936 resultados para universal coding


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More than a century ago Ramon y Cajal pioneered the description of neural circuits. Currently, new techniques are being developed to streamline the characterization of entire neural circuits. Even if this 'connectome' approach is successful, it will represent only a static description of neural circuits. Thus, a fundamental question in neuroscience is to understand how information is dynamically represented by neural populations. In this thesis, I studied two main aspects of dynamical population codes. ^ First, I studied how the exposure or adaptation, for a fraction of a second to oriented gratings dynamically changes the population response of primary visual cortex neurons. The effects of adaptation to oriented gratings have been extensively explored in psychophysical and electrophysiological experiments. However, whether rapid adaptation might induce a change in the primary visual cortex's functional connectivity to dynamically impact the population coding accuracy is currently unknown. To address this issue, we performed multi-electrode recordings in primary visual cortex, where adaptation has been previously shown to induce changes in the selectivity and response amplitude of individual neurons. We found that adaptation improves the population coding accuracy. The improvement was more prominent for iso- and orthogonal orientation adaptation, consistent with previously reported psychophysical experiments. We propose that selective decorrelation is a metabolically inexpensive mechanism that the visual system employs to dynamically adapt the neural responses to the statistics of the input stimuli to improve coding efficiency. ^ Second, I investigated how ongoing activity modulates orientation coding in single neurons, neural populations and behavior. Cortical networks are never silent even in the absence of external stimulation. The ongoing activity can account for up to 80% of the metabolic energy consumed by the brain. Thus, a fundamental question is to understand the functional role of ongoing activity and its impact on neural computations. I studied how the orientation coding by individual neurons and cell populations in primary visual cortex depend on the spontaneous activity before stimulus presentation. We hypothesized that since the ongoing activity of nearby neurons is strongly correlated, it would influence the ability of the entire population of orientation-selective cells to process orientation depending on the prestimulus spontaneous state. Our findings demonstrate that ongoing activity dynamically filters incoming stimuli to shape the accuracy of orientation coding by individual neurons and cell populations and this interaction affects behavioral performance. In summary, this thesis is a contribution to the study of how dynamic internal states such as rapid adaptation and ongoing activity modulate the population code accuracy. ^


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One of the fundamental questions in neuroscience is to understand how encoding of sensory inputs is distributed across neuronal networks in cerebral cortex to influence sensory processing and behavioral performance. The fact that the structure of neuronal networks is organized according to cortical layers raises the possibility that sensory information could be processed differently in distinct layers. The goal of my thesis research is to understand how laminar circuits encode information in their population activity, how the properties of the population code adapt to changes in visual input, and how population coding influences behavioral performance. To this end, we performed a series of novel experiments to investigate how sensory information in the primary visual cortex (V1) emerges across laminar cortical circuits. First, it is commonly known that the amount of information encoded by cortical circuits depends critically on whether or not nearby neurons exhibit correlations. We examined correlated variability in V1 circuits from a laminar-specific perspective and observed that cells in the input layer, which have only local projections, encode incoming stimuli optimally by exhibiting low correlated variability. In contrast, output layers, which send projections to other cortical and subcortical areas, encode information suboptimally by exhibiting large correlations. These results argue that neuronal populations in different cortical layers play different roles in network computations. Secondly, a fundamental feature of cortical neurons is their ability to adapt to changes in incoming stimuli. Understanding how adaptation emerges across cortical layers to influence information processing is vital for understanding efficient sensory coding. We examined the effects of adaptation, on the time-scale of a visual fixation, on network synchronization across laminar circuits. Specific to the superficial layers, we observed an increase in gamma-band (30-80 Hz) synchronization after adaptation that was correlated with an improvement in neuronal orientation discrimination performance. Thus, synchronization enhances sensory coding to optimize network processing across laminar circuits. Finally, we tested the hypothesis that individual neurons and local populations synchronize their activity in real-time to communicate information about incoming stimuli, and that the degree of synchronization influences behavioral performance. These analyses assessed for the first time the relationship between changes in laminar cortical networks involved in stimulus processing and behavioral performance.


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Tumor Suppressor Candidate 2 (TUSC2) is a novel tumor suppressor gene located in the human chromosome 3p21.3 region. TUSC2 mRNA transcripts could be detected on Northern blots in both normal lung and some lung cancer cell lines, but no endogenous TUSC2 protein could be detected in a majority of lung cancer cell lines. Mechanisms regulating TUSC2 protein expression and its inactivation in primary lung cancer cells are largely unknown. We investigated the role of the 5’- and 3’-untranslated regions (UTRs) of the TUSC2 gene in the regulation of TUSC2 protein expression. We found that two small upstream open-reading frames (uORFs) in the 5’UTR of TUSC2 could markedly inhibit the translational initiation of TUSC2 protein by interfering with the “scanning” of the ribosome initiation complexes. Site-specific stem-loop array reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (SLA-RT-PCR) verified several micoRNAs (miRNAs) targeted at 3’UTR and directed TUSC2 cleavage and degradation. In addition, we used the established let-7-targeted high mobility group A2 (Hmga2) mRNA as a model system to study the mechanism of regulation of target mRNA by miRNAs in mammalian cells under physiological conditions. There have been no evidence of direct link between mRNA downregulation and mRNA cleavages mediated by miRNAs. Here we showed that the endonucleolytic cleavages on mRNAs were initiated by mammalian miRNA in seed pairing style. Let-7 directed cleavage activities among the eight predicted potential target sites have varied efficiency, which are influenced by the positional and the structural contexts in the UTR. The 5’ cleaved RNA fragments were mostly oligouridylated at their 3’-termini and accumulated for delayed 5’–3’ degradation. RNA fragment oligouridylation played important roles in marking RNA fragments for delayed bulk degradation and in converting RNA degradation mode from 3’–5’ to 5’–3’ with cooperative efforts from both endonucleolytic and non-catalytic miRNA-induced silencing complex (miRISC). Our findings point to a mammalian miRNA-mediated mechanism for the regulation of mRNA that miRNA can decrease target mRNA through target mRNA cleavage and uridine addition


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The Health Belief Model (HBM) provided the theoretical framework for examining Universal Precautions (UP) compliance factors by Firefighter, EMTs and Paramedics (prehospital care providers). A convenient sample of prehospital care providers (n = 4000) from two cities (Houston and Washington DC), were surveyed to explore the factors related to their decision to comply with Universal Precautions. Eight hundred and sixty-five useable questionnaires were analyzed. The responders were primarily male (95.7%) eight hundred and twenty-eight and thirty-seven were female, prehospital based (100%), EMTs (60.0%) and paramedics (12.8%) who had a mean 13 years of prehospital care experience. ^ Linear regression was used to evaluate the four hypotheses. The first hypothesis evaluating perceived susceptibility and seriousness with reported UP use was statistically significant (p = < .05). Perceived susceptibility, when considered independently, did not make a significant contribution (t = −4.2852; p = 0.0000) to the stated use of Universal precautions. The hypothesis is not supported as stated. The data indicates the opposite effect. Supported is the premise that as perceived susceptibility and perceived seriousness increase the use of Universal Precautions decreases. Hypothesis two tested perceived benefits with internal and external barriers. Both perceived benefits and internal and external barriers as well as the overall regression were significant (F = 112.6, p = 0.0000). The contribution of internal and external barriers was statistically significant (t = 0.0175; p = 0.0000) and (t = 0.0128; p = 0.0000). Hypothesis three which tested modifying factors, cues to action, select demographic variables, and the main effects of the HBM with self reported UP compliance overall was significant. The variables gender, birth, education, job type, EMS certification, years of service, years of experience providing patient care, Universal Precautions training hours, type of apparatus assigned to and the number of EMS related incidents responded to in a month were found to have a significant contribution to the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ The additive effects were tested by use of a stepwise regression that assessed the contribution of each of the significant variables. Three variables in the equation were statistically significant. Internal barriers (t = −8.5507; p = 0.0000), external barriers (t = −6.2862; p = 0.000) and job type 2 & 3. Job type two (t = −2.8464; p = 0.0045 is titled Engineer/Operator. Job type three (t = −2.5730; p = 0.0103) is titled captain. The overall regression was significant (F = 24.06; p = 0.000). The Hypothesis is supported in the certain demographic variables do influence the stated use of Universal precautions and that as internal and external barriers are decreased, there is an increase in the stated use of Universal Precautions. ^ In summary, this study demonstrated that internal and external barriers have a significant impact on the stated use of Universal Precautions. Internal barriers are those factors within the individual that require an internal change (i.e., forgetfulness, freedom, perception of the urgency of the patient's needs etc.) and external barriers are things in the environment that can be altered (i.e., equipment design, availability of equipment, ease of use). These two model variables explained 23%–30% of the variance. ^


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Proto-oncogene c-fos is a member of the class of early-response genes whose transient expression plays a crucial role in cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis. Degradation of c- fos mRNA is an important mechanism for controlling c-fos expression. Rapid mRNA turnover mediated by the protein-coding-region determinant (mCRD) of the c-fos transcript illustrates a functional interplay between mRNA turnover and translation that coordinately influences the fate of cytoplasmic mRNA. It is suggested that mCRD communicates with the 3′ poly(A) tail via an mRNP complex comprising mCRD-associated proteins, which prevents deadenylation in the absence of translation. Ribosome transit as a result of translation is required to alter the conformation of the mRNP complex, thereby eliciting accelerated deadenylation and mRNA decay. To gain further insight into the mechanism of mCRD-mediated mRNA turnover, Unr was identified as an mCRD-binding protein, and its binding site within mCRD was characterized. Moreover, the functional role for Unr in mRNA decay was demonstrated. The result showed that elevation of Unr protein level in the cytoplasm led to inhibition of mRNA destabilization by mCRD. In addition, GST pull-down assay and immuno-precipitation analysis revealed that Unr interacted with PABP in an RNA-independent manner, which identified Unr as a novel PABP-interacting protein. Furthermore, the Unr interacting domain in PABP was characterized. In vivo mRNA decay experiments demonstrated a role for Unr-PABP interaction in mCRD-mediated mRNA decay. In conclusion, the findings of this study provide the first evidence that Unr plays a key role in mCRD-mediated mRNA decay. It is proposed that Unr is recruited by mCRD to initiate the formation of a dynamic mRNP complex for communicating with poly(A) tail through PABP. This unique mRNP complex may couple translation to mRNA decay, and perhaps to recruit the responsible nuclease for deadenylation. ^


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El trabajo aborda la situación que atraviesa la fracción más importante de trabajadores de la actividad rural de la Provincia de Misiones; los trabajadores y trabajadoras de la cosecha de la Yerba Mate (tareferos), una de las actividades económicas más importantes y distributivas de la zona, y con mayor utilización de mano de obra rural. La Tarefa es una emblemática actividad por la histórica explotación que han sufrido estos trabajadores. Ha sido reflejada en numerosas novelas, películas y canciones, como por ejemplo “El mensú” de Ramón Ayala. La autora realiza en su tesis una sucinta descripción de la evolución histórica de la Protección Social en Argentina, con sus avances y retrocesos, incluyendo los recientes años de desregulación y flexibilización vinculados a la época de los noventas y la llamada “globalización” neoliberal.


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Reseña de la Maestría en Políticas Sociales, Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, UNaM. Dirección: Elena Maidana. Año: 2012. La autora nos presenta una mirada y un análisis diferente sobre la “Asignación Universal por Hijo para la Protección Social (AUH)”. La investigación se centra en visibilizar la importancia del acceso a la información como política pública e identifica las percepciones y las significaciones que construyen los sujetos sociales involucrados en dicha política pública. Son distintos los ámbitos en los cuales los actores despliegan la capacidad adquirida para apropiarse de los recursos necesarios para la producción y reproducción social: doméstico, familiar, social-barrial, político, entre otros. Al mismo tiempo, estos recursos se ponen a prueba en la búsqueda de resultados y potencialidades, que les permiten la adquisición y aprendizaje de otros (Dieringer, 91).


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Fil: Maíz, Claudio. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras


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El autor trata tres temas presentes en el segundo comentario de Boecio a la Isagogé de Porfirio. El primero muestra que cuando Boecio argumenta contra el universal ontológico de Porfirio, lo hace en términos cuantitativos; por ello la argumentación de Boecio contra el realismo porfiriano es diferente, por ej., de la argumentación que utiliza Abelardo en su Logica Ingredientibus. Mientras para Boecio lo que es uno no puede ser simultáneamente múltiple a causa de una imposibilidad cuantitativa, para Abelardo la misma imposibilidad resulta de una reducción al absurdo, pues la misma res universalis no puede ser racional en un sujeto e irracional en otro. El segundo tema es la distinción boeciana entre modo de ser y modo de ser conocido del universal. El tercer tema es la posibilidad de aferrar el universal boeciano a través de una fórmula apta para tipificar ese universal que, según Boecio, sería deficiente si fuera solo gnoseológico o solo ontológico; esa fórmula debe poder dar cuentas, simultáneamente, de ambas dimensiones del universal, es decir, la dimensión real-ontológica y la intelectual-gnoseológica.


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El presente trabajo se propone considerar el tema de la literatura universal desde la Argentina. Para ello se examinan las tres acepciones del concepto "literatura universal": la cuantitativa, la cualitativa y la dimensión comunicativa. En relación con la primera, se revisan historias de la literatura universal realizadas tanto en Argentina como en Europa, Estados Unidos y Latinoamérica, en orden a verificar y cuantificar la presencia de las letras argentinas en ese marco. En relación con la interpretación cualitativa, se analizan dos aspectos: a) el horizonte canónico internacional (occidental) en las letras argentinas y b) los escritores argentinos y su ingreso al canon occidental. Finalmente, se hace referencia al papel precursor de Juan María Gutiérrez respecto de la integración de literatura argentina en el contexto universal.


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La universalización de las asignaciones familiares a través de la implementación de la Asignación Universal por Hijo (en adelante AUH), teniendo en cuenta el número de menores que se ven beneficiados por esta política (más de 3,5 millones), generó un amplio debate por diferentes investigadores, periodistas y referentes políticos, en relación a los efectos que se producirán en el corto y largo plazo en nuestra sociedad. Los investigadores del CIFRA (Centro de Investigación y Formación de la República Argentina), indican que “frente a la falta de una política clara tendiente a garantizar la demanda agregada interna, la implementación de la AUH implica un cambio importante". De este análisis se desprende la posibilidad y necesidad de conjugar la equidad social con el crecimiento económico. En el mismo sentido, resaltan “más allá de combatir la pobreza y la indigencia de forma directa, la transferencia de ingresos hacia los sectores más desprotegidos implica un fuerte impulso al consumo, generando un efecto multiplicador positivo". Existen diferentes investigaciones, a nivel nacional, que analizan el impacto de la AUH sobre los niveles de pobreza, indigencia, consumo, entre otros. El objetivo de este documento es presentar un análisis de la asignación universal por hijo y su potencial impacto sobre la Provincia de Mendoza. Para ello, en los dos primeros capítulos se describe 5 el sistema contributivo de asignaciones familiares por hijo y la nueva asignación universal no contributiva. En el capítulo tres se describen los programas asistenciales similares a la AUH, referentes a siete países de América Latina. En el capítulo cuatro se presenta la estimación del impacto potencial de la AUH en la pobreza e indigencia de nuestra provincia, como así también el impacto sobre la demanda agregada. Para finalizar se abordarán las conclusiones y recomendaciones.


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En este trabajo nos hemos propuesto como objetivo general aportar a la comprensión de la recepción de la Asignación Universal por Hijo para Protección Social (AUH) en los discursos sociales hegemónicos, en la percepción subjetiva de los derecho-habientes de la misma y el impacto de ésta en sus trayectorias socioeconómicas de vida. A partir de los relatos de las receptoras, analizamos la experiencia y valoraciones que poseen sobre la medida, la utilización del ingreso percibido y el direccionamiento de sus gastos cotidianos. Asimismo, buscamos identificar en qué medida existe la presencia del discurso dominante en los receptores de la AUH.


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La crisis vivida a finales de 2001, marcó el fracaso del modelo neoliberal implementado durante más de una década en nuestro país. A partir de allí comenzaron a reestructurarse las políticas públicas, iniciando una época de grandes cambios. En lo que constituye al objeto de estudio, es relevante mencionar la sanción de la Ley Nacional de Educación N° 26.206 en el año 2006, que instauró a la educación como un derecho personal y social, en el cual el Estado pasó a ser el principal responsable de brindar “una educación integral, permanente y de calidad, gratuidad y equidad". Dicha Ley, junto a la implementación de la Asignación Universal por Hijo, entraron en vigencia en el año 2010. Estas dos políticas forman parte de un cuerpo de medidas que tienen como principal objetivo mejorar las condiciones de vida de los habitantes de nuestro país, al generar cambios tanto en la política de protección social como en la educativa. El tema central que aborda esta investigación es la Asignación Universal por Hijo (AUH)1 y su incidencia en el ámbito educativo. Esta medida, sancionada a través del Decreto N°1602 del año 2009, establece un subsistema no contributivo en el marco de la Ley N° 24714 de Asignaciones Familiares, ampliando la cobertura de la misma a los menores de 18 años, cuyos padres se encuentren desempleados, sean monotributistas sociales, trabajadores del servicio doméstico o del mercado informal. Incorporando, de esta manera, a un sector de la población que antes quedaba relegado. Actualmente, consiste en un pago mensual de $460 por cada hijo menor de 18 años (hasta un máximo de 5), y $1500 a cada persona discapacitada.


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La Asignación Universal por hijo para la Protección Social se enmarca en una nueva concepción de política social que sustenta sus fundamentos en la ley 24.714 que establece el “Régimen de Asignaciones Familiares" y la ley 26.061 que tiene por objeto la “Protección integral de los Derechos de las niñas, niños y adolescentes." Dicha perspectiva posiciona a la AUH en el marco de las políticas de inclusión social reconociendo a los destinatarios de la misma como sujetos de derechos.


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El presente informe aborda la situación de los derechos sexuales y los derechos reproductivos en Argentina. Los temas abordados son: el acceso a métodos anticonceptivos, la anticoncepción quirúrgica, la educación sexual y el aborto.