924 resultados para energy fluence rate
Distributed Estimation Over an Adaptive Incremental Network Based on the Affine Projection Algorithm
We study the problem of distributed estimation based on the affine projection algorithm (APA), which is developed from Newton`s method for minimizing a cost function. The proposed solution is formulated to ameliorate the limited convergence properties of least-mean-square (LMS) type distributed adaptive filters with colored inputs. The analysis of transient and steady-state performances at each individual node within the network is developed by using a weighted spatial-temporal energy conservation relation and confirmed by computer simulations. The simulation results also verify that the proposed algorithm provides not only a faster convergence rate but also an improved steady-state performance as compared to an LMS-based scheme. In addition, the new approach attains an acceptable misadjustment performance with lower computational and memory cost, provided the number of regressor vectors and filter length parameters are appropriately chosen, as compared to a distributed recursive-least-squares (RLS) based method.
An algorithm inspired on ant behavior is developed in order to find out the topology of an electric energy distribution network with minimum power loss. The algorithm performance is investigated in hypothetical and actual circuits. When applied in an actual distribution system of a region of the State of Sao Paulo (Brazil), the solution found by the algorithm presents loss lower than the topology built by the concessionary company.
In this study, we investigate the possibility of mode localization occurrence in a non-periodic Pfluger`s column model of a rocket with an intermediate concentrated mass at its middle point. We discuss the effects of varying the intermediate mass magnitude and its position and the resulting energy confinement for two cases. Free vibration analysis and the severity of mode localization are appraised, without decoupling the system, by considering as a solution basis the fundamental free response or dynamical solution. This allows for the reduction of the dimension of the algebraic modal equation that arises from satisfying the boundary and continuity conditions. By using the same methodology, we also consider the case of a cantilevered Pluger`s column with rotational stiffness at the middle support instead of an intermediate concentrated mass. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The aim of this study was to evaluate how the summer and winter conditions affect the photosynthesis and water relations of well-watered orange trees, considering the diurnal changes in leaf gas exchange, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, and leaf water potential (I) of potted-plants growing in a subtropical climate. The diurnal pattern of photosynthesis in young citrus trees was not significantly affected by the environmental changes when compared the summer and winter seasons. However, citrus plants showed higher photosynthetic performance in summer, when plants fixed 2.9 times more CO(2) during the diurnal period than in the winter season. Curiously, the winter conditions were more favorable to photosynthesis of citrus plants, when considering the air temperature (< 29 A degrees C), leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference (< 2.4 kPa) and photon flux density (maximum values near light saturation) during the diurnal period. Therefore, low night temperature was the main environmental element changing the photosynthetic performance and water relations of well-watered plants during winter. Lower whole-plant hydraulic conductance, lower shoot hydration and lower stomatal conductance were noticed during winter when compared to the summer season. In winter, higher ratio between the apparent electron transport rate and leaf CO(2) assimilation was verified in afternoon, indicating reduction in electron use efficiency by photosynthesis. The high radiation loading in the summer season did not impair the citrus photochemistry, being photoprotective mechanisms active. Such mechanisms were related to increases in the heat dissipation of excessive light energy at the PSII level and to other metabolic processes consuming electrons, which impede the citrus photoinhibition under high light conditions.
The heat sensitivity of photochemical processes was evaluated in the common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars A222, A320, and Carioca grown under well-watered conditions during the entire plant cycle (control treatment) or subjected to a temporal moderate water deficit at the preflowering stage (PWD). The responses of chlorophyll fluorescence to temperature were evaluated in leaf discs excised from control and PWD plants seven days after the complete recovery of plant shoot hydration. Heat treatment was done in the dark (5 min) at the ambient CO2 concentration. Chlorophyll fluorescence was assessed under both dark and light conditions at 25, 35, and 45 degrees C. In the dark, a decline of the potential quantum efficiency of photosystem II (PSII) and an increase in minimum chlorophyll fluorescence were observed in all genotypes at 45 degrees C, but these responses were affected by PWD. In the light, the apparent electron transport rate and the effective quantum efficiency of PSII were reduced by heat stress (45 degrees C), but no change due to PWD was demonstrated. Interestingly, only the A222 cultivar subjected to PWD showed a significant increase in nonphotochemical fluorescence quenching at 45 degrees C. The common bean cultivars had different photochemical sensitivities to heat stress altered by a previous water deficit period. Increased thermal tolerance due to PWD was genotype-dependent and associated with an increase in potential quantum efficiency of PSII at high temperature. Under such conditions, the genotype responsive to PWD treatment enhanced its protective capacity against excessive light energy via increased nonphotochemical quenching.
We examined resource limitations on growth and carbon allocation in a fast-growing, clonal plantation of Eucalyptus grandis x urophylla in Brazil by characterizing responses to annual rainfall, and response to irrigation and fertililization for 2 years. Productivity measures included gross primary production (GPP), total belowground carbon allocation (TBCA), bole growth, and net ecosystem production (NEP). Replicate plots within a single plantation were established at the midpoint of the rotation (end of year 3), with treatments of no additional fertilization or irrigation, heavy fertilization (to remove any nutrient limitation), irrigation (to remove any water limitation), and irrigation plus fertilization. Rainfall was unusually high in the first year (1769mm) of the experiment, and control plots had high rates of GPP (6.64 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), TBCA (2.14 kg C m(-2) year(-1)), and bole growth (1.81 kg C m(-2) year). Irrigation increased each of these rates by 15-17%. The second year of the experiment had average rainfall (1210 mm), and lower rainfall decreased production in control plots by 46% (GPP), 52% (TBCA), and 40% (bole growth). Fertilization treatments had neglible effects. The response to irrigation was much greater in the drier year, with irrigated plots exceeding the production in control plots by 83% (GPP), 239% (TBCA), and 24% (bole growth). Even though the rate of irrigation ensured no water limitation to tree growth, the high rainfall year showed higher production in irrigated plots for both GPP (38% greater than in drier year) and bole growth (23% greater). Varying humidity and supplies of water led to a range in NEP of 0.8-2.7 kg C m(-2) year. This difference between control and irrigated treatments, combined with differences between drier and wetter years, indicated a strong response of these Eucalyptus trees to both water supply and atmospheric humidity during the dry season. The efficiency of converting light energy into fixed carbon ranged from a low of 0.027 mol C to a high of 0.060 mol C per mol of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation (APAR), and the efficiency of bolewood production ranged from 0.78 to 1.98 g wood per MJ of APAR. Irrigation increased the efficiency of wood production per unit of water used from 2.55 kg wood m(-3) in the rainfed plot to 3.51 kg m(-3) in irrigated plots. Detailed information on the response of C budgets to environmental conditions and resource supplies will be necessary for accurate predictions of plantation yields across years and landscapes. (V) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Torrefaction is a mild pyrolysis process (usually up to 300 degrees C) that changes the chemical and physical properties of biomass. This process is a possible pre-treatment prior to further processes (transport, grinding, combustion, gasification, etc) to generate energy or biofuels. In this study, three eucalyptus wood species and bark were subjected to different torrefaction conditions to determine the alterations in their structural and energy properties. The most severe treatment (280 degrees C, 5 h) causes mass losses of more than 35%, with severe damage to anatomical structure, and an increase of about 27% in the specific energy content. Bark is more sensitive to heat than wood. Energy yields are always higher than mass yields, thereby demonstrating the benefits of torrefaction in concentrating biomass energy. The overall mass loss is proposed as a relevant parameter to synthesize the effect of torrefaction conditions (temperature and duration). Accordingly, all results are summarised by analytical expressions able to predict the energy properties as a function of the overall mass loss. These expressions are intended to be used in any optimization procedure, from production in the field to the final use. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corn ethanol produced in the US and sugarcane ethanol produced in Brazil are the world`s leading sources of biofuel. Current US biofuel policies create both incentives and constraints for the import of ethanol from Brazil and together with the cost competitiveness and greenhouse gas intensity of sugarcane ethanol compared to corn ethanol will determine the extent of these imports. This study analyzes the supply-side determinants of cost competitiveness and compares the greenhouse gas intensity of corn ethanol and sugarcane ethanol delivered to US ports. We find that while the cost of sugarcane ethanol production in Brazil is lower than that of corn ethanol in the US, the inclusion of transportation costs for the former and co-product credits for the latter changes their relative competitiveness. We also find that the relative cost of ethanol in the US and Brazil is highly sensitive to the prevailing exchange rate and prices of feedstocks. At an exchange rate of US$1=R$2.15 the cost of corn ethanol is 15% lower than the delivered cost of sugarcane ethanol at a US port. Sugarcane ethanol has lower GHG emissions than corn ethanol but a price of over $113 per ton of CO(2) is needed to affect competitiveness. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Due to the rapid depletion of water resources, water must be used more efficiently in agriculture to maintain current levels of yield in irrigated areas. The efficiency of irrigation systems can be increased by adjusting the amount of water applied to specific conditions of soil and crop, which may vary in a field. Taking into account spatial and temporal variability, it is evident that an equipment capable of providing different irrigation levels is necessary to meet the water requirement of the soil. This work aims to develop and evaluate a flow rate sprinkler to be used in center pivots or linear moving irrigation systems, with potential for utilization in irrigation scheduling. A prototype was developed by duplicating its calibrations, and discharge coefficient adjustment was carried out in the laboratory. To predict the flow rate, a successful model that represented the operation of the flow rate sprinkler was established. The calibration of the flow rate sprinkler prototype showed satisfactory statistical and technical results. Automation of the prototype was achieved by driving a step motor using communication from the parallel port of a microcomputer, which was controlled by a software developed for this purpose. The results were satisfactory and technically feasible.
Tomato high pigment (hp) mutants represent an interesting horticultural resource due to their enhanced accumulation of carotenoids, flavonoids and vitamin C. Since hp mutants are known for their exaggerated light responses, the molecules accumulated are likely to be antioxidants, recruited to deal with light and others stresses. Further phenotypes displayed by hp mutations are reduced growth and an apparent disturbance in water loss. Here, we examined the impact of the hp1 mutation and its near isogenic line cv Micro-Tom (MT) on stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration (E), CO(2) assimilation (A) and water use efficiency (WUE). Detached hp1 leaves lost water more rapidly than control leaves, but this behaviour was reversed by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA), indicating the ability of hp1 to respond to this hormone. Although attached hp1 leaves had enhanced gs, E and A compared to control leaves, genotypic differences were lost when water was withheld. Both instantaneous leaf-level WUE and long-term whole plant WUE did not differ between hp1 and MT. Our results indicate a link between exaggerated light response and water loss in hp1, which has important implications for the use of this mutant in both basic and horticultural research.
The objectives were to evaluate preweaning performance, body composition, and efficiency of calves representing straightbred Nellore (NL), F(1), and 3-breed-cross systems. Energy requirements, milk production, and efficiency of 39 cow-calf pairs were recorded from straightbred NL calves from NL cows (10), crossbred (Angus-sired) calves from NL cows (ANL: 9), and crossbred calves (CC; Canchim-sired: 5/8 Charolais, 3/8 Zebu) from ANL (10) and Simmental x NL (10) cows. Cows and their respective calves were individually fed from birth to weaning (17 to 190 d postpartum). At 38 d of age, corn silage (7.8% CP, 2.19 Mcal of ME/kg of DM) was available to calves ad libitum. Milk production at 42, 98, 126, and 180 d postpartum was recorded by weighing calves before and after suckling. The ratio between GE and ME of milk was considered 1:0.93. Calves were slaughtered at weaning and the 9th-, 10th-, and 11th-rib section was removed for body composition estimation. The ANL calves were lighter (P < 0.01) at birth than the CC calves; the NL calves were intermediate. At weaning, the CC calves were heavier (P = 0.04) than the NL and ANL calves (230 +/- 5.5 vs. 172 +/- 8.1 and 209 +/- 8.6 kg, respectively). The ANL calves had greater (371 +/- 27 Mcal; P = 0.01) silage intake than the NL (270 +/- 25 Mcal) and CC (279 +/- 17 Mcal) calves. Milk energy intake was greater for the CC calves (970 +/- 38 Mcal of ME; P = 0.005) than the NL (670 +/- 57 Mcal of ME) and ANL (743 +/- 61 Mcal of ME) calves. The ANL calves compensated for the reduced milk production of the NL cows, which supplied less of their energy requirement for growth by increased silage intake. Calves from crossbred cows received a greater proportion of their total energy intake from milk. Crossbred calves had greater (P < 0.03) retained energy (retained energy = weaning body energy - birth body energy) than the NL calves (388 +/- 23 for ANL, and 438 +/- 15 for CC vs. 312 +/- 22 Mcal for NL calves). Percentages of water (P = 0.74) and chemical fat (P = 0.51) were similar among groups (63.7 +/- 0.6 and 14.3 +/- 0.7% for ANL calves, 63.1 +/- 0.4 and 14.7 +/- 0.5% for CC calves, and 63.3 +/- 0.6 and 13.7 +/- 0.7% of empty BW for water and chemical fat, respectively, for NL calves). Energetic efficiency (kcal of retained energy/Mcal of ME intake) was similar (P = 0.52) among groups (358 +/- 22 for ANL calves, 355 +/- 14 for CC calves, and 327 +/- 22 for NL calves). The greater BW gains and the differences in empty body composition at weaning were not enough to compensate for the greater ME intake of crossbreds. In this study, the crossbreeding systems evaluated increased preweaning calf performance but did not affect gross or energetic calf efficiency.
Frozen samples of mechanically deboned chicken meat (MDCM) with skin were irradiated with gamma radiation doses of 0.0 kGy (control) and 3 kGy at 2 different radiation dose rates: 0.32 kGy/h (3 kGy) and 4.04 kGy/h (3 kGy). Batches of irradiated and control samples were evaluated during 11 d of refrigerated (2 +/- 1 degrees C) storage for the following parameters: total psychrotrophic bacteria count, thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS), evaluation of objective color (L*, a*, and b*) and a sensory evaluation (irradiated odor, oxidized odor, pink and brown colors). No statistical difference (P > 0.05) was found amongst the TBARS values obtained for the MDCM samples irradiated with dose rates of 0.32 and 4.04 kGy/h. There was a significant increase (P < 0.05) in the psychrotrophic bacterial count as from the 7th day of refrigerated storage, for the MDCM samples irradiated at the dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h. With respect to the attribute of oxidized odor, the samples irradiated with a dose rate of 0.32 kGy/h showed a stronger intensity and were significantly different (P < 0.05) from the sample irradiated with a dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h on days 0 and 2 of refrigerated storage. Irradiation with a dose rate of 4.04 kGy/h (3 kGy) was shown to be the best condition for the processing of MDCM according to the evaluation of all the variables, under the conditions of this study. Practical Application The results obtained for the application of different dose rates of ionizing radiation to mechanically deboned chicken meat will provide the food industry with information concerning the definition of the best processing conditions to maximize the sensory and food quality.
P>Brazilian Santa Ines (SI) sheep are very well-adapted to the tropical conditions of Brazil and are an important source of animal protein. A high rate of twin births was reported in some SI flocks. Growth and Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) are the first two genes expressed by the oocyte to be associated with an increased ovulation rate in sheep. All GDF9 and BMP15 variants characterized, until now, present the same phenotype: the heterozygote ewes have an increased ovulation rate and the mutated homozygotes are sterile. In this study, we have found a new allele of GDF9, named FecGE (Embrapa), which leads to a substitution of a phenylalanine with a cysteine in a conservative position of the mature peptide. Homozygote ewes presenting the FecGE allele have shown an increase in their ovulation rate (82%) and prolificacy (58%). This new phenotype can be very useful in better understanding the genetic control of follicular development; the mechanisms involved in the control of ovulation rate in mammals; and for the improvement of sheep production.
P>Yellow and sweet passion fruit are insect-pollinated species native to the tropics. Fruits are used commercially for human consumption worldwide. The yellow passion fruit is an outcrossing species with self-incompatible flowers. However, the reproductive system of the sweet passion fruit (Passiflora alata) has not been well elucidated. The objective of this work was to characterize aspects of the mating system in the sweet passion fruit using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and microsatellite markers, particularly the rate of outcrossing in P. alata progenies. A multilocus outcrossing rate of t(m) = 0.994 was determined from RAPD and t(m) = 0.940 from microsatellites, supporting P. alata as an outcrossing species. The fixation indices of the maternal generation (F(m)) were -0.200 and 0.071 with RAPD and microsatellite loci, respectively, indicating the absence of inbreeding in the maternal generation. The paternity correlation (r(p)) varied from -0.008 with RAPD markers to 0.208 with microsatellite markers, suggesting a low probability of finding full sibs within the progenies. The results demonstrated that all progenies assessed in this study were derived from outcrossing.
The objective was to develop and test a procedure for applying variable rates of fertilizers and evaluate yield response in coffee (Coffea arabica L.) with regard to the application of phosphorus and potassium. The work was conducted during the 2004 season in a 6.4 ha field located in central Sao Paulo state. Two treatments were applied with alternating strips of fixed and variable rates during the whole season: one following the fertilizing procedures recommended locally, and the other based on a grid soil sampling. A prototype pneumatic fertilizer applicator was used, carrying two conveyor belts, one for each row. Harvesting was done with a commercial harvester equipped with a customized volumetric yield monitor, separating the two treatments. Data were analyzed based on geostatistics, correlations and regressions. The procedure showed to be feasible and effective. The area that received fertilizer applications at a variable rate showed a 34% yield increase compared to the area that received a fixed rate. The variable rate fertilizer resulted in a savings of 23% in phosphate fertilizer and a 13% increase in potassium fertilizer, when compared to fixed rate fertilizer. Yield in 2005, the year after the variable rate treatments, still presented residual effect from treatments carried out during the previous cycle.