986 resultados para farnese, alessandro
El artículo forma parte de un dossier titulado: Teatro del oprimido
Analizar la naturaleza evolutiva de la amistad y la naturaleza formativa de la misma. Una y otra plantean reiteradamente el tema del espesor moral de la amistad, que el sujeto conquista gradualmente y que, precisamente en cuanto tal, convierte el ambiente familiar en el primer lugar adecuado en el que vivir la auténtica amistad y en el cual educar en ella. El tema de la amistad es tratado sobre todo partiendo de las inevitables referencias filosóficas, psicológicas y sociológicas, interpretadas desde una perspectiva pedagógica y educativa.. El método adoptado es el propio de la pedagogía fundamental y divide el discurso pedagógico en cuatro momentos metódicos: 1. momento propio de la pedagogía espontánea, en el que la conciencia pre-pedagógica (conciencia común) intuye aspectos esenciales de la verdad de la amistad vivida, sin alcanzar a dar razón de su ser; .2 momento propio de la pedagogía científica en el cual, de acuerdo con una concepción descriptiva del principio de determinación, cada específica ciencia humana de la educación intenta determinar con la su propia lógica específica cada aspecto específico de las formas de amistad objeto de examen durante los periodos evolutivos de la preadolescencia, de la adolescencia y de la juventud; 3. momento propio de la pedagogía teorética de carácter fenomenológico, capta la compleja esencia de la amistad en el ámbito de la conciencia y las virtudes inherentes al verdadero amigo; 4. momento propio de la pedagogía práctica de carácter hermenéutico, dando razón de la educabilidad de la amistad en tanto que 'instancia pedagógica fundamental' instaura la 'philía educativa' y la 'philía formativa', gracias, respectivamente, a la interpretación de la acción práctico-propositiva del educador y la acción práctico-poiética del educando que tiende a ser amigo en primera persona de sus amigos de igual edad. . La perspectiva fenomenológico-hermenéutica permite que las reflexiones expuestas abran campos en los que profundizar posteriormente. Entre ellos, destaca la amistad de los adultos con los menores, es decir, de los padres con los hijos. Entre personas que pertenecen a distintas generaciones se constata una irreductible asimetría de posición pero predomina la simetría axiológica, es decir, una cierta igualdad que se puede dar cuando tienen en común algunos valores fundamentales, conocen recíprocamente sus propios mundos personales y viven las mismas virtudes éticas y dianoéticas de acuerdo con el estado propio de cada cual. Por último, la amistad formativa entre iguales debe robustecerse con un empeño ético-cultural que, mediante la promoción de un proyecto formativo, trace las líneas generales del itinerario de crecimiento de la personalidad de los amigos.
Los antiguos griegos nos han dejado un rico legado de historias inspiradas en sus dioses, diosas y héroes, que fueron posteriormente adoptadas por los antiguos romanos cuando les desplazaron de la hegemonía sobre el Mediterráneo. Desde entonces, la civilización griega ha ejercido una profunda influencia en la formación de la cultura occidental, pues creó la democracia y el alfabeto moderno, y sentó las bases de las matemáticas, la filosofía, la astronomía y la medicina. En esta obra, se muestra como estan entrelazadas la mitología griega con aspectos de su civilización.
Exaltación del régimen mussoliniano y de las sucesivas reformas en todos los aspectos de la vida nacional italiana, especialmente enfocado a la reforma educativa. La reforma de la enseñanza mussoliniana se propuso restaurar el valor de la cultura y la actividad cultural, así como la formación de la personalidad individual sin reducirla a un patrón uniforme, potenciando el poder constructivo de la inteligencia y de la cultura para un mayor desarrollo italiano.
Different economic and financial structures require different crisis responses. Different crises also require different tools and resources. The first ‘stage’ of the financial crisis (2007-09) was similar on both sides of the Atlantic, and the response was also quite similar. The second stage of the crisis is unique to the euro area. Increasing financial disintegration within the region has forced the ECB to become the central counterparty for the entire cross-border banking market and to intervene in the sovereign bond market of some stressed countries. The actions undertaken by the European Central Bank (ECB), however, have not always represented the best response, in terms of effectiveness, consistency and transparency. This is especially true for the Securities Markets Programme (SMP): by de facto imposing its absolute seniority during the Greek PSI (private sector involvement), the ECB has probably killed its future effectiveness.
The euro crisis has forced member states and the EU institutions to create a series of new instruments to safeguard macro-financial stability of the Union. This study describes the status of existing instruments, the role of the European Parliament and how the use of the instruments impinges on the EU budget also through their effects on national budgets. In addition, it presents a survey of other possible instruments that have been proposed in recent years (e.g. E-bonds and eurobonds), in order to provide an assessment of how EU macro-financial stability assistance could evolve in the future and what could be its impact on EU public finances.
Three naming strategies are discussed that allow the processes of a distributed application to continue being addressed by their original logical name, along all the migrations they may be forced to undertake because of performance-improvement goals. A simple centralised solution is firstly discussed which showed a software bottleneck with the increase of the number of processes; other two solutions are considered that entail different communication schemes and different communication overheads for the naming protocol. All these strategies are based on the facility that each process is allowed to survive after migration, even in its original site, only to provide a forwarding service to those communications that used its obsolete address.
Although mutations in intermediate filament proteins cause many human disorders, the detailed pathogenic mechanisms and the way these mutations affect cell metabolism are unclear. In this study, selected keratin mutations were analysed for their effect on the epidermal stress response. Expression profiles of two keratin-mutant cell lines from epidermolysis bullosa simplex patients (one severe and one mild) were compared to a control keratinocyte line before and after challenge with hypo-osmotic shock, a common physiological stress that transiently distorts cell shape. Fewer changes in gene expression were found in cells with the severely disruptive mutation (55 genes altered) than with the mild mutation (174 genes) or the wild type cells (261 genes) possibly due to stress response pre-activation in these cells. We identified 16 immediate-early genes contributing to a general cell response to hypo-osmotic shock, and 20 genes with an altered expression pattern in the mutant keratin lines only. A number of dual-specificity phosphatases (MKP-1, MKP-2, MKP-3, MKP-5 and hVH3) are differentially regulated in these cells, and their downstream targets p-ERK and p-p38 are significantly up-regulated in the mutant keratin lines. Our findings strengthen the case for the expression of mutant keratin proteins inducing physiological stress, and this intrinsic stress may affect the cell responses to secondary stresses in patients' skin.
Although extensively studied within the lidar community, the multiple scattering phenomenon has always been considered a rare curiosity by radar meteorologists. Up to few years ago its appearance has only been associated with two- or three-body-scattering features (e.g. hail flares and mirror images) involving highly reflective surfaces. Recent atmospheric research aimed at better understanding of the water cycle and the role played by clouds and precipitation in affecting the Earth's climate has driven the deployment of high frequency radars in space. Examples are the TRMM 13.5 GHz, the CloudSat 94 GHz, the upcoming EarthCARE 94 GHz, and the GPM dual 13-35 GHz radars. These systems are able to detect the vertical distribution of hydrometeors and thus provide crucial feedbacks for radiation and climate studies. The shift towards higher frequencies increases the sensitivity to hydrometeors, improves the spatial resolution and reduces the size and weight of the radar systems. On the other hand, higher frequency radars are affected by stronger extinction, especially in the presence of large precipitating particles (e.g. raindrops or hail particles), which may eventually drive the signal below the minimum detection threshold. In such circumstances the interpretation of the radar equation via the single scattering approximation may be problematic. Errors will be large when the radiation emitted from the radar after interacting more than once with the medium still contributes substantially to the received power. This is the case if the transport mean-free-path becomes comparable with the instrument footprint (determined by the antenna beam-width and the platform altitude). This situation resembles to what has already been experienced in lidar observations, but with a predominance of wide- versus small-angle scattering events. At millimeter wavelengths, hydrometeors diffuse radiation rather isotropically compared to the visible or near infrared region where scattering is predominantly in the forward direction. A complete understanding of radiation transport modeling and data analysis methods under wide-angle multiple scattering conditions is mandatory for a correct interpretation of echoes observed by space-borne millimeter radars. This paper reviews the status of research in this field. Different numerical techniques currently implemented to account for higher order scattering are reviewed and their weaknesses and strengths highlighted. Examples of simulated radar backscattering profiles are provided with particular emphasis given to situations in which the multiple scattering contributions become comparable or overwhelm the single scattering signal. We show evidences of multiple scattering effects from air-borne and from CloudSat observations, i.e. unique signatures which cannot be explained by single scattering theory. Ideas how to identify and tackle the multiple scattering effects are discussed. Finally perspectives and suggestions for future work are outlined. This work represents a reference-guide for studies focused at modeling the radiation transport and at interpreting data from high frequency space-borne radar systems that probe highly opaque scattering media such as thick ice clouds or precipitating clouds.