994 resultados para mutilación genital femenina


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El manuscrit que ens disposem a donar a conèixer és un tresor documental interessantíssim per abordar l’estudi dels usos poètics de les dones d’època moderna als territoris de parla catalana, no només pel nombre de composicions recuperades d’una mateixa autora (un total de 53 poesies espirituals, no catalogades i desconegudes fins ara) sinó perquè es tracta d’un dels pocs autògrafs femenins accessibles per a la recerca. La inexistència de treballs dedicats exclusivament a la poesia femenina d’època moderna al panorama català, ens obliga necessàriament a iniciar el treball amb una primera part introductòria dedicada a qüestions relatives als usos poètics de les dones dels segles XVI-XVIII, tot centrant-nos en algunes autores de l’àmbit conventual, al qual pertany el manuscrit objecte d’estudi. En la segona part del treball, ens centrem particularment en l’anàlisi i estudi del manuscrit. Així doncs, en una primera aproximació, descrivim el contingut del quadern, íntegrament en castellà, que recull composicions d caire espiritual i devot, i esbossem les dades biogràfiques de l’autora, la religiosa dominica sor Eulària Teixidor. Tot partint dels interessants estudis apareguts en els darrers anys sobre la literatura conventual femenina, intentem vincular aquest manuscrit amb la variada producció monàstica escrita per nombroses religioses de l’època sota manament del confessor


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La investigación que se presenta en este trabajo se asienta en una experiencia didáctica llevada a cabo durante los cursos escolares 1993/94 y 1994/95, como profesor del Aula Municipal de Adultos de Pallejà (comarca del Baix Llobregat). El origen de la investigación fue mi interés, como profesional de la educación, por valorar la utilidad de los medios de comunicación escritos como instrumento didáctico en la formación de adultos.El objetivo de esta investigación es comprobar que la utilización de la prensa del corazón permitela consolidación del aprendizaje de la lectoescritura,en sí misma y como articuladora de los contenidos propios de otras áreas de conocimiento permitiendo alcanzar uan serie de objetivos(unión entre contenidos reglados y "cultura para la vida", desarrollo de capacidades intelectuales, hábito de discusión y trabajo en grupo) El resultado de la investigación han permitido constatar que las revistas del corazón son un material didáctico de valiosísimo uso en la educación de adultos


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OBJECTIVE: To set-up an international cohort of patients suspected with Behçet's disease (BD). The cohort is aimed at defining an algorithm for definition of the disease in children. METHODS: International experts have defined the inclusion criteria as follows: recurrent oral aphthosis (ROA) plus one of following-genital ulceration, erythema nodosum, folliculitis, pustulous/acneiform lesions, positive pathergy test, uveitis, venous/arterial thrombosis and family history of BD. Onset of disease is <16 years, disease duration is ≤3 years, future follow-up duration is ≥4 years and informed consent is obtained. The expert committee has classified the included patients into: definite paediatric BD (PED-BD), probable PED-BD and no PED-BD. Statistical analysis is performed to compare the three groups of patients. Centres document their patients into a single database. RESULTS: At January 2010, 110 patients (56 males/54 females) have been included. Mean age at first symptom: 8.1 years (median 8.2 years). At inclusion, 38% had only one symptom associated with ROA, 31% had two and 31% had three or more symptoms. A total of 106 first evaluations have been done. Seventeen patients underwent the first-year evaluation, and 36 had no new symptoms, 12 had one and 9 had two. Experts have examined 48 files and classified 30 as definite and 18 as probable. Twenty-six patients classified as definite fulfilled the International Study Group criteria. Seventeen patients classified as probable did not meet the international criteria. CONCLUSION: The expert committee has classified the majority of patients in the BD group although they presented with few symptoms independently of BD classification criteria.


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Marta Pessarrodona és una de les traductores més representatives del segle XX en llengua catalana i castellana, juntament amb altres noms femenins que han cultivat l’art de la traducció com Maria Antònia Salvà, Carme Montoriol, Maria Teresa Vernet, Carme Serrallonga, Maria Aurèlia Capmany, Montserrat Abelló, Roser Berdagué, Maria Àngels Anglada, HelenaValentí, Maria Antònia Oliver, Maria Mercè-Marçal, entre d’altres. Tanmateix, per a la majoria, la tasca de torsimanys correspon a una activitat secundària per aquestes autores, en tant que prioritzen la seva faceta com a escriptores i l'ofici de la traducció sovint respon a una voluntat econòmica. De la mateixa manera, Marta Pessarrodona també ha destacat en altres camps de la literatura, concretament en la poesia, però també en l’assaig i la narració curta. Malgrat això, en tota la seva obra té intrínseca la traducció tant pel recurs d’usar paraules d’altres idiomes com també per la temàtica de les seves obres. La seva passió per les diferents llengües i cultures la porten a voler donar-les a conèixer a la nostra llengua i cultura, i per aquest motiu, té una prolífica activitat traductora, que ha restat sempre en la penombra, eclipsada per la seva activitat com a autora, principalment poeta, però també assagista, dramaturga, prologuista i articulista. L’activitat traductològica de Pessarrodona l’ha acompanyat al llarg de la seva carrera com a autora i ha publicat un llarg llistat d’obres, majoritàriament d’autores de parla anglesa, en llengua catalana i castellana. Tanmateix, tot i l’aportació tan important que ha realitzat a la nostra cultura a través de la traducció, la faceta de Marta Pessarrodona com a traductora no ha estat gaire estudiada enfront a la seva activitat com a escriptora, que gaudeix de més rellevància. És per aquest motiu que volem donar reconeixement a aquesta activitat en la qual Pessarrodona hi ha dedicat tant temps i esforç i que ens ha apropat obres cabdals de la literatura universal. Així doncs, l’objectiu principal d’aquest treball és donar a conèixer la faceta traductora de Marta Pessarrodona amb la finalitat de recuperar les veus traductològiques de la nostra història literària. Cal entendre aquesta traductora en relació amb el conjunt de la tradició literària alhora que en el context d’una geneologia femenina de la literatura que ha començat a esbossar-se d’un temps ençà.


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BACKGROUND: Mycoplasma hominis is a fastidious micro-organism causing systemic infections in the neonate and genital infections in the adult. It can also be the cause of serious extra-genital infections, mainly in immunosuppressed or predisposed subjects. CASE PRESENTATION: We describe a case of severe pneumonia and pericarditis due to Mycoplasma hominis in a previously healthy adolescent who did not respond to initial therapy. CONCLUSIONS: Mycoplasma hominis could be an underestimated cause of severe pneumonia in immunocompetent patients and should be particularly suspected in those not responding to standard therapy.


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We have recently shown that nasal immunization of anesthetized mice with human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV16) virus-like particles (VLPs) is highly effective at inducing both neutralizing immunoglobulin A (IgA) and IgG in genital secretions, while parenteral immunization induced only neutralizing IgG. Our data also demonstrated that both isotypes are similarly neutralizing according to an in vitro pseudotyped neutralization assay. However, it is known that various amounts of IgA and IgG are produced in genital secretions along the estrous cycle. Therefore, we have investigated how this variation influences the amount of HPV16 neutralizing antibodies induced after immunization with VLPs. We have compared parenteral and nasal protocols of vaccination with daily samplings of genital secretions of mice. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay analysis showed that total IgA and IgG inversely varied along the estrous cycle, with the largest amounts of IgA in proestrus-estrus and the largest amount of IgG in diestrus. This resulted in HPV16 neutralizing titers of IgG only being achieved during diestrus upon parenteral immunization. In contrast, nasal vaccination induced neutralizing titers of IgA plus IgG throughout the estrous cycle, as confirmed by in vitro pseudotyped neutralization assays. Our data suggest that mucosal immunization might be more efficient than parenteral immunization at inducing continuous protection of the female genital tract.


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E1 fr. 16 V es un breve poema en el que, argumentando con rigurosa lógica y utilizando como ejemplo demostrativo el mito de Helena, Safo formula la más antigua teorización conocida sobre la naturaleza de la belleza. Su modernidad es sorprendente; la belleza no es una cualidad absoluta, sino el producto fantasmático del impulso sexual. Los pormenores de su fenomenalogía se desglosan con el apoyo de la tradición homérica: el deslumbramiento inicial trastorna los sentidos creando apariencias ilusorias, ciega la ruzón, enajena, provoca olvido; pero cuando el deseo se extingue retornan memoria y conciencia, y con ellas el dolor. Se entiende así que la Helena que ya está de vuelta, la de la Odisea, proceda a administrar su seducción como una droga analgésica. El proccso se repite constantemente; sus sujetos somos todos, cualquiera, y su actualización afecta, más alla de la singular experiencia psica-física a las prácticas matrimoniales de la época, donde no se contemplava la elección de pareja y la mujer abandonaba su entorno para inscribirse en el del marido. Así la poesía de Safo, que forma parte de la iniciación a la vida adulta femenina, al poner al descubierto la relatividad de la belleza dentro del mecanismo amoroso, distancia a sus pupilas de sus propias emociones y las protege de la soledad insertándolas en una experiencia religiosa compartida.


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MBLdeficiency is thought to be a risk factor for the development of viral infection, such as genital herpes and HSV-2 meningitis. However, there is limited data on the possible interaction between MBL and CMV, especially after organ transplantation. Between 2003 and 2005, we measured MBL levels in 16 kidney transplant recipients with high-risk CMV serostatus (donor positive/recipient negative, D+/R−). All patients receivedCMV prophylaxis of valganciclovir 450 mg/day for 3 months after transplantation. After stopping valganciclovir, CMV-DNA was measured in whole blood by real time PCR every 2 weeks for 3 months. CMV infections were diagnosed according to the recommendations of the AST. MBL levels were measured in stored pre-transplantation sera by an investigator blinded to the CMV complications. MBL levels below 500 ng/ml were considered as being functionally deficient. After a follow-up of at least 10 months, seven patients out of 16 developed CMV disease (three CMV syndrome, and four probable invasive disease, i.e. two colitis and two hepatitis), four patients developed asymptomatic CMV infection, and five patients never developed any sign of CMV replication. Peak CMV-DNA was higher in patients with CMV disease than in those with asymptomatic infection (4.64 versus 2.72 mean log copy CMV-DNA/106 leukocytes, p < 0.05). Overall, 9/16 patients (56%) had MBL deficiency: 5/7 (71%) of patients with CMV disease, 4/4 (100%) of patients with asymptomatic CMVinfection, and 0/5 (0%) of patients withoutCMVinfection (p < 0.005, between CMV infection/disease versus no infection or control blood donors). There were no significant differences in age, gender or immunosuppressive regimens between the groups. MBL deficiency may be a significant risk factor for the development of post-prophylaxisCMVinfection in D+/R−kidney recipients, suggesting a new role of innate immunity in the control of CMV infection after organ transplantation.


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Protein S (ProS) is an important negative regulator of blood coagulation. Its physiological importance is evident in purpura fulminans and other life-threatening thrombotic disorders typical of ProS deficient patients. Our previous characterization of ProS deficiency in mouse models has shown similarities with the human phenotypes: heterozygous ProS-deficient mice (Pros+/-) had increased thrombotic risk whereas homozygous deficiency in ProS (Pros-/-) was incompatible with life (Blood 2009; 114:2307-2314). In tissues, ProS exerts cellular functions by binding to and activating tyrosine kinase receptors of the Tyro3 family (TAM) on the cell surface.To extend the analysis of coagulation defects beyond the Pros-/- phenotype and add new insights into the sites of synthesis ProS and its action, we generated mice with inactivated ProS in hepatocytes (Proslox/loxAlbCre+) as well as in endothelial and hematopoietic cells (Proslox/loxTie2Cre+). Both models resulted in significant reduction of circulating ProS levels and in a remarkable increased thrombotic risk in vivo. In a model of tissue factor (TF)-induced venous thromboembolism (VTE), only 17% of Proslox/loxAlbCre+ mice (n=12) and only 13% of Proslox/loxTie2Cre+ mice (n=14) survived, compared with 86% of Proslox/lox mice (n=14; P<0.001).To mimic a severe acquired ProS deficiency, ProS gene was inactivated at the adult stage using the polyI:C-inducible Mx1-Cre system (Proslox/loxMx1Cre+). Ten days after polyI:C treatment, Proslox/loxMx1Cre+ mice developed disseminated intravascular coagulation with extensive lung and liver thrombosis.It is worth noting that no skin lesions compatible with purpura fulminans were observed in any of the above-described models of partial ProS deficiency. In order to shed light on the pathogenesis of purpura fulminans, we exposed the different ProS-deficient mice to warfarin (0.2 mg/day). We observed that Pros+/-, Proslox/loxAlbCre+ and Proslox/loxTie2Cre+ mice developed retiform purpura (characterized by erythematous and necrotic lesions of the genital region and extremities) and died after 3 to 5 days after the first warfarin administration.In human, ProS is also synthesized by megakaryocytes and hence stored at high concentrations in circulating platelets (pProS). The role of pProS has been investigated by generating megakaryocyte ProS-deficient model using the PF4 promoter as Cre driver (Proslox/loxPf4Cre+). In the TF-induced VTE model, Proslox/loxPf4Cre+ (n=15) mice showed a significant increased risk of thrombosis compared to Proslox/lox controls (n=14; survival rate 47% and 86%, respectively; P<0.05). Furthermore, preliminary results suggest survival to be associated with higher circulating ProS levels. In order to evaluate the potential role of pProS in thrombus formation, we investigated the thrombotic response to intravenous injection of collagen-epinephrine in vivo and platelet function in vitro. Both in vivo and in vitro experiments showed similar results between Proslox/loxPf4Cre+ and Proslox/lox, indicating that platelet reactivity was not influenced by the absence of pProS. These data suggest that pProS is delivered at the site of thrombosis to inhibit thrombin generation.We further investigated the ability of ProS to function as a ligand of TAM receptors, by using homozygous and heterozygous deficient mice for both the TAM ligands ProS and Gas6. Gas6-/-Pros-/- mice died in utero and showed comparable dramatic bleeding and thrombotic phenotype as described for Pros-/- embryos.In conclusion, like complete ProS deficiency, double deficiency in ProS and Gas6 was lethal, whereas partial ProS deficiency was not. Mice partially deficient in ProS displayed a prothrombotic phenotype, including those with only deficiency in pProS. Purpura fulminans did not occur spontaneously in mice with partial Pros deficiency but developed upon warfarin administration.Thus, the use of different mice models of ProS deficiency can be instrumental in the study of its highly variable thrombotic phenotype and in the investigation of additional roles of ProS in inflammation and autoimmunity through TAM signaling.


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Genital herpes is being recognised as a medical problem of increasing importance. Diagnosis and management are complex. The present recommendations have been established by a multidisciplinary panel of specialists and endorsed by all Swiss medical societies involved in the medical care of such patients. The aim is to improve the care of affected patients, to reduce horizontal and vertical transmission and to diminish the psychosocial burden.


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En aquest article es donen a conèixer els resultats més importants de la segona part d'una recerca sobre migració femenina duta a terme durant els anys 2005-2007 a diferents comunitats autònomes espanyoles, finançada per l"Institut de la Dona (Ministeri de Treball i Afers Socials). En aquesta segona fase, l"equip investigador ha tractat de recollir, a partir d"entrevistes, relats de vida i grups de discussió, la valoració personal de les dones migrants àrabs i llatines sobre el seu projecte migratori. Així mateix, aquest estudi els ha permès evidenciar les dificultats que troben aquestes dones en el procés d'acollida en els àmbits laboral, social, educatiu i, fins i tot, familiar, i quins recursos mobilitzen per superar amb èxit aquestes dificultats. Entre alguns d"aquests recursos destaquen les pràctiques cooperatives i les xarxes de solidaritat que estableixen entre elles en els espais de relació formal i informal on participen. I com aquests espais, en la mesura que són sensibles a les necessitats i als interessos de les dones migrants, esdevenen una veritable porta d'entrada a la societat d'acollida.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Mycoplasma hominis and Ureaplasma urealyticum may colonize the human genital tract and have been associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Chorioamnionitis, spontaneous preterm labour and preterm premature rupture of membranes are significant contributors to neonatal morbidity and mortality. However, as these bacteria can reside in the normal vaginal flora, there are controversies regarding their true role during pregnancy and thus the need to treat these organisms. RECENT FINDINGS: We review here the recent data on the epidemiology of mycoplasmas and their clinical role during pregnancy. The association of these organisms with preterm labour has been suggested by many observational studies, but proof of causality remains limited. PCR is an excellent alternative to culture to detect the presence of these organisms, but culture allows antibiotic susceptibility testing. Whether antimicrobial treatment of mycoplasma-colonized pregnant patients can effectively reduce the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes warrants further investigations. SUMMARY: The role of Mycoplasma spp. and U. urealyticum in adverse pregnancy outcomes is increasingly accepted. However, sole presence of these microorganisms in the vaginal flora might be insufficient to cause pathological issues, but their combination with other factors such as bacterial vaginosis or cervical incompetence may be additionally needed to induce preterm birth.


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En este artículo se ofrece una lectura de las viudas de vivos de Rosalía de Castro como una metáfora compleja de la nación y nada complaciente con los relatos nacionales estereotipados del XIX. Frente a lecturas que han confinado a la viuda en el estereotipo de nación sufriente por la emigración, siguiendo la lectura del libro completo la viuda de vivo se muestra una representación femenina no prevista ni en los discursos de la nación ni de la vindicación del XIX.


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Each year, approximately five million people die worldwide from putatively vaccine-preventable mucosally transmitted diseases. With respect to mass vaccination campaigns, one strategy to cope with this formidable challenge is aerosol vaccine delivery, which offers potential safety, logistical, and cost-saving advantages over traditional vaccination routes. Additionally, aerosol vaccination may elicit pivotal mucosal immune responses that could contain or eliminate mucosally transmitted pathogens in a preventative or therapeutic vaccine context. In this current preclinical non-human primate investigation, we demonstrate the feasibility of aerosol vaccination with the recombinant poxvirus-based vaccine vectors NYVAC and MVA. Real-time in vivo scintigraphy experiments with radiolabeled, aerosol-administered NYVAC-C (Clade C, HIV-1 vaccine) and MVA-HPV vaccines revealed consistent mucosal delivery to the respiratory tract. Furthermore, aerosol delivery of the vaccines was safe, inducing no vaccine-associated pathology, in particular in the brain and lungs, and was immunogenic. Administration of a DNA-C/NYVAC-C prime/boost regime resulted in both systemic and anal-genital HIV-specific immune responses that were still detectable 5 months after immunization. Thus, aerosol vaccination with NYVAC and MVA vectored vaccines constitutes a tool for large-scale vaccine efforts against mucosally transmitted pathogens.