913 resultados para everyday life - Russia
O Japão de meados do século XX apresentava um contexto em que influências advindas do ocidente desde a abertura dos portos mesclavam-se à tradição japonesa. Nesse contexto viviam as irmãs Makioka, personagens centrais do romance de Junichiro Tanizaki e objeto principal da presente pesquisa. Por meio da figura de cada uma delas temos acesso ao modo como essas influências adentraram no dia a dia de parte da sociedade japonesa, mais especificamente da família Makioka, tradicional da região de Osaka, e seu círculo social. Para desenvolver esse estudo, faremos a contextualização do período vivido pelo autor e pelas personagens por ele criadas, bem como de que maneira os acontecimentos tiveram participação na formação das mesmas. Também será feita uma análise das personagens secundárias a fim de ampliar a visão acerca das principais. E, finalmente, de acordo com conceitos a respeito da construção de personagem, faremos um estudo das quatro irmãs, levando em consideração aquilo que estava mais na superfície, acessível num primeiro olhar, além dos elementos que compunham o modo de ser de cada uma delas, com as amálgamas e sobreposições resultantes do período.
This dissertation project explored professionalism and the performance of identities by examining Taiwanese commercial airline pilots' discursive practices in everyday life. The intentions for this project were to not only expand current knowledge of organizational communication from a critical rhetorical perspective, but to further explore the under-appreciated concept of professionalism of organizational members. Theoretically, I traced theoretical analysis in the sociology of professions and further investigated scholarship from identity research in organizational communication studies. This research agenda helped to advance communication-based understandings of the meanings and practices of professional identity as a complement to the sociological conception. I further merged a performance paradigm and critical rhetorical perspective to examine the discursive practices of organizational members and to challenge the bias of traditional textual approaches. Methodologically, I conducted ethnographic interviews with Taiwanese commercial airline pilots in order to understand how they construct their personal, social, and professional identities. Five narrative themes were identified and demonstrated in this project: (1) It takes a lot to become a commercial airline pilot, (2) Being a professional commercial airline pilot is to build up sufficient knowledge, beyond average skill, and correct attitude, (3) Pilots' resistance and dissent toward company management, (4) Popular (re)presentation influences professionalism, (5) Power and fear affect professionalism. Pilots' personal narratives were presented in performative writing and in poetic transcription to make word alive with sounds featuring their meanings. Their personal storytelling created a dialogic space to not only let pilots' voice to be heard but also revealed how identities are created within and against a larger organizational identity. Overall, this project demonstrated the interdisciplinary examination of the meanings, functions, and consequence of discursive practices in everyday professional life. It also critiqued relationships between power, domination, and resistance while reintroducing the roles of the body and materiality in the domain of professionalism, and provides ethical readings of larger and complex organizational cultures. Applying communication-oriented analysis to study professionalism indeed challenged the long time neglected phenomena regarding the power of the symbolic in sociological approaches and raised the awareness of structural, material, and bodily condition of work.
O mundo está passando por uma mudança paradigmática. O paradigma moderno baseado nas ideias de René Descartes e Isaac Newton está sendo substituído por um novo paradigma chamado de pós-moderno ou complexo. Essa mudança tem gerado uma crise em toda a sociedade, e essa crise pode ser muito bem percebida na escola. Enquanto o mundo passa a valorizar a criatividade, a autonomia e habilidades como o trabalho em equipe e a capacidade de resolução de problemas complexos, a escola procura se fechar em torno de si mesma, exigindo a memorização e reprodução de conteúdos prontos, visando a solução de problemas artificiais que em nada se relaciona com o cotidiano e os interesses dessa nova sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, esse trabalho propõe uma metodologia para o ensino do conteúdo de Física do primeiro ano do Ensino Médio inspirada na teoria do pensamento complexo de Edgar Morin. Para isso, desenvolvemos uma sequência didática com atividades que visam não só abordar os conteúdos previstos pelo Currículo Oficial do Estado de São Paulo de maneira contextualizada e motivadora, mas abordá-los com o objetivo de procurar iniciar o desenvolvimento do pensamento complexo dos alunos. Assim, para alcançar esse objetivo, na elaboração de cada atividade, levamos em consideração \"Os Sete Saberes Necessários à Educação do Futuro\" de Morin assim como as competências e habilidades que estão previstas nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Sabemos que o pensamento complexo não se desenvolve do dia para noite, pois é um processo que se estende por toda a vida. Entretanto esperamos que com esse trabalho, possamos dar uma contribuição nesse sentido, e vislumbrar durante o ano letivo o princípio do desenvolvimento desse modo de pensar nos alunos.
After the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, approximately 120,000 people of Japanese ancestry living on the west coast of the United States were forcibly removed from their home communities. These people were designated as "evacuees" by the U.S. Government and were incarcerated within a network of federal government facilities the largest of which were internment centers operated by the War Relocation Authority that held mostly U.S. citizens. The Granada Relocation Center (Amache) was the smallest of these internment centers. The presence of saké at Amache indicates that Japanese Americans continued important practices of daily life despite restrictions under confinement. This thesis investigates the practices of saké production and consumption at Amache and examines the importance of these practices in Japanese American daily life. In order to understand these practices, this research draws on multiple lines of evidence. This includes investigations of an assemblage of the material culture associated with saké, research into the history and methods of production and consumption, collection of oral histories, review of archival data, and the application of practice theory. These data provide insight into practices that are not well understood by researchers of Japanese American internment due to their illicit nature. This research endeavors to characterize how saké was produced and used at Amache and provides a way to understand how cultural practices maintain aspects of everyday life in ways that may have little to do with intentional resistance.
Surveillance studies has been somewhat inattentive to the perspective of the surveilled subject. It is the functioning of the surveillance apparatus, not the relatively inconsequential subject, which has tended to frame the focus of surveillance inquiries; leaving understandings of surveilled subjects’ experiences relatively limited. This research addresses this gap in the literature, exploring ways in which surveillance studies might understand the surveilled subject with greater consistency. Participants (N=47) shared their encounters with and perceptions of surveillance in a specific (Pearson International Airport) and general (everyday life) context through semi-structured interviews. The findings suggest that surveilled subjects’ encounters can be understood with some consistency – characterized by consistent criteria across subjects and contexts, and through a consistent theoretical framework across subjects in a specific context. However, consistency should not be confused with uniformity; encounters with surveillance must also be recognized for the extent to which they are nuanced and situated. For example, as this study also highlights, participants’ perceptions of encounters with surveillance at Pearson International Airport were differentially distributed in relation to identity characteristics (particularly minority status).
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Ukraine has been an independent state for only 20 years and the consequence of the long-term incorporation of Ukrainian lands into the Russian/Soviet state is an ethnically mixed society. In Ukraine, alongside Ukrainians, there are very many Russians and members of other nationalities of the former Soviet Union as well as a still large group of people who identify themselves as Soviets (in terms of their nationality). A significant part of Ukrainians use Russian in their everyday life (particularly professional) while knowing Ukrainian to only a small degree or not at all. Due to this Kyiv has to implement a language policy (which does not have to be pursued in e.g. Poland or Hungary) in search of solutions to ensure the stable functioning of a modern state for a multilingual society. The language issue is therefore an important challenge for the Ukrainian state and one of the more significant issues in Ukraine’s internal politics. In this text I eschew a detailed analysis of the question of Crimea as its social dynamics (also in the language area) is clearly distinct from the remaining part of Ukraine for four reasons: the short-term character of the region’s links with Ukraine, its relative geographic isolation (Crimea is almost an island), the formal autonomy of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and the presence of the Crimean Tatar community which is demanding the recognition of its language rights.
Tanto o enriquecimento ambiental, como o treino pelo método do condicionamento operante por reforço positivo, são bastante relevantes no desempenho bem-sucedido de medidas de saúde preventivas em animais de cativeiro. A prevenção apresenta-se como de extrema importância no bem-estar das aves em contexto zoológico. Um maneio e enriquecimento apropriados, bem como programas de treino que incluam comportamentos médicos, podem não só diminuir a ocorrência de patologias, muitas vezes antropogénicas, mas também permitir o correto diagnóstico precoce das mesmas e controlo da saúde animal. Desta forma, contribui-se para o melhoramento do dia-a-dia dos animais e consequentemente da sua vida.
Internet traffic classification is a relevant and mature research field, anyway of growing importance and with still open technical challenges, also due to the pervasive presence of Internet-connected devices into everyday life. We claim the need for innovative traffic classification solutions capable of being lightweight, of adopting a domain-based approach, of not only concentrating on application-level protocol categorization but also classifying Internet traffic by subject. To this purpose, this paper originally proposes a classification solution that leverages domain name information extracted from IPFIX summaries, DNS logs, and DHCP leases, with the possibility to be applied to any kind of traffic. Our proposed solution is based on an extension of Word2vec unsupervised learning techniques running on a specialized Apache Spark cluster. In particular, learning techniques are leveraged to generate word-embeddings from a mixed dataset composed by domain names and natural language corpuses in a lightweight way and with general applicability. The paper also reports lessons learnt from our implementation and deployment experience that demonstrates that our solution can process 5500 IPFIX summaries per second on an Apache Spark cluster with 1 slave instance in Amazon EC2 at a cost of $ 3860 year. Reported experimental results about Precision, Recall, F-Measure, Accuracy, and Cohen's Kappa show the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposal. The experiments prove that words contained in domain names do have a relation with the kind of traffic directed towards them, therefore using specifically trained word embeddings we are able to classify them in customizable categories. We also show that training word embeddings on larger natural language corpuses leads improvements in terms of precision up to 180%.
This manuscript is based on a PhD thesis submitted at the Institute of Social Anthropology at the University of Bern in 2014. The dissertation was part of the research project „Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and Chinese Territoriality. The Development of Infrastructure and Han Migration into the Region“ under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Heinzpeter Znoj and financed by the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF. Madlen Kobi analyzes the architectural and socio-political transformation of public places and spaces in rapidly urbanizing southern Xinjiang, P.R. China, and in doing so pays particular attention to the cities of Aksu and Kaxgar. As the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region lies in between China and Central Asia, it is especially characterized by differing political, cultural, and religious influences, and, furthermore, due to its being a multiethnic region, by multiple identities. One might expect cultural and social identities in this area to be negotiated by referring to history, religion, or food. However, they also become visible by the construction and reconstruction, if not demolition, of public places, architectural landmarks, and private residences. Based on ethnographic fieldwork performed in 2011 and 2012, the study explores everyday life in a continuously transforming urban environment shaped by the interaction of the interests of government institutions, investment companies, the middle class, and migrant workers, among many other actors. Here, urban planning, modernization, and renewal form a highly sensitive lens through which the author inspects the tense dynamics of ethnic, religious, and class-based affiliations. She respects varieties and complexities while thoroughly grounding unfolding transformation processes in everyday lived experiences. The study provides vivid insights into how urban places and spaces in this western border region of China are constructed, created, and eventually contested.
In principle, the world and life itself are the contexts of theatrical events. The term context is broad and thus seems hardly usable. It only makes sense to use the term when terminologies and methodologies determine which parts of their contexts are to be incorporated and analysed for which theatrical event. This presentation exemplifies a method which is particularly suitable for sensibly selecting the most important contexts for research in theatre history. The complexity of the representation increases continuously from The Presentation of Self in Everyday Life to Brecht’s “Street Scene” and “Everyday Theatre”, portrayals of rulers in feasts and parades to Hamlet productions by the Royal Shakespeare Company or a Wagner opera in Bayreuth. The different forms of theatre thus constitute a continuum which spans from “everyday theatre” to “art theatre”. The representation of the world in this continuum is sometimes questioned by the means of theatre, for example when Commedia dell’arte takes a critical stance towards the representative theatre of the humanists or when playful devices such as reversal, parody and fragmentation challenge the representative character of productions, which is applied by the Vice character for instance. There is a second component that has an impact on the continuum without a theatrical device: attitude, opinion, norms and bans which originate from society. As excerpts of contexts, they refer to single forms of theatre in the continuum. This results in a complex system of four components which evolves from the panorama between the antipodes “everyday theatre” and “art theatre” as well as both spheres of influence of which only one uses theatrical devices. All components interact in a specific time frame in a specific place in a specific way in each case, which can then be described as the theatricality in this time frame. This presentation will deal with what the concept is capable of doing.
"I have gathered together in this volume papers on 'Industry as an art', on 'Beauty in everyday life', on 'Non-governmental society','Agricultural cooperation', and so forth ... At the conclusion I have introduced a ... paper on 'Social and political life in China'."--Introd.
Thesis (D.M.A.)--University of Washington, 2016-05