976 resultados para soil moisture content
Lämminilmakuivaus on viljan kuivaamisen menetelmistä ylivoimaisesti käytetyin. Siinä kuivurissa olevan viljakerroksen läpi puhalletaan lämmintä ilmaa, kunnes viljan kosteuspitoisuus laskee tavoitetasoon. Viljan jyvistä irtoaa aina pölyä niiden hangatessa toisiaan vasten. Viljankuivaamoiden pölyisyyttä on normaalisti pyritty vähentämään poistamalla leijuvaa pölyä viljan liikkeen epäjatkuvuuskohdista. Pölyä kulkeutuu kuitenkin kuivaamon ulkopuolelle myös kuivaukseen käytetyn ilman mukana. Poistoilman pölypitoisuus ei tavallisesti ole korkea, mutta kuivaamiseen käytetyistä suurista ilmamääristä johtuen pölyä voi kertyä poistoilmakanavan ympäristöön huomattavia määriä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena onkin viljankuivurin poistoilman pölypitoisuuden vähentämiseen soveltuvan pölynhallintajärjestelmän kehittäminen. Selvityksessä tarkasteltiin ensinnäkin kuivurin poistoilman pölypitoisuuteen liittyvää kansallista ja kansainvälistä lainsäädäntöä sekä raja-arvoja. Lähdemateriaalin perusteella kartoitettiin pölypitoisuuden vähentämiseen soveltuvia menetelmiä sekä kilpailijoiden toteuttamia ratkaisuja. Myös muita pölynhallintajärjestelmän edellytyksiä selvitettiin. Teoreettisessa tarkastelussa teknistaloudellisesti parhaaksi osoittautunut pölynhallintaratkaisu jalostettiin prototyypiksi. Sen toimintakykyä testattiin erotustehokkuuden mittaamiseen soveltuvan koelaitteiston avulla. Testitulosten perusteella kyseinen pölynhallintajärjestelmä todettiin toimivaksi ja pienellä jatkokehittelyllä myös kaupalliseen käyttöön soveltuvaksi. Testitulosten hyödyntämismahdollisuuksien lisäksi diplomityössä esitetään myös muutamia jatkokehitysehdotuksia.
Energiapuuta Etelä-Savosta hankkeessa tutkittiin ja kehitettiin energiapienpuun mahdollisuuksia osana suurimittakaavaista alueellista hankintaa. Energiapienpuun potentiaali suurimittakaavaisena polttoaineena on lupaava johtuen hyvästä biomassan saatavuudesta ja tarjontahalukkuudesta, korjuun teknologisesta edistyksestä ja logististen ratkaisujen monipuolisuudesta sekä käyttömäärien kasvusta. Hanke kokonaisuus sisälsi seuraavia osatutkimuksia: Etelä-Savon energiatase, metsänomistajakysely, asiantuntijahaastattelu, metsänkasvatussimulointi, metsäpolttoaineiden saatavuuslaskenta, puun kosteuden seurantatutkimus, logistiikan demonstraatioita sekä energiapuun hankintalogistiikan kustannusvertailuja. Hankkeessa käsiteltiin energiapienpuun arvoketjua metsänkasvatuksesta lopputuotteen käyttöön asti. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että energiapienpuulla on mahdollisuudet suurimittakaavaisessa hankinnassa, kunhan toimitusketjussa panostetaan tehokkuuden ja laadun jatkuvaan parantamiseen.
Etelä-Karjalan alueen lajittelututkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää alueella syntyvän syntypaikkalajitellun sekajätteen koostumus sekä jätteen palamistekniset ominaisuudet. Palamisteknisinä ominaisuuksina selvitettiin jätteen kosteuspitoisuus, tuhkapitoisuus sekä tehollinen lämpöarvo saapumistilassa. Lisäksi pyrittiin löytämään ratkaisuja kaatopaikkakuormituksen pienentämiselle. Saatuja tuloksia verrattiin aiemmin Suomessa tehtyihin jätekoostumustutkimuksiin ja palamisteknisten ominaisuuksien selvityksiin. Lajittelututkimuksen tulosten perusteella erilliskeräys tarvitsee tehostamista. Biohajoavaa jätettä alueelta kerätyistä otoksista oli 51 m-%, josta biojätettä oli noin 24 m-%. Lisäksi jätteestä kierrätykseen kelpaavia jakeita oli 21 m-%. Palamisteknisten ominaisuuksien määrityksessä tulokset olivat kuivajätteen osalta seuraavat: kosteuspitoisuus 29 %, tehollinen lämpöarvo saapumistilassa 15 MJ/kg ja tuhkapitoisuus kuiva-aineesta 16 %. Tutkimuksesta saadut tulokset ovat linjassa referenssitutkimusten tulosten kanssa. Kaatopaikkakuormituksen vähentämisessä keskeisiä toimenpiteitä ovat tiedotus ja neuvonta. Lisäksi erilliskeräyspisteiden sijoittelulla ja määrän lisäämisellä voidaan saada vähennettyä kierrätyskelpoisen jätteen loppusijoitusta kaatopaikalle. Kierrätyskelvottomien jakeiden poltolla saadaan myös pienennettyä kaatopaikalle loppusijoitettavan jätteen määrää. Syntypaikkalajitellun sekajätteen seassa oli runsaasti polttokelpoista materiaalia. Massapolttoon kelpaavaa jätteestä oli 92 m-% ja energiajätteeseen kelpaavaa 47 m-%. Näistä 13 m-% oli kierrätykseen kelpaavaa jaetta, joka tulisi ohjata kierrätykseen.
Comprehensive understanding of the heat transfer processes that take place during circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion is one of the most important issues in CFB technology development. This leads to possibility of predicting, evaluation and proper design of combustion and heat transfer mechanisms. The aim of this thesis is to develop a model for circulating fluidized bed boiler operation. Empirical correlations are used for determining heat transfer coefficients in each part of the furnace. The proposed model is used both in design and offdesign conditions. During off-design simulations fuel moisture content and boiler load effects on boiler operation have been investigated. In theoretical part of the thesis, fuel properties of most typical classes of biomass are widely reviewed. Various schemes of biomass utilization are presented and, especially, concerning circulating fluidized bed boilers. In addition, possible negative effects of biomass usage in boilers are briefly discussed.
The objective of this study was to obtain estimates of longitudinal growth stresses in standing trees of the Eucalyptus dunnii Maiden at eight, thirteen, fifteen and nineteen years of age and to determine their relationships with wood characteristics. The longitudinal growth stresses were indirectly measured by the "CIRAD-Forêt" method and estimated from both the dynamic modulus of elasticity and the modulus of elasticity in tension parallel to the grain. The longitudinal residual strain (LRS) and the estimates of the longitudinal growth stresses tended to increase with the age of the material. The LRS correlated positively and significantly with all the growth stresses estimates. The largestes magnitudes were at 13, 15 and 19 years of age. The basic density presented high, positive and significant correlations with the dynamic modulus of elasticity, estimated in the longitudinal direction, for wood saturated and at 12% moisture content, for all the ages assessed. All the growth stresses estimates presented high, positive and significant correlations between themselves.
The Dimorphandra mollis Benth. - Caesalpiniaceae is a native forest species coming from the Cerrado and Caatinga due to its economical and ecological use, which justifies the studies on seed germination. In this work, germinative performance of D. mollis seeds were studied in different conditions of temperature regime and substrate. The experimental delineation used was completely randomized in factorial 4 x 4 (4 substrates -sand, coconut fiber, vermiculite and paper towel; and 4 temperatures: 25, 30, 35 and 20-30ºC), with four replications of 25 seeds each. The following parameters were evaluated: seed moisture content, final germination, first germination count, germination speed index, length and dry matter weight. The best germination and vigor is obtained at 30 and 35ºC. The substrates paper towel and vermiculite allow satisfactory germinative performance of seeds, being suitable to evaluate the physiological quality of D. mollis seeds.
The objectives of this work were to analyze seed behaviour under controlled deterioration and estimate viability equations for forest species Eucalyptus grandis and Pinus taeda. Desired moisture content levels were achieved from initial values after either rehydration over water or drying over silica gel, both at 25 ºC. Seed sub samples with 8 moisture contents each for E. grandis (1.2 to 18.1%, initial value of 11.3%) and P. taeda (1.5 to 19.5%, initial value of 12.9%) were sealed in laminate aluminium-foil packets and stored in incubators maintained at 40, 50 and 65 ºC. The seeds from these species exhibited true orthodox and sub-orthodox storage behaviour, respectively, however E. grandis showed higher seed storability, probably due to a different seed chemical composition. Lowest moisture content limits estimated for application of the viability equations at 65 ºC were 4.9 and 4.1 mc for E. grandis and P. taeda, on equilibrium with ±20% RH. The viability equation estimated quantified the response of seed longevity to storage environment well with K E = 9.661 and 8.838; C W = 6.467 and 5.981; C H = 0.03498 and 0.10340; C Q = 0.0002330 and 0.0005476, for E. grandis and P. taeda, respectively.
It is important to develop drying technologies for Eucalyptus grandis lumber, which is one of the most planted species of this genus in Brazil and plays an important role as raw material for the wood industry. The general aim of this work was to assess the conventional kiln drying of juvenile wood of three clones of Eucalyptus grandis. The specific aims were to compare the behavior between: i) drying defects indicated by tests with wood specimens and conventional kiln-dried boards; and ii) physical properties and the drying quality. Five 11-year-old trees of each clone were felled, and only flatsawn boards of the first log were used. Basic density and total shrinkage were determined, and the drying test with wood specimens at 100 °C was carried out. Kiln drying of boards was performed, and initial and final moisture content, moisture gradient in thickness, drying stresses and drying defects were assessed. The defect scoring method was used to verify the behavior between the defects detected by specimen testing and the defects detected in kiln-dried boards. As main results, the drying schedule was too severe for the wood, resulting in a high level of boards with defects. The behavior between the defects in the drying test with specimens and the defects of kiln-dried boards was different, there was no correspondence, according to the defect scoring method.
Forest litter decomposition is a major process in returning nutrients to soils and thus promoting wood productivity in the humid tropic. This study aimed to assess decomposition of eucalypt litter in the Rio Doce region, Brazil. Leaf litter was sampled under clonal eucalypt stands aged 2, 4 and 6 years on hillslopes and footslopes. Soil and soil+litter samples were incubated at two levels of soil moisture, temperature and fertilization. C-CO2 emissions from soil measured during 106 days were higher at 32 °C than at 23°C, mainly for the 2-yr-old stand on footslope. When leaf litter was added on soils, C-CO2 emissions were eight times higher, mainly on footslopes, with no effect of stand age. Leaf decomposition in situ, assessed with a litterbag experiment showed a mean weight loss of at least 50% during 365 days, reaching 74% for 2 yr-old stands on footslopes. In comparison with data from the native forest and the literature, no apparent restrictions were found in eucalypt litter decomposition. Differences between in vitro and in situ results, and between eucalypt and native forest, were most likely related to the response of diverse decomposer communities and to substrate quality.
Seloste artikkelista: Laurila, J. & Lauhanen, R. / Moisture content of Norway spruce stump wood at clear cutting areas and roadside storage sites. Silva Fennica 44 (2010) : 3, 427-434.
The use of fertilizers and solid amendments in agriculture generates special interest for their effect on crop productivity, as well as for their environmental impact. The efficient use of these products demands knowing their physical and mechanical properties, the storing conditions effect and the operational characteristics of the metering systems used in the fertilizing equipment. In this context, the present study was developed with the purpose of evaluating the operational characteristics of different fertilizing metering systems and to determine the adequate metering system-product operational parameters, using powder lime, powder gypsum, granular 10-30-10 (N-P-K), and granular urea. Operational differences were established among four types of commercial fertilizer metering systems, including wire auger, star-shaped feed wheel, feed screw and ridged traction wheel. The study found that the unloading rate depends directly on the fertilizer metering system's rotating speed and is affected by particle size, repose angle, bulk density and moisture content of the applied product. The wire auger and star-shaped feed wheel metering systems were adequate for the distribution of powder products and the feed screw for granulated fertilizers. Furthermore, theoretical and experimental characteristic equations were established, defining curves for calibration and handling of the products plus the rotating speed range in which a better distributing behavior was achieved.
The present study aimed to determine the volumetric shrinkage rate of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seeds during air-drying under different conditions of air, temperature and relative humidity, and to adjust several mathematical models to the empiric values observed, and select the one that best represents the phenomenon. Six mathematical models were adjusted to the experimental values to represent the phenomenon. It was determined the degree of adjustment of each model from the value of the coefficient of determination, the behavior of the distribution of the residuals, and the magnitude of the average relative and estimated errors. The rate of volumetric shrinkage that occurred in bean seeds during drying is between 25 and 37%. It basically depends on the final moisture content, regardless of the air conditions during drying. The Modified Bala & Woods' model best represented the process.
This study was conducted to evaluate the decomposition kinetics of gaseous ozone in peanut grains. This evaluation was made with 1-kg peanut samples, moisture contents being 7.1 and 10.5% wet basis (w.b.), placed in 3-liter glass containers. The peanut grains were ozonated at the concentration of 450 µg L-1, at 25 and 35 ºC, with gas flow rates of 1.0 and 3.0 L min-1. Time of saturation was determined by quantifying the residual concentration of ozone after the gas passed through the grains to constant mass. The decomposition kinetics of ozone was evaluated after the grain mass was ozone-saturated. For the peanut grains whose moisture content was 7.1% (w.b.), at 25 and 35ºC and with flow rates of 1.0 and 3.0 L min-1, the values obtained for time of saturation of gaseous ozone ranged between 173 and 192 min; the concentration of saturation was approximately 260 µg L-1. For the grains whose moisture content was 10.5% (w.b.), a higher residual concentration of gaseous ozone was obtained at 25 ºC, that of 190 µg L-1. As regards the half-life of ozone, the highest value obtained was equivalent to 7.7 min for grains ozonated at 25 ºC, while for those with moisture content of 10.5% at 35 ºC, half-life was 3.2 min. In the process of ozone decomposition in peanut grains, temperature was concluded to be the key factor. An increase of 10 ºC in the temperature of the grains results in a decrease of at least 43% in the half-life of ozone.
Application of simulated annealing in simulation and optimization of drying process of Zea mays malt
Kinetic simulation and drying process optimization of corn malt by Simulated Annealing (SA) for estimation of temperature and time parameters in order to preserve maximum amylase activity in the obtained product are presented here. Germinated corn seeds were dried at 54-76 °C in a convective dryer, with occasional measurement of moisture content and enzymatic activity. The experimental data obtained were submitted to modeling. Simulation and optimization of the drying process were made by using the SA method, a randomized improvement algorithm, analogous to the simulated annealing process. Results showed that seeds were best dried between 3h and 5h. Among the models used in this work, the kinetic model of water diffusion into corn seeds showed the best fitting. Drying temperature and time showed a square influence on the enzymatic activity. Optimization through SA showed the best condition at 54 ºC and between 5.6h and 6.4h of drying. Values of specific activity in the corn malt were found between 5.26±0.06 SKB/mg and 15.69±0,10% of remaining moisture.
If inappropriately conducted, management and sowing practices may compromise the environment and the profitability of the agricultural activity. The aim of this study was to analyze the furrow opener mechanisms action and the level of load applied to soil firming mechanism in no-till, on the Oxisol resistance to penetration during soybean sowing, under three soil moistures. The experiment was arranged in split-split plot design, in which the plots were composed by three soil moistures (23.8; 25.5 and 27.5% b.s.), two furrow opener mechanisms sub-plots (double disks and furrow plough) and the split-split plot of three levels of load applied to soil firming mechanism (12.2; 18.5 and 24.1 kPa), according to randomized blocks design, with three replications. The soil moisture provided different resistance behavior to penetration with the depth, on the seedbed, independently of the furrow opener and the level of load applied to soil firming mechanism. The furrow plough use provided less soil resistance to penetration when compared to the double disk furrow opener, on the seedbed, independently of the soil moisture and the level of load applied to soil firming mechanism. The pressure applied by soil firming mechanism of 18.5 kPa provided the lower resistance to penetration, when the furrow plough was used. The soil resistance to penetration was less on the sowing line than on between rows, with 20 cm deep.