871 resultados para Artificial Intelligence|Computer Science


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Deception-detection is the crux of Turing’s experiment to examine machine thinking conveyed through a capacity to respond with sustained and satisfactory answers to unrestricted questions put by a human interrogator. However, in 60 years to the month since the publication of Computing Machinery and Intelligence little agreement exists for a canonical format for Turing’s textual game of imitation, deception and machine intelligence. This research raises from the trapped mine of philosophical claims, counter-claims and rebuttals Turing’s own distinct five minutes question-answer imitation game, which he envisioned practicalised in two different ways: a) A two-participant, interrogator-witness viva voce, b) A three-participant, comparison of a machine with a human both questioned simultaneously by a human interrogator. Using Loebner’s 18th Prize for Artificial Intelligence contest, and Colby et al.’s 1972 transcript analysis paradigm, this research practicalised Turing’s imitation game with over 400 human participants and 13 machines across three original experiments. Results show that, at the current state of technology, a deception rate of 8.33% was achieved by machines in 60 human-machine simultaneous comparison tests. Results also show more than 1 in 3 Reviewers succumbed to hidden interlocutor misidentification after reading transcripts from experiment 2. Deception-detection is essential to uncover the increasing number of malfeasant programmes, such as CyberLover, developed to steal identity and financially defraud users in chatrooms across the Internet. Practicalising Turing’s two tests can assist in understanding natural dialogue and mitigate the risk from cybercrime.


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Practical application of the Turing Test throws up all sorts of questions regarding the nature of intelligence in both machines and humans. For example - Can machines tell original jokes? What would this mean to a machine if it did so? It has been found that acting as an interrogator even top philosophers can be fooled into thinking a machine is human and/or a human is a machine - why is this? Is it that the machine is performing well or is it that the philosopher is performing badly? All these questions, and more, will be considered. Just what does the Turing test tell us about machines and humans? Actual transcripts will be considered with startling results.


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Nine chess programs competed in July 2015 in the ICGA's World Computer Chess Championship at the Computer Science department of Leiden University. This is the official report of the event.


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This paper is concerned with the computational efficiency of fuzzy clustering algorithms when the data set to be clustered is described by a proximity matrix only (relational data) and the number of clusters must be automatically estimated from such data. A fuzzy variant of an evolutionary algorithm for relational clustering is derived and compared against two systematic (pseudo-exhaustive) approaches that can also be used to automatically estimate the number of fuzzy clusters in relational data. An extensive collection of experiments involving 18 artificial and two real data sets is reported and analyzed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a study on wavelets and their characteristics for the specific purpose of serving as a feature extraction tool for speaker verification (SV), considering a Radial Basis Function (RBF) classifier, which is a particular type of Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Examining characteristics such as support-size, frequency and phase responses, amongst others, we show how Discrete Wavelet Transforms (DWTs), particularly the ones which derive from Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters, can be used to extract important features from a speech signal which are useful for SV. Lastly, an SV algorithm based on the concepts presented is described.


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This work investigates neural network models for predicting the trypanocidal activity of 28 quinone compounds. Artificial neural networks (ANN), such as multilayer perceptrons (MLP) and Kohonen models, were employed with the aim of modeling the nonlinear relationship between quantum and molecular descriptors and trypanocidal activity. The calculated descriptors and the principal components were used as input to train neural network models to verify the behavior of the nets. The best model for both network models (MLP and Kohonen) was obtained with four descriptors as input. The descriptors were T(5) (torsion angle), QTS1 (sum of absolute values of the atomic charges), VOLS2 (volume of the substituent at region B) and HOMO-1 (energy of the molecular orbital below HOMO). These descriptors provide information on the kind of interaction that occurs between the compounds and the biological receptor. Both neural network models used here can predict the trypanocidal activity of the quinone compounds with good agreement, with low errors in the testing set and a high correctness rate. Thanks to the nonlinear model obtained from the neural network models, we can conclude that electronic and structural properties are important factors in the interaction between quinone compounds that exhibit trypanocidal activity and their biological receptors. The final ANN models should be useful in the design of novel trypanocidal quinones having improved potency.


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The requirement for Grid middleware to be largely transparent to individual users and at the same time act in accordance with their personal needs is a difficult challenge. In e-science scenarios, users cannot be repeatedly interrogated for each operational decision made when enacting experiments on the Grid. It is thus important to specify and enforce policies that enable the environment to be configured to take user preferences into account automatically. In particular, we need to consider the context in which these policies are applied, because decisions are based not only on the rules of the policy but also on the current state of the system. Consideration of context is explicitly addressed, in the agent perspective, when deciding how to balance the achievement of goals and reaction to the environment. One commonly-applied abstraction that balances reaction to multiple events with context-based reasoning in the way suggested by our requirements is the belief-desire-intention (BDI) architecture, which has proven successful in many applications. In this paper, we argue that BDI is an appropriate model for policy enforcement, and describe the application of BDI to policy enforcement in personalising Grid service discovery. We show how this has been implemented in the myGrid registry to provide bioinformaticians with control over the services returned to them by the service discovery process.


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In e-Science experiments, it is vital to record the experimental process for later use such as in interpreting results, verifying that the correct process took place or tracing where data came from. The process that led to some data is called the provenance of that data, and a provenance architecture is the software architecture for a system that will provide the necessary functionality to record, store and use process documentation. However, there has been little principled analysis of what is actually required of a provenance architecture, so it is impossible to determine the functionality they would ideally support. In this paper, we present use cases for a provenance architecture from current experiments in biology, chemistry, physics and computer science, and analyse the use cases to determine the technical requirements of a generic, technology and application-independent architecture. We propose an architecture that meets these requirements and evaluate a preliminary implementation by attempting to realise two of the use cases.


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A estratégia empresarial é uma disciplina jovem. Comparado com os campos de estudo de economia e sociologia o campo de estratégia empresarial pode ser visto como um fenômeno de formação mais recente, embora extremamente dinâmico em sua capacidade de criar abordagens teóricas diferenciadas. Este trabalho discute a recente proliferação de teorias em estratégia empresarial, propondo um modelo de classificação destas teorias baseado na análise empírica do modelo de escolas de pensamento em estratégia empresarial desenvolvido por Mintzberg, Ahlstrand e Lampel em seu livro Safári de Estratégia (1998). As possíveis conseqüências relativas à interação entre teoria e prática são também discutidas apresentando o que definimos como a síndrome do ornitorrinco.


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The Rational Agent model have been a foundational basis for theoretical models such as Economics, Management Science, Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory, mainly by the ¿maximization under constraints¿ principle, e.g. the ¿Expected Utility Models¿, among them, the Subjective Expected Utility (SEU) Theory, from Savage, placed as most influence player over theoretical models we¿ve seen nowadays, even though many other developments have been done, indeed also in non-expected utility theories field. Having the ¿full rationality¿ assumption, going for a less idealistic sight ¿bounded rationality¿ of Simon, or for classical anomalies studies, such as the ¿heuristics and bias¿ analysis by Kahneman e Tversky, ¿Prospect Theory¿ also by Kahneman & Tversky, or Thaler¿s Anomalies, and many others, what we can see now is that Rational Agent Model is a ¿Management by Exceptions¿ example, as for each new anomalies¿s presentation, in sequence, a ¿problem solving¿ development is needed. This work is a theoretical essay, which tries to understand: 1) The rational model as a ¿set of exceptions¿; 2) The actual situation unfeasibility, since once an anomalie is identified, we need it¿s specific solution developed, and since the number of anomalies increases every year, making strongly difficult to manage rational model; 3) That behaviors judged as ¿irrationals¿ or deviated, by the Rational Model, are truly not; 4) That¿s the right moment to emerge a Theory including mental processes used in decision making; and 5) The presentation of an alternative model, based on some cognitive and experimental psychology analysis, such as conscious and uncounscious processes, cognition, intuition, analogy-making, abstract roles, and others. Finally, we present conclusions and future research, that claims for deeper studies in this work¿s themes, for mathematical modelling, and studies about a rational analysis and cognitive models possible integration. .


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This work proposes an animated pedagogical agent that has the role of providing emotional support to the student: motivating and encouraging him, making him believe in his self-ability, and promoting a positive mood in him, which fosters learning. This careful support of the agent, its affective tactics, is expressed through emotional behaviour and encouragement messages of the lifelike character. Due to human social tendency of anthropomorphising software, we believe that a software agent can accomplish this affective role. In order to choose the adequate affective tactics, the agent should also know the student’s emotions. The proposed agent recognises the student’s emotions: joy/distress, satisfaction/disappointment, anger/gratitude, and shame, from the student’s observable behaviour, i. e. his actions in the interface of the educational system. The inference of emotions is psychologically grounded on the cognitive theory of emotions. More specifically, we use the OCC model which is based on the cognitive approach of emotion and can be computationally implemented. Due to the dynamic nature of the student’s affective information, we adopted a BDI approach to implement the affective user model and the affective diagnosis. Besides, in our work we profit from the reasoning capacity of the BDI approach in order for the agent to deduce the student’s appraisal, which allows it to infer the student’s emotions. As a case study, the proposed agent is implemented as the Mediating Agent of MACES: an educational collaborative environment modelled as a multi-agent system and pedagogically based on the sociocultural theory of Vygotsky.


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Este trabalho minera as informações coletadas no processo de vestibular entre 2009 e 2012 para o curso de graduação de administração de empresas da FGV-EAESP, para estimar classificadores capazes de calcular a probabilidade de um novo aluno ter bom desempenho. O processo de KDD (Knowledge Discovery in Database) desenvolvido por Fayyad et al. (1996a) é a base da metodologia adotada e os classificadores serão estimados utilizando duas ferramentas matemáticas. A primeira é a regressão logística, muito usada por instituições financeiras para avaliar se um cliente será capaz de honrar com seus pagamentos e a segunda é a rede Bayesiana, proveniente do campo de inteligência artificial. Este estudo mostre que os dois modelos possuem o mesmo poder discriminatório, gerando resultados semelhantes. Além disso, as informações que influenciam a probabilidade de o aluno ter bom desempenho são a sua idade no ano de ingresso, a quantidade de vezes que ele prestou vestibular da FGV/EAESP antes de ser aprovado, a região do Brasil de onde é proveniente e as notas das provas de matemática fase 01 e fase 02, inglês, ciências humanas e redação. Aparentemente o grau de formação dos pais e o grau de decisão do aluno em estudar na FGV/EAESP não influenciam nessa probabilidade.