麦冬(Ophiopogon xylorrhizus Wang et Dai)属于铃兰科(Convallariaceae)或广义百合科(Liliaceae s.l.)沿阶草族(Ophiopogoneae)沿阶草属(Ophiopogon Ker-Gawl.),属于典型的濒危植物。前人已从细胞学、种群生态学、生殖生物学和遗传结构与多样性等方面对木根麦冬进行了研究,但在分子进化和分子细胞遗传学水平上的研究近为空白。本文运用染色体的荧光原位杂交(FISH)、PCR扩增和克隆、DNA测序、系统发育重建等方法,对18S rDNA作了染色体原位定位,研究了木根麦冬的Ss rRNA基因结构特点,并重建了该基因的系统发育树,探讨了5S rRNA多基因家族的分子进化模式和木根麦冬的濒危机制。主要结果如下: 1.对木根麦冬三个居群七个个体、及其最近姐妹种林生麦冬(Ophiopogon svlvicola Wang et Tang)一个个体的5S rRNA基因进行了PCR扩增和TA克隆,在两个种中共得到1085个具有插入片段的阳性克隆。 2.对木根麦冬三个居群六个个体的294个SS rRNA基因克隆,及林生麦冬一个个体的45个克隆,总计339个克隆进行了DNA序列测定,这是目前已完成的最大的单个物种的5S rRNA数据。结果表明:两个种的序列高度多样化,在339个拷贝中仅仅有13对(3.8%)是相同的,序列长度变化在307bp-548bp之间,长度变异主要发生在间隔区,单个碱基的插入和缺失(indel)频率很高,5bp以上片段的插入,缺失有11个,插入的序列通常是其两侧序列的重复和倒位。术根麦冬序列的分化指数(sequence differentiation index,SDI)是0.078,林生麦冬是0.032,两个物种间是0.149,木根麦冬的序列之间的分化明显大于林生麦冬。 3.以PAUP程序对339个5S rRNA基因拷贝的DNA序列(包括编码区和间隔区)作了系统发育分析,结果如下:在得到一个唯一的最俭约树中,所有木根麦冬的拷贝被聚成一支,而林生麦冬的则被聚到另一支,统计支持率(bootstrap)达到lOO%,表明这两个物种所有的的5S rRNA基因拷贝分别来自各自的一个祖先拷贝(建立者拷贝),而其共同祖先的其它拷贝则在物种形成中或之后丢失:在多基因家族中如此长期而单一的拷贝偏选( sorting)过程尚未有前人报道;由此基因系统发育树可以看出,在这两个物种形成之后,“建立者拷贝”经历了多次扩增过程而形成了一个直系的(orthologous)多基因家族。 4.在木根麦冬分支中,很少有亚分支是全部由一个居群或一个个体的拷贝组成的,不同居群、不同个体的拷贝混合在同一个亚分支中;对基因系统发育树、序列多样性和序列分化指数分析表明,5S rRNA基因家族内一致化(homogeruzation)过程很弱,不同拷贝是独立进化的,这在串联.重复的多拷贝基因家族中是不寻常的;由上述分析我们推测,在术根麦冬的进化历史上,居群间的基因交流远远比今天频繁,可能是某些外在因素在近期发生变化,导致自交和自交衰退,并进而导致濒危。 5.利用荧光原位杂交技术,成功地将18S rRNA基因定位在木根麦冬减数分裂期的染色体上,两对强信号和一对弱信号分别位于三对二价体染色体上。
在模式植物金鱼草中的花对称性分子发育与遗传学研究揭示出相关调控基因在花对称性形成过程中的功能和表达式样及其相互作用机制,但被子植物中花对称性的繁杂多样远非模式植物的表达模式所能概括。因此,我们选择车前科和苦苣苔科中与金鱼草较近缘的典型类群地黄属和非洲紫罗兰属作为研究对象,针对它们在花对称性形成方面区别于金鱼草的不同式样,开展这些类群中花对称性主控基因CYCLOIDEA(CYC)类基因的进化发育生物学研究。该研究旨在探讨CYC 类基因的功能和表达式样的变化在进化上的内在联系。 地黄花对称性基因的进化发育研究结果显示,地黄中CYC 类基因RgCYC 的表达模式与CYC 基因在金鱼草中和McCYC 基因在Mohavea 中的表达模式存在明显的差异。首先, RgCYC 基因在近轴雄蕊预期发生位置表皮细胞下的强烈表达与地黄近轴雄蕊的缺失密切相关。转录因子中的氨基酸替代所导致蛋白质功能的改变使RgCYC 基因对细胞周期基因cyclin D3b 抑制作用的增强可能是地黄中近轴雄蕊原基发生过程被彻底阻断的主要原因。由此看来,CYC 类基因的作用不仅导致近轴花器官生长缓慢或退化,而且可能与自然类群中花近轴器官丢失的现象有关。其次,同McCYC 基因在Mohavea 中的表达模式相似,RgCYC 基因的表达也从近轴雄蕊延伸到了两侧雄蕊,但是并没有强烈地抑制两侧雄蕊的发育,仅仅使得两侧雄蕊短于远轴雄蕊从而在地黄中形成二强雄蕊。这一现象可能是由于RgCYC 基因的表达与McCYC 基因的表达在时间和空间上的差异所造成的,并显示地黄中二强雄蕊的形成机制和金鱼草完全不同。第三,RgCYC 基因在近轴花冠裂片的表达没有象CYC 在金鱼草中一样明显促进它们的生长。此外,近轴花冠裂片明显的自身对称性显示在地黄中RgCYC 基因在两侧对称性形成方面可能单独对近轴花器官进行调控。地黄中RgCYC 基因的表达模式反映了广义唇形目中从五数花到四数花进化过程的一种新的进化机制。 两侧对称花向次生辐射对称花的反演进化机制在花对称性进化发育研究中倍受关注。我们在苦苣苔科中选择非洲紫罗兰栽培品种作为研究材料,通过 mTAIL-PCR 分别在两侧对称花和辐射对称花的栽培品种中分离出了包含完整的 ORF 的CYC 类基因:SiCYC1A 和SiCYC1B。这两个基因的完整序列在DNA 水平的相似性为88%,均包含了完整的TCP domain, R domain 和 5’ 端区段。令人意外的是SiCYC1A 和SiCYC1B 这两个基因的DNA 序列在两侧和辐射对称花品种中均完全一致。根据对导致辐射对称花产生机制的比较分析,我们认为在这两个栽培品种中的SiCYC1A 和 SiCYC1B 基因可能存在着某一共同的调节因子对其进行调控。其可能途径是该调节因子同时调控SiCYC1A 和 SiCYC1B 基因,这一共同的调节因子的改变导致了SiCYC1A 和 SiCYC1B 基因部分或完全失去功能,从而使两侧对称花转变为辐射对称花。 崖白菜属的花部器官发生研究显示其花萼和花冠裂片的发生顺序与毛地黄族和婆婆纳族相似,花冠裂片早期生长的迟滞和花冠裂片折叠式样介于毛地黄族和婆婆纳族之间。但是,近轴雄蕊的发育缺失完全不同于毛地黄族中的其它类群。对地黄属和崖白菜属以及它们近缘类群的ITS 或trnL-F 序列所构建的系统树的分析显示,地黄属和崖白菜属呈姊妹群。然而,分子系统学研究结果并不支持传统系统学和个体发育研究对这两个属科级系统位置的认识。毛地黄属与婆婆纳属和车前属构成一个单系分支,而地黄属与崖白菜属则形成另外一个独立的分支,并与泡桐属与透骨草科所形成的分支首先聚在一支。因此,毛地黄族可能并不是一个单系类群,地黄属和崖白菜属的科级系统位置可能需要重新考虑。
The measured toughness J(C) of adipose and dermal porcine tissues are 4.1 and 17 kJ m(-2), respectively, via a trouser tear test. An assessment is made of the contribution to overall toughness from the microstructural elements. The analysis suggests that the toughness of adipose tissue is determined by the collagen network that surrounds the adipocytes. The volume fraction of the interlobular septa is sufficiently low for it to make a negligible contribution to the macroscopic toughness.
The relevance of the effective stress intensity range to crack growth is considered for constant and for variable amplitude loading. The accelerated and retarded growth associated with simple programmed loadings is reported for two steels and an aluminium alloy. The load interaction effects are due to several competing mechanisms, and not due to the single, popular mechanism of crack closure.
This paper presents an analytical model for the determination of the basic breakdown properties of three-dimensional (3D)-RESURF/CoolMOS/super junction type structures. To account for the two-dimensional (2D) effect of the 3D-RESURF action, 2D models of the electric field distribution are developed. Based on these, expressions are derived for the breakdown voltage as a function of doping concentration and physical dimensions. In addition to cases where the drift regions are fully depleted, the model developed is also applicable to situations involving drift regions which are almost depleted. Accuracy of the analytical approach is verified by comparison with numerical results obtained from the MEDICI device simulator.
For Micro-electro-mechanical System (MEMS) applications, TiNi-based thin film Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) possess many desirable properties, such as high power density, large transformation stress and strain upon heating and cooling, superelasticity and biocompatibility. In this paper, recent development in TiNi-based thin film SMA and microactuator applications is discussed. The topics related to film deposition and characterisation is mainly focused on crystal nucleation and growth during annealing, film thickness effect, film texture, stress induced surface relief, wrinkling and trenches as well as Temperature Memory Effect (TME). The microactuator applications are mainly focused on microvalve and microcage for biological applications, micromirror for optical applications and data storage using nanoindentation method. Copyright © 2009, Inderscience Publishers.
This study was carried out to seasonal determination of some morphological characteristics, Seasonal fecundity, Seasonal fluctuations of vertebrate-type steroids and seasonal analysis of gonadal histology in both female and male sexes of freshwater crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz 1823) in the area of Aras dam Lake. Crayfish were collected respectively in June, August, November (2011) and January (2012). The average length and weight of male crayfish was higher than that of females. %GSI of females fluctuated within an extended range (between 0.6 and 13.5% from June to January). Both of synchronous and asynchronous ovaries were seen in August sampled ovaries; however asynchronous form was higher than another. The annual reproductive cycle of male A. leptodactylus was surveyed by study on the seasonal changes of the external appearance of the testes and vasa deferentia, fluctuations in the gonadosomatic index (GSI%) and the histological analysis of the male reproductive system. Based on the histological differentiation of testis, spermatogenisis devided to 5 separated stages. The findings suggested asynchronous testis in the species A.leptodactylus. The presence of primary spermatophore layer may help keeping spermatozoa alive while the secondary spermatophore layer may produces spermatophore or synthesize of acellular material which forms spermatophre. Pleopodal fecundity was 37.3%lower than ovarian fecundity observed. The significantly higher number of eggs attached to 3rd and 4th pairs of pleopods. The egg number and gonadosomatic index increased with female size while egg weight and egg diameter didn’t increase with female size. Hemolymph levels of 17β-estradiol and progesterone followed a similar fluctuation pattern with % GSI in females, while testosterone didn’t follow the mentioned pattern. The testis of November sampled crayfish presented significantly higher gonadosomatic (%GSI) index (P < 0.05).The most observed gonadosomaticindices were 13.5%(forfemales) and 1.21% (for males, in autumn. Althogh the lowest GSI was (0.50%) formales in spring and (0.26%0 for spent females in January. Testosterone which followed a similar pattern with %GSI in males increased remarkably in November. 17β-estradiol increased strictly in January. The strictly enhancement of the three estroid hormones in January in both male and female sexes could bedue totheir stimulating role in in spermatophre and egg lying in the mating season (In January). Most of the ovaries followed the asynchoronous growth pattern. Also the testes presented asynchoronous growth pattern in autumn.
对墨江蜈蚣的分布、生活环境、生活习性做了初步研究。指出墨江蜈蚣的生 活期是3月中旬 至10月中下旬, 此期间的温度在18—23℃, 湿度75—85%, 降雨 量为50—280mm, 日照射数225—115h。蒸发量200—100mm。图1
We consider a large scale network of interconnected heterogeneous dynamical components. Scalable stability conditions are derived that involve the input/output properties of individual subsystems and the interconnection matrix. The analysis is based on the Davis-Wielandt shell, a higher dimensional version of the numerical range with important convexity properties. This can be used to allow heterogeneity in the agent dynamics while relaxing normality and symmetry assumptions on the interconnection matrix. The results include small gain and passivity approaches as special cases, with the three dimensional shell shown to be inherently connected with corresponding graph separation arguments. © 2012 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics.