984 resultados para finance capital
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources for the year ended June 30, 2013
Ce travail se concentre sur le rôle des échanges commerciaux, des mouvements de capitaux et du négoce de l'or dans les relations entre la Suisse et l'Afrique du Sud de 1945 à 1990, sans faire l'impasse sur les dimensions politiques et sociales et sur le contexte international, dont l'influence sur les liens économiques bilatéraux est significative. Ce constat est d'autant plus pertinent en ce qui concerne les rapports avec un Etat engagé dans une politique basée sur la discrimination et l'oppression raciales, politique qui sera l'objet, dès la fin des années 1940 de critiques reposant sur les droits de l'homme et l'anticolonialisme. D'abord cantonnées au sein de l'Assemblée générale de l'ONU, ces attaques contre la politique de l'apartheid seront relayées, dès le début des années 1960, par des associations antiracistes dans le monde entier, et évolueront, tardivement, vers une politique étatique de sanctions économiques internationales, prises à grande échelle dès le milieu des années 1980. Dans ce contexte, il apparaît que les facteurs principalement d'ordre économique mais également fondés sur une proximité idéologique ayant conduit à l'établissement, dès la fin des années 1940, d'un «climat de confiance »réciproque entre les milieux industriels et bancaires helvétiques et l'establishment blanc sud-africain, aient été suffisamment solides pour perdurer jusqu'à la fin de l'apartheid. De plus, le développement des liens d'affaires entre les deux pays a été favorisé par la politique du gouvernement helvétique vis-à-vis du régime de Pretoria. En effet, si la Suisse officielle «condamne moralement» l'apartheid, elle se montrera inflexible dans son refus d'appliquer des mesures économiques contraignantes. Ce travail vise en premier lieu à améliorer la compréhension du rôle des grandes banques suisses dans la commercialisation de l'or sud-africain et, plus largement, dans l'évolution du marché international du métal jaune. L'intérêt scientifique de creuser ce domaine peut être résumé en trois points. Premièrement, ce champ a été peu approfondi dans l'historiographie sur les rapports économiques entre la Suisse et l'Afrique du Sud, bien que le négoce de l'or représente un élément crucial dans le renforcement des liens d'affaires entre les deux pays et qu'il ait été grandement facilité par la politique des autorités helvétiques en matière d'or. De plus, la volonté des grandes banques suisses d'obtenir un arrangement privilégié pour la commercialisation de l'or sud-africain constitue également un élément explicatif de l'intérêt accru de la place financière helvétique à investir en Afrique du Sud dès la fin du Second Conflit mondial. En fait, exportations de capitaux et négoce de l'or sont intrinsèquement liés. Si la place financière helvétique s'est profilée dès la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale comme un centre de premier ordre, il semble - et cela constitue le deuxième intérêt d'approfondir la thématique du négoce de l'or - que les établissements bancaires suisses estimaient que leur compétitivité en tant que place financière internationale serait consolidée grâce au contrôle de la commercialisation du métal jaune du premier producteur mondial. Et, selon l'hypothèse développée dans ce travail, le commerce de l'or a effectivement joué un rôle significatif dans le développement spectaculaire de la place financière suisse durant les soixante dernières années. Troisièmement, la bataille qui se joue autour du contrôle du commerce de l'or sud-africain dès les années 1950 donne un éclairage original à l'analyse historique de la rivalité entre les places financières londonienne et suisse, un aspect encore largement inexploré dans les relations économiques entre la Grande-Bretagne et la Suisse.
Projecte de recerca (EDU2011-25960) Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad
This article analyses the link between human capital and regional economic growth in the European Union. Using various indicators of human capital calculated from census microdata, we conclude that the recent economic performance of European regions is associated with an increase in overeducation. In fact, measures of educational mismatch seem to be more strongly connected to regional economic performance than do other traditional measures of human capital stock.
As a result of debt enforcement problems, many high-productivity firms in emergingeconomies are unable to pledge enough future profits to their creditors and this constrains thefinancing they can raise. Many have argued that, by relaxing these credit constraints, reformsthat strengthen enforcement institutions would increase capital flows to emerging economies. Thisargument is based on a partial equilibrium intuition though, which does not take into account theorigin of any additional resources that flow to high-productivity firms after the reforms. We showthat some of these resources do not come from abroad, but instead from domestic low-productivityfirms that are driven out of business as a result of the reforms. Indeed, the resources released bythese low-productivity firms could exceed those absorbed by high-productivity ones so that capitalflows to emerging economies might actually decrease following successful reforms. This resultprovides a new perspective on some recent patterns of capital flows in industrial and emergingeconomies.
An increasing body of research has pointed to the relevance of social capital in studying a great variety of socio-economic phenomena, ranging from economics growth and development to educational attainment and public health. Conceptually, our paper is framed within the debates about the possible links between health and social capital, on one hand, and within the hypotheses regarding the importance of social and community networks in all stages of the dynamics of international migration, on the other hand. Our primary objective is to explore the ways social relations contribute to health differences between the immigrants and the native-born population of Spain. We also try to reveal differences in the nature of the social networks of foreign-born, as compared to that of the native-born persons. The empirical analysis is based on an individual-level data coming from the 2006 Spanish Health Survey, which contains a representative sample of the immigrant population. To assess the relationship between various health indicators (self-assessed health, chronic conditions and long-term illness) and social capital, controlling for other covariates, we estimate multilevel models separately for the two population groups of interest. In the estimates we distinguish between individual and community-level social capital. While the Health Survey contains information that allows us to define individual social capital measures, the collective indicators come from other official sources. In particular, for the subsample of immigrants, we proxy community-level networks and relationships by variables contained in the Spanish National Survey of Immigrants 2007. The results obtained so far point to the relevance of social capital as a covariate in the health equation, although, the significance varies according to the specific health indicator used. Additionally, and contrary to what is expected, immigrants’ social networks seem to be inferior to those of the native-born population in many aspects; and they also affect immigrant’s health to a lesser extent. Policy implications of the findings are discussed. Keywords: health status, social capital, immigration, Spain
The cost of operational risk refers to the capital needed to a fford the loss generated by ordinary activities of a firm. In this work we demonstrate how allocation principles can be used to the subdivision of the aggregate capital so that the firm can distribute this cost across its various constituents that generate operational risk. Several capital allocation principles are revised. Proportional allocation allows to calculate a relative risk premium to be charged to each unit. An example of fraud risk in the banking sector is presented and some correlation scenarios between business lines are compared. Keywords: solvency, quantile, value at risk, copulas
Funding for non-road multimodal transportation is a means to provide for future transportation needs and alternatives to provide safe and efficient transportation options. The state supports multimodal transportation in the annual infrastructure budget. Most of the state's appropriations for these non-road modes of transportation are provided from the Rebuild Iowa Infrastructure Fund, or infrastructure-related funds such as restricted capital from tax-emempt bond proceeds. Projects that have received funding include commercial and general aviation infrastructure, public transit infrastructure, freight rail, and passenger rail. In addition, recreational trails that encourage walking and cycling are considered part of multimodal transportation. This issue review provides a general overview of the multimodal transportation grant programs that are funded by the state and administered under the Department of Transportation, or DOT. Other means of state funding for multimodal transportation, a sampling of federally funded programs and how other states fund some of their multimodal transportation programs will be briefly discussed.
Agency Performance Plan
This report outlines the strategic plan for Iowa Finance Authority, goals and mission.
Agency Performance Plan
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program, joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2014
Audit report on the Iowa Water Pollution Control Works Financing Program (Clean Water Program) and the Iowa Drinking Water Facilities Financing Program (Drinking Water Program), joint programs of the Iowa Finance Authority and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, for the year ended June 30, 2005