998 resultados para lutas no campo
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo estudar os efeitos fitotóxicos de fungicidas, acaricidas e inseticidas e algumas associações entre eles, em plantas de mamoeiros (Carica papaya L.) cv. Sunrise Solo Improved Line 72/12, em condições de campo, no município de São Mateus -- ES, pertencente à maior região produtora do Estado. O experimento foi arranjado em delineamento de blocos casualizados, com 4 repetições e 03 plantas úteis por parcela. Foram utilizados os seguintes produtos, com as respectivas doses, para cada 100 L de água: chlorothalonil (Daconil PM-200g); mancozeb (Dithane PM -- 200g); oxicloreto de cobre (Reconil -- 400g); thiabendazole (Tecto 450 -- 100ml); dicofol + tetradifon (Carbax -- 200ml); triazophós (Hostathion 400 BR -- 150ml); óxido de fenbutatina (Torque 500 SC -- 60ml); e abamectin (Vertimec 18 CE -- 50ml): Analisou-se a fitotoxicidade dos produtos testados, em relação à altura da planta, nº de folhas, número de flores e frutos ; diâmetro do caule e queimaduras ou injúrias foliares. As datas das avaliações foram: 01 dia antes das pulverizações, 15 dias e 30 dias após as mesmas. Os fungicidas Daconil BR, Reconil e Tecto 450; o fungicida acaricida Dithane PM; os acaricidas Carbax e Torque 500 SC; e o inseticida-acaricida Vertimec 18 CE, aplicados isoladamente, não afetaram o crescimento e a produção das plantas, nem causaram injúrias nas folhas das mesmas. A associação de fungicidas e fungicida-acaricida, com os acaricidas, ou inseticida-acaricida, não mostrou nenhum efeito fitotóxico sobre os parâmetros de crescimento avaliados, nem causaram queimaduras ou injúrias foliares.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Even living in the XXI century are still some difficulties in access to broadband Internet in several Brazilian cities, due to the purchasing power of people and lack of government investment. But even with these difficulties, we seek to encourage the use of wireless technology, which is based on the IEEE 802.11b protocol - also known as Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Wireless Fidelity Communications, having wide range of commercial applications in the world market, nationally and internationally. In Brazil, this technology is in full operation in major cities and has proved attractive in relation to the access point to multipoint and point-to-point. This paper is a comparative analysis of prediction field, using models based on the prediction of propagation loss. To validate the techniques used here, the Okumura-Hata models, modified Okumura-Hata, Walfisch-Ikegami model, were applied to a wireless computer network, located in the neighborhood of Cajupiranga in the city of Melbourn, in Rio Grande do Norte . They are used for networking wireless 802.11b, using the Mobile Radio to measure signal levels, beyond the heights of the antennas and distances from the transmitter. The performance data versus distance are added to the graphs generated and compared with results obtained through calculations of propagation models
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Originária da América do Sul, a ferrugem do eucalipto causada pelo fungo Puccinia psidii, vem se tornando uma doença limitante para a cultura do eucalipto no Brasil, exigindo a adoção de estratégias de controle, dentre as quais está o controle químico. Para avaliar eficiência e viabilidade econômica de fungicidas no controle da ferrugem do eucalipto, montou-se um ensaio a campo. Para a instalação do ensaio, utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 x 3 (3 produtos e 3 doses), sendo 0,5, 1,0 e 1,5 mL ou g do produto comercial por litro de solução. Os tratamentos foram: 1-) Testemunha; 2-) Fungicida azoxistrobina (estrobilurina); 3-) Fungicida tebuconazol (triazol); 4-) Fungicida tebuconazol + trifloxistrobina (triazol + estrobilurina). O experimento constou de quatro repetições, com avaliação da severidade das plantas. As avaliações foram efetuadas com base no percentual de área foliar lesionada. Verificou-se que com o aumento na dosagem dos fungicidas, houve maior redução da doença nas plantas aos 7 e 15 dias pós-aplicação. O fungicida tebuconazol + trifloxistrobina a 1,5 mL/L foi o mais eficiente contra a ferrugem do eucalipto em condições de campo. O fungicida tebuconazol apresentou maior viabilidade econômica nas três doses testadas.
Foram avaliadas a exportação de nutrientes por cultivares de rosas e as características que refletem qualidade em campo e ambiente protegido. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, sendo os tratamentos constituídos por 15 e 12 cvs. em ambiente protegido e em campo, respectivamente, com três repetições. Cada unidade experimental foi constituída por duas plantas, sendo coletada uma haste por planta. Foram determinados o diâmetro da haste e do botão floral, comprimento da haste, fitomassa seca e acúmulo de macro e micronutrientes pelas hastes colhidas. Plantas que apresentaram hastes com maior comprimento e diâmetro apresentaram também maiores quantidades de nutrientes extraídos. Os nutrientes extraídos em maiores quantidades foram o N e o K. Com base na quantidade de nutrientes extraídos é possível que se faça o agrupamento de cvs. para estabelecer uma recomendação de fertilizantes para as cvs. com exigência nutricional semelhante.
There are several methods for determining the Class-A pan coefficient (Kp) to estimate the reference evapotranspiration (ETo), which is of great importance to water management in agriculture. Most of these methods take into account the wind speed, relative humidity and the fetch area. This study was done in region of Botucatu, SP, in greenhouse and field in the months of July-August (dry) and September-October (rainy), used the methods of Doorenbos e Pruitt (1977), Cuenca (1989), Snyder (1992), Pereira et al. (1995), Allen et al. (1998) and correlation between ETo determined by Penman-Monteith (EToPM) and evaporation of the Class-A pan (ECA). The EToPM was used as standard for the correlations between the ETo determined by the Class-A pan (EToTCA) obtained by different methods of Kp. The Kp in greenhouse ranged between 0.51 and 0.85, and in the field from 0.33 to 0.85. The methods of Allen et al. (1998) and Snyder (1992) are the most recommended for dry months in greenhouse and rainy months the correlation between the ECA and EToPM e Cuenca (1989). In the field condition, the methods of Allen et al. (1998) and of correlation between the ECA and EToPM for dry months, and for rainy months of Allen et al. (1998) and Cuenca (1989). The method of Allen et al. (1998) was the most efficient, regardless of the environment and of months analyzed. The fixed value of Kp should only be used when it is not possible to determine from its more sophisticated methods.
The city of Natal-RN is constructed on dune areas with wavy relives softly waved and green areas that help to keep a pleasant climate, amongst these is distinguished field Pirangi-Potengi the dune with the areas of San Vale and Lagoinha. These environments are being substituted gradual for property and other workmanships of engineering on behalf of the urban expansion. This study the elaboration of a geoambiental mapping of Field had as objective generality Pirangi-Potengi the Dune with emphasis the San Vale and Lagoinha in Natal-RN. The done mapping had as objective specific to elaborate a vegetation map, a map of registers in cadastre of ambient problems to dunes, a map of flooding susceptibility, a map of vulnerability to the underground water contamination and a map of use and occupation of the ground. Of the carried through analysis, the area in study reveals sufficiently degraded, remaining only few green areas and dunares, as well as, the vulnerable presence of areas of vulnerability in floods and areas the contamination of the water-bearing one. The gotten results allow to affirm that this type of mapping, is of great importance for analysis and evaluation of the environment of the city
The accelerated pressure of use and occupation of Rio Grande do Norte coastline in the last two decades presented the tourism as its main vector, having as a consequence a strong, articulated and growing real estate speculation of this area. In the Natal County there is a Zona Especial de Interesse Turistico II (Special Zone of Tourism Interest II) (ZET-II), consisted of urban beaches with approximately 8.5 km that is an important seashore of the city. The purpose of this research was identification, characterization and assessment of the process of use and occupation of dunes fields emphasizing the role of ZET-II, whereas the specific goals was the analysis of weather, geology and geomorphology, characterization of use and occupation of soil, and elaboration of an environmental diagnosis with identification and description of its mains consequences. The result of this work was the delineation of geologic-geomorphological map of the area with identification of principals units, determining its use and occupation, the measurement of the area already occupied by equipments, besides the description of the environmental impacts on dune fields: devastation, coastline erosion, ocean pollution by sewer and pluvial waters, contamination of groundwater, distribution inadequate of solid residues, landscape degradation, and occupation of seashore through the privatization of public areas. Concluding that the degrading changes occurred in this areas are resulting from the nature of use and urban seashore regulations, which have been diminishing the natural aspect, altering the landscape definitely, compromising the quality of hydro resources and altering its use, privatizing the areas between tides, complicating the population access and obstructing the scenery visualization of dunes and ocean. There is an urgent necessity of improvement of public politics in order to improve the strategies and organization of use and occupation of space urban-coastline
Mental Health, in the form of the Psychiatric Reform, and the Anti-Asylum Movement do not ignore the production of knowledge about that field, mainly due to the consolidation of Public Health as a field of knowledge. The article explores some authors who consider Mental Health as a new field of knowledge, introducing a new paradigm in the perception of health - Disease and Care -; however, the goal is to introduce Psychosocial Care as a means to enforce the transdisciplinary and multiprofessional practices. The possibility is that mental health produces developments in Health, consolidating the public policies. In practice, the hospital-centered and drug-based model still predominates, and there are setbacks to be overcome by taking advantage of loopholes capable of breaking with what is instituted.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
In the context of late modernity, the socio-cultural transformations established new social practices which corroborate discursive changes in dialectic movements, contributing to the order of the educational discourses to be more and more affected by typical market discourses and values which are covered by ideologies, hegemonic struggles and power relations. In this sense, this research study, which is based on the theoretical tenets of the Critical Discourse Analysis in its interdisciplinary branch (FAIRCLOUGH, 2006; ORMUNDO, 2010; PEDROSA, 2010; RAMALHO E RESENDE, 2011), aims at discussing how the sociocultural changes in the context of private education interact with the market proposal of neoliberal and economical policies. The research was methodologically based on the qualitative approach (CHIZZOTTI, 1991; BOGDAN e BIKLEN, 1994; MINAYO, 1994), especially on the principles of contemporary Applied Linguistics (SIGNORINI, 1998; MOITA-LOPES, 2006; MENEZES, SILVA, GOMES, 2009). Data were gathered from advertisements used in campaigns by private educational institutions and agencies in Natal/RN; the advertisements were collected in primary and secondary levels and in language courses from October to December, 2010. The data analysis indicate that education, in the context of globalization and late modernity, has become a market agency and that the new face of the educational discourse of private institutions is interwoven with a social representation of education as a site of struggle and hegemonic dispute. Therefore, the research leads us to infer that, as the educational public policies based on hegemonic economy and on ideological assumptions of international agents (Global Bank, FMI, etc.) have become widespread, education has become an arena of dispute and a powerful economic product to the market of cultural and commercial industry, thus emphasizing a society in which everything is economically based
Football, understood as a phenomenon of sports practice and nearly universal coverage, can also be seen as a game whose operation circumvents the cultural universe of people who practice it. Much more than just a sport, so this game is a cultural phenomenon par excellence, bearing a communicational and aesthetic dimension whose occurrence has been spotted in various fields of scientific and cultural. Therefore, it is as game and as a phenomenon of culture, we intend to focus on football here as an object of study. Our aim is to investigate the sport in Brazil taking the Literature and Journalism as privileged instances of their representation in the media. Thus, the central idea of this research is to show when and how football has become a recurrent theme in Brazilian literature, starting with its journalistic approach until we get an overview of the aesthetic representation of the game, Literature as the main focus of attention and taking the genre of fiction story as material fact of their representation. With this approach, we intend to develop an overall view, overview of the literature about football in our country and at the same time, particularize this vision in some representative authors of it, like the writer-journalist Mario Filho (the historian, essayist on the modernization of chronic specific theme), José Lins do Rego (writer passionate about the game), Nelson Rodrigues (the esthetician that elevated the sport to the status of art by chronic), Lima Barreto (who along with Antonio de Alcantara Machado pioneered the formalized within the fiction) and the storytellers of the topic itself. In the end, we intend to infer the results of evaluations and reviews of books and authors listed, we have examined a wide sense, but also vertical (and which were focused on a socio-historical perspective and critical-aesthetic) within the assumption that seems be a homology between the way football practice amongst us will historically winning characteristics as to form a Brazilian school of football, and how our writers, journalists will be addressing the topic, which also would focus on creating a "Brazilian way" of telling literary football. The proof of this hypothesis operational work together with the development of historiography and the necessity arising from it, creating a "Guide to Reading football theme in fictional tale of Brazil" shut the focal perspective of this study
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico