891 resultados para firm demography
Purpose To test the association between night work and work ability, and verify whether the type of contractual employment has any inXuence over this association. Methods Permanent workers (N = 642) and workers with precarious jobs (temporary contract or outsourced; N = 552) were interviewed and Wlled out questionnaires concerning work hours and work ability index. They were classiWed into: never worked at night, ex-night workers, currently working up to Wve nights, and currently working at least six nights/2-week span. Results After adjusting for socio-demography and work variables, current night work was signiWcantly associated with inadequate WAI (vs. day work with no experience in night work) only for precarious workers (OR 2.00, CI 1.01- 3.95 and OR 1.85, CI 1.09-3.13 for those working up to Wve nights and those working at least six nights in 2 weeks, respectively). Conclusions Unequal opportunities at work and little experience in night work among precarious workers may explain their higher susceptibility to night work
O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar níveis de experiência de cárie entre subgrupos Xavante que vivem em diferentes Terras Indígenas (T.I.) no Estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil, a fim de investigar a presença de desigualdades no interior de uma mesma etnia indígena. Os dados foram coletados através de um censo de saúde bucal realizados em 2004. Das sete T.I. Xavante existentes, foram investigadas quatro (Pimentel Barbosa, Sangradouro, Areões e Marechal Rondon), nas quais foram selecionadas a maior aldeia de cada. Foram adotados os critérios preconizados pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, e utilizado o índice CPOS. Para mensurar as diferenças entre as T.I. foi estimada a razão de prevalência (RP) por meio de análise de regressão de Poisson, efetuada na faixa etária entre 6 e 34 anos para cada sexo, incluindo a idade como covariável. Nesta faixa etária, as perdas variaram entre 26 a 30 por cento. Pimentel Barbosa foi considerada como referência para comparações por apresentar menor prevalência de cárie em todas as faixas etárias analisadas. A maior disparidade foi notada entre as T.I. Pimentel Barbosa e Sangradouro, tanto em homens (RP 2,68- IC95 por cento 2,41 a 2,97) como em mulheres (RP 2,03- IC95 por cento 1,85 a 2,23). A RP do componente obturado em Areões e Marechal Rondon (diferença relativa a Pimentel Barbosa) é muito pequena em relação à carga de doença total nestas T.I., indicando menor presença de serviço odontológico restaurador. Conclui-se que a transição em saúde bucal não é homogênea entre os Xavante e que as diferenças podem estar associadas a particularidades do processo histórico de interação com a sociedade não-indígena (Continua) (Continuação) Determinantes locais e regionais, incluindo fatores demográficos, características econômicas e sócio-culturais específicas, acesso e utilização de serviços de saúde, podem ter determinado as desigualdades de ataque de cárie observadas entre os Xavante
The put-pose of this paper is to analyze relationship patterns between headquarters and subsidiaries of Brazilian Multinationals Enterprises (BrMNEs). The key construct for that investigation is Subsidiary Initiative, which comprises Subsidiary Entrepreneurial Orientation, Autonomy, Integration, Local Competitive Context and Business Network. A survey was carried out in a sample of 65 subsidiaries of 29 BrMNEs. The main outcome is that subsidiaries are highly integrated and receive Entrepreneurial Orientation from Headquarters (HQs), but Initiative is limited. Actually, the main determinants of subsidiary's initiatives are Local Context and Business Networking in the host country. This apparent paradox may be explained by what we call 'rebellious subsidiaries', which take initiatives based on their business environment and connections, regardless of their HQs' directions or delegation of autonomy.
The topic of environmental sustainability is generating increased concern among business executives, governments, consumers, and management scholars. As these stakeholders struggle with the challenges and opportunities presented by an array of environmental issues, HRM scholars and practitioners alike have been relatively slow to engage in the ongoing discussions and debates. Through this special issue on Green FIRM, we seek to stimulate the field of HRM to expand its role in the pursuit of environmentally sustainable business. In this introduction to the special issue, we first provide an overview of the articles that appear in the special issue. Next we present a detailed discussion of research questions that arise from a consideration of several functional HRM practices, including performance management; training, development, and learning; compensation and rewards; and organizational culture. We conclude by describing opportunities for research at the intersection of strategic HRM and environmental management. If pursued with vigor, research addressing this extensive agenda could begin to establish a healthy field of Green FIRM scholarship.
Aims. We report the discovery of very shallow (Delta F/F approximate to 3.4 x 10(-4)), periodic dips in the light curve of an active V = 11.7 G9V star observed by the CoRoT satellite, which we interpret as caused by a transiting companion. We describe the 3-colour CoRoT data and complementary ground-based observations that support the planetary nature of the companion. Methods. We used CoRoT colours information, good angular resolution ground-based photometric observations in- and out- of transit, adaptive optics imaging, near-infrared spectroscopy, and preliminary results from radial velocity measurements, to test the diluted eclipsing binary scenarios. The parameters of the host star were derived from optical spectra, which were then combined with the CoRoT light curve to derive parameters of the companion. Results. We examined all conceivable cases of false positives carefully, and all the tests support the planetary hypothesis. Blends with separation >0.40 '' or triple systems are almost excluded with a 8 x 10(-4) risk left. We conclude that, inasmuch we have been exhaustive, we have discovered a planetary companion, named CoRoT-7b, for which we derive a period of 0.853 59 +/- 3 x 10(-5) day and a radius of R(p) = 1.68 +/- 0.09 R(Earth). Analysis of preliminary radial velocity data yields an upper limit of 21 M(Earth) for the companion mass, supporting the finding. Conclusions. CoRoT-7b is very likely the first Super-Earth with a measured radius. This object illustrates what will probably become a common situation with missions such as Kepler, namely the need to establish the planetary origin of transits in the absence of a firm radial velocity detection and mass measurement. The composition of CoRoT-7b remains loosely constrained without a precise mass. A very high surface temperature on its irradiated face, approximate to 1800-2600 K at the substellar point, and a very low one, approximate to 50 K, on its dark face assuming no atmosphere, have been derived.
Comparing the patterns of population differentiation among genetic markers with different modes of inheritance call provide insights into patterns of sex-biased dispersal and gene flow. The blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna) is a Neotropical parrot with a broad geographic distribution ill South America. However, little is known about the natural history and current status Of remaining wild populations, including levels of genetic variability. The progressive decline and possible fragmentation of populations may endanger this species in the near future. We analyzed mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control-region sequences and six microsatellite 106 Of Blue-and-yellow Macaws sampled throughout their geographic range ill Brazil to describe population genetic Structure, to make inferences about historical demography and dispersal behavior, and to provide insight for conservation efforts. Analyses of population genetic structure based on mtDNA showed evidence of two major populations ill western and eastern Brazil that share a few low-frequency haplotypes. This phylogeographic pattern seems to have originated by the historical isolation of Blue-and-yellow Macaw populations similar to 374,000 years ago and has been maintained by restricted gene flow and female philopatry. By contrast, variation ill biparentally inherited microsatellites was not structured geographically, Male-biased dispersal and female philopatry best explain the different patterns observed in these two markers. Because females disperse less than males, the two regional populations with well-differentiated mtDNA haplogroups should be considered two different management units for conservation purposes. Received 4 November 2007 accepted 10 December 2008.
The aim of this article is to present the main contributions of human resource management to develop sustainable organizations. The relationship between human resources and organizational sustainability, which is based on economical, social and environmental performance, involves some important aspects concerning management such as innovation, cultural diversity and the environment. The integration of items from the triple bottom line approach leads to developing a model based on a strategic and central posture of human resource management. Based on this model, propositions and recommendations for future research on this theme are presented.
This paper analyses the presence of financial constraint in the investment decisions of 367 Brazilian firms from 1997 to 2004, using a Bayesian econometric model with group-varying parameters. The motivation for this paper is the use of clustering techniques to group firms in a totally endogenous form. In order to classify the firms we used a hybrid clustering method, that is, hierarchical and non-hierarchical clustering techniques jointly. To estimate the parameters a Bayesian approach was considered. Prior distributions were assumed for the parameters, classifying the model in random or fixed effects. Ordinate predictive density criterion was used to select the model providing a better prediction. We tested thirty models and the better prediction considers the presence of 2 groups in the sample, assuming the fixed effect model with a Student t distribution with 20 degrees of freedom for the error. The results indicate robustness in the identification of financial constraint when the firms are classified by the clustering techniques. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Since the 1990s several large companies have been publishing nonfinancial performance reports. Focusing initially on the physical environment, these reports evolved to consider social relations, as well as data on the firm`s economic performance. A few mining companies pioneered this trend, and in the last years some of them incorporated the three dimensions of sustainable development, publishing so-called sustainability reports. This article reviews 31 reports published between 2001 and 2006 by four major mining companies. A set of 62 assessment items organized in six categories (namely context and commitment, management, environmental, social and economic performance, and accessibility and assurance) were selected to guide the review. The items were derived from international literature and recommended best practices, including the Global Reporting Initiative G3 framework. A content analysis was performed using the report as a sampling unit, and using phrases, graphics, or tables containing certain information as data collection units. A basic rating scale (0 or 1) was used for noting the presence or absence of information and a final percentage score was obtained for each report. Results show that there is a clear evolution in report`s comprehensiveness and depth. Categories ""accessibility and assurance"" and ""economic performance"" featured the lowest scores and do not present a clear evolution trend in the period, whereas categories ""context and commitment"" and ""social performance"" presented the best results and regular improvement; the category ""environmental performance,"" despite it not reaching the biggest scores, also featured constant evolution. Description of data measurement techniques, besides more comprehensive third-party verification are the items most in need of improvement.
A gap has been identified in the literature on the diagnosis and monitoring of the degree of strategic alignment. The main objective of this article is to diagnose and analyze the strategic alignment profile using the alignment diagnostic profile (ADP) tool, which enables organizations to show visually their degree of strategic alignment. The methodological approach adopted is multiple-case studies, which were conducted at five organizations in the medical diagnostics sector. The results indicate that the ADP enables organizations to understand the steps required to improve their level of alignment and to identify and locate gaps and conflicts.
This paper analyzes the internationalization of new multinationals from emerging countries. It also focuses on Production`s role in firm internationalization, a subject seldom addressed because the discipline of International Manufacturing is still embryonic, while International Business tends to overlook production. The authors integrate International Business and International Manufacturing concepts and frameworks in order to analyze new multinationals from emerging countries, using the empirical evidence of a survey plus case studies of Brazilian multinationals for understanding late-movers` strategies and competences, with emphasis on production. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Plant communities on pastures adapt to varying frequencies and severities of defoliation through mechanisms capable of ensuring their longevity and photosynthetic efficiency. The objective of this experiment was to evaluate tiller population density, demographic patterns of tillering and population stability of palisadegrass swards subjected to four grazing intensities. Treatments corresponded to four sward steady state conditions (sward heights of 10, 20, 30 and 40 cm) generated by continuous stocking. Measurements of tiller population density and population dynamics were performed at 4 week intervals and the results were used to calculate tiller appearance, death and survival rates. Tiller appearance and death rate were used to calculate sward stability index. The results indicate that keeping swards low (10 cm or lower) may be prejudicial to persistency and productivity of palisadegrass. The results also indicate that a low tiller population alone should not be considered as an indicator of loss of productive potential and of reduced plant persistency, since swards may be stable even with low population of tillers.