992 resultados para linear measures
Global positioning systems (GPS) offer a cost-effective and efficient method to input and update transportation data. The spatial location of objects provided by GPS is easily integrated into geographic information systems (GIS). The storage, manipulation, and analysis of spatial data are also relatively simple in a GIS. However, many data storage and reporting methods at transportation agencies rely on linear referencing methods (LRMs); consequently, GPS data must be able to link with linear referencing. Unfortunately, the two systems are fundamentally incompatible in the way data are collected, integrated, and manipulated. In order for the spatial data collected using GPS to be integrated into a linear referencing system or shared among LRMs, a number of issues need to be addressed. This report documents and evaluates several of those issues and offers recommendations. In order to evaluate the issues associated with integrating GPS data with a LRM, a pilot study was created. To perform the pilot study, point features, a linear datum, and a spatial representation of a LRM were created for six test roadway segments that were located within the boundaries of the pilot study conducted by the Iowa Department of Transportation linear referencing system project team. Various issues in integrating point features with a LRM or between LRMs are discussed and recommendations provided. The accuracy of the GPS is discussed, including issues such as point features mapping to the wrong segment. Another topic is the loss of spatial information that occurs when a three-dimensional or two-dimensional spatial point feature is converted to a one-dimensional representation on a LRM. Recommendations such as storing point features as spatial objects if necessary or preserving information such as coordinates and elevation are suggested. The lack of spatial accuracy characteristic of most cartography, on which LRM are often based, is another topic discussed. The associated issues include linear and horizontal offset error. The final topic discussed is some of the issues in transferring point feature data between LRMs.
This report evaluates the use of remotely sensed images in implementing the Iowa DOT LRS that is currently in the stages of system architecture. The Iowa Department of Transportation is investing a significant amount of time and resources into creation of a linear referencing system (LRS). A significant portion of the effort in implementing the system will be creation of a datum, which includes geographically locating anchor points and then measuring anchor section distances between those anchor points. Currently, system architecture and evaluation of different data collection methods to establish the LRS datum is being performed for the DOT by an outside consulting team.
PURPOSE: Acute pyelonephritis is a common condition in children, and can lead to renal scarring. The aim of this study was to analyze the progression of renal scarring with time and its impact on renal growth. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 50 children who had renal scarring on dimercapto-succinic acid scan 6 months after acute pyelonephritis underwent a repeat scan 3 years later. Lesion changes were evaluated by 3 blinded observers, and were classified as no change, partial resolution or complete disappearance. Renal size at time of acute pyelonephritis and after 3 years was obtained by ultrasound, and renal growth was assessed comparing z-score for age between the 2 measures. Robust linear regression was used to identify determinants of renal growth. RESULTS: At 6 months after acute pyelonephritis 88 scars were observed in 100 renal units. No change was observed in 27%, partial resolution in 63% and complete disappearance in 9% of lesions. Overall, 72% of lesions improved. Increased number of scars was associated with high grade vesicoureteral reflux (p = 0.02). Multivariate analysis showed that the number of scars was the most important parameter leading to decreased renal growth (CI -1.05 to -0.35, p <0.001), and with 3 or more scars this finding was highly significant on univariate analysis (-1.59, CI -2.10 to -1.09, p <0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Even 6 months after acute pyelonephritis 72% of dimercapto-succinic acid defects improved, demonstrating that some of the lesions may be not definitive. The number of scars was significantly associated with loss of renal growth at 3 years.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o tamanho de amostra para a estimação do coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson entre caracteres de três híbridos de milho. Para as análises, foram tomadas aleatoriamente 361, 373 e 416 plantas, respectivamente, de híbridos simples, triplo e duplo. Para cada planta, os seguintes caracteres foram mensurados: diâmetro maior e menor do colmo, altura da planta e altura, peso, comprimento e diâmetro da espiga, número de fileiras por espiga, peso e diâmetro de sabugo, massa de cem grãos, número de grãos por espiga, comprimento e produtividade de grãos. Para cada um dos 91 pares de caracteres e híbridos, foi determinado o tamanho de amostra a partir de "bootstrap", com reposição de 1.000 amostras, de cada tamanho de amostra simulado. Na estimação do coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson com a mesma precisão, o tamanho de amostra (número de plantas) aumenta na direção de pares de caracteres com menor intensidade de relação linear, independentemente do tipo de híbrido. Para os 91 pares de caracteres estudados, 252 plantas são suficientes para a estimação do coeficiente de correlação linear de Pearson, no intervalo de confiança de "bootstrap" de 95%, igual a 0,30
Aim. Several software packages (SWP) and models have been released for quantification of myocardial perfusion (MP). Although they all are validated against something, the question remains how well their values agree. The present analysis focused on cross-comparison of three SWP for MP quantification of 13N-ammonia PET studies. Materials & Methods. 48 rest and stress MP 13N-ammonia PET studies of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) patients (Sciagrà et al., 2009) were analysed with three SW packages - Carimas, PMOD, and FlowQuant - by three observers blinded to the results of each other. All SWP implement the one-tissue-compartment model (1TCM, DeGrado et al. 1996), and first two - the two-tissue-compartment model (2TCM, Hutchins et al. 1990) as well. Linear mixed model for the repeated measures was fitted to the data. Where appropriate we used Bland-Altman plots as well. The reproducibility was assessed on global, regional and segmental levels. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC), differences between the SWPs and between models were obtained. ICC≥0.75 indicated excellent reproducibility, 0.4≤ICC<0.75 indicated fair to good reproducibility, ICC<0.4 - poor reproducibility (Rosner, 2010). Results. When 1TCM MP values were compared, the SW agreement on global and regional levels was excellent, except for Carimas vs. PMOD at RCA: ICC=0.715 and for PMOD vs. FlowQuant at LCX:ICC=0.745 which were good. In segmental analysis in five segments: 7,12,13, 16, and 17 the agreement between all SWP was excellent; in the remaining 12 segments the agreement varied between the compared SWP. Carimas showed excellent agreement with FlowQuant in 13 segments and good in four - 1, 5, 6, 11: 0.687≤ICCs≤0.73; Carimas had excellent agreement with PMOD in 11 segments, good in five_4, 9, 10, 14, 15: 0.682≤ICCs≤0.737, and poor in segment 3: ICC=0.341. PMOD had excellent agreement with FlowQuant in eight segments and substantial-to-good in nine_1, 2, 3, 5, 6,8-11: 0.585≤ICCs≤0.738. Agreement between Carimas and PMOD for 2TCM was good at a global level: ICC=0.745, excellent at LCX (0.780) and RCA (0.774), good at LAD (0.662); agreement was excellent for ten segments, fair-to-substantial for segments 2, 3, 8, 14, 15 (0.431≤ICCs≤0.681), poor for segments 4 (0.384) and 17 (0.278). Conclusions. The three SWP used by different operators to analyse 13N-ammonia PET MP studies provide results that agree well at a global level, regional levels, and mostly well even at a segmental level. Agreement is better for 1TCM. Poor agreement at segments 4 and 17 for 2TCM needs further clarification.
Background: Elevated urinary calcium excretion is associated with reduced bone mineral density. Population-based data on urinary calcium excretion are scarce. We explored the association of serum calcium and circulating levels of vitamin D (including 25(OH)D2 and 25(OH)D3) with urinary calcium excretion in men and women in a population-based study. Methods: We used data from the "Swiss Survey on Salt" conducted between 2010 and 2012 and including people aged 15 years and over. Twenty-four hour urine collection, blood analysis, clinical examination and anthropometric measures were collected in 11 centres from the 3 linguistic regions of Switzerland. Vitamin D was measured centrally using liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometry. Hypercalciuria was defined as urinary calcium excretion >0.1 mmol/kg/24h. Multivariable linear regression was used to explore factors associated with 24-hour urinary calcium excretion (mmol/24h) squared root transformed, taken as the dependant variable. Vitamin D was divided into monthspecific tertiles with the first tertile having the lowest value and the third tertile having the highest value. Results: The 669 men and 624 women had mean (SD) age of 49.2 (18.1) and 47 (17.9) years and a prevalence of hypercalciuria of 8.9% and 8.0%, respectively. In adjusted models, the association of urinary calcium excretion with protein-corrected serum calcium was (β coefficient } standard error, according to urinary calcium squared root transformed) 1.125 } 0.184 mmol/L per square-root (mmol/24h) (P<0.001) in women and 0.374 } 0.224 (P=0.096) in men. Men in the third month-specific vitamin D tertile had higher urinary calcium excretion than men in the first tertile (0.170 } 0.05 nmol/L per mmol/24h, P=0.001) and the corresponding association was 0.048 } 0.043, P= 0.272 in women. Conclusion: About one in eleven person has hypercalciuria in the Swiss population. The positive association of serum calcium with urinary calcium excretion was steeper in women than in men, independently of menopausal status. Circulating vitamin D was associated positively with urinary calcium excretion only in men. The reasons underlying the observed sex differences in the hormonal control of urinary calcium excretion need to be explored in further studies.
Four series of five specimens each were investigated for static and fatigue strength. These four series differed in that there were two variables, the first being the subsidence of concrete around reinforcing bars and the second being shrinkage due to two different curing conditions. The combinations of these variables were then compared to each other by use of, load-deflection curves and S-H fatigue curves.
OBJECTIVES: In this study, we investigated the structural plasticity of the contralesional motor network in ischemic stroke patients using diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and explored a model that combines a MRI-based metric of contralesional network integrity and clinical data to predict functional outcome at 6 months after stroke. METHODS: MRI and clinical examinations were performed in 12 patients in the acute phase, at 1 and 6 months after stroke. Twelve age- and gender-matched controls underwent 2 MRIs 1 month apart. Structural remodeling after stroke was assessed using diffusion MRI with an automated measurement of generalized fractional anisotropy (GFA), which was calculated along connections between contralesional cortical motor areas. The predictive model of poststroke functional outcome was computed using a linear regression of acute GFA measures and the clinical assessment. RESULTS: GFA changes in the contralesional motor tracts were found in all patients and differed significantly from controls (0.001 ≤ p < 0.05). GFA changes in intrahemispheric and interhemispheric motor tracts correlated with age (p ≤ 0.01); those in intrahemispheric motor tracts correlated strongly with clinical scores and stroke sizes (p ≤ 0.001). GFA measured in the acute phase together with a routine motor score and age were a strong predictor of motor outcome at 6 months (r(2) = 0.96, p = 0.0002). CONCLUSION: These findings represent a proof of principle that contralesional diffusion MRI measures may provide reliable information for personalized rehabilitation planning after ischemic motor stroke. Neurology® 2012;79:39-46.
BACKGROUND: The present study was designed to evaluate surgeons' strategies and adherence to preventive measures against surgical site infections (SSIs). MATERIALS AND METHODS: All surgeons participating in a prospective Swiss multicentric surveillance program for SSIs received a questionnaire developed from the 2008 National (United Kingdom) Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) clinical guidelines on prevention and treatment of SSIs. We focused on perioperative management and surgical technique in hernia surgery, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, and colon surgery (COL). RESULTS: Forty-five of 50 surgeons contacted (90%) responded. Smoking cessation and nutritional screening are regularly propagated by 1/3 and 1/2 of surgeons, respectively. Thirty-eight percent practice bowel preparation before COL. Preoperative hair removal is routinely (90%) performed in the operating room with electric clippers. About 50% administer antibiotic prophylaxis within 30 min before incision. Intra-abdominal drains are common after COL (43%). Two thirds of respondents apply nonocclusive wound dressings that are manipulated after hand disinfection (87%). Dressings are usually changed on postoperative day (POD) 2 (75%), and wounds remain undressed on POD 2-3 or 4-5 (36% each). CONCLUSIONS: Surgeons' strategies to prevent SSIs still differ widely. The adherence to the current NICE guidelines is low for many procedures regardless of the available level of evidence. Further research should provide convincing data in order to justify standardization of perioperative management.
The objective of this work was to assess the degree of multicollinearity and to identify the variables involved in linear dependence relations in additive-dominant models. Data of birth weight (n=141,567), yearling weight (n=58,124), and scrotal circumference (n=20,371) of Montana Tropical composite cattle were used. Diagnosis of multicollinearity was based on the variance inflation factor (VIF) and on the evaluation of the condition indexes and eigenvalues from the correlation matrix among explanatory variables. The first model studied (RM) included the fixed effect of dam age class at calving and the covariates associated to the direct and maternal additive and non-additive effects. The second model (R) included all the effects of the RM model except the maternal additive effects. Multicollinearity was detected in both models for all traits considered, with VIF values of 1.03 - 70.20 for RM and 1.03 - 60.70 for R. Collinearity increased with the increase of variables in the model and the decrease in the number of observations, and it was classified as weak, with condition index values between 10.00 and 26.77. In general, the variables associated with additive and non-additive effects were involved in multicollinearity, partially due to the natural connection between these covariables as fractions of the biological types in breed composition.
Purpose: Concerns about self-reports have led to calls for objective measures of blood alcohol concentration (BAC). The present study compared objective measures with self-reports. Methods: BAC from breath or blood samples were obtained from 272 randomly sampled injured patients who were admitted to a Swiss emergency department (ED). Self-reports were compared a) between those providing and refusing a BAC test, and b) to estimated peak BAC (EPBAC) values based on BACs using the Widmark formula. Results: Those providing BACs were significantly (P < 0.05) younger, more often male, and less often reported alcohol consumption before injury, but consumed higher quantities when drinking. Eighty-eight percent of those with BAC measures gave consistent reports (positive or negative). Significantly more patients reported consumption with negative BAC measures (N = 29) than vice versa (N = 3). Duration of consumption and times between injury and BAC measurement predicted EPBAC better than did the objective BAC measure. Conclusions: There is little evidence that patients who provide objective BAC measures deliberately conceal consumption. ED studies must rely on self-reports, eg, take the time period between injury and ED admission into account. Clearly, objective measures are of clinical relevance, eg, to provide optimal treatment in the ED. However, they may be less relevant to establishing effects in an epidemiologic sense, such as estimating risk relationships. In this respect, efforts to increase the validity and reliability of self-reports should be preferred over the collection of additional objective measures.
This paper suggests a method for obtaining efficiency bounds in models containing either only infinite-dimensional parameters or both finite- and infinite-dimensional parameters (semiparametric models). The method is based on a theory of random linear functionals applied to the gradient of the log-likelihood functional and is illustrated by computing the lower bound for Cox's regression model