928 resultados para feed: gain ratio


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Consider L independent and identically distributed exponential random variables (r.vs) X-1, X-2 ,..., X-L and positive scalars b(1), b(2) ,..., b(L). In this letter, we present the probability density function (pdf), cumulative distribution function and the Laplace transform of the pdf of the composite r.v Z = (Sigma(L)(j=1) X-j)(2) / (Sigma(L)(j=1) b(j)X(j)). We show that the r.v Z appears in various communication systems such as i) maximal ratio combining of signals received over multiple channels with mismatched noise variances, ii)M-ary phase-shift keying with spatial diversity and imperfect channel estimation, and iii) coded multi-carrier code-division multiple access reception affected by an unknown narrow-band interference, and the statistics of the r.v Z derived here enable us to carry out the performance analysis of such systems in closed-form.


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Energiataseen mallinnus on osa KarjaKompassi-hankkeeseen liittyvää kehitystyötä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kehittää lypsylehmän energiatasetta etukäteen ennustavia ja tuotoskauden aikana saatavia tietoja hyödyntäviä matemaattisia malleja. Selittävinä muuttujina olivat dieetti-, rehu-, maitotuotos-, koelypsy-, elopaino- ja kuntoluokkatiedot. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin 12 Suomessa tehdyistä 8 – 28 laktaatioviikon pituisesta ruokintakokeesta, jotka alkoivat heti poikimisen jälkeen. Mukana olleista 344 lypsylehmästä yksi neljäsosa oli friisiläis- ja loput ayshire-rotuisia. Vanhempien lehmien päätiedosto sisälsi 2647 havaintoa (koe * lehmä * laktaatioviikko) ja ensikoiden 1070. Aineisto käsiteltiin SAS-ohjelmiston Mixed-proseduuria käyttäen ja poikkeavat havainnot poistettiin Tukeyn menetelmällä. Korrelaatioanalyysillä tarkasteltiin energiataseen ja selittävien muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä. Energiatase mallinnettiin regressioanalyysillä. Laktaatiopäivän vaikutusta energiataseeseen selitettiin viiden eri funktion avulla. Satunnaisena tekijänä mallissa oli lehmä kokeen sisällä. Mallin sopivuutta aineistoon tarkasteltiin jäännösvirheen, selitysasteen ja Bayesin informaatiokriteerin avulla. Parhaat mallit testattiin riippumattomassa aineistossa. Laktaatiopäivän vaikutusta energiataseeseen selitti hyvin Ali-Schaefferin funktio, jota käytettiin perusmallina. Kaikissa energiatasemalleissa vaihtelu kasvoi laktaatioviikosta 12. alkaen, kun havaintojen määrä väheni ja energiatase muuttui positiiviseksi. Ennen poikimista käytettävissä olevista muuttujista dieetin väkirehuosuus ja väkirehun syönti-indeksi paransivat selitysastetta ja pienensivät jäännösvirhettä. Ruokinnan onnistumista voidaan seurata maitotuotoksen, maidon rasvapitoisuuden ja rasva-valkuaissuhteen tai EKM:n sisältävillä malleilla. EKM:n vakiointi pienensi mallin jäännösvirhettä. Elopaino ja kuntoluokka olivat heikkoja selittäjiä. Malleja voidaan hyödyntää karjatason ruokinnan suunnittelussa ja seurannassa, mutta yksittäisen lehmän energiataseen ennustamiseen ne eivät sovellu.


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Lipeä on vahva emäs, jonka on havaittu lisäävän hemiselluloosan ja ligniinin hydrolyysiä pötsissä. Näin ollen lipeäkäsittelyllä on mahdollista korvata viljan mekaaninen litistys ja jauhatus. Seosrehuruokinnalla, jonka osana on lipeäkäsitelty vilja, on mahdollista vähentää liiallisesta tärkkelyksestä aiheutuvia metabolisia ongelmia pötsissä. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää lipeäkäsitellyn vehnän vaikutusta lypsylehmien syöntiin ja tuotokseen ad libitum seosrehuruokinnoilla. Ruokinnoissa korvattiin kuivaa murskattua vehnää asteittain kokonaisella lipeäkäsitellyllä vehnällä. Kontrollina oli perinteisesti käytetty kuiva, murskattu ohra-kaura seos. Koe tehtiin Ruotsin maatalousyliopiston (SLU) maataloustieteiden laitoksella Uumajassa. Koe alkoi syyskuussa ja päättyi joulukuussa 2010. Kokeessa oli 17 useamman kerran poikinutta lehmää ja 6 ensikkoa (Ruotsin punainen -rotu). Lehmät olivat lämpimässä pihattonavetassa, jossa seosrehun syöntiä mitattiin vaakakuppien avulla. Koekäsittelyt olivat murskattu ohra-kaura seos (1:1), murskattu kuiva vehnä (1:0), murskatun kuivan vehnän ja kokonaisen lipeävehnän seos (1:1) ja kokonainen lipeävehnä (1:0). Ruokintojen kuiva-ainepitoisuudeksi asetettiin 370 g/kg ja raakavalkuaispitoisuudeksi 180 g/kg kuiva-ainetta. Näennäinen ravintoaineen sulavuus määritettiin happoon liukenemattoman tuhkan avulla. Typen hyväksikäyttöä arvioitiin laskennallisen typpitaseen avulla. Koe toteutettiin 4x4 latinalaisen neliön koemallin mukaisesti ja käsittelyjen väliset tilastolliset erot testattiin kontrastien avulla. Kuiva-aineen (PQ=0,02) ja orgaanisen aineen (PQ=0,02) syönnit lisääntyivät, samalla kun niiden sulavuudet paranivat korvattaessa puolet kuivasta vehnästä lipeävehnällä. Ruokintojen välillä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa maitotuotoksessa eikä energiakorjatussa maitotuotoksessa. Maidon rasvatuotos lisääntyi vähän (PQ=0,04) ja rasvapitoisuus selvästi (PQ=0,004), kun kuivasta vehnästä korvattiin puolet lipeävehnällä. Kun kaikki kuiva vehnä korvattiin lipeävehnällä, maidon valkuaispitoisuus väheni (PL<0,001). Samoin kävi maidon ureapitoisuudelle (PL=0,002). Lipeäkäsittely ei tuottanut tässä kokeessa taloudellisesti kannattavaa tulosta, sillä maidon valkuaispitoisuus väheni ja syönti lisääntyi maitotuotoksen pysyessä samana. Vehnäruokinnoista paras tuotosvaste saatiin kuivan vehnän ja lipeävehnän seoksella.


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Analysis of gas-particle nozzle flow is carried out with attention to the effect of dust particles on the vibrational relaxation phenomena and consequent effects on the gain of a gasdynamic laser. The phase nonequilibrium between the gas mixture and the particles during the nozzle expansion process is taken into account simultaneously. The governing equations of the two-phase nozzle flow have been transformed into similar form, and general correlating parameters have been obtained. It is shown from the present analysis that the particles present in the mixture affect the optimum gain obtainable from a gasdynamic laser adversely, and the effect depends on the size and loading of the particles in the mixture.


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This paper describes the work related to characterisation of an ultrasonic transducer fabricated in the laboratory. The response of the medium to the ultrasonic wave was obtained by converting the time domain signal to frequency domain, using the FFT algorithm. Cross-correlation technique was adopted to increase the S/N ratio in the raw time domain signal and subsequently, to determine the ultrasonic velocity in the medium.


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At physiological pH, a PAMAM dendrimer is positively charged and can effectively bind negatively charged DNA. Currently, there has been great interest in understanding this complexation reaction both for fundamental (as a model for complex biological reactions) as well as for practical (as a gene delivery material and probe for sensing DNA sequence) reasons. Here, we have studied the complexation between double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) and various generations of PAMAM dendrimers (G3-05) through atomistic molecular dynamics simulations in the presence of water and ions. We report the compaction of DNA on a nanosecond time scale. This is remarkable, given the fact that such a short DNA duplex with a length close to 13 nm is otherwise thought to be a rigid rod. Using several nanoseconds long MD simulations, we have observed various binding modes of dsDNA and dendrimers for various generations of PAMAM dendrimers at varying charge ratios, and it confirms some of the binding modes proposed earlier. The binding is driven by the electrostatic interaction, and the larger the dendrimer charge, the stronger the binding affinity. As DNA wraps/binds to the dendrimer, counterions originally condensed onto DNA (Na+) and the dendrimer (Cl-) get released. We calculate the entropy of counterions and show that there is gain in entropy due to counterion release during the complexation. MD simulations demonstrate that, when the charge ratio is greater than 1 (as in the case of the G5 dendrimer), the optimal wrapping of DNA is observed. Calculated binding energies of the complexation follow the trend G5 > 04 > 03, in accordance with the experimental data. For a lower-generation dendrimer, such as G3, and, to some extent, for G4 also, we see considerable deformation in the dendrimer structure due to their flexible nature. We have also calculated the various helicoidal parameters of DNA to study the effect of dendrimer binding on the structure of DNA. The B form of the DNA is well preserved in the complex, as is evident from various helical parameters, justifying the use of the PAMAM dendrimer as a suitable delivery vehicle.


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The system gain of two CCD systems in regular use at the Vainu Bappu Observatory, Kavalur, is determined at a few gain settings. The procedure used for the determination of system gain and base-level noise is described in detail. The Photometrics CCD system at the 1-m reflector uses a Thomson-CSF TH 7882 CDA chip coated for increased ultraviolet sensitivity. The gain is programme-selected through the parameter 'cgain' varying between 0 and 4095 in steps of 1. The inverse system gain for this system varies almost linearly from 27.7 electrons DN-1 at cgain = 0 to 1.5 electrons DN-1 at cgain = 500. The readout noise is less than or similar 11 electrons at cgain = 66. The Astromed CCD system at 2.3-m Vainu Bappu Telescope uses a GEC P8603 chip which is also coated for enhanced ultraviolet sensitivity. The amplifier gain is selected in discrete steps using switches in the controller. The inverse system gain is 4.15 electrons DN-1 at the gain setting of 9.2, and the readout noise approximately 8 electrons.


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This paper presents a low-ML-decoding-complexity, full-rate, full-diversity space-time block code (STBC) for a 2 transmit antenna, 2 receive antenna multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, with coding gain equal to that of the best and well known Golden code for any QAM constellation. Recently, two codes have been proposed (by Paredes, Gershman and Alkhansari and by Sezginer and Sari), which enjoy a lower decoding complexity relative to the Golden code, but have lesser coding gain. The 2 x 2 STBC presented in this paper has lesser decoding complexity for non-square QAM constellations, compared with that of the Golden code, while having the same decoding complexity for square QAM constellations. Compared with the Paredes-Gershman-Alkhansari and Sezginer-Sari codes, the proposed code has the same decoding complexity for non-rectangular QAM constellations. Simulation results, which compare the codeword error rate (CER) performance, are presented.


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In this paper, we propose a novel S/D engineering for dual-gated Bilayer Graphene (BLG) Field Effect Transistor (FET) using doped semiconductors (with a bandgap) as source and drain to obtain unipolar complementary transistors. To simulate the device, a self-consistent Non-Equilibrium Green's Function (NEGF) solver has been developed and validated against published experimental data. Using the simulator, we predict an on-off ratio in excess of 10(4) and a subthreshold slope of similar to 110mV/decade with excellent scalability and current saturation, for a 20nm gate length unipolar BLG FET. However, the performance of the proposed device is found to be strongly dependent on the S/D series resistance effect. The obtained results show significant improvements over existing reports, marking an important step towards bilayer graphene logic devices.


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This paper investigates the diversity-multiplexing gain tradeoff (DMT) of a time-division duplex (TDD) single-input multiple-output (SIMO) system with perfect channel state information (CSI) at the receiver (CSIR) and partial CSI at the transmitter (CSIT). The partial CSIT is acquired through a training sequence from the receiver to the transmitter. The training sequence is chosen in an intelligent manner based on the CSIR, to reduce the training length by a factor of r, the number of receive antennas. We show that, for the proposed training scheme and a given channel coherence time, the diversity order increases linearly with r for nonzero multiplexing gain. This is a significant improvement over conventional orthogonal training schemes.


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Results on the performance of a 25 cm(2) liquid-feed solid-polymer-electrolyte direct methanol fuel cell (SPE-DMFC), operating under near-ambient conditions, are reported. The SPE-DMFC can yield a maximum power density of c. 200 mW cm(-2) at 90 C while operating with 1 M aqueous methanol and oxygen under ambient pressure. While operating the SPE-DMFC under similar conditions with air, a maximum power density of ca. 100 mW cm(-2) is achieved. Analysis of the electrode reaction kinetics parameters on the methanol electrode suggests that the reaction mechanism for methanol oxidation remains invariant with temperature. Durability data on the SPE-DMFC at an operational current density of 100 mA cm(-2) have also been obtained.


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Thermal power stations using pulverized coal as fuel generate large quantities of fly ash as a byproduct, which has created environmental and disposal problems. Using fly ash for gainful applications will solve these problems. Among the various possible uses for fly ash, the most massive and effective utilization is in geotechnical engineering applications like backfill material, construction of embankments, as a subbase material, etc. A proper understanding of fly ash-soil mixes is likely to provide viable solutions for its large-scale utilization. Earlier studies initiated in the laboratory have resulted in a good understanding of the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) behavior of fly ash-soil mixes. Subsequently, in order to increase the CBR value, cement has been tried as an additive to fly ash-soil mixes. This paper reports the results.


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The production of rainfed crops in semi-arid tropics exhibits large variation in response to the variation in seasonal rainfall. There are several farm-level decisions such as the choice of cropping pattern, whether to invest in fertilizers, pesticides etc., the choice of the period for planting, plant population density etc. for which the appropriate choice (associated with maximum production or minimum risk) depends upon the nature of the rainfall variability or the prediction for a specific year. In this paper, we have addressed the problem of identifying the appropriate strategies for cultivation of rainfed groundnut in the Anantapur region in a semi-arid part of the Indian peninsula. The approach developed involves participatory research with active collaboration with farmers, so that the problems with perceived need are addressed with the modern tools and data sets available. Given the large spatial variation of climate and soil, the appropriate strategies are necessarily location specific. With the approach adopted, it is possible to tap the detailed location specific knowledge of the complex rainfed ecosystem and gain an insight into the variety of options of land use and management practices available to each category of stakeholders. We believe such a participatory approach is essential for identifying strategies that have a favourable cost-benefit ratio over the region considered and hence are associated with a high chance of acceptance by the stakeholders. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper addresses the behaviour of compacted expansive soils under swell-shrink cycles. Laboratory cyclic swell-shrink tests were conducted on compacted specimens of two expansive soils at surcharge pressures of 6.25, 50.00, and 100.00 kPa. The void ratio and water content of the specimens at several intermediate stages during swelling until the end of swelling and during shrinkage until the end of shrinkage were determined to trace the water content versus void ratio paths with an increasing number of swell-shrink cycles. The test results showed that the swell-shrink path was reversible once the soil reached an equilibrium stage where the vertical deformations during swelling and shrinkage were the same. This usually occurred after about four swell-shrink cycles. The swelling and shrinkage path of each specimen subjected to full swelling - full shrinkage cycles showed an S-shaped curve (two curvilinear portions and a linear portion). However, the swelling and shrinkage path occurred as a part of the S-shaped curve, when the specimen was subjected to full swelling - partial shrinkage cycles. More than 80% of the total volumetric change and more than 50% of the total vertical deformation occurred in the central linear portion of the S-shaped curve. The volumetric change was essentially parallel to the saturation line within a degree of saturation range of 50-80% for the equilibrium cycle. The primary value of the swell-shrink path is to provide information regarding the void ratio change that would occur for a given change in water content for any possible swell-shrink pattern. It is suggested that these swell-shrink paths can be established with a limited number of tests in the laboratory.


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Nanoparticle synthesis in a microemulsion route is typically controlled by changing the water to surfactant ratio, concentration of precursors, and/or concentration of micelles. The experiments carried out in this work with chloroauric acid and hydrazine hydrate as precursors in water/AOT-Brij30/isooctane microemulsions show that the reagent addition rate can also be used to tune the size of stable spherical gold nanoparticles to some extent. The particle size goes through a minimum with variation in feed addition rate. The increase in particle size with an increase in reaction temperature is in agreement with an earlier report. A population balance model is used to interpret the experimental findings. The reduced extent of nucleation at low feed addition rates and suppression of nucleation due to the finite rate of mixing at higher addition rates produce a minimum in particle size. The increase in particle size at higher reaction temperatures is explained through an increase in fusion efficiency of micelles which dissipates supersaturation; increase in solubility is shown to play an insignificant role. The moderate polydispersity of the synthesized particles is due to the continued nucleation and growth of particles. The polydispersity of micelle sizes by itself plays a minor role.