827 resultados para multicultural, social capital, regional migrants, networks
The present chapter discusses the assets model as a theoretical approach to the study of health behavior and health promotion. The model emphasizes people’s talents, competences, and resources. In this chapter, a health asset is defined as any factor or resource that maximizes the opportunities for individuals, local communities, and populations to attain and maintain health and well-being. This perspective expands and complements the current medical model as it focuses on the development of a sense of empowerment in community members to prevent and manage their own health. Therefore, in this chapter we address the concepts of salutogenesis, social support, resilience, coping, self-regulation, social capital, and personal and social competence, which are central to the development of individuals’ potential to manage and savor their own health, creating the conditions for self-fulfillment. Additionally, we demonstrate how the assets model guides the study of children’s and adolescents’ health in the Portuguese Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (www.hbsc.org), concentrating on areas such as active lifestyles and quality-of-life perception. Finally, we present a roadmap for action that emphasizes the need to identify the factors that make children and adolescents happy and healthy individuals, while minimizing risks and problems they naturally encounter throughout their development. We also argue for the need to involve young people in discussions concerning their health and health promotion practices, focusing on the development of talents, capabilities, and positive expectations for the future.
El presente trabajo representa un análisis situacional a la política pública departamental de juventud de Antioquia “PEDJ 2006-2015” en desarrollo de la “línea de acción 5. vinculación de los jóvenes al mundo laboral” en la ciudad de Medellín para el período 2006-2014. Como seguimiento a una estrategia que propicia una adecuada inserción de los jóvenes en el ámbito socioeconómico. Esta población presenta restricciones para completar un óptimo proceso de acumulación de capital humano y social que le permita insertarse en el mercado laboral en condiciones favorables. El objetivo principal consiste en analizar la inclusión de los Jóvenes al mundo laboral y otros actores sociales vinculados a la implementación y ejecución de la Política pública de juventud de Antioquia, como estrategia que garantice el tránsito de los jóvenes al mundo laboral y productivo en condiciones de calidad, estabilidad, y protección especial en los aspectos que se requieran. Las líneas de acción se enmarcan en las dimensiones de capital social, educación y mercado laboral e inserción productiva.
Stakeholder participation is widely acknowledged as a critical component of post-disaster recovery because it helps create a shared understanding of local hazard risk and vulnerability, improves recovery and mitigation decision efficacy, and builds social capital and local resilience to future disasters. But approaches commonly used to facilitate participation and empower local communities depend on lengthy consensus-building processes which is not conducive to time-constrained post-disaster recovery. Moreover, these approaches are often criticized for being overly technocratic and ignoring existing community power and trust structures. Therefore, there is a need for more nuanced, analytical and applied research on stakeholder participation in planning for post-disaster recovery. This research examines participatory behavior of three stakeholder groups (government agencies, non-local non-government organizations, local community-based organizations) in three coastal village communities of Nagapattinam (India) that were recovering from the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami. The study found eight different forms of participation and non-participation in the case study communities, ranging from 'transformative' participation to 'marginalized' non-participation. These forms of participation and non-participatory behavior emanated from the negotiation of four factors, namely stakeholder power, legitimacy, trust, and urgency for action. The study also found that the time constraints and changing conditions of recovery pose particular challenges for how these factors operated on the ground and over the course of recovery. Finally, the study uses these insights to suggest four strategies for recovery managers to use in the short- and long-term to facilitate more effective stakeholder participation in post-disaster recovery.
The production of artistic prints in the sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Netherlands was an inherently social process. Turning out prints at any reasonable scale depended on the fluid coordination between designers, platecutters, and publishers; roles that, by the sixteenth century, were considered distinguished enough to merit distinct credits engraved on the plates themselves: invenit, fecit/sculpsit, and excudit. While any one designer, plate cutter, and publisher could potentially exercise a great deal of influence over the production of a single print, their individual decisions (Whom to select as an engraver? What subjects to create for a print design? What market to sell to?) would have been variously constrained or encouraged by their position in this larger network (Who do they already know? And who, in turn, do their contacts know?) This dissertation addresses the impact of these constraints and affordances through the novel application of computational social network analysis to major databases of surviving prints from this period. This approach is used to evaluate several questions about trends in early modern print production practices that have not been satisfactorily addressed by traditional literature based on case studies alone: Did the social capital demanded by print production result in centralized, or distributed production of prints? When, and to what extent, did printmakers and publishers in the Low countries favor international versus domestic collaborators? And were printmakers under the same pressure as painters to specialize in particular artistic genres? This dissertation ultimately suggests how simple professional incentives endemic to the practice of printmaking may, at large scales, have resulted in quite complex patterns of collaboration and production. The framework of network analysis surfaces the role of certain printmakers who tend to be neglected in aesthetically-focused histories of art. This approach also highlights important issues concerning art historians’ balancing of individual influence versus the impact of longue durée trends. Finally, this dissertation also raises questions about the current limitations and future possibilities of combining computational methods with cultural heritage datasets in the pursuit of historical research.
Para el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis se realizó un estudio clínico y de laboratorio con el objeto de determinar la sensibilidad y especificidad en la detección de anticuerpos en IGG. Se clasificaron en tres grupos las personas : el primero, 50 pacientes con baciloscopía positiva en esputo, el segundo con 50 aparentemente sanas; y, un tercero con 50 pacientes, clinicamente sugestivos de la enfermedad. El presente estudio se llevó a cabo en los hospitales José Carrasco Arteaga del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social y Vicente Corral Moscoso de ministerio de Salud Pública, en la ciudad de Cuenca. Se aplicó para la búsqueda de anticuerpos en IGG, el método inmunológico Enzimoinmunoanálisis [EIA], utilizado el Immuzyme Myco que detecta anticuerpos para micobacterias en general y el Immuzyme TB Complex, un antígeno recombinante de gran especificidad para mycobacterium tuberculoso [38KDa]. En los pacientes baciloscópicos positivos, la sensibilidad al Immuzyme Myco fue del 70 por ciento con una especificidad del 74 por ciento y la prueba positiva en el 42 por ciento de aquellos que tubieron sintomatología sugestiva de tuberculosis. En cuanto al Immuzyme TB Complex se obtuvo una sensibilidad del 26 por ciento y una especificidad del 94 por ciento en el grupo de baciloscópicos positivos y en los clinicamente sugestivos fue positiva en el 8 por ciento de los casos, [4 pacientes]. Al igual que en la bibliografía consultada, la sensibilidad es baja, por lo que el test no es recomendable en población abierta. La especificidad es alta en ambas pruebas, siendo más relevante el Immuzyme Myco, lo que permitiría hacer confirmación diagnóstica en personas seleccionadas, altamente sospechosas de la enfermedad y que no tiene ni baciloscopía ni cultivo positivo.
The concept of equal opportunity for all students is deeply embedded in the Serbian constitution and in education laws. On that level, there is no doubt that everyone is ensured an opportunity to receive quality education. Many measures in education policy have been created specifically to achieve this objective and make the system fair and inclusive. The Coleman Report was linked to a wave of optimism that certain educational measures would help in achieving these noble goals. This aim is a high priority in education in a democratic country, and due to its importance needs to be re-examined. Thus, the present research examines the equity of students in the Serbian education system, detecting areas on all educational levels that could be (or already are) systemic sources of inequity (e.g., criteria for preschool institution enrolment, the system of student awards, rationalisation of the school network, the concept of entrance exams to secondary school or university, etc.). A number of measures have already been taken in the system specifically to deal with inequity (e.g., the Preschool Preparatory Programme, dropout measures, inclusion, scholarships, etc.). The effects of these measures in particular are analysed in the present work. In addition to an analysis of the systemic sources of inequity in the Serbian education system, the article also makes recommendations for their overcoming. (DIPF/Orig.)
As rural communities experience rapid economic, demographic, and political change, program interventions that focus on the development of community leadership capacity could be valuable. Community leadership development programs have been deployed in rural U.S. communities for the past 30 years by university extension units, chambers of commerce, and other nonprofit foundations. Prior research on program outcomes has largely focused on trainees’ self-reported change in individual leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes. However, postindustrial leadership theories suggest that leadership in the community relies not on individuals but on social relationships that develop across groups akin to social bridging. The purpose of this study is to extend and strengthen prior evaluative research on community leadership development programs by examining program effects on opportunities to develop bridging social capital using more rigorous methods. Data from a quasi-experimental study of rural community leaders (n = 768) in six states are used to isolate unique program effects on individual changes in both cognitive and behavioral community leadership outcomes. Regression modeling shows that participation in community leadership development programs is associated with increased leadership development in knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that are a catalyst for social bridging. The community capitals framework is used to show that program participants are significantly more likely to broaden their span of involvement across community capital asset areas over time compared to non-participants. Data on specific program structure elements show that skills training may be important for cognitive outcomes while community development learning and group projects are important for changes in organizational behavior. Suggestions for community leadership program practitioners are presented.
Graphs are powerful tools to describe social, technological and biological networks, with nodes representing agents (people, websites, gene, etc.) and edges (or links) representing relations (or interactions) between agents. Examples of real-world networks include social networks, the World Wide Web, collaboration networks, protein networks, etc. Researchers often model these networks as random graphs. In this dissertation, we study a recently introduced social network model, named the Multiplicative Attribute Graph model (MAG), which takes into account the randomness of nodal attributes in the process of link formation (i.e., the probability of a link existing between two nodes depends on their attributes). Kim and Lesckovec, who defined the model, have claimed that this model exhibit some of the properties a real world social network is expected to have. Focusing on a homogeneous version of this model, we investigate the existence of zero-one laws for graph properties, e.g., the absence of isolated nodes, graph connectivity and the emergence of triangles. We obtain conditions on the parameters of the model, so that these properties occur with high or vanishingly probability as the number of nodes becomes unboundedly large. In that regime, we also investigate the property of triadic closure and the nodal degree distribution.
This piece of work consists in a study case of Crediamigo Comunidade, a product from the portfolio of Crediamigo Program of Banco do Nordeste, that uses the methodology of the Comunitary Banks in the concession of low amount loan to poor communities. The main question consists to understand how the Crediamigo Comunidade is characterized faced to the conflict of emancipatory versus liberal paradigms, that exists in the microcredit area. The main objective will analyze how the mechanisms: social capital, empowerment, formation to credit education and better conditions for economic and social issues promoted in the specific objectives of this product, before the dipute between these paradigms. The method adopted analyzed, in a longitudinal perspective, the three years of the product s existence (jun/2005 to jul 2008). Primary and secondary data made possible to identify qualitatively, emancipatory and non emancipatory attributes in the actions and results of Crediamigo Comunidade. It is concluded that the Crediamigo Comunidade works in a liberal logic of the Crediamigo Program, consequently, his focus is not in the emancipation of the poorest clients. The empowerment is individual and not communitary or Freiriano ; the social capital relations enlarges itself in its bounding and bridging ties, but not in its linkage ties, to have access to politic actors and consequently communitary strengthen. All the formation in the Crediamigo is strictly commercial. These characteristics happen by the liberal paradigm in the Crediamigo management and of all of its products, including the Crediamigo Comunidade
[ES]En el presente trabajo, se abordan las formas cambiantes en las relaciones de socialidad de los adolescentes menores, la influencia de los avances tecnológicos en estas, así como los conflictos entre iguales que emergen en estos nuevos espacios, enfocando el trabajo en el fenómeno del cyberbullying desde un punto de vista criminológico. El objetivo ha consistido en analizar las nuevas formas de relación social que se expanden hoy en día, sobre todo por la irrupción de Internet como forma de interacción social y reconocer las conductas de riesgo que comienzan a aparecer en este ámbito, para identificar las formulas necesarias de prevención. La primera parte del trabajo está centrada en contextualizar la forma de socialidad, desde una conceptualización amplia hasta las características actuales derivadas del uso de la tecnología como herramienta de relación social, recogiendo los debates generados en torno al posible debilitamiento del capital social. En el siguiente apartado, se explora el ciberespacio, sus riesgos y oportunidades delictivas, buscando analizar posteriormente y en profundidad el cyberbullying, así como sus factores de victimización y sus similitudes y diferencias con respecto al bullying tradicional. A continuación, con el fin de subrayar y extraer las características que debe tener un programa de prevención, se expone una iniciativa pionera, a modo de estudio de caso. En esta se utiliza la formación en mediación de los propios menores para resolver o prevenir estas problemáticas, implantado en un instituto público de Zaragoza.
Resumen En este ensayo se pretende analizar, críticamente, un aspecto que consideramos crucial en toda propuesta de desarrollo, ya sea que éste se entienda como “desarrollo económico”, como “desarrollo humano sostenible”, o como desarrollo a secas: los criterios formales de decisión y sus correspondientes marcos categoriales. Estos criterios se insertan necesariamente en un sistema de coordinación del trabajo social, y condicionan los fines y las metas de la acción. Además, lo hacemos teniendo especialmente en cuenta aquellos rasgos estructurales del subdesarrollo capitalista que creemos necesario enfrentar y superar en toda propuesta de desarrollo: el desempleo, las desigualdades sociales y regionales, la exclusión social y la destrucción del medio ambiente. El análisis presupone una imagen del ser humano que concibe a éste como un sujeto de derechos concretos a la vida, imagen que parte del trabajo humano en el conjunto de la división social del trabajo, y por tanto, de un sujeto en comunidad. Adjudica al ser humano determinados derechos a la vida que tienen que impregnar a la sociedad entera para que pueda ser realmente una sociedad libre. Abstract This paper attempts analyze, in a critical way, a crucial issue concerning every development proposal: the formal criteria of decision and their respective theoretical frameworks, either we talk about economic development, human development or just development. These criteria are necessarily inserted in a social labor coordination system and they determine those ends and goals of the human action. Moreover, we emphasize those structural features from capitalist underdeveloped countries that are urgent to face and overcome: unemployment, social and regional inequalities, social exclusion and environment destruction. Analysis we do presupposes the human being conceived as a person with concrete rights of live, as from the human labor in the whole of social labor division, and therefore, as a person in a community. Every society, in order to be a free society, must to assign these concrete rights of live to every human being.
Trade credit is an important source of finance for SMEs and this study investigates the use of the financial statements and other information in making trade credit decisions in smaller entities in Finland, the UK, USA and South Africa. The study adds to the literature by examining the information needs of unincorporated entities as a basis for making comparisons with small, unlisted companies. In-depth, semi-structured interviews in each country were used to collect data from the owner-managers of SMEs and from credit rating agencies and credit insurers. The findings provide insights into similarities and differences between countries and between developed and developing economies. The evidence suggests that there are three main influences on the trade credit decision: formal and report-based information, soft information relating to social capital and contingency factors. The latter dictate the extent to which hard/formal information versus soft/informal information is used.
This paper analyzes import diversification in an aggregated perspective -- Using a dataset for 60 countries covering the period 1995-2010, we study the main determinants of import diversification -- We expect to contribute to the current literature, taking into account that there have been few empirical studies addressing import diversification and more specifically, at the cross-country level -- We take into account variables classified into four categories: Structural factors, macroeconomic factors, international trade factors and political factors -- We find robust evidence that total factor productivity (TFP), capital stock, real Exchange rates and terms of trade are key drivers of import diversification -- On the other hand, domestic consumption and trade openness exert an effect leading to import concentration -- We interpret this finding, taking into account the theoretical framework provided by the international trade and growth theories
Doutoramento em Gestão.
Resumen Los medios de vida de las familias productoras de café de altura están ligados a la finca. Esta relación tan marcada (familia – finca) los hace vulnerables a presiones externas que alteran el funcionamiento cotidiano interno de la unidad productiva. Dentro de estas presiones externas se encuentran los bajos precios, efectos climáticos y plagas en el cafetal. El artículo busca identificar los impactos que ejercen dichas presiones sobre los medios de vida de las familias cafetaleras del cantón de León Cortés, además se intenta mostrar las estrategias que han seguido estas unidades familiares para poder soportar y reponerse a los impactos generados por el clima, las plagas y la inestabilidad de precios del café. Las familias han generado diversas “estrategias de adaptación” en relación con los precios bajos, las organizaciones de productores han buscado nuevas alternativas de comercialización del café, tales como mercado justo y denominación de origen; además, han buscado la generación de un mayor valor agregado mediante la diversificación del producto final enfocado al café de calidad y a la presentación de café molido. Por su parte, las unidades familiares han buscado alternativas de diversificación como la siembra de aguacate. Para combatir las plagas los productores se han enfocado en la introducción de prácticas de conservación de suelos, mejorar sistemas de recolección e introducir sombra en los cultivos; el combate químico también ha sido una estrategia. Por último, la presión del clima no había sido muy tomada en cuenta por los caficultores de la zona, sin embargo, la Tormenta Alma sufrida en el año 2008 hizo que los caficultores comenzaran a pensar en un manejo adecuado y sostenible de la finca que minimice el riesgo climático. Abstract Livelihoods of family coffee growers are strongly determined by their farm. This makes families vulnerable to external shocks that affect the operations in the plot. Within these external shocks are included low prices, pests, and climate effects on the plantation. This paper aims to identify the impact of the aforementioned shocks on family coffee grower livelihoods in the canton of León Cortés. For this purpose, the article shows the strategies followed by families in order to support and recover themselves from the impact which come from climate, pests, and coffee price instability. Families have pursued various “adapting strategies”. Regarding low prices, producers' organizations have sought coffee marketing alternatives, such as fair trade and appellation of origin. Likewise, they work on increasing added value through diversification, improving coffee quality, and by a better packaging of ground coffee. Also, households have sought diversification options, such as avocado production. In order to combat pests, producers have focused on the introduction of soil conservation practices, improvement of collection systems, growing trees on coffee plantations, and chemical control. Finally, climate shocks had not been considered as a real problem by the farmers until the storm Alma affected the region. Nowadays, they think more about sound and sustainable management for their farm.