919 resultados para Areas Protegidas
Os conflitos de uso são determinados pelas ocupações inadequadas do solo, como é o caso de ocupação do solo dentro de áreas de preservação permanente. O presente trabalho teve como objetivos determinar as classes de uso do solo e se há conflitos dentro de áreas de preservação permanente ao longo da rede de drenagem da microbacia do Ribeirão Água Fria, município de Bofete (SP). Situa-se geograficamente entre as coordenadas: 48°09'30 a 48°18'30 de longitude WGr., 22°58'30 a 23°04'30 de latitude sul com uma área de 15.242,84 ha. O mapa de uso do solo foi elaborado por meio da interpretação diretamente na tela do computador de imagem digital de satélite. Nos dados orbitais, a área de estudo está inserida no quadrante A, da imagem TM/Landsat-5, órbita 220, ponto 76, passagem de 8/09/2007. O Sistema de Informação Geográfica empregado foi o Cartalinx. As áreas de conflito da microbacia foram obtidas a partir do cruzamento entre os mapas de uso do solo e de APPs. Os resultados permitiram concluir que mais da metade da área (51,09%) está ocupada por pastagens, reflexo de solos arenosos e de baixa fertilidade. Constatou-se, ainda, que apesar de quase metade da microbacia estar coberta com algum tipo de vegetação (48,78% de mata natural/reflorestamento), possui aproximadamente um terço das áreas de preservação permanente utilizadas inadequadamente por pastagens (88,15%), reflorestamento (10,42%) e solo exposto (1,43%), totalizando 343,07 ha de áreas conflitantes em um total de 993,26 ha de APPs.
O LMV ocorre em todo o mundo e é considerado um dos patógenos mais importantes para a cultura da alface. de acordo com a habilidade em contornar os genes de resistência mo1¹ e mo1² encontrados em alface, os isolados de LMV podem ser dividos em dois sub-grupos: LMV-Most, capazes de contornar a resistência propiciada por estes genes e de serem transmitidos pela semente nestas cutivares, e LMV-Common, que não são capazes de causar sintomas nestes cultivares, além de serem transmitidos pela semente somente em cultivares suscetíveis. Para avaliar a ocorrência destes dois tipos de isolados de LMV foram coletadas, durante 2002-2005, amostras de alface com sintomas de mosaico em áreas de produção de alface comercial das regiões de Campinas, Mogi das Cruzes e Bauru no estado de São Paulo. O RNA total foi utilizado para detecção por RT-PCR utilizando-se oligonucleotídeos universais para LMV que amplificam a porção N-terminal variável da capa protéica, localizada no terminal 3´do genoma. As amostras positivas foram analisadas por um segundo primer que amplifica um fragmento da região central (CI-VPg) do genoma viral. Um total de 1362 amostras foram avaliadas, tendo sido detectado o LMV em 504 amostras (37,29%). O LMV-Common prevaleceu em variedades suscetíveis (77,3%). O LMV-Most foi encontrado frequentemente associado a variedades portadoras do gene de tolerância mo1¹. Apesar da existência dos LMV-Most capazes de contornar a resistência em alface, estes não predominam em nossa condições.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper proposes a monoscopic method for automatic determination of building's heights in digital photographs areas, based on radial displacement of points in the plan image and geometry at the time the photo is obtained. Determination of the buildings' heights can be used to model the surface in urban areas, urban planning and management, among others. The proposed methodology employs a set of steps to detect arranged radially from the system of photogrammetric coordinates, which characterizes the lateral edges of buildings present in the photo. In a first stage is performed the reduction of the searching area through detection of shadows projected by buildings, generating sub-images of the areas around each of the detected shadow. Then, for each sub-image, the edges are automatically extracted, and tests of consistency are applied for it in order to be characterized as segments of straight arranged radially. Next, with the lateral edges selected and the knowledge of the flight height, the buildings' heights can be calculated. The experimental results obtained with real images showed that the proposed approach is suitable to perform the automatic identification of the buildings height in digital images.
This research presents a methodology for prediction of building shadows cast on urban roads existing on high-resolution aerial imagery. Shadow elements can be used in the modeling of contextual information, whose use has become more and more common in image analysis complex processes. The proposed methodology consists in three sequential steps. First, the building roof contours are manually extracted from an intensity image generated by the transformation of a digital elevation model (DEM) obtained from airborne laser scanning data. In similarly, the roadside contours are extracted, now from the radiometric information of the laser scanning data. Second, the roof contour polygons are projected onto the adjacent roads by using the parallel projection straight lines, whose directions are computed from the solar ephemeris, which depends on the aerial image acquisition time. Finally, parts of shadow polygons that are free from building perspective obstructions are determined, given rise to new shadow polygons. The results obtained in the experimental evaluation of the methodology showed that the method works properly, since it allowed the prediction of shadow in high-resolution imagery with high accuracy and reliability.
This article proposes a method for 3D road extraction from a stereopair of aerial images. The dynamic programming (DP) algorithm is used to carry out the optimization process in the object-space, instead of usually doing it in the image-space such as the DP traditional methodologies. This means that road centerlines are directly traced in the object-space, implying that a mathematical relationship is necessary to connect road points in object and image-space. This allows the integration of radiometric information from images into the associate mathematical road model. As the approach depends on an initial approximation of each road, it is necessary a few seed points to coarsely describe the road. Usually, the proposed method allows good results to be obtained, but large anomalies along the road can disturb its performance. Therefore, the method can be used for practical application, although it is expected some kind of local manual edition of the extracted road centerline.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The aerial activities, leaps and slaps with parts of the body in the surface of water, are part of the behavioral repertoire of several species of cetaceans. Among them, the spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris, shows greater diversity in such behavior. For the spinner dolphins of Fernando de Noronha, the aerial activities are classified as vertical and horizontal, with eight patterns to be noted (tail slap, head slap, motor boating, partial leap, leap, spin, tail over head and tail over head with spin) discriminated between these categories. Such behaviors can be used as a parameter to identify behavioral changes, as well as patterns of daily and seasonal activity. In this manner, this study aimed to characterize the frequency in performance of such activity while the dolphins were within the Dolphin Bay of Fernando de Noronha, and verify possible daily and seasonal hourly fluctuations on such behaviors. The data analyzed in this study was acquired during the period of January 2006 through December 2010, totaling 1431 days of observation from land set point, with 113027 aerial activities registered, daily average of 72,27 (SD=96,10). During 5478h and 54 min of observation the horizontal aerial activity was the most observed and rotation was the most executed pattern. Greater frequency of execution of aerial activity was observed in adults, but for both adults and calves, was observed a predominance of horizontal activities, with spin being the pattern most executed. Positive correlation was observed between the amount of aerial activity performed and the number of animals inside the Bay. Hourly daily fluctuation was observed in the expression of aerial activities by spinner dolphins, and was observed a peak of activity between 8h and 8h59min for the overall frequency relative of aerial activities, as well as for the categories and patterns. Seasonal differences were observed between the rainy and dry season with the greater amount of activity being observed during the rainy season. Nevertheless, the same profile of frequency relative of aerial activity was observed in both seasons with the peak amount being during the same period. When discriminated the aerial activities in categories and patterns, for both seasons, there was a similar pattern of hourly fluctuation; for most of parameters, higher frequency relative of execution of aerial activity remain between 8h and 8h59min
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this work we propose a technique that uses uncontrolled small format aerial images, or SFAI, and stereohotogrammetry techniques to construct georeferenced mosaics. Images are obtained using a simple digital camera coupled with a radio controlled (RC) helicopter. Techniques for removing common distortions are applied and the relative orientation of the models are recovered using projective geometry. Ground truth points are used to get absolute orientation, plus a definition of scale and a coordinate system which relates image measures to the ground. The mosaic is read into a GIS system, providing useful information to different types of users, such as researchers, governmental agencies, employees, fishermen and tourism enterprises. Results are reported, illustrating the applicability of the system. The main contribution is the generation of georeferenced mosaics using SFAIs, which have not yet broadly explored in cartography projects. The proposed architecture presents a viable and much less expensive solution, when compared to systems using controlled pictures
JUSTIFICATIVA E OBJETIVOS: Anestesiar, com segurança, a criança com infecção de vias aéreas superiores (IVAS) constitui um dos grandes desafios do anestesiologista. A finalidade deste artigo é discutir a validade de anestesiar e quando anestesiar a criança com IVAS. CONTEÚDO: Estão ressaltados a importância da história clínica na investigação pré-operatória, os fatores que contribuem para o aparecimento de complicações no per e no pós-operatório, assim como o tipo de cirurgia e a técnica anestésica que favorecem estas complicações. CONCLUSÕES: O conhecimento das alterações no trato respiratório que acontecem após IVAS, da importância da avaliação correta da gravidade dos sintomas, dos fatores que podem contribuir para o aparecimento de complicações e da melhor técnica anestésica possibilita a seleção de pacientes com menor risco de desenvolver complicações no período per-operatório.
Mozambique holds a potential for tourism development, especially for nature tourism, due to the existence of conservation areas around the country. The Maputo Special Reserve (MES) is considered as one of the most important conservation area and has benefited from investment in order to incruse the development of tourism in the region. Currently the number of visitors to MES has grown substantially with the intention to develop recreational activities related to ecotourism. Now the challenge lies in the way of optimizing opportunities for tourism development in order to achieve economic benefitis reduction the lead to poverty, without degrading the environment. Ecotourism face the demands and environmental discussions has been assumed as an alternative to the tourist market focused on protected areas, as it is believed that this segment is able to reconcile tourism development and simultaneously improve the conservation of the natural environment and still ensure the recovery of local communities and promoting their welfare. This study aims to analyze, from the perception of the local community, social and environmental contribution of ecotourism in Maputo Special Reserve, Mozambique. The research sought to investigate the relationship between ecotourism development in the region and generate benefits for the socio-environmental communities for residents. To achieve the objective, was chosen a critical analysis about the generation of socio-environmental benefits versus ecotourism in which we opted for a qualitative and quantitative approach seeking to establish the degree of agreement and disagreement about the benefits generated by ecotourism through interviews with community members
The Brazilian coast has a wide variety of complex environments and ecosystems along the coast, about 80% are represented by sandbanks and dunes. The coastal ecosystems were the first to suffer the impacts man and places, as the very fragile ecosystems, are somehow altered. Are few areas of restinga well as natural features, very few protected in conservation units. Only in the last two decades the Brazilian restinga have been studies that are showing their importance for biodiversity of the country, though its economic importance remains largely unknown. In Rio Grande do Norte in the restinga vegetation and dune environments extend for almost the entire coast. The dunes are distinguished in the coastal landscape of the state due to the exuberance of its forms, heights and coating plants. The dune system is of fundamental importance for the maintenance of coastal urban settlements, especially for the city of Natal, acting on the hydrological dynamics of water table and reducing the effect of wind and movement of grains of sand to the interior and thus avoiding the burial City. However, the ecosystem of restinga and dune environments have been weakened and destroyed according to the intense urbanization and the knowledge of the vegetation of restinga installed on the dunes are still scarce. Thus, the objective of this study was to characterize the structure and floristic composition of vegetation established on a dune in the Dunes State Park Christmas and gather information to develop a model of recovery of the dune ecosystem. This dissertation is composed of 2 chapters, the first being: Structure of the vegetation of the dunes Dunes State Park in Natal, RN with the objective of describing the structure and composition of species of tree-shrub vegetation of restinga dunes of the Parque das Dunas and second: Recovery of degraded areas in a sand dune, which aimed to review the terms and concepts used in the theme of recovery and the techniques for recovery of degraded areas with emphasis on sandy environments and poor in nutrients, reporting some experiences within and external to Brazil the country, mainly in the Northeast and dunes positive and negative aspects that should be followed in building a model to be adopted for the recovery of local dunes
Given the prediction of the Federal Constitution of 1988 about the need to establish some areas to be especially protected, it was published the Law No. 9.985/00, which established the National System of Conservation Units. Several aspects make these units differ from one another, one of them being the possibility of presence of even traditional human populations inside the area to be protected. In case of allowing these people to continue in the area, it still must be provided their participation in the management of the new space. Management councils show up, then, as a specific way of social and political participation. This way, from an overview of legal norms and the doctrine that are relevant to the topic, It is aimed to make a legal and theoretical survey about the process of traditional populations permanence inside Conservation Units, with aspects linked to ethnoconservation and, therefore, to participation in environmental management of these specially protected spaces
Facing environmental problems the planet appears several alternative preventive and control on behalf of the equation between development and environmental protection. One of the alternatives implemented in Brazil to conservation of biodiversity was the creation of protected natural areas regulated by the National System of Conservation Units (SNUC). This is an integrated study of the Comunication / Environmental Conservation, which prioritizes social participation as a complementary in the conservation process, the particular case of the Dunas do Natal State Park, the first conservation area in Rio Grande do Norte, for full protection. It takes into account the roles environmental, scientific and Park, which harbors a unique biodiversity, including endemic species and the fact being located in an urban area. It proposes the use of two complementary instruments, such as strategies for conservation. Considering the various individual experiences, it was analyzed the perception that the community is directly related to the Park. From this promoted the democratization of information about the park, its biodiversity and conservation. As another conservation tool, it was suggested the use of a flagship species for the park, or a body chosen symbol for environmental or social reasons, in order to protect and conserve certain natural environments, from the understanding and co -community participation. In this case, as proposed flag Coleodactylus natalensis species, the lizard-the-litter, to be endemic remnants of Atlantic Forest Park as having the type locality, be one of the smallest species of the world, South America's lowest-dependent shadow of the forest, sensitive to human action and therefore very vulnerable. This suggestion finds support in the degree of public acceptance that interacts directly with the Park, as a result of the evaluation of their perceptions. It was further observed in this study that this symbology to be used in order to promote the democratization of the Park and its biodiversity has an identification result, curiosity and probable involvement of the population with the issues of the Park