784 resultados para congenitally contracted toxoplasmosis


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Surface currents and sediment distribution of the SE South American upper continental margin are under influence of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) and the Southern Westerly Wind Belt (SWWB). Both climatic systems determine the meridional position of the Subtropical Shelf Front (STSF) and probably also of the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence (BMC). We reconstruct the changing impact of the SAMS and the SWWB on sediment composition at the upper Rio Grande Cone off southern Brazil during the last 14 cal kyr combining sedimentological, geochemical, micropaleontological and rock magnetic proxies of marine sediment core GeoB 6211-2. Sharp reciprocal changes in ferri- and paramagnetic mineral content and prominent grain-size shifts give strong clues to systematic source changes and transport modes of these mostly terrigenous sediments. Our interpretations support the assumption that the SAMS over SE South America was weaker than today during most of the Late Glacial and entire Early Holocene, while the SWWB was contracted to more southern latitudes, resembling modern austral summer-like conditions. In consequence, the STSF and the BMC were driven to more southern positions than today's, favoring the deposition of Fe-rich but weakly magnetic La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. During the Mid Holocene, the northern boundary of the SWWB migrated northward, while the STSF reached its northernmost position of the last 14 cal kyr and the BMC most likely arrived at its modern position. This shift enabled the transport of Antarctic diatoms and more strongly magnetic Argentinean shelf sands to the Rio Grande Cone, while sediment contributions from the La Plata River became less important. During the Late Holocene, the modern El Niño Southern Oscillation set in and the SAMS and the austral tradewinds intensified, causing a southward shift of the STSF to its modern position. This reinforced a significant deposition of La Plata River silts at the Rio Grande Cone. These higher magnetic silts with intermediate Fe contents mirror the modern more humid terrestrial climatic conditions over SE South America.


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The improved understanding of the pollen signal in the marine sediments offshore of northwest Africa is applied to deep-sea core M 16017-2 at 21°N. Downcore fluctuations in the percentage, concentration and influx diagrams record latitudinal shifts of the main northwest African vegetation zones and characteristics of the trade winds and the African Easterly Jet. Time control is provided by 14C ages and 180 records. During the period 19,000-14,000 yr B.P. a compressed savanna belt extended between about 12 ° and 14-15°N. The Sahara had maximally expanded northward and southward under hyperarid climatic conditions. The belt with trade winds and dominant African Easterly Jet transport had not shifted latitudinally. The trade winds were strong as compared to the modern situation but around 13,000 yr B.P. the trade winds weakened. After 14,000 yr B.P. the climate became less arid south of the Sahara and a first spike of fluvial runoff is registered around 13,000 yr B.P. Fluvial runoff increased strongly around 11,000 yr B.P. and maximum runoff is recorded from about 9000-7800 yr B.P. Around 12,500 yr B.P. the savanna belt started to shift northward and became richer in woody species: it shifted about 6° of latitude, reached its northernmost position during the period of 9200-7800 yr B.P. and extended between about 16° and 24°N at that time. Tropical forest had reached its maximum expansion and the Guinea zone reached as far north as about 15°N, reflecting very humid climatic conditions south of the Sahara. North of the Sahara the climate also became more humid and Mediterranean vegetation developed rapidly. The Sahara had maximally contracted and the trade winds were weak and comparable with the present day intensity. After about 7800 yr B.P. the southern fringe of the Sahara and accordingly the savanna belt, shifted rapidly southward again.


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The cold upwelling 'tongue' of the eastern equatorial Pacific is a central energetic feature of the ocean, dominating both the mean state and temporal variability of climate in the tropics and beyond. Recent evidence for the development of the modern cold tongue during the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition has been explained as the result of extratropical cooling that drove a shoaling of the thermocline. We have found that the sub-Antarctic and sub-Arctic regions underwent substantial cooling nearly synchronous to the cold tongue development, thereby providing support for this hypothesis. In addition, we show that sub-Antarctic climate changed in its response to Earth's orbital variations, from a subtropical to a subpolar pattern, as expected if cooling shrank the warm-water sphere of the ocean and thus contracted the subtropical gyres.


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QUESTION Detection and treatment of infections during pregnancy are important for both maternal and child health. The objective of this study was to describe testing practices and adherence to current national guidelines in Switzerland. METHODS We invited all registered practicing obstetricians and gynaecologists in Switzerland to complete an anonymous web-based questionnaire about strategies for testing for 14 infections during pregnancy. We conducted a descriptive analysis according to demographic characteristics. RESULTS Of 1138 invited clinicians, 537 (47.2%) responded and 520 (45.6%) were eligible as they are currently caring for pregnant women. Nearly all eligible respondents tested all pregnant women for group B streptococcus (98.0%), hepatitis B virus (HBV) (96.5%) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (94.7%), in accordance with national guidelines. Although testing for toxoplasmosis is not recommended, 24.1% of respondents tested all women and 32.9% tested at the request of the patient. Hospital doctors were more likely not to test for toxoplasmosis than doctors working in private practice (odds ratio [OR] 2.52, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04-6.13, p = 0.04). Only 80.4% of respondents tested all women for syphilis. There were regional differences in testing for some infections. The proportion of clinicians testing all women for HIV, HBV and syphilis was lower in Eastern Switzerland and the Zurich region (69.4% and 61.2%, respectively) than in other regions (range 77.1-88.1%, p <0.001). Most respondents (74.5%) said they would appreciate national guidelines about testing for infections during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS Testing practices for infections in pregnant women vary widely in Switzerland. More extensive national guidelines could improve consistency of testing practices.


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MiU has vols. 2-4.


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"March 1997."


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On August 25, 2011, Governor Pat Quinn signed House Bill 1488 into law, now Public Act 97-0558 (The Act). The Act specifically directs a Management Improvement Initiative Committee (The Committee) to implement recommendations outlined in the January 2011 report to the General Assembly as required under Public Act 96-1141. The Act directs the group, formed under the auspices of Public Act 96-1141, to continue their work based on categories of recommendations. Each recommendation area has the common goal of reviewing providers from redundant monitoring, auditing, and reporting requirements. Implementing the recommendations of the Act will result in efficiency in business process for our providers, reinvestment of dollars saved from inefficient or unrealized administrative costs, and ultimately foster a network of sustainable human services providers in Illinois while increasing the level of direct service by the State agencies, contracted providers, and communities, who are all facing current economic pressures in the fiscal crisis.


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Investment casting is often used to produce fully functional prototype components from sacrificial patterns. These patterns (prototypes) may be made using specialized rapid prototyping techniques such as stereolithography or three-dimensional printing. When multiple functional prototypes are required, interim tools for making wax patterns are employed. The objective of this research work was to determine the precision and accuracy of wax patterns produced using several prototype tools. Linear contraction was used to determine the accuracy as a function of the wax injection parameters used in low-pressure injection moulding. Wax patterns were produced using polyurethane and silicone rubber tools. It has been shown that the accuracy of patterns from both tools is similar. However, silicone tools produce patterns with much higher contraction than those produced by polyurethane tools. Unconstrained patterns dimensions contracted as much as 3.44 +/- 0.40 per cent and 1.70 +/- 0.60 per cent for silicone and polyurethane tools respectively. The constrained dimensions contracted by 2.20 +/- 0.20 per cent in the case of silicone tools and 1.40 +/- 0.20 per cent in the case of polyurethane tools.


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It is generally accepted that the cartilaginous frame of the reptilian cochlea has only a passive supportive function. In this study, a ribbon of contractile tissue was revealed within the cartilaginous frame of the cochlea of the gecko Teratoscincus scincus. It consisted of tightly packed cells and received an extensive blood supply. The cytoplasm of the cells was filled with cytoskeletal filaments 5-7 nm thick as revealed by electron microscopy. Isolated tissue permeabilized with Triton X-100 or glycerol reversibly contracted in the presence of ATP. Noradrenaline caused slow relaxation of the freshly isolated tissue placed in artificial perilymph. We suggest that slow motility of the contractile tissue may adjust passive cochlear mechanics to sounds of high intensities. J. Comp. Neurol. 461:539-547, 2003. © 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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This study investigated the spatial distribution patterns of three shrimp species, Periclimenes holthuisi, P. brevicarpalis, and Thor amboinensis on the sea anemone Stichodactyla haddoni in the laboratory. Anemones were partitioned into five zones (mouth, inner tentacle, outer tentacle, upper column, and lower column), and shrimp distribution on these zones was determined. Regardless of species, significantly higher numbers of shrimps chose outer tentacles (>40%) over other zones during daytime. Such distribution might be attributed to their feeding practices as these crustaceans clipped and ate parts of the outer tentacles. Periclimenes holthuisi also showed varying temporal distribution patterns on their hosts. At night when anemones contracted their tentacles, shrimp moved in significant numbers from the outer tentacle region either to the column or off the anemones. Shrimps returned to the tentacles during daytime when anemones expanded their tentacles. Thus, spatial and temporal distribution of shrimps depend upon their feeding activities and degree of anemone expansion.


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Long-standing groin pain is a persistent problem that is commonly difficult to rehabilitate. Theoretical rationale indicates a relationship between the motor control of the pelvis and long-standing groin pain; however, this link has not been investigated. Purpose: The current experiment aimed to evaluate motor control of the abdominal muscles in a group of Australian football players with and without long-standing groin pain. Methods: Ten participants with long-standing groin pain and 12 asymptomatic controls were recruited for the study. Participants were elite or subelite Australian football players. Fine-wire and surface electromyography electrodes were used to record the activity of the selected abdominal and leg muscles during a visual choice reaction-time task (active straight leg raising). Results: When the asymptomatic controls completed the active straight leg raise (ASLR) task, the transversus abdominus contracted in a feed-forward manner. However, when individuals with long-standing groin pain completed the ASLR task, the onset of transversus abdominus was delayed (P < 0.05) compared with the control group. There were no differences between groups for the onset of activity of internal oblique, external oblique, and rectus abdominus (all P > 0.05). Conclusions: The finding that the onset of transversus abdominus is delayed in individuals with long-standing groin pain is important, as it demonstrates an association between long-standing groin pain and transversus abdominus activation.


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Photosynthesis of zooxanthellate stony corals may be limited by inorganic carbon at high irradiances. We demonstrated that oxygen consumption of expanded corals is higher than that of contracted corals in both night-expanding and day-expanding corals. It is assumed that at the single-polyp level, the expansion of tentacles increases the surface area for solute exchange with the surrounding water, which may alleviate potential carbon limitation and excess oxygen levels in the tissue under high irradiance. We investigated this hypothesis using stable carbon isotope (613 C) analysis of coral species from the Red Sea exhibiting different morphologies. delta C-13 ratios in zooxanthellae of branched coral colonies with small polyp size that extend their tentacles during daytime (diurnal morphs) showed lower delta C-13 values in their zooxanthellae - 13.83 +/- 1.45 parts per thousand, compared to corals from the same depth with large polyps, which are usually massive and expand their tentacles only at night (nocturnal morphs). Their algae delta C-13 was significantly higher, averaging - 11.33 +/- 0.59 parts per thousand. Carbon isotope budget of the coral tissue suggests that branched corals are more autotrophic, i.e., that they depend on their symbionts for nutrition compared to massive species, which are more heterotrophic and depend on plankton predation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A presente dissertação tem como objetivo estudar a contribuição do Sistema de Informação de Beneficiários da Agência Nacional de Saúde Suplementar SIB/ANS para a formação e o desenvolvimento de competências organizacionais junto às empresas operadoras de planos de saúde, necessárias para se adequarem á um mercado regulado. A pesquisa teve caráter descritivo e etapa qualitativa, com análise bibliográfica e documental, quantitativa, mediante levantamento de dados de beneficiários relacionados a 27 (vinte e sete) operadoras de planos de saúde sediadas no ABCD paulista. Realizou-se análise descritiva da importância para as empresas dos dados de beneficiários em relação às competências sobre o processo, técnica e sobre a organização. Observou-se que nas duas primeiras competências analisadas, de uma tendência de melhoria, sendo que na última competência analisada, fica a esperar por melhoria de resultado, uma vez que demonstra que falta integração entre os dados e informações sobre os usuários das empresas integrantes da amostra, além da existência de dados incompletos e do uso de procedimentos inadequados para suprir essa deficiência (grande freqüência de dados repetidos). Conclui-se que, como a finalidade do SIB é identificar o beneficiário e o plano de saúde por ele contratado, e somente 37% das OPS conseguiram atender a contento, sob os diferentes eixos de avaliação desta competência, os requisitos básicos dos objetivos do SIB não foram alcançados e/ou entendidos pelos 63% das demais operadoras, indicando que as operadoras de planos de saúde devem se atentar para os significados que pretendeu-se apresentar no presente trabalho, como forma de melhorarem seu desempenho e, conseqüentemente, sua competitividade em um mercado regulado.(AU)


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Este texto é uma apresentação da pesquisa que fizemos sobre a música cristã protestante brasileira de duas décadas, representadas respectivamente, por dois grupos musicais diferentes. A década de 1970 é analisada a partir dos cânticos gravados pelo grupo musical Vencedores por Cristo. Para o estudo da década de 2000 escolhemos o Ministério de Louvor Diante do Trono, cuja discografia é atualmente consumida em quase todas as igrejas evangélicas do País, tendo sido objeto de contrato com a Som Livre, gravadora da Rede Globo de Televisão. A meta estabelecida para a investigação foi a de comparar os diferentes tipos de cânticos, de letras, e de contexto, ressaltando-se que o gosto musical dos evangélicos, tanto dos produtores como dos consumidores, sofreram mudanças significativas ao longo de três décadas. Por meio da pesquisa percebemos que as finalidades do cântico dos jovens evangélicos evoluíram do proselitismo para uma inserção no circuito das celebridades, dos megashows, e da formação de um mercado evangélico, cuja abrangência vai além dos produtos musicais (discos, CDs ou DVDs), para incluir outros produtos recomendados ou usados por membros ou liderança da banda musical ancorada no fenômeno da megachurch que é a Igreja Batista da Lagoinha.


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Este trabalho busca aprofundar o estudo sobre a comunicação nas organizações desportivas no Brasil, ampliando nossa contribuição para a socialização de informações referentes às organizações, instrumentos e profissionais. O objeto de estudo são as 49 organizações desportivas situadas no estado de São Paulo e reconhecidas pelo Ministério do Esporte. A metodologia adotada foi de estudo descritivo, a partir da observação participante, pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Integram o estudo a pesquisa quantitativa e a análise de conteúdo dos sites das organizações e um resgate histórico desportivo e legislativo, no período que compreende o final do século XVII até o início do século XXI. O estudo aborda a formação do profissional que comanda a comunicação e os instrumentos de comunicação utilizados. Tem como objetivos específicos contribuir para superar uma lacuna na historiografia brasileira das organizações desportivas; conhecer quantas e quais são as organizações desportivas no Brasil e quais são as modalidades reconhecidas oficialmente pelo Ministério do Esporte; averiguar quantas organizações desportivas mantêm profissionais de comunicação ou departamentos de comunicação próprios ou terceirizados; investigar qual é a formação profissional da pessoa responsável pela comunicação nas organizações desportivas e averiguar quais são os instrumentos de comunicação utilizados pelas organizações. Conclui- se que há um campo inexplorado de mercado de trabalho para os profissionais de comunicação, recém-formados ou não, nas organizações desportivas, e são oferecidos um modelo de planejamento e um quadro de instrumentos de comunicação comumente utilizáveis. (AU)