887 resultados para healing mineral
Tesis (Doctorado en Ingeniería de Materiales) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Producción Animal) UANL
Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias con Especialidad en Producción Animal) UANL
Human telomeres play a major role in stabilizing chromosome ends and preventing fusions. Chromosomes bearing a broken end are rescued by the acquisition of a new telomeric cap without any subtelomeric sequences being present at the breakpoint, a process referred to as chromosome healing. Conversely, a loss of telomeric function or integrity can lead to the presence of interstitial telomeres at the junction site in translocations or ring chromosomes. In order to determine the frequency at which interstitial telomeres or chromosome healing events are observed in target chromosome abnormalities, we conducted a retrospective FISH study using pan-telomeric and chromosome-specific subtelomeric probes on archival material from 40 cases of terminal deletions, translocations or ring chromosomes. Of the 19 terminal deletions investigated, 17 were negative for the subtelomeric probe specific to the deleted arm despite being positive for the pan-telomeric probe. These 17 cases were thus considered as been rescued through chromosome healing, suggesting that this process is frequent in terminal deletions. In addition, as two of these cases were inherited from a parent bearing the same deletion, chromosomes healed by this process are thus stable through mitosis and meiosis. Regarding the 13 cases of translocations and eight ring chromosomes, four and two cases respectively demonstrated pan-telomeric sequences at the interstitial junction point. Furthermore, two cases of translocations and one ring chromosome had both interstitial pan-telomeres and subtelomeres, whereas two other cases of ring chromosomes and one case of translocation only showed interstitial subtelomeres. Therefore, interstitial (sub)telomeric sequences in translocations and ring chromosomes are more common than previously thought, as we found a frequency of 43% in this study. Moreover, our results illustrate the necessity of performing FISH with both subtelomeric and pan-telomeric probes when investigating these rearrangements, as the breakpoints can be either in the distal part of the pan-telomeres, or in between the two types of sequences.
In India, directed research on penaeid prawn nutrition was taken up only recently when the aquaculture of prawns gained momentum. One of the important penaeid prawns sought for culture and has great potential is Penagus indiggs, H.Milne Edwards. The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute working on different aspects of culture of this species over the past one and half decades, has developed a hatchery technology for mass production of its seed and has suggested several improvements on its farming in the grow-out systems. One of the areas of active research in this direction has been on the nutrition of the species with a view to develop suitable feed not only for hatchery production of seed, but also in the field culture. As part of this investigation, the present study, on the evaluation of different protein and carbohydrate sources and mineral requirements for the juvenile E, indicus was taken up and the results obtained are embodied in the thesis
In fish processing plants, there is huge amount of skin that is left as the waste. When this skin is taken and processed into fish collagen, it will save large amount of money that is used for extraction of collagen from other animal s.Fish collagen can be used as an alternative to replace mammalian collagen, especially collagen extracted from bovine, when we consider the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) and the foot - and-mouth disease (FMD) issues. BSE and TSE are progressive neurological disorders affecting cattles caused by proteinacious infectious particles called prions.The study aims in producing collagen that has been extracted from fish skin to replace other animal collagen so as to overcome the problem of other animal collagen issues. Also the study utilized the abandoned fish waste produced by fish processing industry since bone, skin, fin and scales of fish can be a useful source of collagen.
We consider the dynamics of an elastic sheet lubricated by the flow of a thin layer of fluid that separates it from a rigid wall. By considering long wavelength deformations of the sheet, we derive an evolution equation for its motion, accounting for the effects of elastic bending, viscous lubrication and body forces. We then analyze various steady and unsteady problems for the sheet such as peeling, healing, levitating and bursting using a combination of numerical simulation and dimensional analysis. On the macro-scale, we corroborate our theory with a simple experiment, and on the micro-scale, we analyze an oscillatory valve that can transform a continuous stream of fluid into a series of discrete pulses.
Agua Mineral BE Ltda es una empresa dedicada a la extracción, embotellado y comercialización de agua mineral colombiana, originada en las cordilleras de los Andes. Se caracteriza por ser de alta pureza y ser una bebida funcional, que trae beneficios adicionales a la salud por su composición de minerales, oligoelementos y electrolitos. Las condiciones de la empresa resultaron ser muy atractivas para desarrollar una investigación, por otro lado, el dueño y gerente general mostro gran interés en comenzar una investigación y análisis de la situación actual para medir su potencial exportador y posteriormente incursionar en mercados internacionales. Se recolecto toda la información posible de la empresa BE por medio de la encuesta y modelo de potencial exportador donde se evaluaron cada una de las aéreas y procesos dando un puntaje junto con el gerente para determinar en qué estado se encontraba la empresa, cuáles eran sus fortalezas y debilidades para establecer estrategias de mejora en las áreas que lo necesitaran. Los resultados ubicaron a Be como una empresa en condiciones de realizar exportaciones en el mediano plazo. Después de clasificar a BE como una empresa con potencial exportador se inició la inteligencia de mercados para encontrar el mercado objetivo con el que se deberían iniciar las primeras exportaciones y abrir mercado, realizando un proceso de internacionalización exitosa. La elección de este mercado se realizó por medio de la matriz de selección de mercados donde por medio de puntajes y categorías de comparación se fueron descartando países potenciales para así llegar a un solo país clave en donde BE podrá tener un buen posicionamiento y ventajas frente a otras marcas.
Introducción: En el tratamiento con Luz Pulsada Intensa (LPI) para el fotoenvejecimiento de las manos no se encuentran estudios que evidencien si existe alguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el grado de efectividad y seguridad al utilizar gel o aceite mineral como medios de acople. Objetivo: Determinar la efectividad y seguridad terapéutica en el uso de gel vs aceite mineral. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio observacional analítico de cohorte retrospectivo que involucró 29 pacientes. Realizado en tres fases; selección y recolección de las historias clínicas, evaluación fotográfica de registros pre tratamiento y pos tratamiento con determinación del grado de mejoría global en el fotoenvejecimiento de las manos por parte de tres evaluadores cegados, y análisis estadístico de los datos obtenidos por medio de las pruebas de Mann Whitney y Wilcoxon. Resultados: Se encontró mejoría dada por disminución en un grado del fotoenvejecimiento para los dos medios de acople con la misma significancia estadística. La percepción subjetiva mostró mejoría en todos los pacientes evaluados. La seguridad es similar en los dos grupos pero se evidenció mayor severidad en los efectos secundarios con el uso de aceite, con diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los efectos moderados y severos. Conclusión: La efectividad es la misma independiente del medio de acople que se use. La seguridad a pesar de evidenciar un perfil similar es mayor con el uso de gel en cuanto a la menor severidad de los efectos presentados. Se requieren más estudios de tipo ensayos clínicos controlados que permitan determinar una mayor evidencia.
Introduction. During the last two decades the larval therapy has reemerged as a safe and reliable alternative for the healing of cutaneous ulcers that do not respond to the conventional treatments. Objective. To evaluate the use of the larvae of Lucilia sericata as a treatment for infected wounds with Pseudomonas aeruginosa in an animal model. Materials and methods. Twelve rabbits were randomly distributed in 3 groups: the first group was treated with larval therapy; the second was treated with antibiotics therapy and to the third no treatment was applied, therefore was established as a control group. To each animal a wound was artificially induced, and then a suspension of P. aeruginosa was inoculated into the lesion. Finally, every rabbit was evaluated until the infection development was recognized and treatment was set up for the first two groups according with the protocols mentioned above. Macroscopic evaluation of the wounds was based on the presence of edema, exudates, bad odor, inflammation around the wound and the presence of granulation tissue. The healing process was evaluated by monitoring histological changes in the dermal tissue. Results. Differences in the time required for wound healing were observed between the first group treated with larval therapy (10 days) and the second group treated with conventional antibiotics therapy (20 days). Conclusion. The L. sericata larva is and efficient tool as a therapy for infected wounds with P. aeruginosa.
Se presenta un análisis prospectivo del comportamiento de la oferta y la demanda del Mineral de Cobre en el Mundo, en Latinoamerica y en Colombia, creando diferentes escenarios con futuros posibles, consientes y detallados que servirán para entender la dinámica de mercado y la creación de estrategias de penetración, disminución de costos y aumento de productividad en compañías que operan tanto en países donde la industria del cobre se encuentra muy desarrollada, como en aquellos donde la explotación del mineral es todavía muy incipiente (Colombia).
Se explica el proyecto llevado a cabo en el CEIP Bellaterra sobre los minerales en una clase de segundo de Primaria.
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