992 resultados para óxidos de Fe e de Al
This paper presents a comprehensive study of sludge floc characteristics and their impact on compressibility and settleability of activated sludge in full scale wastewater treatment processes. The sludge flocs were characterised by morphological (floc size distribution, fractal dimension, filament index), physical (flocculating ability, viscosity, hydrophobicity and surface charge) and chemical (polymeric constituents and metal content) parameters. Compressibility and settleability were defined in terms of the sludge volume index (SVI) and zone settling velocity (ZSV). The floc morphological and physical properties had important influence on the sludge compressibility and settleability. Sludges containing large flocs and high quantities of filaments, corresponding to lower values of fractal dimension (D-f), demonstrated poor compressibility and settleability. Sludge flocs with high flocculating ability had lower SVI and higher ZSV, whereas high values of hydrophobicity, negative surface charge and viscosity of the sludge flocs correlated to high SVI and low ZSV. The quantity of the polymeric compounds protein. humic substances and carbohydrate in the sludge and the extracted extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) had significant positive correlations with SVI. The ZSV was quantitatively independent of the polymeric constituents. High concentrations of the extracted EPS were related to poor compressibility and settleability. The cationic ions Ca, Mg, Al and Fe in the sludge improved significantly the sludge compressibility and settleability. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Aluminium (At) tolerance in plants may be conferred by reduced binding of Al in the cell wall through low root cation exchange capacity (CEC) or by organic acid exudation. Root CEC is related to the degree of esterification (DE) of pectin in the cell wall, and pectin hydrolysis plays a role in cell expansion. Therefore, it was hypothesised that Al-tolerant plants with a low root CEC maintain pectin hydrolysis in the presence of Al, allowing cell expansion to continue. Irrespective of the DE, binding of Al to pectin reduced the enzymatic hydrolysis of Al-pectin gels by polygalacturonase (E.C. Pectin gels with calcium (Ca) were slightly hydrolysed by polygalacturonase. It was concluded, therefore, that Al tolerance conferred by low root CEC is not mediated by the ability to maintain pectin hydrolysis. Citrate and malate, but not acetate, effectively dissolved Al-pectate gel and led to hydrolysis of the dissolved pectin by polygalacturonase. The organic acids did not dissolve Ca-pectate, nor did they increase pectin hydrolysis by polygalacturonase. It was concluded that exudation of some organic acids can remove Al bound to pectin and this could alleviate toxicity, constituting a tolerance mechanism. (C) 2003 Editions scientitiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
The outer-sphere redox behaviour of a series of [LnCoIII-NCFeII(CN)(5)](-) (L-n = n-membered pentadentate aza-macrocycle) complexes have been studied as a function of pH and oxidising agent. All the dinuclear complexes show a double protonation process at pH approximate to 2 that produces a shift in their UV/Vis spectra. Oxidation of the different non-protonated and diprotonated complexes has been carried out with peroxodisulfate, and of the non-protonated complexes also with trisoxalatocobaltate(III). The results are in agreement with predictions from the Marcus theory. The oxidation of [Fe(phen)(3)](3+) and [IrCl6](2-) is too fast to be measured, although for the latter the transient observation of the process has been achieved at pH = 0. The study of the kinetics of the outer-sphere redox process, with the S2O82- and [Co(ox)(3)](3-) oxidants, has been carried out as a function of pH, temperature, and pressure. As a whole, the values found for the activation volumes, entropies, and enthalpies are in the following margins, for the diprotonated and non-protonated dinuclear complexes, respectively: DeltaV(not equal) from 11 to 13 and 15 to 20 cm(3) mol(-1); DeltaS(not equal) from 110 to 30 and -60 to -90 J K-1 mol(-1); DeltaH(not equal) from 115 to 80 and 50 to 65 kJ.mol(-1). The thermal activation parameters are clearly dominated by the electrostriction occurring on outer-sphere precursor formation, while the trends found for the values of the volume of activation indicate an important degree of tuning due to the charge distribution during the electron transfer process. The special arrangement on the amine ligands in the isomer trans[(L14CoNCFeII)-N-III(CN)(5)](-) accounts for important differences in solvent-assisted hydrogen bonding occurring within the outer-sphere redox process, as has been established in redox reactions of similar compounds. ((C) Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 69451 Weinheim, Germany, 2003).
O projeto refere-se ?? cria????o da Central de Atendimento "Al?? Trabalho" com o objetivo de apoiar, melhorar, agilizar e ampliar a capacidade de atendimento aos trabalhadores, empregadores, entidades de representa????o, ??rg??os de classe e entidades p??blicas, em ??mbito nacional, atrav??s de linha telef??nica com liga????o gratuita, de forma a facilitar e simplificar o acesso ??s informa????es e servi??os prestados pelo Minist??rio do Trabalho e suas unidades descentralizadas. Atuando de forma interativa e eficaz, agregando servi??os, informa????es institucionais e bases de dados, oferecendo instrumentos e recursos que proporcionem a cria????o de condi????es ideais de atendimento e descongestionando o fluxo de pessoas nos locais de atendimento ao p??blico
O descarte ou reutilização da água produzida da indústria do petróleo é difícil por causa dos impactos ambientais causados devido à presença de alta salinidade e componentes tóxicos, ou pelo risco de obstrução nas colunas de produção devido à formação de incrustações que causam redução na produção de petróleo e enormes perdas no processo de extração. Assim, o conhecimento da composição química da água produzida é muito importante. O método proposto por este trabalho visa a determinação de elementos traço (Co, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Se e V) em amostras de água produzida de petróleo por espectrometria de emissão óptica com plasma indutivamente acoplado (ICP OES) utilizando a digestão ácida assistida por micro-ondas para o preparo das amostras (15 g de amostra e 2 mL de HNO3 concentrado). A curva analítica construída em HNO3 2% v v-1 foi adotada para o método após verificar que não é necessário o uso de salinidade para equiparação de matriz. Para o elemento Ni, não há necessidade do uso de padrão interno, para os elementos Co, Cr, Fe, Mn e V os melhores resultados foram obtidos usando Sc como padrão interno. Para o elemento Se é recomendado o uso de Y como padrão interno. Os limites de detecção obtidos foram Co 0,67, Cr 1,2, Fe 2,3, Mn 0,49, Ni 1,9, Se 3,7 e V 5,5 μg L-1; e os limites de quantificação foram Co 2,2, Cr 4,0, Fe 7,7, Mn 1,6, Ni 6,5, Se 12,4 e V 18,3 μg L-1. A exatidão do procedimento foi verificada através de testes de recuperação em dois níveis de concentração (40 e 80 μg L-1) e análise dos materiais certificados de referência de água estuarina SLEW-2 e de água do mar NASS-5. Bons valores de recuperação foram obtidos e não houve diferença significativa (95% de confiança) entre os resultados obtidos e os valores certificados dos materiais de referência.
El artículo estudia el traslado del Congreso anfictiónico de Panamá a Tacubaya y los diversos intentos de instalación de la 'Asamblea americana' en México entre 1826 y 1828. Su propósito es escalonado: primero identifica los significados decisionales relevantes para comprender el fracaso del proyecto y, enseguida, delimita la autonomía analítica del episodio mexicano del Congreso de Bolívar.
In this paper we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portuguese public and private organizations. These variables are related to the environment (perception of environmental uncertainty), with human resources (support of top management) and, information and management systems (strategic map design and establishment of cause-effect relationships between indicators and perspectives of the BSC). Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to 591 publicly-owned organizations and 549 privately-owned organizations in Portugal, with an overall response rate of 31.3%. The results allow us to conclude that the top management commitment, the development of strategy maps and the establishment of cause-effect relationships are factors that are associated with the implementation of the BSC.
In this article we aim to identify and analyze a set of variables related to the organizational and environ-mental strategy that can potentially influence the adoption of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) in Portuguesecompanies of different sizes. Hypotheses were tested using data obtained from a questionnaire sent to549 privately-owned Portuguese organizations (small and medium enterprises and large companies),with an overall response rate of 28.2%. The results allow us to conclude that the BSC is independent ofthe activity/industry in which the organization operates. Furthermore, we have found that organizationsthat follow a defensive strategy attach greater importance to the BSC financial perspective or equiva-lent. On the other hand, we did not find empirical evidence regarding the possible relationship betweenthe BSC, the type of strategy adopted by the organization, the phase/stage of the life cycle in which theorganization is located, and the environmental intensity competition.