731 resultados para humanity


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Sustainability in buildings, while reducing the impact on the environment, contributes to the promotion of social welfare, to increase the health and productivity of occupants. The search for a way of build that meets the aspirations and development of humanity without, however, represent degradation of the environment, has become the great challenge of contemporary architecture. It is considered that the incorporation of principles that provide a sustainable building with careful choices of design solutions contribute to a better economic and thermal performance of the building, as well as functional and psychological comfort to its users. Based on this general understanding, this paper presents an architecture project aimed to health care whose the solutions adopted follow carefully the relevant legislation and sets his sights on the theme of sustainability. The methodology began with studies on the themes of verification service of deaths, sustainability and those application in construction developed through research in academic studies and analysis of architectural projects, using them like reference for the solutions adopted. Within the project analysis was performed a visit to the verification service of deaths in the city of Palmas in Tocantins, subsidizing information that, plus the relevant legislation, led to functional programming and pre-dimensional of the building to be designed. The result of this programming environments were individual records with information from environmental restrictions, space required for the development of activities, desirable flow and sustainability strategies, that can be considered as the first product of relevance of the professional master's degree. Finally we have outlined the basic design architecture of a Verification Service of Death SVO/RN (in portuguese), whose process of projecting defined as a guiding line of work four points: the use of bioclimatic architecture as the main feature projectual, the use of resources would provide minimal harm to the environment, the use of modulation and structure to the building as a form of rationalization and finally the search for solutions that ensure environmental and psychological comfort to users. Importantly to highlight that, besides owning a rare theme in literature that refers to architectural projects, the whole project was drawn up with foundations in projective criteria that contribute to environmental sustainability, with emphasis on thermal performance, energy efficiency and reuse of rainwater


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Departamento de Geografia, Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2014.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.


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O envelhecimento da população é um dos maiores triunfos da humanidade e também um dos nossos grandes desafios. O envelhecimento é um processo inevitável e irreversível, começa na conceção e continua até ao final da vida. Tal como a saúde a velhice vai-se construindo ao longo da vida através de estilos de vida saudáveis e de um envelhecimento ativo. Assim a educação para a saúde adota um papel fundamental permitindo ao enfermeiro orientar e capacitar o idoso, a família e comunidade da sua competência em gerir a sua própria independência e a sua qualidade de vida. Com base nestes princípios efetuámos o nosso estágio de intervenção na freguesia da Tramaga no período de 16 de Setembro de 2013 a 31 de Janeiro de 2014. Este relatório pretende descrever, analisar e avaliar as atividades planeadas e desenvolvidas durante o estágio. O Diagnóstico de Saúde da população com 65 ou mais anos de idade, levado a cabo na freguesia da Tramaga, permitiu a identificação de problemas e necessidades desta população, direcionando as nossas intervenções para minimização dos mesmos e capacitação de grupos e comunidade na sua resolução. Para a elaboração deste trabalho recorreu-se à metodologia de planeamento em saúde e sessões de educação para a saúde (baseadas na Teoria da Organização Comunitária). Este Estágio de Intervenção permitiu-nos adquirir as competências específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária e de Saúde Pública definidas pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros


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Históricamente la ciudad de Cuenca es, ha sido y muy probablemente será un importante centro de desarrollo tanto para la provincia del Azuay, como para el país; dicho desarrollo tuvo su inicio en lo que hoy se conoce como Centro Histórico de la ciudad. No se puede dejar de lado el hecho de que este sector tiene el reconocimiento de Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad otorgado por la UNESCO en diciembre de 1999. El presente trabajo de titulación se ha centrado en el Área de Primer Orden del Centro Histórico de Cuenca, con el objetivo principal de proponer un modelo de usos de suelo que ayude a regular tanto la intensidad como el comportamiento de las actividades humanas presentes en el área de estudio; así como la preservación del patrimonio edificado. El camino para alcanzar dicho objetivo se dividió en cuatro etapas: la primera se centró en la recopilación de información tanto teórica como histórica; la segunda fue la elaboración del diagnóstico de la situación actual en lo referente a los usos de suelo; la tercera estuvo destinada a la formulación de una metodología que guíe la elaboración del modelo, basado en la información bibliográfica revisada con anterioridad, y finalmente en la última etapa se llevó a cabo la aplicación de lo propuesto para el área de análisis.


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Se pone de relieve la importancia histórica y pertinencia cultural del desarrollo de la traducción en Costa Rica, en particular de su literatura. Se exploran algunos antecedentes y referencias al asunto, se señalan algunos déficits significativos y se plantean cinco propuestas teóricas: existe una dependencia de las literaturas nacionales de su traducción; la traducción debe formar parte de las historias literarias nacionales; se debe explicitar la relación entre la historiografía política y social y la traducción; se debe considerar el patrimonio literario como parte de la identidad cultural; por último, la traducción debe verse como parte de la memoria de la humanidad y, por tanto, su relevante valor cultural.Emphasis is given to the historical importance and cultural pertinence of the development of translation in Costa Rica, and of its literature in particular. Some background and references are provided, and significant gaps are addressed, along with five theoretical proposals: National literatures depend on being translated; translation should be part of national literary histories; the relation between political and social historiography and translation should be explicit; literary heritage should be part of cultural identity; and translation should be seen as part of the memory of humanity, and in turn its relevant cultural value recognized.


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El presente ensayo sintetiza y analiza algunas de las consideraciones filosóficas en torno a la depredación animal vista como un problema ético, esto es,de incumbencia y acción para el hombre. Se examinarán algunas posiciones a favor de la acción del hombre para la preservación y cuidado de los animales, y otras que, al contrario, argumentan por la no intervención del humano en la vida de los animales y en el normal curso de la vida en la naturaleza. Finalmente, la autora defenderá su posición a favor del vegetarianismo como única intervención lícita por parte de los seres humanos para disminuir la depredación animal, mientras que rechazará la tesis del intervencionismo, que pretende detener toda clase de depredación en el reino animal.


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About the editorial of the Professor Guillermo Llanos: "Carlos J. Finlay: the forgotten Pasteur of America", a hundred years after his death and through a documental review, a summary of the life and work of this great man of science was conducted. Finlay was a notable figure of the American medicine, he conceived a new infection way able to explain the propagation of the yellow fever, and added the possibility of their scientific confirmation by an experimental method. For all the above-mentioned Finlay was recognized as the humanity's benefactor.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Relações Internacionais, 2016.


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Despite the importance of coral reefs to humanity, these environments have been threatened throughout the world. Several factors contribute to the degradation of these ecosystems. The Maracajaú Reef Complex, in Rio Grande do Norte state is part of the Coral Reefs Environment Preservation Area in northeastern Brazil. This area has been receiving an increasing influx of tourism and the integrity of the local reefs is a matter of concern. In this study, the reef macroalgae communities were studied and compared within two areas distinguished by the presence or absence of tourism activities. Two sample sites were chosen: the first one, where diving activities are intense; and the other, where these practices do not occur. Samples were collected at both sites within a quadrate of 625 cm2 of area randomly thrown 5 times along a 10 meters transect line. Richness, Shannon-Hill diversity and Simpson dominance indices were determined based on biomass data. Similarity between sites was analyzed with Bray-Curtis similarity and distance index. Fifty-eight macroalgae species were observed, including 7 Chlorophyta, 13 Phaeophyta and 38 Rhodophyta. In the non-disturbed site, 49 species were found, while at the disturbed site, there were 42 species. Dictyotaceae and Corallinaceae were the most representative families at the non-disturbed site, and Rhodomelaceae and Dictyotaceae at the disturbed site. The non-disturbed site presented a higher biomass and the greatest richness and diversity indices. In the disturbed site the dominance index was greater and Caulerpa racemosa was the dominant species. The dendogram based on similarity index showed two major clusters, and an isolated element at the center that corresponds to a sample from the disturbed site. In the first cluster, samples from the non-impacted site were predominant and fleshy brown algae were more conspicuous. The second cluster was composed primarily of samples from the impacted site, where C. racemosa and red filamentous and erect calcareous algae associations (turf forming) were observed covering large extensions. These associations are represented by groups of algae adapted to environments where disturbances are frequent. They can grow rapidly on substrate where benthic community was removed and do not allow the establishment of other species. The results of the present study show that tourism activity is an impacting factor that has been causing shifts in macroalgae communities in the Maracajaú Reef Complex


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The present article investigates the linkages between conserving cultural heritage, maintaining cultural diversity and enforcing human rights. While there seems to be a growing awareness of these linkages in international heritage and human rights circles, they remain poorly understood by many heritage practitioners who see their conservation work merely as a technical matter. The article argues that it is essential for practitioners engaged in heritage conservation projects to understand the broader economic, political and social context of their work. However, heritage scholars and teachers, too, need to recognise that there can be many motives behind official heritage interventions, that such action is sometimes taken primarily to achieve political goals, and that it can undermine rather than strengthen community identity, cultural diversity and human rights. Such a reorientation is an extension of the paradigm shift in which heritage is understood as cultural practice. In this more critical heritage studies discipline human rights are brought to the foreground as the most significant part of the international heritage of humanity.


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BACKGROUND: Mental health service development internationally is increasingly informed by the collaborative ethos of recovery. Service user evaluation of experiences within music therapy programs allows new phenomena about participation in services to be revealed that might otherwise remain unnoticed. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to demonstrate how asking service users about their experience of music therapy can generate useful information, and to reflect upon the feedback elicited from such processes in order to gain a deeper understanding of how music therapy is received among service users in mental health. METHODS: Six mental health service users described their experiences of music therapy in one or two individual interviews. Transcripts of interviews were analyzed using the procedures and techniques of Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. RESULTS: Interviews with mental health service users provided rich, in-depth accounts reflecting the complex nature of music therapy participation. Super-ordinate themes refer to the context in which music therapy was offered, the rich sound world of music in music therapy, the humanity of music therapy, and the strengths enhancing opportunities experienced by service users. CONCLUSIONS: Participants indicated that they each experienced music therapy in unique ways. Opinions about the value of music therapy were revealed through an interview process in which the researcher holds an open attitude, welcoming all narrative contributions respectfully. These findings can remind practitioners of the importance of closely tuning into the perspectives and understandings of those who have valuable expertise to share about their experience of music therapy services in mental health.


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Mon mémoire de recherche-création se divise en deux volets. Le premier volet est une partie théorique qui est partagée en trois parties. Dans l’introduction, je parle de la figure iconique que renvoie l’image de « Che » Guevara. Dans la première partie, je fais une distinction entre une révolution et une révolte. Ensuite, je fais un résumé de différents ouvrages concernant les groupes contestataires dans la littérature québécoise et comment les auteurs ont parlé de révolte et d’identité plutôt que de faire un portrait du révolutionnaire québécois. Parallèlement, je démontre comment le cinéma québécois a dépeint les révolutionnaires, soit de manière ironique et cynique, soit en démontrant le côté humain et héroïque des contestataires. Dans la deuxième partie, j’explique pourquoi j’ai décidé de faire un film documentaire sur les figures de la révolution au Québec. Je parle de mes choix esthétiques, du choix des intervenants, de la voix au cinéma et de la puissance des archives. Mon film documentaire traite spécifiquement de la question des figures contestataires et est complémentaire du mémoire écrit. Dans mon film, j’essaie surtout de démontrer s’il existe des figures contestataires iconiques québécoises qui renvoient à l’idée de la révolution, comme la célèbre image et l’individu qu’était Ernesto « Che » Guevara. Puisqu’il a inspiré des générations de contestataires dont ceux du Québec dans les années 1960 et 1970, quelles personnalités québécoises peuvent être identifiées comme étant des icônes de la révolution?


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