1000 resultados para classroom conversations


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[ES]A pesar del crecimiento constante y el asentamiento del e-learning como alternativa a algunas formas de educación presencial, existen aún áreas de investigación que pueden suponer avances importantes, según el informe horizon de 2015, entre ellas destacamos el BYOD y la Flipped clasroom la cual la hemos implementado a través del uso de las redes sociales y otros elementos del ecosistema digital, entre los que destacamos el protagonismo de las tecnologías móviles. En nuestro trabajo analizamos la combinación de estrategias y de metodologías activas e inductivas que permiten el desarrollo de habilidades y competencias digitales en donde las redes mediadas en entornos de ubicuidad, pueden convertirse en parte de la transformación educativa, ya que suponen un espacio colaborativo además de poder optimizar la dinámica de clase en la universidad.


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Questa tesi illustra approfonditamente il modello Flipped Classroom esponendo i nuovi ruoli rivestiti da insegnante e studente durante la prima inversione didattica, oltre che le numerose strategie attuabili nel corso del secondo momento pratico in aula, e le trasformazioni apportate dal metodo nell'ambito della valutazione scolastica. Infine, è presente un resoconto dettagliato della sperimentazione del modello Flipped Classroom che ho attuato personalmente presso una scuola secondaria di secondo grado, riportando inoltre le opinioni degli studenti delle due classi che ne hanno preso parte.


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La Flipped Classroom è una metodologia didattica innovativa che prevede una inversione dei momenti classici delle didattica: la lezione frontale a scuola e lo studio individuale a casa. L’idea alla base della Flipped Classroom è utilizzare la tecnologia moderna per diffondere i contenuti fuori dall’orario scolastico così da concentrare poi le ore di lezione sull’elaborazione dei contenuti stessi. In questo modo si riporta l’attenzione didattica sull’elaborazione dei contenuti piuttosto che sul loro ascolto passivo. A seguito dello studio teorico del metodo Flipped ho fatto una esperienza di tirocinio presso una classe terza della Scuola secondaria di primo grado "`Il Guercino"' dell'IC9, in collaborazione con la professoressa Leone, per applicare questa metodologia didattica. Una volta in classe, io e la professoressa, abbiamo considerato più efficace e utile, per gli studenti con cui lavoravamo, fare propedeutica piuttosto che Flipped Classroom. L’esperienza di tirocinio è stata conclusa con un questionario per valutare l’utilizzo, da parte dei nostri studenti, della piattaforma didattica Moodle, in uso nella scuola. I risultati dell’analisi delle risposte è stato conforme a quanto da noi atteso: data l’età i nostri studenti non avevano il giusto grado di autonomia per lavorare con la metodologia della Flipped Classroom.


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Bucknell University's Special Collections/University Archives recently acquired various rare books that have been integrated into curricular initiatives.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the questioning strategies of preservice teachers whenteaching science as inquiry. The guiding questions for this research were: In what ways do the questioning strategies of preservice teachers differ for male and female elementary students when teaching science as inquiry and how is Bloom’s Taxonomy evident within the questioning strategies of preservice teachers? Examination of the data indicated that participants asked a total of 4,158 questions to their elementary aged students. Of these questions, 974 (23%) were asked to boys, and 991 (24%) were asked to girls. The remaining questions (53%) were asked to the class as a whole, therefore no gender could be assigned to these questions. In relation to Bloom’s Taxonomy, 74% of the questions were basic knowledge, 15% were secondary comprehension, 2% were application, 4% were analysis, 1% were synthesis, and 3% were evaluation.


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Many global amphibian declines have been linked to the fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). The knowledge on Bd distribution provides a fundamental basis for amphibian conservation planning. Yet, such Bd distribution information is currently insufficient, in particular at a regional scale. The college classroom provides an excellent opportunity to expand the knowledge of Bd distribution. Here we provide an example of such research projects to detect Bd prevalence among local amphibians in a college course setting and present the results of work conducted in central Pennsylvania, USA. We collected toe clips and conducted PCR assays of six species, Plethodon cinereus, Desmognathus fuscus, Notophthalmus viridescens, Lithobates catesbeianus, L. clamitans, and L. sylvaticus (59 individuals). Four groups of students independently conducted entire projects, orally presented their findings, and submitted manuscripts to the professor at the end of the semester. This example demonstrates that it is feasible for an undergraduate class to complete a Bd-detection project within a single semester. Such a project not only contributes to Bd research but also promotes conservation education among students through hands-on research experiences. We found Bd infection in only one sample of N. viridescens, but no sign of infection in the rest of the samples. As a relatively high prevalence of Bd has been reported in surrounding areas, our results suggest spatial heterogeneity in Bd occurrence at a regional scale and thus, the need for continued efforts to monitor Bd prevalence.


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Active participation is as essential a skill to children with autism as it is for children without autism, as children are expected to engage in these skills both in and outside the classroom. Without participation skills, children are at a disadvantage when it comes to school and other settings, such as extracurricular activities and the workforce. Recent research has shown that there are interventions available that aim to improve the social skills of children in the home and in the school. These interventions can be delivered in varying forms with the primary caregiver as the interventionist, the specialist as the interventionist, and naturalistic interventions. The purpose of this study was to investigate one of the naturalistic interventions, the Competent Learner Model, and determine its effects on the participation and social skills of students with autism. Three middle school male students diagnosed with autism from a rural northeast middle school participated in the study. They were assessed using the Competent Learner Repertoire Assessments of the Competent Learner Model and the adaptive measures of the Vineland-II and ABAS-II. The results showed improvement for one of the three students and little to no improvement for the other two students.


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The purpose of the present study is to investigate how teachers feel about their abilities to educate students with special needs, how their degree of teacher self-efficacy compares to intended courses of action, if teachers develop learned helplessness over time, if there is a relationship between low teacher efficacy and high learned helplessness, and if teacher self-efficacy and learned helplessness differ by gender, educational level, years of teaching experiences, and grade level taught.


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Success in any field depends on a complex interplay among environmental and personal factors. A key set of personal factors for success in academic settings are those associated with self-regulated learners (SRL). Self-regulated learners choose their own goals, select and organize their learning strategies, and self-monitor their effectiveness. Behaviors and attitudes consistent with self-regulated learning also contribute to self-confidence, which may be important for members of underrepresented groups such as women in engineering. This exploratory study, drawing on the concept of "critical mass", examines the relationship between the personal factors that identify a self-regulated learner and the environmental factors related to gender composition of engineering classrooms. Results indicate that a relatively student gender-balanced classroom and gender match between students and their instructors provide for the development of many adaptive SRL behaviors and attitudes.


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This essay provides an overview of the distinctive challenges presented to teaching and learning in religious and theological studies by the conditions and characteristics of “millennial” students. While the emerging literature on this generation is far from consistent, it is still instructive and important to engage, as students that are immersed in technology and social networking have different facilities and difficulties that educators would do well to carefully address and critically employ. Teachers in theological and religious studies are distinctly positioned to grapple with such conditions, particularly around the practices of identity formation, media literacy, and embodiment. Attention to the development of such practices engages key issues for both the millennial students and the religious and theological studies teacher: virtual reality, spiritual identity, globalization and violence, critical consumption and ethical creativity, focused and contemplative thinking, and intercultural and interpersonal respect.