870 resultados para viral particles
The probability of a quantum particle being detected in a given solid angle is determined by the S-matrix. The explanation of this fact in time-dependent scattering theory is often linked to the quantum flux, since the quantum flux integrated against a (detector-) surface and over a time interval can be viewed as the probability that the particle crosses this surface within the given time interval. Regarding many particle scattering, however, this argument is no longer valid, as each particle arrives at the detector at its own random time. While various treatments of this problem can be envisaged, here we present a straightforward Bohmian analysis of many particle potential scattering from which the S-matrix probability emerges in the limit of large distances.
A thermoresponsive, supramolecular nanocomposite has been prepared by the addition of pyrenyl functionalized gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) to a polydiimide that contains receptor residues designed to form defined complexes with pyrene. The novel pyrenyl-functionalized AuNPs (P-AuNPs) were characterized by transmission electron microscopy, with surface functionalization confirmed by infrared and UV–visible spectroscopic analyses. Mixing solutions of the P-AuNPs and a π-electron-deficient polydiimide resulted in the formation of electronically complementary, chain-folded and π–π-stacked complexes, so affording a new supramolecular nanocomposite network which precipitated from solution. The P-AuNPs bind to the polydiimide via π–π stacking interactions to create supramolecular cross-links. UV–visible spectroscopic analysis confirmed the thermally reversible nature of the complexation process, and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), infrared spectroscopy (IR), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to characterize the supramolecular-nanocomposite material. The supramolecular polymer network is insoluble at room temperature, yet may be dissolved at temperatures above 60 °C. The thermal reversibility of this system is maintained over five heat/cool cycles without diminishment of the network characteristics. In contrast to the individual components, the nanocomposite formed self-supporting films, demonstrating the benefit of the supramolecular network in terms of mechanical properties. Control experiments probing the interactions between a model diimide compound that can also form a π-stacked complex with the π-electron rich pyrene units on P-AuNPs showed that, while complexation was readily apparent, precipitation did not occur because a supramolecular cross-linked network system could not be formed with this system.
Particulate matter generated during the cooking process has been identified as one of the major problems of indoor air quality and indoor environmental health. Reliable assessment of exposure to cooking-generated particles requires accurate information of emission characteristics especially the size distribution. This study characterizes the volume/mass-based size distribution of the fume particles at the oil-heating stage for the typical Chinese-style cooking in a laboratory kitchen. A laser-diffraction size analyzer is applied to measure the volume frequency of fume particles ranged from 0.1 to 10 μm, which contribute to most mass proportion in PM2.5 and PM10. Measurements show that particle emissions have little dependence on the types of vegetable oil used but have a close relationship with the heating temperature. It is found that volume frequency of fume particles in the range of 1.0–4.0 μm accounts for nearly 100% of PM0.1–10 with the mode diameter 2.7 μm, median diameter 2.6 μm, Sauter mean diameter 3.0 μm, DeBroukere mean diameter 3.2 μm, and distribution span 0.48. Such information on emission characteristics obtained in this study can be possibly used to improve the assessment of indoor air quality due to PM0.1–10 in the kitchen and residential flat.
Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an economically important animal pathogen which is closely related to Hepatitis C virus. Of the structural proteins, the envelope glycoprotein E2 of BVDV is the major antigen which induces neutralizing antibodies; thus, BVDV E2 is considered as an ideal target for use in subunit vaccines. Here, the expression, purification of wild-type and mutant forms of the ectodomain of BVDV E2 and subsequent crystallization and data collection of two crystal forms grown at low and neutral pH are reported. Native and multiple-wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD) data sets have been collected and structure determination is in progress.
Soil viruses are potentially of great importance as they may influence the ecology and evolution of soil biological communities through both an ability to transfer genes from host to host and as a potential cause of microbial mortality. Despite this importance, the area of soil virology is understudied. Here, we report the isolation and preliminary characterisation of viruses from soils in the Dundee area of Scotland. Different virus morphotypes including tailed, polyhedral (spherical), rod shaped, filamentous and bacilliform particles were detected in the soil samples. An apparent predominance of small spherical and filamentous bacteriophages was observed, whereas tailed bacteriophages were significantly less abundant. In this report, we also present observations and characterisation of viruses from different soil functional domains surrounding wheat roots: rhizosheath, rhizosphere and bulk soil. In spite of the differences in abundance of bacterial communities in these domains, no significant variations in viral population structure in terms of morphology and abundance were found. Typically, there were approximately 1.1–1.2 × 109 virions g−1 dry weight, implicating remarkable differences in virus-to-bacteria ratios in domains close to roots, rhizosphere and rhizosheath (approximately 0.27) and in bulk soil (approximately 4.68).
Particulate antigen assemblies in the nanometer range and DNA plasmids are particularly interesting for designing vaccines. We hypothesised that a combination of these approaches could result in a new delivery method of gp160 envelope HIV-1 vaccine which could combine the potency of virus-like particles (VLPs) and the simplicity of use of DNA vaccines. Characterisation of lentivirus-like particles (lentiVLPs) by western blot, dynamic light scattering and electron microscopy revealed that their protein pattern, size and structure make them promising candidates for HIV-1 vaccines. Although all particles were similar with regard to size and distribution, they clearly differed in p24 capsid protein content suggesting that Rev may be required for particle maturation and Gag processing. In vivo, lentiVLP pseudotyping with the gp160 envelope or with a combination of gp160 and VSV-G envelopes did not influence the magnitude of the immune response but the combination of lentiVLPs with Alum adjuvant resulted in a more potent response. Interestingly, the strongest immune response was obtained when plasmids encoding lentiVLPs were co-delivered to mice muscles by electrotransfer, suggesting that lentiVLPs were efficiently produced in vivo or the packaging genes mediate an adjuvant effect. DNA electrotransfer of plasmids encoding lentivirus-like particles offers many advantages and appears therefore as a promising delivery method of HIV-1 vaccines. Keywords:VLP, Electroporation, Electrotransfer, HIV vaccine, DNA vaccine
The French government has committed to launch the satellite TARANIS to study transient coupling processes between the Earth’s atmosphere and near-Earth space. The prime objective of TARANIS is to detect energetic charged particles and hard radiation emanating from thunderclouds. The British Nobel prize winner C.T.R. Wilson predicted lightning discharges from the top of thunderclouds into space almost a century ago. However, new experiments have only recently confirmed energetic discharge processes which transfer energy from the top of thunderclouds into the upper atmosphere and near-Earth space; they are now denoted as transient luminous events, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes and relativistic electron beams. This meeting report builds on the current state of scientific knowledge on the physics of plasmas in the laboratory and naturally occurring plasmas in the Earth’s atmosphere to propose areas of future research. The report specifically reflects presentations delivered by the members of a novel Franco-British collaboration during a meeting at the French Embassy in London held in November 2011. The scientific subjects of the report tackle ionization processes leading to electrical discharge processes, observations of transient luminous events, electromagnetic emissions, energetic charged particles and their impact on the Earth’s atmosphere. The importance of future research in this area for science and society, and towards spacecraft protection, is emphasized.
Viral replication occurs within cells, with release (and onward infection) primarily achieved through two alternative mechanisms: lysis, in which virions emerge as the infected cell dies and bursts open; or budding, in which virions emerge gradually from a still living cell by appropriating a small part of the cell membrane. Virus budding is a poorly understood process that challenges current models of vesicle formation. Here, a plausible mechanism for arenavirus budding is presented, building on recent evidence that viral proteins embed in the inner lipid layer of the cell membrane. Experimental results confirm that viral protein is associated with increased membrane curvature, whereas a mathematical model is used to show that localized increases in curvature alone are sufficient to generate viral buds. The magnitude of the protein-induced curvature is calculated from the size of the amphipathic region hypothetically removed from the inner membrane as a result of translation, with a change in membrane stiffness estimated from observed differences in virion deformation as a result of protein depletion. Numerical results are based on experimental data and estimates for three arenaviruses, but the mechanisms described are more broadly applicable. The hypothesized mechanism is shown to be sufficient to generate spontaneous budding that matches well both qualitatively and quantitatively with experimental observations.
Solar energetic particles (SEPs) occasionally contribute additional atmospheric ionization beyond that arising from the usual galactic cosmic ray background. During an SEP event associated with a solar flare on April 11, 2013, the vertical ionization rate profile obtained using a balloon-borne detector showed enhanced ionization with a 26% increase at 20 km, over Reading, United Kingdom. Fluctuations in atmospheric electrical parameters were also detected at the surface, beneath the balloon’s trajectory. As no coincident changes in geomagnetism occurred, the electrical fluctuations are very likely to be associated with increased ionization, as observed by the balloon measurements. The lack of response of surface neutron monitors during this event indicates that energetic particles that are not detected at the surface by neutron monitors can nevertheless enter and influence the atmosphere’s weather-generating regions.
We consider a three dimensional system consisting of a large number of small spherical particles, distributed in a range of sizes and heights (with uniform distribution in the horizontal direction). Particles move vertically at a size-dependent terminal velocity. They are either allowed to merge whenever they cross or there is a size ratio criterion enforced to account for collision efficiency. Such a system may be described, in mean field approximation, by the Smoluchowski kinetic equation with a differential sedimentation kernel. We obtain self-similar steady-state and time-dependent solutions to the kinetic equation, using methods borrowed from weak turbulence theory. Analytical results are compared with direct numerical simulations (DNS) of moving and merging particles, and a good agreement is found.
Purification of intact enveloped virus particles can be useful as a first step in understanding the structure and function of both viral and host proteins that are incorporated into the virion. Purified preparations of virions can be used to address these questions using techniques such as mass spectrometry proteomics. Recent studies on the proteome of coronavirus virions have shown that in addition to the structural proteins, accessory and non-structural virus proteins and a wide variety of host cell proteins associate with virus particles. To further study the presence of virion proteins, high quality sample preparation is crucial to ensure reproducible analysis by the wide variety of methods available for proteomic analysis.
Background Emerging cellular markers of endothelial damage and repair include endothelial microparticles (EMPs) and endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) respectively. Effects of long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC n-3 PUFA) and influence of genetic background on these markers are not known. Objective This study investigated the effects of fish oil supplementation on both classical and novel markers of endothelial function in subjects prospectively genotyped for the Asp298 eNOS polymorphism and at moderate risk of CVD. Design 84 subjects with moderate risk of CVD (n=40 GG and n=44 GT/TT) completed a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 8-week cross-over trial of fish oil supplementation providing 1.5 g/d LC n-3 PUFA. Effects of genotype and fish oil supplementation on the blood lipid profile, inflammatory markers, vascular function (EndoPAT) and numbers of circulating EPCs and EMP (flow cytometry) were assessed. Results There was no significant effect of fish oil supplementation on blood pressure, plasma lipids or plasma glucose, although there was a trend (P = 0.069) towards a decrease in plasma TG concentration after FO supplementation compared to placebo. GT/TT subjects tended to have higher levels of total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol, but vascular function was not affected by either treatment or eNOS genotype. Biochemical markers of endothelial function were also unaffected by treatment and eNOS genotype. In contrast, there was a significant effect of fish oil supplementation on cellular markers of endothelial function. Fish oil supplementation increased numbers of EPCs and reduced numbers of EMPs relative to the placebo, potentially favouring maintenance of endothelial integrity. There was no influence of genotype for any of the cellular markers of endothelial function, indicating that the effects of fish oil supplementation were independent of eNOS genotype. Conclusions Emerging cellular markers of endothelial damage, integrity and repair appear to be sensitive to potentially beneficial modification by dietary n-3 PUFA.
This work represents an investigation into the presence, abundance and diversity of virus-like particles (VLPs) associated with human faecal and caecal samples. Various methodologies for the recovery of VLPs from faeces were tested and optimized, including successful down-stream processing of such samples for the purpose of an in-depth electron microscopic analysis, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and efficient DNA recovery. The applicability of the developed VLP characterization method beyond the use of faecal samples was then verified using samples obtained from human caecal fluid.
The influence of the size distribution of particles on the viscous property of an electrorheological fluid has been investigated by the molecular dynamic simulation method. The shear stress of the fluid is found to decrease with the increase of the variance sigma(2) of the Gaussian distribution of the particle size, and then reach a steady value when sigma is larger than 0.5. This phenomenon is attributed to the influence of the particle size distribution on the dynamic structural evolution in the fluid as well as the strength of the different chain-like structures formed by the particles.