883 resultados para goat kids
Table of Contents: Encouraging Kids to Look Closely A falconer and a Friend connect young people with nature. Page 5 FOCUS: Citizen Science Citizens of all ages engage with refuges by collecting data about buds and birds or raising turtle hatchlings. Pages 8 to 13 Protected Stopovers Help Restore Shorebirds Monomoy National Wildlife Refuge, MA, plays a key role in researching and restoring red knots. Page 16 Leaders on the Move Relocation. Incentives. Motivations. Page 18
Pós-graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia Animal - FEIS
The goal for this communication is the speech development in children three to four years, and how games and child's plays can help them in the process. For this, we have set three specific goals. They are: select games and activities that serve as a means of furthering the development of speech; elect three activities, making sure at what point is the extra step to the outbreak of the sign/symbol and identify at what time of play the child uses more talk and no change in psychological structure. These games have been applied to children from three to four years in order to identify and record their actions and speeches during activities. Acquiring the ability to speak, the kids will be able to communicate socially and develop new forms of behavior. From young children already expresses themselves through babbling and even crying, because do not have a conventional language yet. From the social relationship, the child tends to become familiar with the language, and gradually learn how to use it, expressing her feelings and desires. When the development of language and thought intersect, transform the course of action of the child who begins to have control of your action. Such its importance in society, the language became the basis of childhood education and is the duty of teachers and educators to appropriate the necessary encouragement to the child to develop or improve her language
The objective of the present research was to quantify the seminiferous epithelium cells, spermatogenesis efficiency and characterize the ultrastrucure of Sertoli cells in goats. Eighteen goats were used and divided into three groups: Group I - goats without bipartition of the scrotum; Group II - animals with bipartition of the scrotum in up to 50% of the testicular length; Group III - goats with bipartition of the scrotum in more than 50% of the testicular length. The goat testes in Group III had a greater number of primary spermatocytes (25.37 +/- 4.55 cells per cross sections), spermatids (112 +/- 15.12 cells per cross sections), and Sertoli cells (9.46 +/- 1.74 cells per cross sections) than the animals in Groups land (P <0.05). The spermatogenic mitotic, meiotic, and general efficiency were greater in animals in Group III (1.25 +/- 0.28; 5.12 +/- 1.63; 6.44 +/- 1.96) when compared to those in Groups I and II. Sheet-like processes originated from the Sertoli cell body as simple and smooth structures which involved almost all the surface of germ cells. Slender cord-like processes originated from Sertoli cells and also from the sheet-like processes. The relative frequency of the cycle stages showed differences among the groups of goats studied, and the highest frequency was in Stage 3 (20.68% for goats in Group I, 21.15% for those in Group II, and 16.89% for the animals in Group III). In conclusion, goats with bipartition of the scrotum have a greater number of germ and Sertoli cells per cross section of seminiferous tubule, that indicated a greater sperm production when compared to the other groups, and the ultrastructure of the Sertoli cell process did not present any relationship with bipartition of the scrotum. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
To obtain a probiotic caprine Coalho cheese naturally enriched in conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), goats' diet was supplemented with soybean oil to produce CLA-enhanced milk, and Lactobacillus acidophilus La5 was incorporated into cheeses. CLA concentration and probiotic viability were evaluated during 60 days. Four pilot-scale cheese-making trials were manufactured, in triplicates. Cheeses T1 and T2 were produced with control milk, and T3 and T4 with CLA-enhanced milk. L. acidophilus was added to cheeses T2 and T4 during processing. The CLA content (isomer C18:2 cis-9, trans-11) in T3 and T4 was 246% to 291% higher than in T1 and T2 (P < 0.01). Populations of L. acidophilus were around 7.5 log cfu g(-1) in T2 and T4 during the study, and the highest CLA content in T4 did not influence the probiotic viability (P > 0.01). The CLA-enriched probiotic caprine Coalho cheese obtained is proposed as a vehicle for beneficial microorganisms and fatty acids. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Higino S.S.S., Alves C.J., Santos C.S.A.B., Vasconcellos S.A., Silva M.L.C.R., Brasil A.W.L., Pimenta C.L.R.M. & Azevedo S.S. 2012. [Prevalence of leptospirosis in dairy goats in the semiarid region of Paraiba state.] Prevalencia de leptospirose em caprinos leiteiros do semiarido paraibano. Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira 32(3):199-203. Universidade Federal de Campina Grande, Centro de Saude e Tecnologia Rural, Unidade Academica de Medicina Veterinaria, Av. Universitaria s/n, Patos, PB 58700-970, Brazil. E-mail: sergio.azevedo@pq.cnpq.br This study aimed to determine the prevalence of positive dairy goat herds and seropositive animals for leptospirosis in the semiarid region of Paraiba state, Brazil. Sampling was designed to determine the prevalence of positive herds (foci) and seropositive animals for leptospirosis. A total of 975 serum samples were collected from goats of 110 dairy herds in the Monteiro municipality, Western Cariri microregion of Paraiba. For the serological diagnosis of leptospirosis the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) was carried out using 24 Leptospira spp. serovars as antigens. A herd was considered positive when existed at least one seropositive animal. The prevalence of positive herds and seropositive animals were 43.6% (95% CI = 34.2-53.4%) and 8.7% (95% CI = 58.7-12.9%) respectively. The most frequent serovars in goats were Autumnalis (1.74%; 95% CI = 0.97-3.09%), Sentot (1.71%; 95% CI = 0.82-3.52%) and Whitcomb (1.39%; 95% CI = 0.65-2.93%), and by herd, serovars Autumnalis (10.9%; 95% CI = 5.8-18.3%), Whitcomb (8.2%; 95% CI = 3.8-15.0%) and Sentot and Patoc (7.3%; 95% CI = 3.2-13.8%) were the most frequent. It is suggested that leptospirosis is spread in goats in the region, and that there is need to implement control and preventive measures in order to reduce infection and economic losses, and to avoid possible transmission of infection to humans.
Objective: Gastric development depends directly on the proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells, and these processes are controlled by multiple elements, such as diet, hormones, and growth factors. Protein restriction affects gastrointestinal functions, but its effects on gastric growth are not fully understood. Methods: The present study evaluated cell proliferation in the gastric epithelia of rats subjected to protein restriction since gestation. Because ghrelin is increasingly expressed from the fetal to the weaning stages and might be part of growth regulation, its distribution in the stomach of rats was investigated at 14, 30, and 50 d old. Results: Although the protein restriction at 8% increased the intake of food and body weight, the body mass was lower (P < 0.05). The stomach and intestine were also smaller but increased proportionately throughout treatment. Cell proliferation was estimated through DNA synthesis and metaphase indices, and lower rates (P < 0.05) were detected at the different ages. The inhibition was concomitant with a larger number of ghrelin-immunolabeled cells at 30 and 50 d postnatally. Conclusion: Protein restriction impairs cell proliferation in the gastric epithelium, and a ghrelin upsurge under this condition is parallel to lower gastric and body growth rates. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A new small Loricariidae, Hypostomus careopinnatus, is described from the Rio Taquari drainage, upper Rio Paraguay basin, Mato Grosso, Brazil. The new species can be easily distinguished from all congeners, except Hypostomus kids, by the absence of adipose fin. Hypostomus careopinnatus is distinguished from H. levis mainly by the presence of slender bifid teeth, with mesial cusp large and rounded, and lateral cusp small and pointed (vs. spoon-shaped teeth). The new species described herein completely lacks the adipose fin and also lacks the median pre-adipose plates in almost all specimens examined. The absence of adipose fin is probably an independent acquisition for Hypostomus careopinnatus and Hypostomus levis.
Objetivou-se com este trabalho estimar parâmetros genéticos para a produção de leite acumulada até os 305 dias (P305) de cabras das raças Saanen e Alpina. Foram utilizadas as duas primeiras parições de cabras pertencentes a rebanhos participantes do programa de controle produtivo e reprodutivo de caprinos (PROCAPRI) da UNESP-FCAV-Jaboticabal-SP. A P305 foi analisada por meio de modelos de repetibilidade e bicaracterísticas. Para verificar a influência dos efeitos fixos sobre a característica analisada foram realizadas análises preliminares, pelo método de quadrados mínimos. Os componentes de covariâncias foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança restrita (REML), utilizando o programa Wombat. A duração da lactação, a idade da cabra ao parto, o rebanho, o ano de parto e a estação de parto foram importantes fontes de variação para a P305. Não houve diferença significativa entre as raças estudadas. As estimativas de herdabilidade e repetibilidade para a P305, obtidas com o modelo de repetibilidade, foram de 0,29 e 0,36, respectivamente. As estimativas de herdabilidade, obtidas pelos modelos de repetibilidade e bicaracterísticas foram semelhantes. Sendo assim, um modelo de repetibilidade poderia ser indicado para avaliar a P305 pela sua simplicidade.
A cross-sectional study based on planned sampling was carried out to determine flock-level risk factors associated with Toxoplasma gondii antibody prevalence in dairy goat flocks in a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil. Serum samples from 975 adult dairy goats from 110 flocks were examined by indirect immonufluorescent antibody test (IFAT), using cut-off point at 1:64 dilution. From the 110 flocks, 77 presented at least one seropositive animal, corresponding to a prevalence of 70% (95% CI: 60.5-78.4%). Out of the 975 animals, 177 (18.1%; 95% CI = 15.8-20.7%) tested positive. The presence of toxic plants (OR = 5.11; P = 0.045) and the fact that goat breeding is not the main activity on the farm (OR = 3.34; P = 0.014) were identified as risk factors. The results of the present study showed evidence of the presence of T. gondii infection in dairy goats from a semiarid region of northeastern Brazil using planned sampling. Further studies are needed to elucidate the importance of the identified risk factors in the epidemiology of the infection.
A total of 8,058 male and female mixed-breed goats and 1-4 years of age were slaughtered over a period of 7 months at the public slaughterhouse of Patos city, Paraíba state, in the Northeast region of Brazil; 822 animals were inspected for gross lesions of tuberculosis, and 12 (1.46%) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis in the mammary gland, lungs, liver and mediastinal, mesenteric, submandibular, parotid and prescapular lymph nodes. Presence of granulomatous lesions was confirmed in the submandibular lymph node of one (8.3%) goat at the histopathological examination and at the mycobacterium culture the same sample was confirmed positive. Isolate was confirmed as belonging to the M. tuberculosis complex by PCR restriction enzyme analysis (PRA). Spoligotyping identified the isolate into spoligotype SB0295 on the M. bovis Spoligotype Database website (www.mbovis.org), and it was classified as M. bovis. The occurrence of M. bovis in goats in this study suggests that this species may be a potential source of infection for humans and should be regarded as a possible problem in the advancement of control and eradication program for bovine tuberculosis in Brazil.
In the northeast of Brazil, caprine arthritis-encephalitis (CAE) is one of the key reasons for herd productivity decreasing that result in considerable economic losses. A comparative study was carried out using computed radiography (CR), histological analysis (HA), and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) of the joints of CAE infected and normal goats. Humerus head surface of positive animals presented reduced joint space, increased bone density, and signs of degenerative joint disease (DJD). The carpal joint presented no morphological alterations in CR in any of the animals studied. Tarsus joint was the most affected, characterized by severe DJD, absence of joint space, increased periarticular soft tissue density, edema, and bone sclerosis. Histological analysis showed chronic tissue lesions, complete loss of the surface zone, absence of proteoglycans in the transition and radial zones and destruction of the cartilage surface in the CAE positive animals. Analysis by SEM showed ulcerated lesions with irregular and folded patterns on the joint surface that distinguished the limits between areas of normal and affected cartilage. The morphological study of the joints of normal and CAE positive goats deepened understanding of the alteration in the tissue bioarchitecture of the most affected joints. The SEM finding sustained previous histological reports, similar to those found for rheumatoid arthritis, suggesting that the goat infected with CAE can be considered as a potential model for research in this area.
[EN]Notwithstanding their scarcity and uneven distribution, zooarchaeological and stable isotope data sets on the Early and Middle Neolithic (5500–3200 cal BC) in the region of Estremadura in Central Portugal strongly suggest that two succeeding stages in subsistence strategies took place: sheep and goat itinerant pastoralism (across large areas) and/or renewed focus on wild food sources (cervid hunting, harvesting marine and freshwater food) which replaced livestock farming within smaller areas and less specialised hunting practices. This economic shift seems to have coincided with two other dramatic changes: the 5.9 kyr cal BP climate event and the onset of megalithism. Possible correlations between these past cultural and palaeoenvironmental phenomena are herein preliminarily outlined. [ES] A pesar de su escasez y distribución desigual, el conjunto de datos arqueozoológicos y de isótopos estables para el Neolítico Antiguo y Medio de la región de Estremadura en el centro de Portugal (5500-3200 a. C. cal), sugiere con claridad dos etapas sucesivas en las estrategias de subsistencia: pastoreo itinerante de ovejas y cabras (ocupando grandes territorios) y/o un renovado interés por los recursos alimenticios silvestres (caza de cérvidos, recolección de alimentos marinos y de agua dulce), que reemplazó otras formas de ganadería más confinadas en el espacio acciones con regímenes de mantenimiento reducidos y unas prácticas de caza menos especializadas. Este cambio económico parece haber ocurrido junto con otros dos cambios dramáticos, el evento climático 5.9 k BP (cal.) y el inicio del megalitismo. Aquí se esbozan de forma preliminar las posibles correlaciones entre estos fenómenos culturales y paleoambientales del pasado.
[ES] More than two hundred and fifty kilogrammes (six hundred pounds) of uncountable osseous fragments of domestic animals from the beginning óf our era have been extracted in the course of archeological excavations carried out in Villaverde. Their inventory and study have proved they belonged to, at least, five hundred goats. fifty sheep, half a dozen swine and two dogs. These animals show affinity with others from the Neolithic and Protohistoric periods of North Africa. Therefore, the goat may be included in the mamber goat group (mambrinus group) and the shepp in "longipes" group, both of them mummified by the Egyptians. Possibly, the swine is similar to the one found in Toukh (Egypt) and the dog may be included in the Saharan Kabyle sheepdog characterized by its small size.
[EN] After comparing the features of the group of goats from Villaverde ( osseous remains from the beginning of our era), -La Palma (recently extinct), and - Desertas (descendants of the anciet Canarian goat ), all of them cosidered to be of the same breed, with those of the neolithic and protohistoric goats from North Africa, greater affinity is found with the mamber goat of the predinastic Egypt and the Ancient Egyptian Empire, represented in King Ranusir's tomb (V Dinasty) 4.500 years ago, and affinity is also found with the neolithic goat painted in Amguid (Central Sahara) and the modern Sahel goats, although the paleo - Canarian goat has its own features.