868 resultados para Brazilian education - Laws and bases


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Sugarcane spirit extracts of six different Brazilian woods for potential use in manufacturing aging casks were compared with similar extracts of five oak samples from different geographic origin and heat treatment regarding: (1) content of phenolics and copper; (2) radical reducing capacity and reactivity toward 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical (DPPH center dot); and (3) effect on the rate of oxygen depletion rate in a peroxidating lipid model system. Total phenolic contents of the Brazilian wood extracts ranged from 0.65 (canela-sassafras) to 6.4 (jatoba) mmol(GAE) L(-1) and from 1.39 to 2.87 mmol(GAE) L(-1) for oak extracts. Flavonoids ranged from 1.54 x 10(-4) (ipe) to 6.5 x 10(-2) (oak) mmol(rutin) L(-1), and tannins from below the detection limit to 0.22 (jatoba) mmol(tannic acid) L(-1). Correlation was observed for the antioxidant capacity versus phenolics/flavonoids/tannins content, where oak extracts exhibit the highest radical scavenging capacity compared to Brazilian woods. Rate constant for radical scavenging by the extracts ranged from 4.9 x 10(3) M(-1) s(-1)(canela-sassafras) to 9.7 x 10(4) M(-1) s(-1) (oak). The oxygen consumption index showed the Brazilian woods amendoim and jatoba to be more efficient inhibitors than the oak extracts for lipid autoxidation initiated by metmyoglobin, despite that the oak extracts seem to be more efficient to scavenge DPPH center dot. No simple correlation with phenolics or copper content could be established, and a prooxidative tendency was observed for the extracts of canela-sassafras, castanheira, and louro-canela.


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A total of 25 sugarcane spirit extracts of six different Brazilian woods and oak, commonly used by cooperage industries for aging cachaca, were analyzed for the presence of 14 phenolic compounds (ellagic acid, gallic acid, vanillin, syringaldehyde, synapaldehyde, coniferaldehyde, vanillic acid, syringic acid, quercetin, trans-resveratrol, catechin, epicatechin, eugenol, and myricetin) and two coumarins (scopoletin and coumarin) by HPLC-DAD-fluorescence and HPLC-ESI-MS(n). Furthermore, an HPLC-DAD chromatographic fingerprint was build-up using chemometric analysis based on the chromatographic elution profiles of the extracts monitored at 280 nm. Major components identified and quantified in Brazilian wood extracts were coumarin, ellagic acid, and catechin, whereas oak extracts shown a major contribution of catechin, vanillic acid, and syringaldehyde. The main difference observed among oak and Brazilian woods remains in the concentration of coumarin, catechin, syringaldehyde, and coniferaldehyde. The chemometric analysis of the quantitative profile of the 14 phenolic compounds and two coumarins in the wood extracts provides a differentiation between the Brazilian wood and oak extracts. The chromatographic fingerprint treated by multivariate analysis revealed significant differences among Brazilian woods themselves and oak, clearly defining six groups of wood extracts: (i) oak extracts, (ii) jatoba extracts, (iii) cabreuva-parda extracts, (iv) amendoim extracts, (v) canela-sassafras extracts and (vi) pequi extracts.


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Learning from anywhere anytime is a contemporary phenomenon in the field of education that is thought to be flexible, time and cost saving. The phenomenon is evident in the way computer technology mediates knowledge processes among learners. Computer technology is however, in some instances, faulted. There are studies that highlight drawbacks of computer technology use in learning. In this study we aimed at conducting a SWOT analysis on ubiquitous computing and computer-mediated social interaction and their affect on education. Students and teachers were interviewed on the mentioned concepts using focus group interviews. Our contribution in this study is, identifying what teachers and students perceive to be the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of ubiquitous computing and computer-mediated social interaction in education. We also relate the findings with literature and present a common understanding on the SWOT of these concepts. Results show positive perceptions. Respondents revealed that ubiquitous computing and computer-mediated social interaction are important in their education due to advantages such as flexibility, efficiency in terms of cost and time, ability to acquire computer skills. Nevertheless disadvantages where also mentioned for example health effects, privacy and security issues, noise in the learning environment, to mention but a few. This paper gives suggestions on how to overcome threats mentioned.


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A popular Western perception of Japan is that it is an eminently homogeneous and conformist society. However, both conformity and homogeneity, recognized even by the Japanese themselves, coexist with the concept of individuality, which is valued in a manner unique to its culture. In order to come to a deeper understanding of that dynamic, it is important to comprehend the specifics of child rearing and education within Japanese society. Based in part on the author's observational fieldwork conducted while in Japan in 1994, the thesis explicates the manner in which various core relationships exhibit the socialization of an individual that occurs within the home during a child's first few years. Furthermore, the text incorporates research in both primary and secondary historical materials. The author displays the manner in which educational issues such as the development of the Japanese education system and the dynamics of the elementary years serve to demonstrate the importance of functioning within a group. This is further clarified through an examination of elementary school texts, which also reveal underlying moral messages of profound importance in Japanese society. The seemingly contradictory issues of becoming an individual yet performing as a member of a group are pulled together by the idea that culture provides the guidance by which an individual becomes an active member of society. In Japan, individuality and group conformity are not mutually exclusive. Within the context of Japanese society, individuality is inextricably linked to group orientation.


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This article studies the impact of longevity and taxation on life-cycle decisions and long-run income. Individuals allocate optimally their total lifetime between education, working and retirement. They also decide at each moment how much to save or consume out of their income, and after entering the labor market how to divide their time between labor and leisure. The model incorporates experience-earnings profiles and the return-to-education function that follows evidence from the labor literature. In this setup, increases in longevity raises the investment in education - time in school - and retirement. The model is calibrated to the U.S. and is able to reproduce observed schooling levels and the increase in retirement, as the evidence shows. Simulations show that a country equal to the U.S. but with 20% smaller longevity will be 25% poorer. In this economy, labor taxes have a strong impact on the per capita income, as it decreases labor effort, time at school and retirement age, in addition to the general equilibrium impact on physical capital. We conclude that life-cycle effects are relevant in analyzing the aggregate outcome of taxation.


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This paper studies the Bankruptcy Law in Latin America, focusing on the Brazilian reform. We start with a review of the international literature and its evolution on this subject. Next, we examine the economic incentives associated with several aspects of bankruptcy laws and insolvency procedures in general, as well as the trade-offs involved. After this theoretical discussion, we evaluate empirically the current stage of the quality of insolvency procedures in Latin America using data from Doing Business and World Development Indicators, both from World Bank and International Financial Statistics from IMF. We find that the region is governed by an inefficient law, even when compared with regions of lower per capita income. As theoretical and econometric models predict, this inefficiency has severe consequences for credit markets and the cost of capital. Next, we focus on the recent Brazilian bankruptcy reform, analyzing its main changes and possible effects over the economic environment. The appendix describes difficulties of this process of reform in Brazil, and what other Latin American countries can possibly learn from it.


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Esta dissertação é produto de uma investigação sobre a extensão universitária e as bases institucionais para o seu desenvolvimento. A sua construção teve como norte o objetivo de analisar a estruturação da extensão em uma instituição de educação superior em Administração, o que foi realizado através de explorações teóricas e do estudo de caso da Faculdade de Administração da Universidade Federal Fluminense. Tendo como principal referência o pensamento do Fórum Nacional de Pró-Reitores de Extensão das Universidades Públicas, as dimensões institucionais que orientaram a análise do caso foram: política de gestão, plano acadêmico e infra-estrutura. De acordo com suas caracteristicas atuais na instituição em foco, foi possível compreender que estas bases, que suportam o desenvolvimento da extensão, ainda não estão adequadamente consolidadas. A principal conseqüência deste cenário é o desequilíbrio e dissociabilidade entre ensino, pesquisa e extensão. Isto, por sua vez, gera a prevalência da reprodução de conhecimentos que muitas vezes foram gerados em ambientes com caracteristicas distintas da sociedade brasileira e da comunidade onde a Universidade está inserida. Diante um cenário onde é urgente a necessidade de conhecimentos comprometidos com a solução de problemas que impedem a sustentabilidade do desenvolvimento do Brasil, é necessário que esta instituição se renove para corresponder aos desafios da sociedade atual.


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Esta dissertação verificou se o Programa de Educação Continuada para Candidatos a Delegados, Comissários, Peritos, Escrivães e Investigadores, elaborado pela Fundação Getulio Vargas - PEC-FGV/AM atendeu às Bases Curriculares para a Formação dos Profissionais da Área de Segurança do Cidadão do Ministério da Justiça do Brasil - BC. Por meio de uma pesquisa descritiva e explicativa concluiu-se que o PEC-FGV/AM atendeu às BC sem, contudo, contemplar o item referente à saúde do policial constante nesse último documento. Entretanto, o Programa obrigou a discussão sobre administração pública, preocupação do Ministério da Justiça.


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Este estudo sobre o desempenho do Departamento de Educação da Universidade Católica de Goiás, no periodo dedoze anos, tem como objetivo, reconstruir o esforço setorial desenvolvido e ressaltar a contribuição que representou para redefinição do Curso de Pedagogia. A fundamentação utilizada contempla o estudo de documentos oficiais e pronunciamentos de especialistas, depoimentos de profissionais da área, em exercicio no Estado de Goiás, análise de subsidios recolhidos, inclusive em encontros, seminários e congressos sobre formação de educadores. O trabalho situa como culminãncia do esforço realizado o conceito firmado pelo Departamento de Educação em ãmbito institucional ressaltando a repercussão de seus trabalhos em favor da comunidade, traduzidos concretamente na formulação de uma nova proposta, substitutiva das habilitações originalmente mantidas (Administração Escolar e Supervisão Educacional) por duas outras mais condizentes, no momento, com as reais necessidades do sistema escolar goiano: a pre-escola e a alfabetização.


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O objetivo principal desse estudo foi o de verificar como se processou a influência norte-americana no sistema contábil do Brasil. Baseados na análise do estudo da American Accounting Association, dos documentos dos acordos MEC/USAID, para a modernização da Administração da Universidade Brasileira e para criação dos cursos de pós-graduação ligados à área econômica, e dos fatos que concorreram para a elaboração e promulgação da Lei 6.404 de 15 de dezembro de 1976, Lei das Sociedades por Ações, constatamos a grande relação da contabilidade enquanto instrumento de apoio à evolução econômica em nosso País. No Brasil, a influência americana foi de grande importância ao propiciar condições financeiras e culturais para a criação das bases para a concretização do modelo econômico vigente, introduzindo novas técnicas de ensino e de organização nos níveis: primário, secundário e superior. A partir dos anos 50, ampliou-se o número de estabelecimentos de ensino superior público e privado, implementando-se a pós-graduação nas áreas de economia, administração e ciências contábeis, realizaram-se as reformas na administração pública e universitária, culminando com a elaboração de uma série de Leis, sustentáculo da economia brasileira atual. Nesse sentido, torna-se imperativo, a adoção de uma postura questionadora no ambiente contábil, de forma a permitir a emergência de uma consciência crítica no contador, propiciando-lhes condições favoráveis ao exercício profissional, com vistas a uma participação, não alienada, nas decisões políticas, econômicas e jurídicas, que definem os caminhos da contabilidade.


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Este trabalho se propõe constituir uma sistematização sobre o princípio da gestão democrática do ensino público contemplado na nova Constituição brasileira de 1988 e remetido a lei ordinária para sua regulamentação. Trata-se de um estudo sobre as várias percepções - o que as entidades da sociedade organizada na área de educação possuem sobre gestão dernocrática - e de uma análise desse princípio no projeto de Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional. da Comissão de Educação, Cultura e Desporto da Câmara dos Deputados, aprovado em junho de 1990.


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O presente trabalho parte do pressuposto de que o desenvolvimento das ideias e ações humanas é indissociável do processo de evolução da máquina, destacando o aspecto interativo aí existente: a mente que concebe a máquina e que, por sua vez, passa a servir de modelo para, essa mesma mente construir a sua visão de mundo. O objetivo principal consiste em analisar as bases epistemológicas do processo educacional brasileiro a partir do desenvolvimento da própria máquina, o qual, segundo a teoria aqui adotada, subdivide-se em quatro etapas: a máquina Pré-Clássica, a máquina Clássica, a máquina Cibernética e a máquina Informacional. A hipótese aqui apresentada, e no final confirmada, é a de que, apesar de hoje o mundo estar subjugado às propriedades da maquina informacional, na estrutura do processo educacional brasileiro predominam as características epistêmicas da maquina clássica, devido a nossa educação continuar arraigada em aspectos constitutivos dessa máquina: em sua Iógica (linear), em seu ritmo (padrão de comportamento) e em sua morfologia (elementarização). Através desse estudo procura se evidencia que transformações se operaram (ou não) no processo educacional brasileiro e a necessidade de uma redefinição conceitual e metodológica da própria educação, de forma que se minimize a distância entre a mesma e o progresso tecnológico.


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Electricité de France (EDF) is a leading player in the European energy market by being both the first electricity producer in Europe and the world’s leading nuclear plant operator. EDF is also the first electricity producer and supplier in France. However, Europe, EDF’s core market, is currently underperforming: the European sovereign debt crisis is lowering significantly the growth perspective of an energy market that has already reached its maturity. As a consequence, European energy companies are now looking at international markets and especially BRIC economies where economic growth potential remains high. Among them, Brazil is expected to keep its strong economic and electricity demand growth perspectives for the coming decades. Though Brazil has not been considered as a strategic priority for EDF after the Light reversal in 2006, the current economic situation has led the Group to reconsider its position toward the country. EDF’s current presence in Brazil is limited to its stake in UTE Norte Fluminense, a thermal plant, located in the state of Rio de Janeiro. This report investigates the possibility and the feasibility of EDF’s activities expansion in Brazil and what added value it could bring for the Brazilian power market. Considering that the status quo would not allow EDF to take full advantage of Brazil’s future growth, this work is identifying the various options that are currently opened to EDF: market exit, status quo, EDF alone, local partner. For that purpose, this study collects and analyses the latest energy market data as well as generation companies’ information which are necessary to give a relevant overview of the current brazilian power sector and to present EDF strategic options for the country.


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Issues related to the reality of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals are being incorporated into institutional and social discourses, and show the challenges that must be overcome towards citizenship. The inclusion of gay rights in the domain of institutions like the United Nations and the Brazilian Secretariat of Human Rights are a response to broader movements that places the gay subject as an important topic of debate in the social-political sphere. In this scenario, some institutions deserve close attention from researchers related to gay issues, the business environment being a good example. In this domain, diversity has become an important topic of debate between scholars, where the question of sexual identity in most cases does not appear. The literature that actually focuses on the theme is explored through approaches that are not able to break with universalisms and a normatized vocabulary. Therefore, this research explores discursive structures related to sexuality and examines the meanings construed throughout these structures as described by gay individuals working in business. Furthermore, it investigates patterns of discursive normative structures and consequential challenges faced by gay people in the working environment, and also complements the current debate both in the socio-political sphere and in academic reality on LGBT challenges. The Foucauldian notions of discourse, knowledge and power, and the main concepts of queer theory are incorporated to the analysis, as well as concepts related to the politics of post-colonial sexuality, subordination, and hegemonic forces, together with role of reflexivity in modernity and its impacts on secularized mental structures. The research design takes a phenomenological approach and bases its knowledge claim on a participatory perspective, where the sample chosen for data collection consisted of gay individuals working in the business environment, aiming at generate categories of meanings through the description of their experiences.