876 resultados para digital tools and resources


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Rapid scan electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) was developed in the Eaton laboratory at the University of Denver. Applications of rapid scan to wider spectra, such as for immobilized nitroxides, spin-labeled proteins, irradiated tooth and fingernail samples were demonstrated in this dissertation. The scan width has been increased from 55 G to 160 G. The signal to noise (S/N) improvement for slowly tumbling spin-labeled protein samples that is provided by rapid scan EPR will be highly advantageous for biophysical studies. With substantial improvement in S/N by rapid scan, the dose estimation for irradiated tooth enamels became more reliable than the traditional continuous wave (CW) EPR. An alternate approach of rapid scan, called field-stepped direct detection EPR, was developed to reconstruct wider EPR signals. A Mn2+ containing crystal was measured by field-stepped direct detection EPR, which had a spectrum more than 6000 G wide. Since the field-stepped direct detection extends the advantages of rapid scan to much wider scan ranges, this methodology has a great potential to replace the traditional CW EPR. With recent advances in digital electronics, a digital rapid scan spectrometer was built based on an arbitrary waveform generator (AWG), which can excite spins and detect EPR signals with a fully digital system. A near-baseband detection method was used to acquire the in-phase and quadrature signals in one physical channel. The signal was analyzed digitally to generate ideally orthogonal quadrature signals. A multiharmonic algorithm was developed that employed harmonics of the modulation frequencies acquired in the spectrometer transient mode. It was applied for signals with complicated lineshapes, and can simplify the selection of modulation amplitude. A digital saturation recovery system based on an AWG was built at X-band (9.6 GHz). To demonstrate performance of the system, the spin-lattice relaxation time of a fused quartz rod was measured at room temperature with fully digital excitation and detection.


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This study examined regular education teachers’ perceptions of inclusion in elementary and secondary schools in Spain and how these perceptions may differ depending on teaching experience, skills, and the availability of resources and supports. Stratified random sampling procedures were used to draw a representative sample of 336 general education teachers (68 kindergarten, 133 elementary, and 135 secondary teachers) from the province of Alicante. The results indicated the acceptance of the principles of inclusion, although teacher skills, time, material resources, and personal supports for inclusion were deemed insufficient. Kindergarten and elementary teachers showed more positive perceptions of inclusion than secondary education teachers, and so did teachers with more personal supports and material resources than those with less supports and resources. The results are discussed in terms of its implications for practice in order to promote more inclusive classrooms in Spain.


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Cultural heritage sites all over the world are at risk due to aggressive urban expansion, development, wars and general obsolescence. Not all objects are recorded in detail although they may have social and historical significance. For example more emphasis is placed on the recording of castles and palaces than on crofters’ cottages or tenement blocks, although their history can be just as rich. This paper will investigate the historic fabric of Aberdeen through the use of digital scanning, supported by a range of media including old photographs and paintings. Dissemination of social heritage through visualisations will be explored and how this can aid the understanding of space within the city or specific area. Focus will be given to the major statues/monuments within the context of the city centre, exploring their importance in their environment. In addition studying why many have been re-located away from their original site, the reasons why, and how we have perhaps lost some of the social and historical importance of why that monument was first located there. It will be argued that Digital Media could be utilised for much more than re-creation and re-presentation of physical entities. Digital scanning, in association with visualisation tools, is used to capture the essence of both the cultural heritage and the society that created or used the sites in association with visualisation tools and in some way re-enacting the original importance placed upon the monument in its original location, through adoption of BIM Heritage.


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Among Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in particular, the UK Government’s ambitions regarding BIM uptake and diffusion across the construction sector may be tempered by a realpolitik shaped in part by interactions between the industry, Higher Education (HE) and professional practice. That premise also has a global perspective. Building on the previous 2 papers, Architectural technology and the BIM Acronym 1 and 2, this third iteration is a synthesis of research and investigations carried out over a number of years directly related to the practical implementation of BIM and its impact upon BE SMEs. First challenges, risks and potential benefits for SMEs and micros in facing up to the necessity to engage with digital tools in a competitive and volatile marketplace are discussed including tailoring BIM to suit business models, and filtering out achievable BIM outcomes from generic and bespoke aspects of practice. Second the focus is on setting up and managing teams engaging with BIM scenarios, including the role of clients; addresses a range of paradigms including lonely BIM and collaborative working. The significance of taking a whole life view with BIM is investigated including embedding soft landings principles into project planning and realisation. Thirdly procedures for setting up and managing common data environments are identified and the value of achieving smooth information flow is addressed. The overall objective of this paper is to provide SMEs with a practical strategy to develop a toolkit to BIM implementation.


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The construction industry has long been considered as highly fragmented and non-collaborative industry. This fragmentation sprouted from complex and unstructured traditional coordination processes and information exchanges amongst all parties involved in a construction project. This nature coupled with risk and uncertainty has pushed clients and their supply chain to search for new ways of improving their business process to deliver better quality and high performing product. This research will closely investigate the need to implement a Digital Nervous System (DNS), analogous to a biological nervous system, on the flow and management of digital information across the project lifecycle. This will be through direct examination of the key processes and information produced in a construction project and how a DNS can provide a well-integrated flow of digital information throughout the project lifecycle. This research will also investigate how a DNS can create a tight digital feedback loop that enables the organisation to sense, react and adapt to changing project conditions. A Digital Nervous System is a digital infrastructure that provides a well-integrated flow of digital information to the right part of the organisation at the right time. It provides the organisation with the relevant and up-to-date information it needs, for critical project issues, to aid in near real-time decision-making. Previous literature review and survey questionnaires were used in this research to collect and analyse data about information management problems of the industry – e.g. disruption and discontinuity of digital information flow due to interoperability issues, disintegration/fragmentation of the adopted digital solutions and paper-based transactions. Results analysis revealed efficient and effective information management requires the creation and implementation of a DNS.


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Virtual learning environments (VLEs) have witnessed a high evolution, namely regarding their potentialities, the tools and the activities they provide. VLEs enable us to access large quantities of data resulting from both students and teachers’ activities developed in those environments. Monitoring undergraduates’ activities in VLEs is important as it allows us to showcase, in a structured way, a number of indicators which may be taken into account to understand the learning process more deeply and to propose improvements in the teaching and learning strategies as well as in the institution’s virtual environment. Although VLEs provide several data sectorial statistics, they do not provide knowledge regarding the institution’s evolution. Therefore, we consider the analysis of the activity logs in VLEs over a period of five years to be paramount. This paper focuses on the analysis of the activities developed by students in a virtual learning environment, from a sample of undergraduate students, approximately 7000 per year, over a period of five academic years, namely from 2009/2010 to 2013/2014. The main aims of this research work are to assess the evolution of activity logs in the virtual learning environment of a Portuguese public higher education institution, in order to fill possible gaps and to hold out the prospect of new forms of use of the environment. The results obtained from the data analysis show that overall, the number of accesses to the virtual learning environment increased over the five years under study. The most used tools were Resources, Messages and Assignments. The most frequent activities developed with these tools were respectively consulting information, sending messages and submitting assignments. The frequency of accesses to the virtual learning environment was characterized according to the number of accesses in the activity log. The data distribution was divided into five frequency categories named very low, low, moderate, high and very high, determined by the percentiles 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100, respectively. The study of activity logs of virtual learning environments is important not only because they provide real knowledge of the use that undergraduates make of these environments, but also because of the possibilities they create regarding the identification of a need for new pedagogical approaches or a reinforcement of previously consolidated approaches.


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Trabalho de projeto de mestrado, Educação (Área de especialidade em Educação e Tecnologias Digitais), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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The Treaty of Lisbon (2009) explicitly added - in Article 3 of the Treaty on the European Union (TEU) and Article 174 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) - the principle of territorial cohesion to the already existing principles of social and economic cohesion between the EU Member States. To concretely reach the objective of territorial cohesion, the EU created – on the one hand - the legal instrument of the “European Grouping for Territorial Cooperation” adopted through regulation n. 1082/2006 (EGTC). This allows cross-border cooperation between local and regional authorities. On the other hand, in 2009 a new form of European transnational cooperation has been introduced, the so called Macro Regional Strategy (MRS). This was firstly applied to the Baltic Sea Region in order to give to this cross - border geographical area a coordinated framework in specific policy fields, such as the environment and the infrastructures. Both concepts - EGTC and MRS - are based on the fundamental idea of supporting the territorial and cross - border cooperation between local, regional and national authorities and other stakeholders. Despite this common aspect, the two instruments differ profoundly in terms of form, structure and content. While the MRS is to be considered as a political integrated framework without its own financial resources, the instrument of the EGTC is based on a stable legal basis. To this extent, the alpine region - a large geographic area in the heart of Europe with a longstanding tradition in crossborder cooperation - represents an interesting practical example with regard to the implementation of these two forms of cooperation across borders. In fact, the countries and regions in the Alpine area are unified through the Alps and face, therefore, common challenges: that is why this “region” is ideally suited to be the ground for experiments regarding transnational tools and strategies.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The shrimp aquaculture industry is a relatively new livestock industry, having developed over the past 30 years. Thus, it is poised to take advantage of new technologies from the outset of selective breeding programs. This contrasts with long established livestock industries, where there are already highly specialised breeds. This review focuses specifically on the potential application of microarrays to shrimp breeding. Potential applications of microarrays in selective breeding programs are summarised. Microarrays can be used as a rapid means to generate molecular markers for genetic linkage mapping, and genetic maps have been constructed for yeast, Arabidopsis and barley using microarray technology. Microarrays can also be used in the hunt for candidate genes affecting particular traits, leading to development of perfect markers for these traits (i.e. causative mutations). However, this requires that microarray analysis be combined with genetic linkage mapping, and that substantial genomic information is available for the species in question. A novel application of microarrays is to treat gene expression as a quantitative trait in itself and to combine this with linkage mapping to identify quantitative trait loci controlling the levels of gene expression; this approach may identify higher level regulatory genes in specific pathways. Finally, patterns of gene expression observed using microarrays may themselves be treated as phenotypic traits in selection programs (e.g. a particular pattern of gene expression might be indicative of a disease tolerant individual). Microarrays are now being developed for a number of shrimp species in laboratories around the world, primarily with a focus on identifying genes involved in the immune response. However, at present, there is no central repository of shrimp genomic information, which limits the rate at which shrimp genomic research can be progressed. The application of microarrays to shrimp breeding will be extremely limited until there is a shared repository of genomic information for shrimp, and the collective will and resources to develop comprehensive genomic tools for shrimp.


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No presente trabalho investigou-se a adoção por parte das instituições educacionais dos recursos e ferramentas disponíveis nas mídias digitais sociais, que permitem a comunicação síncrona e assíncrona, estimula a comunicação para maior interatividade, dialogicidade e colaboração entre os atores envolvidos no processo ensino-aprendizagem da educação a distância. Para tanto, verificou-se como os alunos que estudam na EAD reagem às novas possibilidades oferecidas com o advento das novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação - NTICs. O estudo focou os alunos que estavam, no momento da pesquisa, cursando os segundos bimestres dos Cursos de Tecnólogos em: Marketing, Logística, Recursos Humanos e Gestão Comercial em EAD, das universidades Anhanguera e Metodista, dos pólos de São Caetano do Sul e Mauá. Na seleção da amostra, optou-se pelo modelo não probabilístico do tipo intencional, adotando-se o critério de que os alunos selecionados conheciam os recursos e as ferramentas utilizadas nas mídias digitais sociais das instituições. Como instrumento de medida, utilizou-se um questionário tipo Likert composto por 7 dimensões e 32 assertivas, além da técnica de entrevista de grupo focal, totalizando 5 encontros. Resgatou-se historicamente alguns pontos sobre o movimento das novas tecnologias, sobretudo as digitais, bem como a educação na modalidade a distância, desde o século passado até a atualidade. Além disso, procurou-se entender o quanto as ações governamentais têm apoiado as transformações tecnológicas que impactam direta e indiretamente nos aspectos educacionais. Outro tema abordado para a discussão desse trabalho foi a Sociedade do Conhecimento, que tem papel de suma importância para o desenvolvimento e avanço das Novas Tecnologias da Comunicação e Informação. As discussões para as análises dos resultados foram norteadas pela Teoria da Ação Comunicativa de Habermas que ajudou a compreender e indicar a importância dos conceitos vistos sobre o mundo da Vida e o mundo do Sistema, dentro da realidade atual da EAD e das NTCs. Os dados apontaram que os alunos que estudam nessas duas Universidades são em sua maioria, casados, possuidores de filhos e pretendem com seus estudos dar um salto qualitativo em suas carreiras, acessam a internet de suas residências, local de trabalho e nas universidades que estudam. São conhecedores e aproveitam as Mídias Digitais Sociais - MDS oferecidas por suas universidades e as utilizam para se comunicarem com seus colegas e seus professores, mas, interagem melhor com as ferramentas oferecidas pelo mercado, que estão disponíveis na Internet e fazem uso de forma bastante significativa do mensageiro e-mail para a comunicação entre seus colegas. A pesquisa também assinalou que, o público pesquisado pertencente à geração de imigrantes digitais se adapta e utiliza relativamente bem as ferramentas oferecidas por ambas as Universidades. Entretanto, também indicou que, os recursos e as ferramentas digitais oferecidas pela instituição de ensino que podem facilitar o processo comunicacional dentro das instituições educacionais são conhecidos, mas, ainda se encontram aquém, frente às possibilidades oferecidas pelas novas tecnologias digitais utilizadas no mercado. Para a maioria, as MDS são de grande importância e facilitam o processo comunicacional dentro da relação de ensino-aprendizagem, entretanto, apontam que o diálogo poderia ser mais dinâmico se houvesse por parte dos professores ou tutores EAD maior interação on-line. A pesquisa assinalou que as mídias digitais sociais e suas ferramentas, oferecidas pelo mercado e que são utilizadas fora da rede do EAD, por serem mais interativas e intuitivas e estarem vinculadas a um ambiente mais descontraído, permitem maior colaboração e uma comunicação muito mais ágil do que as vivenciadas na rede EAD.


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A educação contemporânea está inserida num contexto de velozes e dinâmicas transformações sociais e culturais, principalmente com o avanço e incorporação das Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDIC) no cotidiano das pessoas. Na Sociedade da Informação, na Era do Conhecimento, é preciso ir além do saber ler, escrever e digitar. A escola, por sua vez, de maneira ainda morosa, busca adequar-se às exigências do universo digital do qual participam seus agentes. O Ensino Médio, foco de preocupação e reflexão por todos os envolvidos no processo educativo dessa modalidade, tenta alcançar sua proposta de formação integral dos jovens para o exercício do trabalho e da cidadania. À disciplina Língua Portuguesa reserva-se a missão de conciliar o ensino da norma-culta com os gêneros discursivos de tal forma a promover a inclusão digital dos alunos nas diversas circunstâncias de letramento às quais são submetidos. Nesse âmbito, este trabalho investigou: Que percepções dos processos formativos emergem quando os alunos refletem acerca das práticas pedagógicas e das vivências nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa em atividades mediadas por portal educacional? O objetivo geral da pesquisa é provocar a reflexão nos professores, de tal forma que repensem suas práticas pedagógicas e seu papel no processo educativo a fim de promover uma experiência educativa mais condizente com a realidade dos alunos. A metodologia adotada foi a pesquisa qualitativa de cunho investigativo, na modalidade narrativa, sob a luz de Clandinin e Connelly (2011). Pela inserção no cenário e proximidade afetiva com os participantes, assumiu-se o desafio de desenvolver uma pesquisa-ação, para isso, os instrumentos investigativos adotados foram: entrevista semiestruturada, diário de bordo, atividades realizadas no portal, conversas informais e caderno de campo. A análise dos dados permitiu a elaboração de oito categorias de análise, emergentes das narrativas dos participantes: interação e comunicação; sala de aula ampliada; gestão da aprendizagem; o registro de si e do outro; aprendizagem colaborativa e transformadora; incentivo à pesquisa; estudo autônomo; e, desafios. Os resultados alcançados apontaram para reflexões que não se encerram nas páginas deste trabalho, dentre elas destacam-se: a importância de ouvir o aluno para que as propostas pedagógicas sejam revistas e melhoradas; o testar, nas práticas diárias, é fundamental, é o buscar algo além do tradicional, em prol de um objetivo de aprendizagem definido; o desejo de aprender pode despertar no aluno o interesse pelo conhecimento, tornando-o mais autônomo em suas escolhas e caminhos; as TDIC podem colaborar com o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem, porém exigem envolvimento dos sujeitos, pois elas, enquanto instrumentos, não configuram o conhecimento, são os agentes que ao apropriar-se delas têm condições de obter o melhor de suas potencialidades. Futuros trabalhos poderão dar continuidade a este estudo e trazer grandes acréscimos ao contemplar as influências do uso das TDIC no cotidiano da escola, o que, certamente, será de grande contribuição para o cenário atual da Educação brasileira.