819 resultados para green banana
O amadurecimento induzido por climatização em bananas, é um procedimento que tem sido largamente utilizado. Ele proporciona uma maturação uniforme, já que a fruta apresenta maturação desuniforme em vista da formação dos frutos em pencas com diferentes idades. No entanto, não há para todas as cultivares de banana, estudos específicos em relação ao tempo entre a colheita e a climatização que possa afetar a qualidade dos frutos. Desta forma, com o presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar mediante as características físicas, químicas e fisiológicas a qualidade da banana - prata climatizada em diferentes dias entre a colheita e a climatização. Foram testados três diferentes dias de climatização sendo 1, 2 e 3 dias após a colheita. Ao final da climatização, os frutos foram armazenados em temperatura ambiente por um período de 5 dias. As análises realizadas foram: perda de massa, coloração da casca, respiração, firmeza, pH, sólidos solúveis, acidez titulável e amido. Frutas climatizadas 1 dia após a colheita apresentaram-se, no 1º dia de armazenamento, com menor perda de massa, mais verdes, com maior liberação de CO2, mais firmes, com menores teores de sólidos solúveis e maior porcentagem de amido, quando comparados àqueles climatizados aos 2 e 3 dias após a colheita. Essa diferença foi reduzida com o decorrer do armazenamento praticamente se igualando os tratamentos ao final do armazenamento.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
In this work, cellulose nanofibers were extracted from banana fibers via a steam explosion technique. The chemical composition, morphology and thermal properties of the nanofibers were characterized to investigate their suitability for use in bio-based composite material applications. Chemical characterization of the banana fibers confirmed that the cellulose content was increased from 64% to 95% due to the application of alkali and acid treatments. Assessment of fiber chemical composition before and after chemical treatment showed evidence for the removal of non-cellulosic constituents such as hemicelluloses and lignin that occurred during steam explosion, bleaching and acid treatments. Surface morphological studies using SEM and AFM revealed that there was a reduction in fiber diameter during steam explosion followed by acid treatments. Percentage yield and aspect ratio of the nanofiber obtained by this technique is found to be very high in comparison with other conventional methods. TGA and DSC results showed that the developed nanofibers exhibit enhanced thermal properties over the untreated fibers. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this study were projected, built and tested an electric solar dryer consisting of a solar collector, a drying chamber, an exhaust fan and a fan to promote forced hot air convection. Banana drying experiments were also carried out in a static column dryer to model the drying and to obtain parameters that can be used as a first approximation in the modeling of an electric solar dryer, depending on the similarity of the experimental conditions between the two drying systems. From the banana drying experiments conducted in the static column dryer, we obtained food weight data as a function of aqueous concentration and temperature. Simplified mathematical models of the banana drying were made, based on Fick s and Fourier s second equations, which were tested with the experimental data. We determined and/or modeled parameters such as banana moisture content, density, thin layer drying curves, equilibrium moisture content, molecular diffusivity of the water in banana DAB, external mass transfer coefficient kM, specific heat Cp, thermal conductivity k, latent heat of water evaporation in the food Lfood, time to heat food, and minimum energy and power required to heat the food and evaporate the water. When we considered the shrinkage of radius R of a banana, the calculated values of DAB and kM generally better represent the phenomenon of water diffusion in a solid. The latent heat of water evaporation in the food Lfood calculated by modeling is higher than the latent heat of pure water evaporation Lwater. The values calculated for DAB and KM that best represent the drying were obtained with the analytical model of the present paper. These values had good agreement with those assessed with a numeric model described in the literature, in which convective boundary condition and food shrinkage are considered. Using parameters such as Cp, DAB, k, kM and Lfood, one can elaborate the preliminary dryer project and calculate the economy using only solar energy rather than using solar energy along with electrical energy
A strong greenish-light photoluminescence (PL) emission was measured at room temperature for disordered and ordered powders of CaMoO4 prepared by the polymeric precursor method. The structural evolution from disordered to ordered powders was accompanied by XRD. Raman spectroscopy, and TEM imagery. High-level quantum mechanical calculations in the density functional framework were used to interpret the formation of the structural defects of disorder powders in terms of band diagram and density of states. Complex cluster vacancies [MoO3 center dot V-O(z)] and [CaO7 center dot V-O(z)] (where V-O(z) = V-O(X), V-O(center dot), V-O(center dot center dot)) were suggested to be responsible to the appearance of new states shallow and deeply inserted in the band gap. These defects give rise to the PL in disordered powders. The natural PL emission of ordered CaMoO4 was attributed to an intrinsic slight distortion of the [MoO4] tetrahedral in the short range.
Very intense visible green photoluminescence (PL) was observed at room temperature in structurally ordered-disordered BaZrO3 powders. Ab initio calculations, ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy, electron paramagnetic resonance, and PL were performed. Theoretical and experimental results showed that local defects in the cubic structure caused by [ZrO5 center dot V-O(z)] complex clusters, where V-O(z) = V-O(x), V-O(center dot), and V-O(center dot center dot), play an important role in the formation of hole-electron pairs, giving rise to a charge gradient in the structure which is responsible for PL emission. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.
The main objective of this study is to understand the relationship between green management and environmental training in Brazilian companies, underscoring how this relationship takes place and its most important factors. For such, 9 case studies were conducted at large ISO 14001 certified companies, leaders in their market segments. Several interviews were conducted for each case, documents were collected and visits were made for direct observation. The main contributions and results of this study were: (a) a proposal for a theoretical framework relating the evolutionary stages of green management and the characteristics of environmental training; (b) it was ascertained, as per the proposed theoretical framework, that organizational culture and teamwork, top management support and more technical green management practices are the factors that seem to connect and convert environmental training into more proactive green management, especially for companies in the proactive green management stage; (c) the identification of the co-evolution between the companies' stage of green management and their environmental training level, which is the identified relationship mechanism between environmental training and green management. In other words, the higher the level of adoption of activities recommended for green management, the more evolved the green management practiced at the companies tends to be; and (d) identification that the proposed theoretical framework tends to be useful, mainly because it can explain the relationship between green management and environmental training at the company in the proactive stage. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process. Further, this paper intends to analyze whether there is a relation between the level of environmental management maturity and the inclusion of environmental criteria in the companies' selection of suppliers.Design/methodology/approach - A review of mainstream literature on environmental management, traditional criteria in the supplier selection process and the incorporation of environmental requirements in this context. The empirical study's strategy is based on five Brazilian case studies with industrial companies. Face-to-face interviews and informal conversations are to be held, explanations made by e-mail with representatives from the purchasing, environmental management, logistics and other areas, and observation and the collection of company documents are also employed.Findings - Based on the cases, it is concluded that companies still use traditional criteria to select suppliers, such as quality and cost, and do not adopt environmental requirements in the supplier selection process in a uniform manner. Evidence found shows that the level of environmental management maturity influences the depth with which companies adopt environmental criteria when selecting suppliers. Thus, a company with more advanced environmental management adopts more formal procedures for selecting environmentally appropriate suppliers than others.Originality/value - This is the first known study to verify if Brazilian companies are adopting environmental requirements in the supplier selection process.
After sintering advanced ceramics, there are invariably distortions, caused in large part by the heterogeneous distribution of density gradients along the compacted piece. To correct distortions, machining is generally used to manufacture pieces within dimensional and geometric tolerances. Hence, narrow material removal limit conditions are applied, which minimize the generation of damage. Another alternative is machining the compacted piece before sintering, called the green ceramic stage, which allows machining without damage to mechanical strength. Since the greatest concentration of density gradients is located in the outer-most layers of the compacted piece, this study investigated the removal of different allowance values by means of green machining. The output variables are distortion after sintering, tool wear, cutting force, and the surface roughness of the green ceramics and the sintered ones. The following results have been noted: less distortion is verified in the sintered piece after 1mm allowance removal; and the higher the tool wear the worse the surface roughness of both green and sintered pieces.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
É importante a busca por melhores rentabilidades para a cultura do trigo por meio de tecnologias que reduzam custos de produção e proporcionem sustentabilidade à agricultura brasileira. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a rentabilidade da cultura do trigo em sistema plantio direto, visando reduzir doses de nitrogênio em cobertura, pelo cultivo de adubos verdes anterior ao do trigo. O experimento foi realizado em Selvíria (MS), Brasil, no ano 2009/10. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com 36 tratamentos, em parcelas subdividas, com quatro repetições. As parcelas foram formadas por seis tipos de adubos verdes (guandu BRS Mandarim, Crotalaria juncea, milheto BRS 1501, pousio e os consórcios milheto + guandu e milheto + crotalária), que forneceram palha para o plantio direto do trigo no inverno, após a cultura de arroz na safra de verão. As subparcelas foram formadas por seis doses de nitrogênio (0, 25, 50,75, 100 e 125 kg ha-1 de N) em uma aplicação em cobertura, ten-do como fonte a ureia. O trigo cultivado, após a semeadura dos adubos verdes na safra de inverno anterior, sem a aplicação de nitrogênio em cobertura e na dose 25 kg ha-1 de N, apresentou com maior frequência custos de produção superior à receita bruta. O custo de produção de trigo cultivado após os consórcios de milheto + guandu e milheto + crotalária na safra de inverno anterior, associado a doses de nitrogênio de 50 e 75 kg ha-1 de N, proporcionou maior lucratividade em relação aos demais adubos verdes avaliados.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Propolis is a hive product containing chiefly beeswax and plant-derived substances such as resin and volatile compounds. Propolis has been used in various parts of the world as an antiseptic and wound healer since ancient times, and interest in the product has recently increased. Considering the lack of data concerning the in vivo mutagenicity of green propolis, the capacity of this natural product to cause damage to the DNA was evaluated, using the alkaline single-cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) and micronucleus test, in the peripheral blood cells of mice. The doses tested by gavage were 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/kg. Micronucleus and SCGE assays showed that green propolis caused an increase in the damage to DNA in the peripheral blood cells of mice. The polychromatic: normochromatic erythrocytes ratio was not statistically different from the negative control. Considering the doses and the results obtained in this study, the acute consumption of green propolis produced some mutagenic effects on the blood cells of mice. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aim of the study: In a previous study, our group described the gastric protective effect of the hydroalcoholic extract of Brazilian green propolis. The main compounds found in Brazilian green propolis include phenolic acids, such as: caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids. This study was therefore carried out to evaluate the antiulcerogenic property of the main phenolic acids found in Brazilian Green Propolis.Material and methods: The anti-ulcer assays were performed using the following protocols: nonsteroidal-antinflammatory drug (NSAID)-induced ulcer, ethanol-induced ulcer, and stress-induced ulcer. The effects of the phenolic acids on gastric content volume, pH and total acidity, using the pylorus ligated model, were also evaluated.Results: It was observed that treatment using doses of 50 and 250 mg/kg of caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids and positive controls (omeprazol or cimetidine) significantly diminished the lesion index, the total area of the lesion and the percentage of lesion in comparison with the negative control groups. In addition, the percentage of ulcer inhibition was significantly higher in the groups treated with the different phenolic acids, cimetidine or omeprazol, in all the protocols used, compared with the negative control groups. In the model to determine gastric secretion, using ligated pylorus, treatment with phenolic acids and cimetidine reduced the volume of gastricjuice and total acidity and significantly increased the gastric pH (p < 0.05), compared with the control group, with the exception of the group treated with 50 mg/kg of p-coumaric acid, in which no significant difference was observed, compared with the control. In relation to the acute toxicity, none sign of toxicity was observed when phenolic acids, used in this study, were administered for rats in dose of 2000 mg/kg.Conclusions: In conclusion, the results of this study show that caffeic, ferulic, p-coumaric and cinnamic acids display antiulcer activity. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.